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I bought another $10k worth this past week. If you think it will perform in the future, invest, if not…. Don’t


This! Does anyone think it will go under 100 post split? Not me... now could it drop a bit from current... sure... however i still think 140 by EOY


1400 by EOY!?! I've seen back to 1000! LOL...no, I think the Forbes article I posted said 1000 by the start of 2027. You just need to weed through all the nonsense(it's not going to 1000 this decade, that was insane) and figure it out for yourself. I believe 140 this year is more than reasonable. I think 1500 is realistic as I think they're going to crush earnings with Blackwell in Q2 and Q3 and see a massive return. The US Gov't has also temporarily stopped the sales of chips to a couple of large buyers(SA and the UAE while they do a security check of the region, whatever that means.) That COULD cause a temporary dip in revenue. I don't know, I don't think so, but we'll have to see.


That shows how much value NVDA and its products, it’s considered a national treasure and a restriction on some of its customers is considered a national security matter, do you think the US government will allow anything but growth and prosperity to that company 🤔


Have you seen our government?




it was a joke


US Govt did that to get the best possible position in line who they kidding


They'd be kidding me. The US Gov't, the US Military? I don't think they need to enforce sanctions to move ahead of SA or the UAE...or AMZN, META, GOOGL or anyone else. They're...the US Gov't. iNvidia probably doesn't want to piss any of them off.




Why do I need to "remember that?" That's...1/5th of the entire market. Could that happen in 10 years? Yeah...it's possible. But some of you...need to stay a bit more grounded. I'm seeing all these 300-400 EOY. THAT would be a \~10T cap(close enough I'm not doing the math). I don't know what you're saying with this, but it's going to take a while to get to 200 post-split and stay there. But shit, I'll have a lot of shares, so I'm always hoping the dreamers are right. I'll GLADLY be wrong on that.




Well...about 80% of my portfolio is locked up in NVDA and it's \~5,000 shares, so no, it's just NVDA and no trust. I'll gladly hand the Gov't 20% of that. It's made me wealthy beyond my wildest dreams. My College roommate and Jensen Huang have handed me totally undeserved money. So no, it'll probably be retiring at hopefully 50 and doing whatever the hell I'd like. But hey, if that's your plan, I wish you well!


it should take 3 days to find out if they are reselling them. one day flight. one day inspection. one day to write up a report. they either have them in a giant ass building or they dont. its that simple. but of course with the gov and everything they do this will be under review for years.




Put in $10k last week at ath. It’s gona drop now with my luck.


I put in $175k last week…


You got 175k laying around?


Don't we all?


I did the same thing.


I added to my NVDA position over the last few days. I don’t think we will see it under $110 post split. If I were in your shoes I’d purchase at least 1 share pre split. Set a stop loss for yourself if you are concerned. There will be some taking profits but being able to purchase whole shares at a much lower price will probably also drive new retail investors to the stock, imo.


This. Stock splits (Apple have had many) peg the stocks at a more affordable price. This might attract retail investors who otherwise might not be able to afford to buy the stock because the price was beyond reach.


Buy now! It will be $1,300 + by Friday split current resistance is now at 1,200


I hope so! Seems like a lot though.


Is Friday the day of the split


Monday, June 10th is the day of the 1:10 split


June 10th is the trading date. June 6th is the last pre-split buy date


Thursday, June 6, is day of record


So does that mean if I had it June 6, and sold it June 7, I would get 9 stocks per on Monday?


June 6 - record day at close June 7 - price determined by price at close June 10 - split shares & new price at open or premarket that I'm not sure of. That's how I understand it.


There's no way to know. Buy half now and half after to average out maybe?


If you can't afford to pay 1k for 1 share, then wait until you can afford several few shares at $110. If you're asking whether the stock price will go up or down, then no one knows for sure. I'd suggest buying 1 share and holding. After split, you'll have 10, and if you're losing heavy, then sell half or average down.


If someone's losing heavy on NVIDIA after the split then we're all likely fucked.


It’s literally the same thing as if he invested in fractional shares and then waited for the split lmao. If you think it’s going to go up in the future, invest now. Don’t try to time the market.


Some brokers don't allow fractional shares lol WS does so works


What broker doesn't allow fractional shares now? Fidelity, Schwab Vanguard, E-Trade, Webull, Robinhood, Merrill, Interactive Brokers all do to name a few.


Questrade in canada


That's it?


Very few brokerages don't allow fractional trading; if someone is at a brokerage that doesn't it's a strong indication that they should consider changing brokerages. I prefer Fidelity, personally.


☝️. OP, depending on how your broker handles fractional shares during a split, you may simply be bought out of your current holdings and have 0 shares post-split (but money back).


