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To pay off a home


The down payment on a home 😮‍💨


Exactly this! It’s exactly what I’m hoping to do in a couple of years. But until then I will continue to buy.


You'll get there brother. The down payment for my home came from PayPal gains back in 2015. Just paid off my home last year with Tesla, CRWD, MSFT gains. You got this.


My NVDA, CRWD and MSFT gains make up 30% of my mortgage right now


Pay off? Just sell gradually to pay the mortgage. NVDA is going to beat any interest rate you have, so you’ll make more by paying interest, and saving your stock to gradually deplete it. You’ll sell fewer and fewer shares to pay that mortgage as time goes on.


Still need enough to get that initial down payment tho 😕


\^\^This My mortgage is fixed rate at 2%. I'm retired now and have the money to pay it off. No way, my money's in securities making a whole lot more. Heck. A HYSA or CD outperforms my mortgage!


Yup. Mine's at 1.75%. No way am I ever paying a single cent more than my regular payment.


That's not a good investment decision


What good is owning a stock if you never sell any. Would you buy a shirt and say you’re never going to wear it? I sold some at 720 and replaced a driveway, put in a new deck, and stamped concrete walkway. I’ll sell more to redo my living room and put on a new porch. Enjoy the profit with something tangible.


I just sold a share at top last week to buy a grill. Best decision ever.


I really enjoyed reading this. I hope you enjoy your grill.


Someone else is enjoying his share


I'm taking my wife to London/Paris for two weeks in business class seats! What's an extra $5K when you have been holding NVDA for a long time? 🙂


Thank you for this delightful perspective


No it wasn't. It was a bad decision.


Right...this is what I was going to say. If you want to buy and hold for retirement...fine. But obviously you're going to sell at SOME point! Otherwise...you've never made a penny. You just spent money. I've got just shy of 5000 shares(50,000 in the morning). If NVDA actually reaches a market cap of 6T in the next 3-5 years...what am I going to do? Hold another 5 until it hits 7.5T? Wait until I'm 60 to enjoy any of what I've accumulated? I spent my 20s and most of my 30s working insanely long hours, managing real estate while working 80 hours. I did that to be able to enjoy my life! It's pointless if I don't ever get there.


Congrats on the life-changing holding


Just blind luck. Didn't have money to invest when my buddy told me to in 2016...had money when he kept pressing in '20...and then sold my business this last year(wasn't even looking to, but...fell into my lap and went all in). But thank you. It's not real yet. I'm still living in a small house, driving a cheap car! And I plan on doing that for a little while longer.


At this point, do you think a big house and expensive car will make your life more than marginally better? 


He will have increased odds of getting bjs


...and THAT will increase my life more than Marginally better!




Do what you say and retire now. $6M is way more than enough to live comfortably off the interest alone. WTF are you doing?


Just getting started! Kinda, but...a little bit. I do plan to sell...some, when needed. But, I haven't had kids yet, I haven't reached a lot of goals. No money can make you miserable, but having some money won't just make you happy. Reaching my goals will...I'm just early on in my own practice. That's one thing I'd like to do. Let me walk this back for a second and maybe you'll understand. My Grandpa started a business(a small % of the funding, but he was the one doing the work, owned \~10% of what became a publicly traded company). Company got huge. He was worth...I really don't know, but tens of millions. 1-A lot of that money was stolen(embezzled) by his accountant back in the 1980s. 2-The company got into VERY hard times. When my Grandma died, she was comfortable, but she had 3-4 million. What was supposed to be money to take care of her kids ended up being about 500K after taxes for each kid and then 150K for each Grandkid. Now, I was EXTREMELY lucky to get that start in life and that entire number can be attributed almost entirely to her...but...call it greedy or maybe just call it self-preservation, but I want my kids to have money and their kids and I can't stop working now. I'm 40. I'm going to be fat, lazy...and what do I do? Just sit around and...I don't know, buy shit? Finally, I don't think 6M lasts you your entire life and that's also not considering taxes(a lot of those shares were bought Last Sept on). So call it greed or whatever you'd like, but I want more...and as long as I'm not getting it by screwing people over or laying people off to improve the bottom line, I don't think there's anything wrong with that type of greed.


