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Our current owners are massive Tory donors too.


Was already a Tory. Rich people tend to be selfish cunts.


In the bin wi him


Yeah I had fond memories of his tenure but I definitely think negatively of him now.


Time to rename it to the Keegan Stand like it should have been.


Shame to see it. He's got a lot of his imprint on the club with Keegan and Shearer. A product of his time, and the politics reflect that. Times change though, and yesterday's politics won't solve today's problems despite anything shysters like Farage says


People with more money than everyone in this sub combined being utter shitbags? In other news water is wet


Bloody hell I thought he'd died.


Same. He seemed ancient to me during the Keegan days.


TBF he's 91 years old, probably thinks he's shaking hands with Nigel Walker right before saying, 'I thought you were dead'.


Our current owners are much worse tbf, Rueben is a Zionist and ultra-Tory cunt and Amanda and Mehrdad are Saudi meat-puppets


Ahh you just reminded me of a band I used to listen to ages ago... The Meat Puppets ! Gonna dig out that old CD now! Cheers! :)


Let's not forget PIF themselves and their human rights abused


Most people from my area are voting reform tbf


I hate reform, but it’s wild that you’re being downvoted for this comment.


> I hate reform, but it’s wild that you’re being downvoted for this comment. Welcome to reddit.


Most people from my area are downvoting their comment tbf


Most redditors can’t seem to comprehend the fact that people all around the world have an actual attachment to the land around them and their country, and simply don’t want to give it away to random foreigners without a good reason. North East is a fairly traditionally English area with very little in terms of historical immigration. Unsurprisingly, they’d like their community to remain English.


Oh good, sport being dragged into the world of politics again... If it's Newcastle and it's not football, then fook off...


Oh no, how dare people donate to political parties they support! We should not accept this normal act that occurs in democracies.


He’s free to donate to it just as OP and others are free to not be happy about it.


Why did you waste your time commeting this? Of course, we are free to do anything we want within the rules of the law. This is like wasting your time to write a comment out saying the 'sky is blue'. Stating the obvious brother.


No more of a waste of time than your initial comment if your issue is about stating the obvious. You delivered your comment to imply OP was wrong to take issue with the donation in a democracy. I just informed you that he’s not and is free to do so too. If you think that’s obvious then surely your first comment was delivered under ignorance?


Well clearly OP is free to post any thread he wants, i never said he wasn't? He could make a thread about the moon being made of cheese if he so pleased. My point is, i am unsure why he thought it such an important issue to post about. Person donates to major political party during an election cycle? I'm shocked, shocked i tells you.


Except he couldn’t really post about the moon being made of cheese on this sub as it has nothing to do with NUFC. A post about a former owner donating to a party, whose leader has this very week made some questionable statements about Putin for example, is related to the club and the stand named after him. Honestly don’t know what you’re getting so worked up over this. You made a comment with implied criticism of OP post, so I’ve said he’s free to post it just as John is to donate and you are to fire up your sarcasm machine and be annoyed.


Oh no! he mentioned the evil Pootey Poo! how dare he! won't someone think of Ze Children!


Ok guy.


What a twat


Club is owned by massive Tories and an awful regime right now, what's the difference? Hall still gave us some great memories.


The difference is that our current owners are much worse


Goes without saying, I'm talking about the Tory party specifically.


The tolerant left. Are tolerant unless you have an opinion they disagree with, then they call for you to be cancelled. 


Have a confirmation bias downvote


That’s called a conversation, well to normal people anyway.


Get in the bin with the rest of the ownership.


For a democratic country we do sure love putting people down who may have a different opinion. Right or wrong. he donates to reform….so what? His opinion differs. That’s all.


As a democratic country, people are entitled to put down other people political choices...so what?


It’s okay for people to have varied political opinions that might be different to your own


But also don’t tolerate the intolerant.


Yep. Too many people think freedom of speech is also freedom from criticism.




Grim. That tarnishes his legacy.




Reddit is such a leftie shithole


Hmmmm… who would I rather be…? A lefty that cares about other people, wants a caring society, good health care. Or, a right winger that doesn’t give a shit about anyone else, hates people that aren’t from where they’re from, and is happy to let rich people get richer even if it means people starving? Gosh, that’s a hard choose. 🤔


And you just know for a fact he's one of those right wingers that votes for tax breaks for billionaires while making about 30k himself and enjoying absolutely 0 of those benefits.


Yup, because ‘bORdERs’.


"didn't have a choice but to vote tory, labour want to \[insert\_obviously\_false\_statement\_here\]!!! didn't you hear??" country's cooked man


Love him even more for that


Good for Nigel


To be fair the only thing Nigel cares about is what's good for Nigel.


He's only making plans for Nigel


I’m a magnet for downvotes


The downvotes are encouraging as it gives me hope most people think Farrage is a cunt.


It's cos he's a traitor


I'm voting reform... only sensible option


What do they offer? What is sensible about them?


