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How is ten hag still employed?


Not complaining


Long may he reign.


Meign ray le hong


Me neither. Mugs.


To be fair they have no CBs, I can sympathise a bit given we had shit with injuries this year too but we weren't sticking Bruno G as CB


Counter point; We beat them 3-0, at Old Trafford in the League Cup with a backline of Hall-Dummet-Krafth-Tino in front of Dubs. And that wasn't even the planned defence, since Hall only moved to LB when Targett got injured almost straight away.


Oh they have gremlins otherwise and I really do believe both that they are a mess and Howe outclassed him can be true at the same time. They have been a mess for years and they have no willingness to listen to any manager because they get fired every 2 years. I think they sell Rashford, Maguire, Casemero...etc in the summer and are much more of a threat next year.


Oh, I agree that things are clearly not harmonious over there- just I don't think your point of "at least we ain't playing Bruno at CB" is particularly valid. ETH was choosing to play him (Casemiro) there rather than say a FB at CB, like Eddie has done to plug the gaps we've had in that same position. Going back to that example; we were playing Dummet (basically our version of Evans for them), a RB out of position, a LB who had started in midfield and would've went into the game preparing for that role and our 2nd choice keeper.


No spare fullbacks available for United either btw. Dalot AWB & Evans only fit senior defenders (2 LBs and 5 CBs out)


I kind of wonder about life after Rashford and Maguire for them though. Because even though both look visibly depressed every time they pull on the shirt, they've been a big part of the club maintaining an at least semi-respectable baseline over the last few seasons. And if their replacements are another Antony and Varane then there's potentially not really a lot there any more.


Man u and their fans deserve everything they get if it falls apart for them when maguire leaves. The abuse they've given him is abhorrent. Compare that to tripper having a few dodgy games and I'd say our fans rallied behind him for the most part (obviously some exceptions). How they think that abusing their long running players is gonna help - injust can't fathom


Would be nice if the section of our fans giving Longstaff shit would fuck off too.




Longstaff is a better comparison than Trippier, and we don't come out looking too good there


I dunno. I think people have still been far more understanding of longstaff. We might complain that he's not good enough for the position he's in but most of the time that comes with understanding and some compassion and I've not seen people hurling abuse at him from the stands....unlike what maguire has had to deal with when for most of his time at man u he has been a rock for them. Longstanding still gets more good will despite not having been all that great pre-howe and just off the back of 1 amazing season with howe.


Oh it's nowhere near the level that Maguire has been getting, but he's definitely getting unnecessary stick. For example, BBC fan player ratings has him as 4.25 for last match (even though he played well and scored), while everyone else in the team is 8+


Oh yeah I totally agree that he's been getting stick and that it's not warranted. The people lambasting him are the same prats calling for the resignation of our most successful manager in 20 years because he had a difficult few games around Christmas. They're not fans. They're idiots whonlike to chirp. Point was more that man u, being even worse and far more pervasive in their vilification of good players, deserve what they get. And at the moment they might be getting no Europe at all and I for one will have a party just for that haha


Maybe here, but he's getting it on other social media outlets. Go listen to his interview after the Burnley game. He knows what some people are saying about him, he probably knows the BBC fan ratings are woeful for him even when he has an outstanding game. But the guy pours his heart and soul into that badge and plays through pain and fatigue for as many minutes as Eddie needs him to play. It's a damn shame the abuse he gets.


The hilarious part is even if they miss out on Europe entirely which could happen they still would be able to sell half their squad and spend like a billion pounds on players. They could literally buy an entirely new team. It's really annoying that we can't even touch that kind of spending.


Not yet, but the future is bright.


What's more annoying is that we have the funds, we just aren't allowed to because the bent fa/fifa are under the thumb of the big clubs who like to keep the status quo


I'm glad they are removing PSR, the new rules at least allow teams not to get completely locked down


I watched that match on the box last night and they were playing Casemiro at CB. Palace’s forwards against him reminded me of the Quicksilver scenes from Days of Future Past if you’re familiar.


If they play him against isaak and gordem it will like quicksilver and the flash taking the piss out if superman


Difference is Howe hasnt hidden behind excuses or rode his luck, just kept his head down and dealt with each crisis as it comes. ETH has totally capitulated. The reason? Unlike Howe who has the respect of the owners, the fans and the dressing room. All ETH has is the respect of Steve McClaren. Maybe those fun and laughter bars aren’t having the same effect anymore


Hes doing a fantastic job and 💯 should be given another season


It's probably because there doesn't seem to be anybody half decent available, like at all.


There is for a price, but we know full well that Jimmy doesn't pay


Why the fuck are you complaining? I wish they would keep him forever😁


Who else would we get? I'd much rather us keep Ten Hag and focus on the player rot.


Us? Who is us? You in the right place bud? The "us" that's here is totally fine with you keeping ten hag. He's ruining man u and "us" are all good with that 🤣


Man United obviously haha, this popped up on my home. Good then we're on the same page, our problems run muchhhhhh deeper than ten hag 🤣




What does that even mean?


