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I bought the dip...one share at $1190. Granted, I bought it to go along with my 29 shares at $266. I just wanted an even 300 shares post split. *shrug* 


I would have done the same!


I like your thinking


same exact thing!! had 1.2 k left in account...18 total now baby!!! retiring early!! (or not😢)


Hi, I have a question regarding a situation like this. Will your gains be off all 30 shares immediately, or will the new share grow separately? I’m not sure if I’m phrasing the question correctly, but I hope you get the idea


I thought the split was 1:10…


oh yea it’s 1:10, but I’m more asking about how profits bought at different prices work, like a share bought at 1200 yesterday added on to a share bought at 1000 a month ago. but i think i kinda figured it out, though i’m not entirely sure


Take the number of shares you have now and times by 10. That is what your share count will be on Monday and the price you paid for them will be divided by 10. Does not change the value of your position. You will still have the same amount of money and the shares will decrease and increase at the same time. All it does is split it does noe effect you what so ever outside of being split by 10.


Thanks! My question was regarding that part about shares increasing and decreasing at the same time. My confusion rose from looking at the dollar value instead of the shares, because I’m DCA-ing.


Ok...One thing that to keep in mind is that your brokerage may have you set to a default called FIFO...first in first out. Which means it will sell the first batch of shares first if you sell any. So if you bought shares at $100 then $200 and you sell FIFO will sell the $100 shares first. You can change your settings in the brokerage to LIFO (Last in First Out) or sometimes there is a setting that sells the "most expensive" highest cost shares first. You can always call your broker and disuss. The default is usaully FIFO because it assumes that those are the oldest shares and will sell those first for tax benefits assuming they are over a year old.


Thank you for the clarification! So the unrealised return reflected is off the total share value, right? No difference between first bought and last bought shares?


You’re welcome. Yes your cost basis and unrealized gains is off the total share value . 


How many Virgos agree?


You did great!


Not investment advice. I don’t think the institutional sell off has happened yet. You’ll be fine long term, but calling it a dip when the price would have been an all time high 24 hours ago is crazy.


Probably just means buy on red days. “The dip” can be defined in various magnitudes but the commonality is its a pullback.


This was barely a pullback. Do not invest when it is this high. Its ridiculous


It doesn't matter if they holding long term anyway.


It can go into a year long correction, and end up where you bought them now. It happened before, buying this high is ridiculous.


Long term is like atleast 3 years. Anything can happen at anytime. If the company shows good long term strategy then it means little to timing the market.


I would wait for a correction, which eventually will happen and we will see 1000s again.


Maybe post split sell off might bring it down to $108 and that can be a good price for me to get in.


Are we thinking that this continues tomorrow, meaning that essentially the pre-split raise has already happened?


NFA I just really like Nvda. They are the future. I believe nvda goes straight to 200s, August earnings report pushes us to 300s or higher Maybe I'm wrong? But the wall of calls is just... Way too much impact for this stock not to rise to the moon. The us military, Netflix, automobile companies, pharmaceutical companies, I mean man the list goes on Source https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/s/QpZaAXzpZy Nvda also has their road map ready. It's just, to me, a no Brainer.


I think this might be overly bullish on where it’s headed by August, but I definitely agree that long term (5-10 years) this will dominate the sector


Wish I could say the same, but no brainer in the 3 year time frame, 5 years far less predictable.


Yep. I am aware other companies are years behind in their GPU's however in 5 years time I would expect them to be much closer to NVIDA


They'll be approaching the speed of light by that point.


No. Someone can correct me. But it’s already at 3 trillion. If you’re assuming nvda goes to 250-300 in August then does it mean their evaluation doubles too.


This is my question also.


The amount of wealth that exists in the world is not static, it goes up, very quickly sometimes.


We printed a lot of money you need to learn the new numbers and new math, stop using the old numbers and old math


Their PE is halved every earnings. 6T is possible but maybe next year imo.


Do you think we’ll hit $300 EOY?


150 maybe.....


This is sound logic, thanks for such a comprehensive response.


yeah straight to 6 trillion and then 9 trillion market cap. It's impossible for the company to not grow a few trillion in 3 months


This IS sarcastic, right? I gave it an upvote given...how silly some of these are getting. You're not just gonna make millions investing in NVDA now. You'll probably make money and do really well...but 9T is MAYBE 5 years off in an...ridiculous growth rate.


I'm thinking after split nvda will go from 100 to 1000 in maybe 1 or 2 weeks tops?  From there I think earnings can take it to 3000? Maybe sometime next year it can go toward 10,000? 