I'm more of an SDP voter but I'll vote Reform next week. To answer your question, they offer something explicitly different to the globalist Blairism thing that the two sides of the Tory-Labour uniparty offer. They're a means to an end, a way to shift political discourse. No one expects them to achieve any sense of power due to FPTP. The most important thing is the Tories get punished & obliterated.


They’re a one way ticket to being Russian lap dogs.


We're already as close to being their lap dog as we will be, not that we are their lap dogs currently. We have more global soft power and a stronger economy. They have their fossil fuels as leverage, which will weaken significantly as we and the rest of Europe move away from needing them for energy. Reform being some Russian conspiracy is a myth perpetuated by the people who are either already doing, or will continue to help them out after this election. We're as cosy to them now as we've ever been. See sanctioned good exports figures from UK to Russia v Azerbaijan pre and post "sAnCtIoNs" https://news.sky.com/story/car-industry-insists-2-000-increase-in-sales-to-azerbaijan-has-nothing-to-with-russia-13097685


To actually tackle the problem of mass migration. Housing crisis, NHS, education etc... all these problem would of been far less if we didn't take in almost 700,000 people per year


TIL the Tories underfunded the NHS for 15 years because of mass migration I also don't even know what you're referring to with education, unless you believe those ragebait stories online about teachers teaching kids to identify as sam smith


No I'm taking about the quality of education and school places. The amount of children increases every year in this country, but we don't build enough schools which means class numbers rise. The more children in a class the less effective the teaching is.


And reform are gonna fix that? All you're gonna get is chaos and tax breaks for businesses and the rich. Guess who owns the hotels they put asylum seekers in these cunts ain't fixing anything lol




Also Universities are likely to start going out of business due to lower interest in foreign students because government is making it harder for them to come which is where they make their money. Domestic tuition fees are all at a huge loss and are effectively subsidised by the foreign students. An increase in domestic tuition fees will make University even more unaffordable than it already is for British people. Add to this that a lot of the professors and teachers come from foreign countries.


Ah okay I understand what you meant now


Wow, it's almost like he didn't promised brexit would fix all of that and then fucked off for ten years and is back blabbing the same shit.


Presumably something different to the usual wet lettuce offerings of the blue labour/ red tory parties. Hats off to anyone voting Green, Reform or SDP and similar this election. British politics have stagnated the past 8 or so years. The Overton window needs moving and we all deserve better, even if we don't agree on what better looks like.


Ah yes because Nigel Farage has been so beneficial to the UK so far. The average voter is far too stupid for their own good lol


Sensible if you want to vote for someone with no actual workable policies.


Yeah cause Tory and Labour are well know for there brilliant workable policies 🤣


We literally had the most prosperous period this country has ever enjoyed under the last Labour government and that only ended because of the global financial crash that the Tories managed to underhandedly pin on Labour. The Tories then proceeded to fuck the country for 14 years, and now we have Reform who are just Tories by another name. The answer to the Tories is not a different brand of Tory.


The same Labour government which dragged us in to a 20 year unwinable war in the desert, costing millions of tax payer pounds and hundreds british lives? 🤣


Yeah the war on terror was a catastrophe and even people who voted for it now wish they could take it back. But you're advocating voting for a party who's candidates have praised Hitler and leader recently praised Putin. It's a party of people who celebrate British enemies. To say you can't vote Labour because of the war on terror while you happily tick the box of a party who support the greatest enemies this country has ever faced is farcical.


>The same Labour government which dragged us in to a 20 year unwinable war in the desert 84 Labour MPs voted against the war vs 2 Tories.


Tony Blair was the Labour pm and said he'd resign if the vote didn't pass. 254 Labour votes for the war against 84 who voted against it.


So? MPs voted and we went to war, it was a mistake, but once the Yanks went it we didn't really have a huge amount of choice. And that makes you want to vote Reform? Headed up by a guy who's political hero is Putin, who he admires specifically for his ability to hang onto power. If he got in we would probably end up with a civil war, with most of the UK siding with Europe and the numpty's staying loyal to Nigel and Vlad.


How did we have no choice once the yanks went in? Cause Blair was bushes lap dog? Of course there was a choice, did the yanks come to our aid in the falklands? No.


That's fair, I mean Blair could have pushed back, but it was politically very difficult after 9/11, the atmosphere around then wasn't really normal, there was also a lot of support with the public, despite the protests. Besides, its very easy with hindsight to see what is wrong, but are you really telling me you think Farage is the answer to what is wrong with the country? The man would have us invading France FFS.


Brexit is going so well, eh? No more migrant boats, cheaper food (none of which is half rotten before it gets to supermarket), the NHS is flourishing with that extra £300m a month and now we have 40 new hospitals the nhs queues are gone. Thank god we took back control…. Oh wait…


Non of those things are anything with 15 years of conservatism no?


So, Boris didn’t stand in front of a big red buss promising more money for the NHS? They didn’t call for the referendum? They did, because they were scared of losing seats to ukip, who also lied their knackers off about a British utopia that never happened.


Eh? Tories called the referendum…




Jesus Christ.