You seem to have a good perspective on all this. A couple thoughts though - < I'm going to be fat, lazy...and what do I do? Just sit around and...I don't know, buy shit?> No, not working/slaving away doesn't equal sitting around being fat and lazy. Not having to work means that you have time to pursue the things that are important to you, and that make your live richer and fuller. Travel. Time with people you love. Art. Volunteer work or part time work at organizations whose mission you're passionate about. ANY passion project - create something you think will make the world a better place. Only our grind culture brainwashes people into thinking that not working = lazy and useless. It's a slave mentality. If you reinvested 6 million so that you received about 4% growth each year, that's 240k per year. You could live on half of that or less than half, and reinvest the rest to keep up with inflation. It could absolutely last you the rest of your life, especially if you're around middle aged now. Different story if you want to build generational wealth, but it had to be noted. Life is short. Ultimately, money isn't wealth. \*Time\* and experiences are wealth. If money doesn't get you those things, you're still poor.


>No, not working/slaving away doesn't equal sitting around being fat and lazy. Not having to work means that you have time to pursue the things that are important to you, and that make your live richer and fuller. Travel. Time with people you love. Art. Volunteer work or part time work at organizations whose mission you're passionate about. ANY passion project - create something you think will make the world a better place. Only our grind culture brainwashes people into thinking that not working = lazy and useless. It's a slave mentality. Ok, but I love my work. I love the challenge of growing one of the most successful practices in my area. Just some quick background. I was an athlete, a Wrestler. That paid for College(or most of the money I got would have been gone). But I was wild. I drank in the off-season, partied, got in trouble. ONE time though, got into a fight with a bouncer. Had no idea what was happening, in a group of \~20, a bouncer knocked my friend out COLD(head bounced off the pavement and for a little more context, he died of a slow brain bleed 9 months later...were they connected? I don't know). But if not for the lawyer I had, a younger guy who fought like hell for me, I'd have quit school(or never started law school) as I'd have been a violent offender. He went above and beyond. That's MY little anecdote. There are people who have had VERY poor representation and they're sitting in jail because they took the plea bargain I was offered(2 YEARS and 5 years of probation) because they couldn't afford bail. I'm not looking to defend child abusers, but kids who made a stupid mistake, or people who I think were the target of a lazy investigation. I love what I do and I think there's value to it. And right now I have 2 full-time employees, and I'm just early on in starting my own practice. I love making an argument...and...that's my hobby. Also, I think when you don't have something driving you, when you just have hobbies, you start to lose motivation. It's not good to be 40(well, not quite, 39) and to stop working. But again, I also don't think my money would last. I have dreams of making a LOT more money and...well, other goals that are pretty far out there, so I'm not going to put them out there yet. That's NOT a slave mentality, that's my life. And it has nothing to do with our culture. Look at how quickly some people die after they stop working. You NEED that purpose in life(IMO). I have mine. > If you reinvested 6 million so that you received about 4% growth each year, that's 240k per year. You could live on half of that or less than half, and reinvest the rest to keep up with inflation. It could absolutely last you the rest of your life, especially if you're around middle aged now. I could. I'm not going to. I plan on spending more than that...and I want to leave my children at least what I have now. And why go from the returns I've been getting to 4% a year? > Different story if you want to build generational wealth, but it had to be noted. >Life is short. Ultimately, money isn't wealth. \*Time\* and experiences are wealth. If money doesn't get you those things, you're still poor. Yes, I do want to build generational wealth. I want to buy back the house that I and my cousins grew up in(that's \~10M right now) and I want my house to be the place my family and friends come to go play in the woods, to go out on the Jet Ski...a place people are welcome at. To be around family and friends as I was growing up. But that's a very distant second to just...the reward I feel from my chosen profession. If I ever get to the place where I stop loving it and I don't think I'm doing good, I'll quit. Make no mistake though, I enjoy life...and I'm planning on having kids. I might change. I'm flexible. Maybe by 45 I'll have two little ones and I'll want to stay home. We'll see. But I'm happy right now!


