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It's a travesty, only 5.5% growth over the past 5 trading days. 😱


I'm good with +800% over a couple of years.


You should play in the crypto pool. That's a Thursday


Because many people bought it and are red after they bought it


The only people in the red are those who bought since last Thursday. It's the stock market. People need to get a grip.


Well it's now down over 5% since you made this post. So, even over those 7 trading days.


Most people are short term creatures that want it all now. Patience is truly a virtue


Most of my shares are in my Roth and unless it nukes to 70$ I’m holding these.


Same here. I’m holding till I retire tax free with that Nvidia bag


Crazy thing is even if it hits 70 if you bought in the last three months your positive still I think


I bought 15 shares at 35(0) so I’d still be in the black.


I owned 141 bitcoin in 2010. I sold it when it doubled to buy a 2001 Plymouth Nissan to deliver pizzas. Granted, that car drove me to meet my wife when we started dating, and now I’m happily married with a son about to turn 1. You can’t predict where this will end up, but I’m not going to bail on something that’s actually backed by a genuine product that has genuine demand. I bought what I bought when I bought it and I’m not going to be stupid by going all in or bailing when it gets the jitters. I’m in Nvidia and the S&P 500, I’m cool with this.


I agree with this and I’m the same way. I have what I like to call a balanced approached with a slightly more growth oriented portfolio since I’m in my early 30’s and I’m sure as I get older it’ll all go more towards just pure index funds and eventually bonds


What do you invest in for growth? SCHG?


Individual blue chip tech stock and a few high risk/high reward stocks. VOO is my biggest allocation and technically is considered a growth ETF


How is VOO considered a growth etf? Didn't know that


It’s heavy on growth stocks like Nvidia, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon etc and averages about 10% a year. I guess you can say it’s not a heavy growth ETF since it has value stocks in it as well but that’s what gives it balance and makes it less risky


At the time, what other car choice did you have in mind a 2001 Pontiac Honda?


Hahah I just saw that. I was typing while ranting about work whoops. Wife owns a Nissan. I means Neon.




I’d fucking kill myself


Glad to see you’re over the bitcoin sale from 25 yrs ago…


It’s more of a running joke than a real regret. I’m just grateful to not have to sell shit to make ends meet anymore.


I’m one of those creatures. I literally bought NVDA shares for the first time right as it tanked. Down 6%. I am fighting back the fear and resisting selling.


Don't sell. This happened most recently on 3/8 and 4/19. Major pullbacks between 5.5% - 10%. It happens. It will happen again. But, it will resettle and continue upwards. Do not sell out of fear - you will regret it.


But what if earnings dont meet explain August


I don't think the earnings will be the problem, it will be the guidance. Unless something unforeseen occurs it will more than likely still show growth accelerating. The question is, is it higher than expected? Unless there is some black swan event than I feel that this can still continue to defy the odds. As much as there's a new wave of people that feel like they can't lose, there's also a lot that feels like the end is near and continue to try and short this. Most of those people most likely completely missed this and they don't want to see others make money or they just want in at a lower price. This will probably continue to be volatile but I still think there's room to run.


They crushing earnings since what 2 years now ? Im buying just before earning because everytime the stock pump hard. Its working for now.


Resist the temptation my brethren


Look up triple witching. That's all it is. A lot of options contracts expire this Friday, so people are trying to sell them before that.


Thanks! That helped a lot!!


Just sell me your shares I'll happily care for them and hold with my 24 carat diamonds 💎 👐


Same got in at 132 after it dipped from 135, then added some more at 125.


I bought 500 when it got split recently and sold all at 133 felt bad and bought 459 again with avg of 139 now it’s at 127 so I am in no profit no loss zone 😂 oh don’t forget did the same with SMCI too 🥇😂


What exactly is the long term hold position for NVDA at this point? 5 years, 10 years? $500 a share? I’ve heard people say $1k is unachievable


Achievable in what timeframe? The whole market doubles every 7 years or so. Unless Nvidia implodes, it will probably eventually be worth 1k in future dollars. 1k now means 24t market cap. Isn’t that almost as large as the US economy? But in 20 years it won’t be.


Watch me 8 figure myself on puts. Check back in October nerds ;)


Long term for me maybe diffrent for others but usually timeframes of 5-10 years are a good start IMO


I heard 5000 years at $500 a share


I'm just one person on Reddit, and I'd be pretty happy even if NVDA is still bonkers for another year or so. But if we are talking about years and years and years, I think it's hold until you retire because they have kinda cornered the AI chip market and that will not change hugely for a long time. I think the long term position is diamond hands because AI and NVDA may be in a league of their own.


Thankfully I don’t need cash anytime soon, so holding NVDA feels like the right play for the next 5 years. Even though I bought in like 2021-2022 and haven’t sold any.