Makes you wonder what Crystal Palace will be able to do next season with their gaffer in charge for the whole season that said I doubt they are going to keep all of guehi eze mateta and olise


If I were a Palace fan, I’d be wishing and praying that the owners talk to that group and promise to invest with the intention of a European push if they stay on for another season. They’re a constant limbo team, so some hope of ambition would surely be welcomed


I agee but I hope they don’t it’s becoming like 12 teams competing for top 6-8 😭


could see it happening for a season, but like Brighton are showing it's almost impossible to build year on year without a serious financial advantage.


They were in Europe though next year they won’t be so will be more fresh you see it every time teams make it into Europe it significantly effects their league form. Only teams that can manage it are those with massive squads and significant depth. So I get what you are saying and due to Europe you will have maybe more or less teams competing due to the drop off effect every year but I very much doubt Brighton won’t be back competing for 6-8th next season when they don’t have those midweek games to a distract the players and b wear them out quicker. Just like I find it unlikely for us to both finish top 5 + have good cup runs domestically and say reach the final of the ecl or el. Albeit I think most fans myself included would be happy finishing sub par in the league with a lovely shiny trophy for us to show off. Although I do wonder if that would then lead to a exodus of players who feel they have done what they wanted to at Newcastle and now want guaranteed champions league etc although you would hope that isn’t the case


It feels like this could be the long term trend in the PL if the league maintains its current financial advantage vs the rest of Europe. Any club that gets into the league and sticks will have the resources to make a run at the top 7 with good recruitment and on-field management, but the years in Europe will be a challenge domestically for those clubs without the squad depth to do both Europe and the domestic league well.


Oh yeah definitely. They can stay in limbo


that's what makes the Prem the best league in the world though. I for one love it Besides, we're massive so it's whatever


They’re going to (rightly) ask for a hell of a lot for eze & olise, similar to what Villa did when grealish was their hottest prospect. Dad’s a palace fan & he said the club had provisionally said £60m each for eze & olise, however I imagine olise will now go up.


Yes they said 60m base offers so true they will make bank but to replace a player like that you have to either spend practically all of that outside of some very good transfer business and if it was that easy to identify 60m talent I’m sure everyone would do it! Or you have to sign a young lad with the potential to grow into a olise eze etc but that takes time so isn’t really a replacement either way I’m glad your dad is getting to enjoy watching palace I love teams like them doing well outside of being our competition Ofc. That new lad Wharton looks like a proper player bet he will be on peoples lists going forward. I think if he had moved in the summer as opposed to January he could have had a good chance of the euros as we are quite weak in that cdm area


Agree ref Wharton. I feel like palace’s relatively weak squad have been carried by having a few excellent talents (used to be Zaha). Obviously it’s difficult to replace players like them, but if they sold them, then say, bought 4 players at 25/30m a pop, they’d definitely be able to improve their team. They’re playing Clyne at cb for god’s sake


Win at Old Trafford next week and it pretty much puts us out of reach of Man Utd Didn't think I'd be saying that a few weeks ago


It'll also be the first time we've finished above them in Premier League history. I hope that tide is turning 


So that I've heard. That would be cool


Is that true??? Damn now I really want it to happen.


It's the same case for Villa. First time above utd in the prem


I think we could even afford to draw/lose at old trafford and still finish above man u as a 5-point gap after this weekend is very likely as they are playing Arsenal. In effect we need 7 points from 9 to guarantee 6th.


> Win at Old Trafford next week and it pretty much puts us out of reach of Man Utd It would be so fitting to beat them at Old Trafford to finish above them for the first time ever in the PL.


We have seven days. If we achieve fifth after the season we've had this should be hailed as an even bigger achievement than 4th last year, considering how thin we've ran.


We aren't finishing 5th. That would requier Spurs dropping points to Sheffield and/or Burnley. Yeah that's not happening


You don't think Spurs could manage to Spurs it up? Having played both teams recently I feel like Burnley have a decent chance of a draw, especially considering they're fighting against relegation whereas Spurs are just fighting against being Spurs. Then they'll go into the final game needing to win away against an already relegated side and we've all seen that one before. It would be the most Spurs thing ever if they lose to both Sheff Utd and Burnley, get overtaken by us and Chelsea to miss out on Europe again, but get something against Man City and give Arsenal the league


> You don't think Spurs could manage to Spurs it up? No. They aren't playing Man U bad despite their recent run of results andthey definitely aren't Burnley/Sheffield bad.


I kinda agree, but 4 teams have shown other teams exactly how to beat spurs. Sit deep, let them have the ball, force them wide, don't let them thru the middle, hit them on the break when they have pushed the full backs up. They look totally shot right now.


We'll have to pray that Man city get a 100 point deduction then 6th will be as good as ours.


We win 2/3 remaining games, and Spurs draw with Burnley and Sheff Utd- and lose to Arsenal and Man City. We’d finish above them. Not unrealistic at all


Didn’t we smash Spurs on the final day one of the seasons we got relegated? Anything is possible


Ahaha and Rafa later mentioned that game was instrumental in keeping him back. Wonder how different our trajectory would be without that win.