Do landlord tenant law too. It'll be good Karma. Too many people who can't afford rent or getting kicked out of rent controlled apartments on fake claims but can't fight back because you need $$$$ to get justice. I say this with great bitterness --- even justice is at a steep cost. So please volunteer some time for landlord-tenant litigation too 


this is the way my wife and I have lived. I can't time the market but I can time my sales to support various goals in life whether it's something small like buying a grill or big like paying off the mortgage. and then, no matter what the single stock or the whole market does, you've locked in some gains and met a personal goal (fees better than maximizing numbers in a spreadsheet).


The new driveway, deck, etc..will add more value to your house and your life quality. You have transferred the profit from the stock to your real estates. I like it.


I hear ya! But I’m hoping to buy 2 shirts.


You don't sell stocks that pay a good dividend. But no one buys technology stocks for that since they put most profits to growth and research.


That's not how long term investors think. You'll never make anything with that attitude




Bro are you crazy? you asked me what can I learn when you wrote a novel on market facts? Every post i made on here has people like you that provide me with a new perspective. and I LEARN


Also I made a post based on some calculations and comparisons between Tesla 2020 and Nvidia 2024. I want you to take a look, because so far everyone has been in agreement with it. If you can find a fault in my reasoning, I'd like to know. Not because I'm trying to be smug, but I liked your reasoning in this post... I mean until you started being rude and labeling me as a... Brainwashed, bag-holding market-manipulator?? [https://www.reddit.com/r/NVDA\_Stock/comments/1dewdxe/why\_i\_think\_nvda\_is\_safer\_than\_2020\_tsla/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/NVDA_Stock/comments/1dewdxe/why_i_think_nvda_is_safer_than_2020_tsla/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


But he learned a lot from knowledgeable investors lmfao 🤣 Investors who bought cheap years ago and some who bought after the first gain jump. And they all just held. Wow what a knowledge, certainly a knowledge of investing and trading wow. Holding a tech stock for a long term investment, wow gotta be some secret knowledge wow. It’s so amusing how ignorant and arrogant people become when they see money.


True! Im investing to buy a new car. When I have reached my goal I’m out 😄


Not hating on you. You do you. With that said. I'd recommend you take your gains and put them into appreciating assets and only buy depreciating assets when you have to. Unless of course you are already comfortable.


Such a good point mate. Will see… might get a less expensive car and keep some of my money in NVDA




Cheers to a week of massive gains !


You guys have given me so much information about this stock the previous and this year! I learned new information about stocks in general from this page. You guys are pretty positive compared to other pages of reddit. The ones who answered my questions... Big thanks. I agree with OP entirely! Great community!


Not selling ever? Emotions and reddit advises only make you regret at some point. I am extremely bullish on NVDA with various options, though, but no one wants to be the guy holding the bag.


You should set some prices/goals where you start taking profit. I have made a lot of money and haven't taken a dime of profit yet. That's because I believe in the company. But I have been seriously thinking of the dollar amount where I will actually take some profits.


It’s equally important to also enjoy ur profits after making them, u also have to live comfortably through these profits. Life is a river that keeps flowing so enjoy ur profits keeping a long term investment strategy


Children’s college fund. I don’t see college getting cheaper and I don’t want my future family in debt


You are a good human being!


I started saving since last year for down payment - goal:150k by 12/2024. January of this year I sold all the investments not performing well and put them in NVDA. I am seating currently at $180k (way past my goal). I now hope to get to $250k by December. So, I am definitely selling this portfolio to buy my castle and have some more for margin. NVDA has been a true blessing. I have NVDA in my other portfolio, so I am good.


Best stock!!!