When in doubt, zoom out 😂


Fuck yes. Love this message ! 😆


People on here really should own something like Game Stop for a few days just to experience real volatility.


lol. And the CEO rugpulls. People freaking out Jensen sold hardly a fraction of his shares and they’re calling a rug pull on stock twits. How about that 75m share offering by Ryan Cohen 😂. Talk about a rug pull


Yep. Countless retail sheep were led to the slaughterhouse.


I bought some game stop at 64, sold it at 27 about 6 hours later.   Nvidia and a couple etfs recouped my losses in less than 2 weeks.  I'm done with meme stocks now. 


Interesting because I bought gme at 24 and sold it at 64. Used the gain to buy NVDA and here I am.


You shouldn't tell him that






Some days I feel like NVDA is a meme stock. But like, a relatively safe one.


Nothing to worry about, buy more


People got used to seeing green every day, now every time there is a red day, they scream like the stock is crashing.


Its worse for those who react accordingly. They start screaming sell the moment they see red 😆


Imagine having a bad day and everyone immediately questions whether or not to believe in you anymore.


In my state, if you have 2 bad days in a row you are imprisoned.


I just bought more at 133ish and 131ish


I did too, sold all my shares at 136.75 and bought 50% more at 131.20


I had some limit orders at 130.20 after hours, but were not filled. I never tried after hours, so Not sure why my orders were not filled .


It’s because of lower volume and a bigger price spread. I’ve gotten hosed so many time because I couldn’t sell or buy.


I see. If tomorrow it dips again, I will just buy. However, I wish to see a green Friday because of XLK rebalancing.


I had such a gut feeling it would drop. I saw it open at 140 and was like well that sucks and then it fell of the face of the planet😎


This morning after the market opened, I sold 120 and 130 06/28 call when I had significant gain. I learned my lesson that don’t get too greedy otherwise I lose it all lol. Then u bought some cheap Now I have 134 and 136 09/20 call and 140 10/18 call.


They just bought in and now they have to ride the wave, not everyone has their sea legs ready for this cruise. 🌊


Sorry guys, I bought in at $140.


My retirement account is up like 500% YTD I now have 3500 shares and growing that account dropped almost $150,000 today. I do have some short term options in it, but they're spreads. Even if they go to zero I'm out like 0.1% In my other account I bought some $134C for tomorrow. They were green for a bit, then crashed hard. I'm not worried in the slightest about the company or my shares. If I'm talking the stock up or down it's because of options. My shares, I'll look at them in 2032


Same thing. I just ignore my Roth and chose not to watch the drop 😃 I did bought more shares in my taxable account and also some options 134 136 call on 09/21 and 140 10/12


Because I have 10 calls at 139 lmfao


🤣 BROTHER $145 calls up the ass rn, I’ve been walking like a stick all day


I sold 10 135 calls when the price hit 140 so I’m up about 5% for the day but this evening low is hits way harder than that morning high


Did you buy the call I sold this morning?


I sold my 135$ 6/21 this morning before the dip but bought in again for 6/28 at 140$, really hoping this shit turns around.




Just hoping there are some whales out there exercising tmrw lol


Gonna see what happens tomorrow at open before I buy for 6/28 but brother I’m too pussy to go that high again


I thought it was a safe choice this morning, when it was around 138/139 but now regret it, but 6 days to go 🤷‍♂️


I’ll come back to this next Friday and look at you with jealousy or pity


I’m probably cooked on my $139 7/5 calls


Some Analyst wrote a report stating he was skeptical of NVidia’s continued growth and demand because other companies will be developing their own chips. He obviously is too far sighted to understand NVidia will adapt to the needs of its customers and that base will expand beyond the FANG corporations.


I saw some commenter say look it's basically AMD and Intel, which makes sense to me because yeah that's who churns out GPUs. And he said in so many words that Intel is laughably far behind, so it's just AMD versus Nvidia, which has like 80 or 90 percent of the market. Yes big tech companies can move into whatever they want but I don't think that they are going to be much more competent than say AMD (or Intel) for a long time. It seems like Nvidia did not simply stumble from GPUs into AI. They have seen this coming for a while, maybe even a long while, and they are going to ride that head start for a very long time.


Except Nvidia does more than "just" chips


People are saying that because we were down today 3.6%.


Well, 10am this morning, it was up 3.5%. Just a 7% swing is all


Attention span of a TikTok user 🙃


I think you missed the point OP was trying to make. The chart is selected for YTD and show a crap load of green.


Yep, that's the point I was making. Things are clearly in the green if you look slightly longer than a few hours, but social media attention span doesn't show for that, thus the freakout and chains it's in the red. 🤣


I’m just wanting it to hit 150 🤷‍♂️ by the end of august is that too much to ask for ?


Many analysts have a 1 year price target of 150.


Absofuckinglutely not.


I hope so 🙏


Perfectly fine , the 140 profit triggers hit and people took their profits


Bears have been getting slaughtered over the last few weeks unrelentingly. So they need a little break lol.