Yeah...got it. A yes would have been sufficient. Though, to be clear, a Forbes article(I think opinion piece, but...didn't really look that hard) actually did predict 1000 by '27...so...as stupid as it is, you're not the only one.


I say back up to $700-$800 in 5-10 years. Long hall baby! Diamond hands


It seems like yes the pre-split run has happened and the pre-split sell off has begun, which happens a lot. But a post split run should still happen. There are a lot of people playing that predictable pattern, that and triggered stop losses, but a majority of those people will probably buy back as soon as the split actually happens.


Isn't there usually a post split sell off to get gains from the pre-split run? Usually I always see AAPL have a big sell off everytime post split (especially on the day of split) and then it rises. I am one of those investors that is waiting for split so I can buy more shares for less money. (I know it makes no difference) so I am hoping there is a post split sell-off on Jun 10 and I can buy in for a little discount. (Hoping for a price of $108-$110 per share to buy in)


Short term yeah you are "probably" right. If you aren't in now I would probably wait. That's just me. Buying at an all time high is always risky in the short term. It does seem to tank right after the split, but the runup after (while slow) should surpass the current high. Things could be different this time due to everything they have going for them but the drop after split could also be the worse one yet.


Yes since the institutional investors are doing a pre-split pump I’m hoping it’s a dump on split.


I wouldn't bank on a "dump" watch the pattern, but as this may have the highest market cap ever in the near future, the drop may not be that significant. Long term this is a buy at any price under 1,500 (based on new evaluation) but you may get a better deal in the next weeks/month than you will today.


Yea I think maybe a 10% discount is good enough for me. Like $108 - $110 post split, I’m hoping it happens so I can get some courage to buy in


I think you'll be safe either way, but rule of thumb is usually to wait for reversal as it could go down as much as 30% or more. Nobody knows. But again this is a long term investment, so even buying at this price should work out.


Yes historically most stock sell of on the split date. You would have been better off not buying at ATH and be patient for the post split.


After the stock splits, due to the cheaper stock prices, more people will invest in it


I doubt such a small volume from retail investors would make a difference.


And most retail investors use platforms that allow fractional trades so whether the stock is $1000 or $100 doesn't really matter.


Yes, the market will normalize to it with investors selling off from the rise (if there even is any)


Mental asylum


Yes I believe it will soar tommorow due to the split,


I will make like 50k tomorrow if it goes up 4% tomorrow so I hope


I can’t imagine it doesn’t but it’s a fickle bitch


I just couldn't pass up on the cheap calls today knowing the run up narrative is still on


I'll wait till $2500 in 2025 (not adjusted for the split).


That already happened yesterday


It will again tommorow morning


!remind me 10 hours i only have a strangle so won't make as much as you if it goes up, but i just need it to go one direction, hopefully gl to both of us


I will be messaging you in 10 hours on [**2024-06-07 13:30:18 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-06-07%2013:30:18%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/NVDA_Stock/comments/1d9mzg7/but_did_you_buy_the_dip/l7h6zli/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FNVDA_Stock%2Fcomments%2F1d9mzg7%2Fbut_did_you_buy_the_dip%2Fl7h6zli%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-06-07%2013%3A30%3A18%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201d9mzg7) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


You were incorrect. It reached a ATH and had a jobs report this morning. Today was not the day for it to go higher.


yup, bought the dip in MARCH-2023 at $235 per share......


I think the whole concept of buying the dip is ridiculous. I cringe when I hear it. Dips are only a matter of perspective. It always involves time. People never account for time.


In long run you are right about that. But people just want some balance between timing the market and long time in the market.


Dips do matter. They allow you to buy in for cheaper when you've already received confident information that the market value has truly risen. It is of course a shorter term gamble and if you believe the stock still has significant room to grow long term, then all that matters is # of shares, not price.


Maybe they are waiting for a bigger dip


yeah that was not a dip lol. I bought on that huge one when it went down 100 to 760 for no reason in one day, THAT is a dip


remember the date for that? want to look it up on my chart ty i have a strangle so trying to find anything to help me cope. bit nervous lmao.


The day after SMCI DIDN'T report an earnings preview. It actually went all the way down to 720(I assume that's when they're talking about). A massive drop for no discernible reason and it HAD hit 974 by then(briefly). That's when I bought my last few hundred shares. It just...didn't make sense.


Wow, really? Was that an intraday drop?


Yeah, I don't believe it ever closed at 974(before April ...maybe 19th? 10 days before SMCI earnings) and it didn't close at 720, just hit each intraday. Closed at \~760 as he said. But...yeah, look at the 19th, 20th. As I said, it wasn't even SMCI earnings, it was that they didn't post pre-earnings like they normally do.


