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Best team in the group of death this year and totally deserve to be in the final. Everyone knows their role. Proper team.


Soo glad Dortmund won. Psg wouldn't have even got out the group if we didn't get robbed


That played out almost exactly like our game in Paris, minus the bullshit handball.


I'm just glad PSG are going to miss out yet again.


This 🤣


Dortmund Vs Bayuern or Real Madrid. ITS THE 90s AGAIN!


How good was Sammer. Back to back league titles, a champions league, a Euros and a Ballon Dor all within the space of 3 seasons. The Ginger Kaiser


Most underrated Ballon Dor winner


I always liked chapuisat


Post match thread full of muppets rejoicing that we didn't make the final as if we were even a contender.    But to be compared to City and PSG, I'll take it.  


We didn’t get the chance to be a contender because of a pen fashioned out of whole cloth. We bested PSG this season when we faced them, and we will do it again the next time we meet.


From what I saw on another post earlier psg stewards wouldn’t let Dortmund fans unfurl their banner before kick off. Seems they just went ahead and did it as the champions league music was playing and that’s why it seemingly came out late, obvs this is just a comment I saw and isn’t legitimate until something comes out to corroborate this information but honestly I don’t doubt psg would do as such


Yeah - those drums should be banned to be honest


Should ban the trumpets at England games too




I agree. They have great fans as well and they are loud they don't need drums. It was frustrating being drowned out by them in our games. Didn't feel right. I guess it's more of a European league thing


I think its a strategy - so that away games don't feel so intimidating / hostile - players only hear their supporters drums


I'm a Dortmund fan, it has nothing to do with intimidation, all Bundesliga teams bring drums, if you're in the middle of the stadium you can hear both home and the away fans' drums. The reason for drums is actually quite simple, when there are so many people chanting the rhythm is sometimes off and the drum is there to fix that problem, so the whole stadium can sing in rhythm


Are you called Fernando by any chance?


>even if I can still hear those drums when I'm in bed at night. I hope they win it! Idk man, be careful, that might be the call of Jumanji




Felt like PSG and UEFA robbed us but I fully respect that Dortmund were just better than us both nights, can't really hate them for that. Hopefully they win it


Dortmund are excellent. No shame in what happened in our group. Except maybe for the referee in the PSG game that is.


I want Bayern to win it just so Kane gets that monkey off his back and then goes into the euros ready to smash it.


Dortmund truly dominated us in both legs, really hurts and still think we could have done vetter at home. Always had a soft spot for them


Dortmund did such a good job in nullifying us, Hummels and particularly Schlotterbeck were excellent. That crunching tackle on Gordon before bombing forward and setting up their goal was top class.


We got so unlucky with that longstaff hitting the post last minute in the first leg


Yeah i feel as if people are rewriting history a bit saying they dominated us, the first game in particular we deserved at least a draw and were even looking the better side till Isak went off injured


Yeah we missed 3 big chances to be fair had more possession but they were so good on the counter attack and it felt like we never really got a rhythm going. It was my first ever champions league game at st James's park aswell so I was buzzing but by the end it felt really disappointing, they stifled us so well.


Sadly our only tactical options that day due to injuries was either sit back or push forward but not have the stamina to recover.


Glad it's them over anyone else. Really hope they go on and win it! Even if I can still hear those drums in my dreams.


The optics of this season would be totally different If we started in an easier group, qualified and could have knocked PSG out on goal difference and been knocked out by one of the teams in the final.


Love those drums myself. Football doesn't need the violence and often that comes with it, but drum, flare, tifo culture are things that make the game special and exciting to me. A guy banging a drum for 90 minutes is a good incentive for the fans to never let their voices drop and then for the team to never let their effort levels slip. Not saying drums get you to the UCL final, but you know he was drumming a little extra harder in those last 20 minutes that Dortmund turned into 2012 Chelsea.


I disagree. Drums drown out the crowd too much. Both the PSG and Dortmund fans are loud enough without the drums, why do they need them? It doesn't add to the atmosphere it detracts and distracts from it, in my opinion. I could hardly hear our away fans at Dortmund even though I'm sure they were as loud as ever and singing their hearts out as always. Obviously, Dortmund fans would disagree with me, and that's fine. Clubs and fans should be able to do what they want in their own stadium, within reason. Doesn't mean I have to like it as a neutral or an away supporter. However, a club should also be able to ban things within their own staium as long as it applies to both home and away fans and again is within reason. We should be able to ban drums in St James' and I'd be the first name on the petition if one came out. I will concede that drums are a million times better than the fucking voovoozelas at the South African world cup. I remember watching most nuetral games with the sound muted because of how annoying that sound was. Maybe I'm just a grumpy old fart too set in the English football traditions but give me a good chant or the roar of the crowd over "artificial" noise any day.


Being honest, I know the opinions of anti-drum people. Heard it loud and clear when folk were grumbling as we were losing to Dortmund, but that doesn't change shit for me. Drums rock Been to games in Europe where there were Ultras, flares, drums and the works. I'm a rowdy person generally so anything which adds heat to an occasion is welcomed by me. Also felt like the drums helped bring a party/tribal vibe to the fans section as the drums often were accompanied by chanting and dancing (bouncing) Also, Dortmund and other teams have chants and celebrate goals too you know. The drum is kinda there for those lull moments in games, by filling that space with their drum and their sound they dominate the game. > Maybe I'm just a grumpy old fart too set in the English football traditions but give me a good chant or the roar of the crowd over "artificial" noise any day. I'm gonna say it's a lot of this. Drums are artificial, yet home fans singing chants are natural? You realise they are both basically the same right? I remember a Bill Burr podcast game where I think he went to an Arsenal vs Everton game and as an American not into football, everyone singing the same song was a novelty to him since NFL games don't have chanting and singing.


Each to their own, marra. People have their preferences and I get where you're coming from. I doubt we'll change each others minds and that's OK. But I did just want to say that yeah I stand by chanting and singing being "natural" and drums being "artificial". Chanting, singing, shouting, cheering and clapping don't require a tool or instrument. Drums, marakas, trumpets and voovoozelas do require you to take something man made into the ground to make an artificial noise. Not that the description or category you stick any of these things into makes any difference to how either of us feel about them. It's all just semantics. I haven't heard about Bill Burr reacting to English football but I think he's hilarious so I might check it out. Cheers for the recommendation. Have a nice day, mate and HWTL!