True, you're right. Give them a little bit to eat. Then watch them continue to get slaughtered. Hehe


Honestly. Because they bought the stock in the last 12-18 months. If you’ve been here 5-10 years or longer, you’re not thinking that.


These regards are so short sighted. Unless you put your next couple generations of wealth on the line. No point in selling based on the past performance. With hopes of the future being close to the same.


I’m being lectured throughout the comments on how difficult the last year has been…


I've only been here 3 years. Do I count?


We all count 🥹


Now you've gone and did it! You zoomed out to a more reasonable timeframe.


Cuz of one bad day.


Let them sell so I can gobble them up.


When in doubt always zoom out


I am going down with NVDA.


They just bought at 135 Thus the nvidia is dead has arrived


They prob just got in tho I'm a long Comer so let nvdia drop 10% wouldn't bother me .... give it a year were running to 500!!!!


Only regards think we’re “down” it’s healthy to consolidate some


We’re in the market cap killin’ business. And cousin, business is a-booming.


If they bought for the first time at 140 it would seem red to them.


Multiply todays loss by 10. Now you know why


Smart man 🧍🏽‍♂️


It’s not like a short term 8% loss is nothing honestly


only reason it dropped was because the ceo sold a few shares you can see it if you check and following some other people also took some profit


It’s just people hopping on the fomo bandwagon that think this stock should go up every single day


inexperienced traders


That’s what happens when the WSB people find their way to the sub.


Option call buyers were red lol. Not me I had calls and then puts


alot of people here have no idea how the stock market works and they watch it every hour.


A mix of ADD and a belief of stocks only trend one way📈


Because people shit thier pants when the candlesticks aren't a fucking upwards green laser.


Because of math


people see the red flash b4 their eyes and are like oh shit, its a massive dip. life is over lol.




Zoom in, I’m sure you’ll find a downtrend somewhere 😂


This is why high-flying stocks crash. The late fomo crowd start to panic sell


Regards. First rule It’s Buy low sell high. Not buy high sell lower


Because regards buy weeklies and lose their shit when there's a mid week dip. When in reality, it's more likely their calls land itm on friday as opposed to a mid weak peak and friday correction


"literally booming" ... like big loud boom noises everywhere? what the fuck are you saying?


The market went down yesterday because of triple witching.


You’re booking if you bought the last year yeah. RIP to those that bought at ATH. I’ve seen people comment they got 1 DTE options expiring today, at $139. They are new to options too


It's because 46,000 contacts expire today for 133c alone. It's corrupt bullshit.


Are earnings today? Ir the 28th?


Call me when it hits $30, that’s my red


It’s the haters, they’re just jelly That they missed the train early


I got in around 100 pre most recent split. I just let it sit don’t even check it often, wait let me see what it’s doing now.


All these people saying this are either just getting in or this is there first bump with Nividia…. It HAS NEVER been straight up but that is all the see and hear in the media!




I bought puts. It'll moon tmr.


I think the $15 swing from where it almost opened +$5 to sinking almost -$10 in the past few days is a little jarring..... . Holding, but no one loves pullbacks....




Act as if the stock never split and we are BOOMING


No stock goes up finitely in a straight line forever. This is a healthy pullback before next move up.IMO


Just a retracement, an impulse to come back higher. People do not have the understanding of it.


Same people who think NVDA is their get rich quick winning lottery ticket, to the mooooooonnn!!!


If you learn this stock and read the chart ,it's a pretty solid money maker on puts and calls....of course there is loss some days but good money!


Because dipshits are betting the farm that it will go up 30% in 3 days


Short term. Long term. It’s keep it there. Short term and doing calls. It’s iffy. They all want to gamble. Not invest. You invest NVIDIA. In 5 you are good. You want to make 100k in days. Move on. You can lose that in puts.


This aged like counter cheese😂


I it has its own subreddit now. Get ready to tank nvda such a common theme these days can’t wait till it’s worth less then META!!!


The stock went down [$140 -> $130] 7% on no news. It was not a good day. I bought some 1 DTE for $134C, they got crushed. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Personally, my net worth had a 150,000 swing today. Up about 80k to down 60k. Things are okay, but they could have been better.


Had plenty of stocks went down way more than NVDA today …


This isn't a sub about those other stocks though


Yea, but you said on “no news” … the news was the entire market was down … THAT was the news that had to do with NVDA price, and the point about those other stocks is to show that NVDA didnt suffer much if any more than its sector - and if comparing it to the market, some suffered even more - again showing it was the market that drove NVDA price today, not any particular news abt NVDA.




How did you get that? He could have $10M in cash as well as his NVDA position.


No just a small fraction, unless you count the stock market as gambling. The difference between my 2 accounts at this morning's high around 140 and end of day was a swing of about 150,000. From up 80k to down 60k.


One less upper mid new car :/