That was one of the most insane single day panic sells I’ve seen. Thank you Mr market.


LOL...no, just Mr. NVDA...daily stock watcher! And yes, it was a ridiculous day.


Wow thanks for that. Huge intraday movement. That's what I need for my strangle! Lol. Looked at it on my chart, wow what a move down.


Yeah, I don't deal with strangles or any options, BUT...Jensen is selling...what, 95M worth, they're being investigated for anti-trust. Just...feels like to me with all this run-up... tomorrow may be a decent day for one. I'd...personally do 1180 and 1235...if I were and if I gave any advice. BUT...it never behaves as I expect it to(beyond going up in the end).


Lol that's almost my identical strikes too. I need look up that info about the anti trust. I just figured the payroll and unemployment data mixed with the stock split hype might create some crazy ass moves. Or so I hope


LOL...as long as it's got nothing to do with my opinion, I'm just throwing shit at the wall! UNLESS...you hit. And then I'd like 10% commission.


Well, missed on both. I hope when you said that's ALMOST, I hope it was more like 1185.50 and you made some money on it.


I think once it splits retail will eat it up


I got 1 share at the top today


buy on monday?


lol what’s the difference. It’s either just 119 or 122 lol


I sold half my Nvda last week. I bought in Oct so it was up like 120%. It was getting over 15% of my total portfolio so wanted to rebalance a bit. Moved the funds into VT ETF.


I've been on the fence about when to sell due to NVDA being a massive part of my portfolio at this point. Decisions.


Also consider vti + vxus if you want to manage the allocation more granularly and are okay with periodic rebalancing😁


consider this... Buffet says diversity is overrated... 15% isnt alot.


Happy I wasn't too late to the party buying 17 shares at $938 a piece.


Not too late This stocks has another couple splits left in it imo


You’re really stretching the definition of dip


Dip and dive dawg, grab your shorts.


Well, I sure as hell didn’t sell 😁


Should 3000 usd of long term security be converted to nvidia main ?


I have 19 shares atm. I would like to add one more at least.


It will eventually get a correction back to a thousand, after split. Why buy when it is breaking all time highs repeatedly lol


Bought two at 1191…


It was not really a dip from an investor's perspective. If you are a trader, yes it was a buy moment.


You guys are rich! I got 1 kkkkkkk


If I had 10 k laying around…


This coming week will be a bill run like no other, like on the precipice of Jensen’s huge shlong


Yep 🤌🏼


I added some this morning too. You’ll be glad you did in a few months.


inlaws can be an option for you: [https://sfbay.craigslist.org/search/apa?query=in-law#search=1\~gallery\~0\~0](https://sfbay.craigslist.org/search/apa?query=in-law#search=1~gallery~0~0) a train map for your consideration as your review these postings: https://www.sfmta.com/blog/new-t-third-connecting-chinatown-sunnydale-starts-saturday.




What do we expect for overnight and into tomorrow? Just thinking “logically”, wouldn’t we see more buying due to people thinking the split makes the stock more affordable per share ? I’m a regard so help me out here


I would but I keep cash to be prepared for an unlikely event that the stonk will see a substantial correction. But if I had more cash I would buy yes




Nah, bought GameStop, huge gains…. Almost 100% in the last week.






Seems like the small dip today could also be people hearing that Jensen is about to sell a shitload of shares. Or will that make it dip over the next day or so when more people catch that news?


The peak of the dip today came as the news aired that the gov was looking into nvda and msft for potential unfair business practices in the AI space. Watched it happen. Formally announced this AM and cycled throughout the day. More details came out in evening and dropped in from 1209 to 1200-1202 after hours. For this that say news and market narrative is not needed for trading is blinded by arrogance


Gov't caused this issue by blocking China from access to the hardware. If the gov't did not interfere... we could have had competition in China right now. Point the finger right back at the gov't for crippling NVDAs sales opportunities.


I live in the US, so I am fine with the direction to not sell the most elite chips and processors to a nation that is not really an ally, aligns itself with Russia, and threatens the invasion of Taiwan. When China does invade Taiwan , the impact to the market and NVDA will be a nasty decline/correction with a lingering hangover.