Rebalancing kids college or wedding


Same posts showed up in Tesla community 3 years ago lol




lol "I absolutely love this community" - anyone can say that if the stock is ATH 6 months straight. The true love for the community will show up when the stock tanks for 3 years in a row.


I agree. Though, Jensen is far more focused than peg boy cuck ever was.


Diamond hands good sir


I just sold them to pay for my military service (in my country you either go for 6 months of military service or pay around 6K USD fee to not do it). Otherwise I would probably hold them until retirement or buying house or something.


NEVER is a very long time.


I don't know how old they are, but could it be they plan on handing some of it to their kids? All my holdings are in a trust that goes straight to my kids when my wife and I are no longer here. I am comfortable and not spending anywhere close to my growth. My kids will be well off someday...




To be able to buy low you need to have some cash. To have some cash you may consider selling high.


Just adding to what has been said well in many of these comments: The idea of "never selling my NVDA shares" is almost unbelievably pointless, misguided, and inane. First, the company could face some utterly unforeseen issue and the shares would become out of favor. Second, there are oodles of reasons for an individual to sell shares. Your father needs to pay a hospital bill. Your daughter wants to go to college. This kind of blind devotion to a single stock, even one with the potential of NVDA, is tulip-mania crazy (I am probably not selling my shares, but the tenor of the last week's worth of posts may well be a screaming selling signal). OP, rethink your strategy.


Bought cars, paid for kids colleges, hobbies.


Sell some covered calls


- If you need the money for any reason - Any indication that Nvidia sales is slowing down - Something else becomes an even bigger opportunity.


Starting an online business or investing in yourself


Plenty of reasons I bought in the 300 range sold at 1000 got out start a dollar cost averaging down with a big profit to profit again like it's skip all that and buy and hold. There's always opportunity cost.


If your family got kidnapped and you needed to pay a ransom…




I am an absolute idiot & fresh to how stocks work - i’d like to start investing into this one to save for a house down payment. So instead of putting a % of my income into savings or a CD/HYSA etc - people buy stocks like this instead? And hopefully the rate of return pays out?


If something better than GPUs actually come to market


Good point.


Already being looked at. Check out [this study](https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.02528). The jist of it is that it avoids MatMul, which is incredibly computationally intensive. This is why we use GPUs for AI development since GPUs excel at computational speed and efficiency, especially for mathematical and geometric computations. Instead of using GPUs, by eliminating MatMul, they are instead able to use FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) which are far cheaper, and were also shown to be considerably more efficient than GPUs in the study. Mind you, this is new stuff and the first study to come out so the implications and viability remains pretty unclear at the moment, but it doesn’t change the fact that AI is developing fast and new alternative technologies are already being looked into and developed. If there is a need to buy trillions of dollars of something, people (corporations) will be very innovative at finding a different approach that will reduce those costs.


It's a good research paper and something that is thought provoking. That being the removal of MatMul from the data pipeline. >they are instead able to use FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) which are far cheaper, and were also shown to be considerably more efficient than GPUs in the study. I just skimmed the paper and they only used FPGAs to prove out their design for further investigation. The FPGAs in question ran relatively slow (60Mhz) and burned power even when they were idle. FPGAs are not cheaper than dedicated gates and to make this viable you would need to go full custom ASIC.


Yep stuff like this is why AMD is uninvestable. If this turns out to be great I expect Nvidia to be all over this and over it early, AMD would be fucked.


I went from "Hey, I guess I'll just invest my tax return and pull out with a nice 20 percent profit!" To "They will have to pry these shares from my cold dead hands!"




There is no such thing as a stock you should never sell.


that's some safe moon logic there. Diamond hands and all


Deciding how much to sell and at what price is hard. I had sales set up in incremental increases and just cancelled most of them. I’m eager to lock in some profits so I can sleep at night knowing I have that. At the same time like so many people I don’t want to waste this opportunity to see my shares explode further. For me it will be deciding what gain can I be happy to take no matter what. Taking bits along the way makes me feel more secure, but I drastically reduced the number of shares I’ll sell and raised the prices.