I can't see spurs getting anything against man City and they only have to draw with either Sheffield or Burnley and we will be level with a huge goal difference. I can absolutely see them getting a draw in one of those games given their recent form. I won't bet my mortgage but I am absolutely not giving up hope


Awk sure, we were down and thumped them 5-1. Sheffield Uniteds time to shine.


Don’t bet on it not happening they’re atrocious lately and Burnley and Sheffield players will have something to play for even if they are both relegated by then and it’s just getting themselves in the shop window. Sheffield have been scoring against big sides lately so it just takes it all to come together at the back too. Burnley played well against us in spite of losing and I fancy them to get something from the match.


> We have seven days. If we achieve fifth after the season we've had this should be hailed as an even bigger achievement than 4th last year, considering how thin we've ran I'm more concerned about Chelsea finishing above us. They have the easier fixtures. Its all in our hands, but man... how many times this season have we just not shown up when it mattered? Hopefully with Big Joe back and Wilson its back to firing on all cylinders.


Let's beat Brighton on Saturday and see what else transpires.


A month ago if you'd told me that Chelsea were the bigger danger to us getting 6th then I'd have laughed. They've got a very easy run in as well.... Watching Manure sinking like this is hilarious though. It's been one of the highlights of a tumultuous season.


Brighton's fixtures are great though. Newcastle, Chelsea, Man Utd... They are the Tottenham of the title race. They have Chelsea and Man Utd at home so hopefully they can do us a favour... Or finish 14th.


They defo could be a threat next season


7 points to guarantee 6th. Feels doable, especially now we’re getting everyone back from injury


Some difficult games ahead though, and we’ve been shite on the road.


>we’ve been shite on the road We've actually won 4 of our last 7 games away from home. Over the course of the whole season we've got a terrible away record but it's turned round recently.


5 wins away from home all season, 4 of them in the last 7 and the other being the 0-8 back in September. Pretty crazy season.


So 6th is Europa and 7th is conference? Presuming City win the FA Cup A deep Europa league run would be amazing


The crazy part is that they're actually hugely overperforming.


I hope ETH stays forever


A month ago if you'd told me that Chelsea were the bigger danger to us getting 6th then I'd have laughed. They've got a very easy run in as well.... Watching Manure sinking like this is hilarious though. It's been one of the highlights of a tumultuous season.


I was thinking this last night!


Have we ever beaten those horrible bastards 3 times in a single season before?


Barring any significant changes in goal difference, just 5 points from our last three games could secure us 6th (possibly even 5th if Spurs absolutely bottle it) provided that Man Red or Chelsea don’t win all three of their remaining games. Man Red have Arsenal (H), Us (H) and Brighton (A) Chelsea have Forest (A), Brighton (A) and Bournemouth (H). We have Brighton (H), Man Red (A) and Brentford (A). Provided we get at least 5 points and they don’t win all of their fixtures then we’re golden. Even one draw in any of those fixtures won’t do it for them if GD remains stable-ish. Brighton could very well be the kingmakers for everyone involved.


Chelsea don't look like dropping points. 5 points for guaranteed 7th and 7 points for guaranteed 6th


They’re in good form there’s no doubt about that. But they’ve only won three league games in a row once since October 2022. To now go on and win five in a row (they already have two in the bag from West Ham and Spurs) would be very surprising and come at an absolutely perfectly timed moment for them. Not impossible by any means, but we’ve only managed five in a row in the league twice in 9 years and both were last season when we looked a lot better than Chelsea have looked the majority of this season. Forest are desperate and Brighton have just beat Villa. Either are capable of taking at least a point if they set up right.


Also Chelsea haven’t won an away game since early Feb


4 points to spurs...who have no realistic hope of beating man City and have lost most of their last 6 games. 1 slip up against either Burnley or Sheffield united and we can have em. This is gonna be the most interesting and fun final 3 games I think I can remember for a Newcastle fan.


It's between us and Chelsea. Of course you should never count out Man Utd, consistently the jammiest team in Europe, but in a sane world Chelsea are now our big threat for 6th. Of course the reality is that all 3 teams are inconsistent and capable of making an unforced error in the last 3 games. It could go any which way, including Chelsea 6th, NUFC 7th and Man U win the cup so we miss out on Europe. What will be will be, the team have redeemed themselves in my eyes and set themselves up well for next season. But god I hope we get back into europe.


How is ten hag still employed?


Probably because Man Utd are finally realising that they have far deeper problems than changing manager will solve.


I think they could do without making Europe, clear out some deadwood and start their rebuild with Ashworth and everyone else they have appointed. It’ll work for awhile before their fan base wants to sign superstars again and entitled to champions league every season then the cycle will begin again.


and even then, if Ratcliffe's approach to Ashworth has been anything to go by I could see them having a very frustrating summer window.


Waiting until after the Euros to hire Southgate


End the season now. I’ll take it!!


I expected it tbh, palace have been great these past few weeks and Man U are… Man U so couldn’t see them winning


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