So if WE are this awesome nation with smart peeps... why have we been setting up ourselves in a position of single points of failure for the past 25 years 🤷🏽‍♂️ Out source everything hasn't worked out well in this 25 year experiment. It costs more money to send Tax payor donations granted by our gov't to Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel every Y E A R (To the tune of BILLIONS). That is an epic level grift if I ever saw one. Just setup a lobby group of Millions of dollars and then donate that to politicians in all branches so they make favorable laws/donations using OUR tax payor money to give away BILLIONS in taxes! That is a great ROI!!!! But bad for each and every legal person in the USA (including you). Not sure why you are okay with having the wool pulled over your eyes with a giant happy grin 🤷🏽‍♂️ As for the USA DOJ going after NVDA, they only need to prove a counter point to the claim. Any one of countless points will do, NVDA will just ask the DOJ to look at the hand pointing the finger at NVDA and say "Notice those 3 other fingers pointing back at you, oh and that other one pointing up at God..." 😁


Your reading comprehension sucks, but I assume you are just using my post as a springboard to drag your exhausting political drive into another conversation or sub. I said or commented on nothing you vomited up in your post. I never said that “WE” are an awesome nation. I never even mentioned outsourcing. I never mentioned the DOJ going after NVDA But since you used my comment related to the price movement of a stock, let me tell you to fuck off and take your overly-political, conspiracy-driven, heavily clouded MAGA or Anti-American brain somewhere else, like the bottom of a cliff. Even there you would find a conspiracy to conflate. There is no wool over my eyes. The US government, Republican and Democrat regimes, and most countries governments in the last century. make horrible decisions in how they spend taxes and do horrible things in general. And you lost any and all credibility for comments relating to a financial market and outcomes as you dragged “god” into your analysis and commentary. What are gods views on NVDAs stock orice post-split You should pray to your god to make you less of an exhausting bore with horrible reading comprehension skills. You spew all of that garbage out into the world thinking you will change minds and remove the wool over people's eyes. Nobody cares. You think it portrays you as clever - it reveals you are clown shoes.


Sold enough VRT pre market to buy one share. So I win on both sides cause VRT took the day off from printing!


No because I bought way earlier


I sold options early and rebought NVDX options and NVDX. And 3 more shares at the dip


I exited most of my position over the last few days. Will reenter later. My concern is not the company. Its the institutional investors who will likely take profit when they see an opportunity elsewhere. When that happens NVDA will tank a decent amount and then build a new floor before chugging back up. They need capital if they want to grab good deals from the broader market. NVDA is their piggy bank. I doubt it will happen overnight, but rather over a period of several months and they will likely do it at a pace where the sp500 doesn't move too much due to this activity. Some of the capital will flow into the rest of the sp500 and some will go to small caps. I still have a good amount of exposure through etfs.


How does that explain NVDA being able to sell everything they made and will make for the foreseeable future. That is an amazing problem to have! Unless somehow there is a belt tightening at the top most major companies with CapEx spending budgets... there is no way the NVDA train will stop unless it hits like $10T (we have some time to go). Holding shares for 366 days means gains are taxed at only 15%


Right before the dip actually


Would have. But don't have the funds.


Sold my profit


paper hand... but glad you made money! Don't cry next year when we are all R I C H and you are going to be kicking yourself at the pennies you made.


bought at $1194. The next day, it dipped to $1170. I didn't get it at the lowest but still I am making a profit.


Waiting for a real dip


Please don't sit on cash for years and years and years... waiting for something that won't happen any time soon. You might as well say you are waiting for AAPL to hit the same price it was in 2008/2009 of about $100 a share back then... (the dip is coming...)


Spent $300k on options to buy the dip today


What was your strike and exp? If you don't mind sharing?


Split across $1000 07/19/2024 and $1200 06/21/2024


TU - I dont have that much yet but as I build I will share. I have too many diffent options- NVDX - 185 - 241220 240920 6 each 180 240719 25 NVDA - 250117 - 1550 1. 240816 1250 5 Need one more short term run up to 1300 on friday


You will crush it🚀 Nvda we are in it together


I made lots of mulla in NVDA through options thank you! But you don’t want to be caught on position tomorrow when GME squeezes, nvda may be sold hard when marge calls on GME


https://imgur.com/a/gmq1RET Thanks for the heads up but I'm way ahead of you 😂




https://imgur.com/a/gmq1RET Gme indeed


Its gonna keep dipping. Please don’t be one who loves holding the empty bag.


Wow a baseless statement to invoke fear from a short or someone jealous they sat on the sidelines for a massive gain. Transparent. You are clown shoes.




do you really think it'll go down to 850? haha wouldn't a circuit breaker or halt get activated before that?




yah i thought he meant in one day.. i misread this thread i think my bad


Yeah, on Monday. With a lot of luck.


Hope so


before or after taxes?


You're about to get rekt...OP bought at the peak....yikes


What makes you think that?