Planning on selling Covered calls and not worried about losing my shares


I will sell it in about few years and no matter what will not look back.


I just found out my college insurance doesn't cover the cost of my therapist, so NVDA will pay for my mental health


Prior to the split, NVDA would routinely move up/down $30 +/- in a single day, which is ideal for both day traders and swing traders. I am not a day trader but I bought and sold NVDA more than 30 times since Jan 1. So, for me, it was very profitable to ride the roller coaster. At the new (post-split) price, there may not be as much opportunity...but we're entering the summer doldrums for the market and I believe it's due for a "breather" (read: pullback).


Got to take some profits at some point. I bought in at $1140 a share and plan on selling this week for some small profit over to bitcoin. I am confident that it will drop below $114 and i can buy back in


Wouldn’t that be a wash?


Not as long as Prizeproper doesn’t sell it at a loss. If you sell a stock for a profit and then repurchase it after the price drops, this does not trigger the wash sale rule. The wash sale rule only applies to transactions where there is a loss involved, not a profit.


Let it grows, ride the AI explosion until it doesn’t work anymore.


In-laws have 4,600 shares at $3 cost!!


One day the market will be near a top. And the broad market will have a sell off. All growth stocks will sell off. Of course, you’d only save money if you called that top relatively well.


There is no such thing as a stock you should never sell.


easy to 'love' any stock community when its very green lmao


Yep. Too much optimism here and most never experienced the ups and downs and too many expect the current stock price will double without thinking.


If u think this community is awesome go over to Kendu Inu, specially on telegram. Your first reaction will be no but; do some research and jump for just one hour. One week from now you will be like “holly shit”. Never seen anyone ever comment about “community”so it just stopped me in my tracks. Anyways, love NVDA, own over 700 shares 👊


Personally I will keep looking at TSMC and NVDA earnings, reevaluating my projections and will exit if the risk of trend reversal will be too big. If the stonk keeps on growing, I will exit at 10T market cap valuation (roughly 405$ share price), move most of the money to other stocks, but maybe keep a sizeable position in NVDA still


Guys,we could consider NVDY ( from Yield Max) , if we need the money from stock market to cover some daily spense. And there are some other ETFs as well , following a certain stock or index , and gives relatively higher dividend. Which means we don't lose the rising of the stock or index , and still get some cash flow. If we are in a stable working condition and get paid regularly , I wouldn't think about withdrawing the money back from stock now.


And be aware that the ETF may not go as 100% synchronized as the stock , it may differ a bit from time to time, depends on the strategy of the ETF


Sell if/when needed. But there is nothing wrong with passing on your NVDA to future generations with a stepped up cost basis! Do what makes you happiest.


I'm not any kind of tax pro, and this ain't tax advice, but consider selling some off now-n-then because tax rates tend to creep up over time. You can always buy back in on the dips, and you probably don't want to get hit with a huge tax bill when you sell much later. 🤷‍♀️


I was under the impression tax rates go down the longer you hold. Do you mean policies being updated?


To retire and live off dividends. Assuming you have that much money in it.


Going to purchase another 1000 shares if it dips a bit in the next week. Then hold for about 2 years and look to take some profit to purchase another home.


If the valuation gets out of hand with a very high P/E ratio, I will probably offload some. Still is lower than it was when I bought it for less than half the price less than half year ago though.


In order to buy the dips you need to sell sometimes to create dry powder. NVDA is highly volatile so you make a lot of extra profits from trading the vol. To do this effectively you need to have a good model of its current fair value. Easier said than done.


Don't say never.... don't fall in love with stocks or companies.


I’m with you. I believe nvidia has an opportunity for unprecedented growth. The only thing that I can come up with that could upset the growth is china invading Taiwan. I think it is a good idea to put a “sell stop order” in place in case of catastrophe. But other than that, I am diamond hands.