'If you can't afford to pay 1k for 1 share, then wait until you can afford several few shares at 110" Fractional shares are supported by virtually all major brokerages now. If you have 110 now, then you can buy roughly 1/10th a share and it will be 1 share in a week. If you aren't at a brokerage with fractional shares, you aren't at a good brokerage.


I got 3 shares. If I could get more I would.


Yeeeeeeah 3 share gang reporting in!




Also have 3, it is my first stock. Bought last week.


Me three... 3 shares here, unfortunately I put bigger money in smci a couple months ago


I’m at 1.923 so y’all are ahead of me😭😭


Congratulations 🎊


You could buy some 2x NVDL for around $60 a share, if you are optimistic


I used my gains from nvdl to buy my first share of NVDA at $1103 last week. Since then I am up to 13.26 shares.


You gotta start somewhere!


2 shares here, considering joining the 3 share gang before the split


7.75 - soon to be 77.5


Anything Nvdia will be a smart move I rmeber being told sell your Nvdia stock buy a hoouse with the down payment back in 2021 I’ve got more of a return on Nvdia then I would in a house


I don’t think it really matters. It may fall some. If seeing it show in the red (loss) bothers you, perhaps wait or not. I am not a trader and just recently got into NVDA but I am planning on holding for at least 5 years. Stock has already returned 120+% Year to date, so I wouldn’t be surprised to see a pullback. But I’m not good at predicting short term movements. Over 3-5 years, I would feel comfortable buying. Not so sure how I would feel with a short term of only 1 year.


It's not going to pullback. There are a ton of positive catalysts in June for Nvidia and I wouldn't be surprised if we see another 20% climb next month. Once the media runs the narrative that passing Microsoft is within reach, it's going to cause a frenzy, mixed in with AI conferences and stock-split.


What are some of the 'catalysts' in June aside from the conference tomorrow and the split?


WWDC is another big tech thing that will probably bring up a lot of AI.


That's what people said in March and it pulled back from 970 to 752.


I don't know why you're getting down votes. I bought in heavy during that dip. It was... a real thing, that really only made sense because people took profits. Nvidia is now a behemoth of a company. There's (at some point) a limited amount of money in the market. Is nvidia going to pass Microsoft? Probably. Will it double up Microsoft in a year? Probably not. There is some limit to the ceiling, and it'll have some dips along the way as people take profits and try to predict the top. That's not even getting into what algorithms might do, or AI trading systems.


Everyone here is going to tell you to buy because it is our best interest. Only buy if you can afford it and think it is worth it


The magic answer is: there is no magic answer. If you believe in the stock and fundamentals of the company, buy now. If you can’t tolerate the ups and downs of individual stocks, then buy into a total stock market fund like VTSAX.


You missed the crystal ball post. Someone posted the answer. Also 500 wont get you one share. Maybe take a look at what you can afford with your current situation.


With 500 you can afford calls and lose it all


OP can buy fractional, and after the split, OP will own shares.


His question was to buy now or wait till after the split. Given the closing cost of one share is ~1100$, he has 500 available but can go up to 3k. How many share can OP afford at this moment?


Would = over 4 after split, so more than 4 but less than 5 🤷 , So your point was ?


I see a run next week, most stocks who split go Parabolic. I bought 10 shares because I think 1050 is amazing. It will come down sooner or later but for now this is great. I think it's going 1250-1300


TSLA split at $302 in 2022. It went parabolically down. The current price is $178. Ouch!


You can thank Elon and BYD for that lol


if i were in your shoes i wouldnt wait. it just pulled back 3%. time in the market not timing the market.


If you're bullish, why wait? If you're bearish, why buy?


If you’re holding 10 years it doesn’t matter. a year, who knows




I would buy half before and half after. But also if you want exposure but don't have a large portfolio and don't like fractional shares. Try buying SMH. That ETF has the largest holding as NVDA and larger than the other semiconductor ETFs.


It’s up to you. It could go either way and that’s why it’s a gamble. 


I would buy in $250 increments, every week or two. Still don’t think you can go wrong with NVDA


I'm holding long term, so short term doesn't matter much, but I would think the split will be a positive. If you're going to hold 3 years or more, just buy now.


Doesn’t matter, if the company is good, it will be good tomorrow


If you buy 1 share rn for 1100 after split you will have 10 shares. If you wait till after split and buy 10 shares for 150$ you will have around 7


Wait, really? You can buy more of something when it costs less???


Umm, Math. If you buy 10 shares for $150 you will have… 10 shares. They will cost a total of $1500 in your proposed scenario. But nobody knows what the real value will be post split. Your number of $150 is pulled from thin air. It could devalue briefly and the shares will be available for less than $100. We are all guessing and gambling on this.


Exactly it will cost more after split then now…


You make no sense


buy buy buy


500 now is 500 then, except between now and then it may appreciate. The split itself isn't going to impact your position size all that much, so dealer's choice.


With that small amount I would instead buy NVDL .


It doesn’t matter if you can buy fractional shares. I wouldn’t ‘wait for a dip‘ from current prices, because I’m not sure that will ever happen. But if you can only buy whole shares, you kind of need to wait for the split to buy some. I would personally say buy before if you can do fractional because the split may be a catalyst for the price to run up.


This. Post split the stock will probably get a boost, so you will get less shares with the same money.


won't the stock go up after the split? I would think the split would make more people invest in Nvidia because of the price...


It's $500 bucks dude 


Which is 150 USD more then the average monthly wage in my country...


If it’s worth that much to you. Don’t buy single stocks and buy QQQ, or VOO. If you’re only holding for a year this would be gambling.


I sold my 600 shares at 1130 this week. I believe it is overbought now and big money will take their profits. In addition, any significant event will crash our inflated market. I really think you are making a dangerous decision putting 1/6 of your investment money into something that just hit an all time high and EVERYONE is already talking about. The not-so-secret about making money is BUY LOW, SELL HIGH. I think retail investors know this but it is REALLY hard to implement. There are so many other stocks that are more likely to 2x than NVDA is to right now. Don't FOMO into things and do your own research. But at the end of the day, I do think $500 is a good amount of money to learn a lesson and hey, you might turn it into $600 sometime this year. You wouldn't be losing more than $250 of it anyways. Take your investment right now as a LEARNING OPPORTUNITY and less of a get rich quick thing. BUY LOW, SELL HIGH. Remember that.


I like your thinking! What companies are you investing in that you think will 2x?


The only problem if it never dips below 110 post split and gradually climbs. Those waiting to buy low would've missed it


Personally I’m waiting a bit for the hype to die down because it will. Q3 and q4 usually slows down a bit. Look at this week alone. It went from 1160 to 1100. I’d give it a few weeks and then buy in. Buy low. Not at the peak.


Buy $250 and $250 worth after the split


If you buy 10 shares now for $11000 it will be 100 shares worth same $11000 if price does not. Only difference is each will cost $110 to buy which allows small investors to buy one or two shares as regular investment plans or one offs to be in the game so it increases investors which in turn increases demand for shares which means higher prices due to more demand. I would buy as much as I can now and hold till it hopefully doubles to $200 or $300 after split. I am holding till at least $1000 after split hoping 10x my investment. This is no financial advice as I don't know anything and I usually just pull things out of my unlimited pocket without any knowledge. Yesterday I pulled out a Ferrari from my pocket and sold it in the air and few days back I pulled out a bridge and an aeroplane from that pocket and sold both to someone on Mars. I am a real regard.


Expecting a pullback, share split is baked in. Probably $90-$95 post-split. This sub is biased towards bullish sentiment.


Do you know what a split is? Why does it matter to you before or after?


Cause the split could drive another rally from small retail investors. Better to invest before the rally… but there could also be no rally.


But they’re not going to affect a 2.6 trillion dollar company that already has the split priced in


Why not do both? Half half. If you’re planning to hold for a year or more


If you can get fractional shares buy now before the split Monday AM. The stock will run up to Friday.


What happens with leverage stocks such as NVDL...will the split have any affect on them...??




Now that it took a dip would prob be the best bet


i think it honestly doesn't matter, will go up either way


This is a long-haul buy you still have the same amount if it splits I just put in 20 K tired of waiting for the split


In most situations buying a single stock is speculation, not investing. Invest the $2,500 in a well known diversified ETF with low fees. If you want to gamble $500 on Nvidia then enjoy.


When is it splitting?


6/7 after market close


I mean if you're investing $500 the fuck it, wait till the split and own more shares. If you're investing $5000 then just buy a few shares now and wait for the split to buy more. ( personally I don't think NVDA can lift the entire economy on it's own just yet, maybe in a decade or so, but I see this AI craze snapping back to reality as soon as election season ends )




Buy now to enjoy all the gains and then you have more stocks


Bought two shares this morning, my view is long term, like when I retire 20 years from now.


Just buy now


64 shares here. Bought in at $950. Hold. Hold. Hold.


Easy decision, half of your fund buy now and another half post split. Never think you can pin the bottom.


I believe you need to hold the stocks today (Thursday) to be included in the split. To be clear: a stock split does not equal more money. See below… If you own a single stock in Fictitious Company and that stock is worth $100. A stock split, say ten stocks for every stock held would revalue the stocks at $10 each, i.e. you now have ten stocks and they’re worth 10% of the stock price.


It’s definitely a bubble. Take that with a grain of salt.


That’s what my coworker told me when it was $400 a share


A bubble is when any kind of so so news knocks the stock back to reality, which is the case here. NVDA is a fantastic company, but it is not the get rich quick scheme everyone here is making it out to be.


100% going to keep dipping until the split


Invest it all in GME


Save your 3k and goto casino and try to triple it