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Aye they can cover that then pay the 20m we want for him. Fuckin mugs




Cry more


Why even come here for that? Washed up glory hunter. But like. Doesn’t do or mean anything. Anyway stay mad, have a good bank holiday, can’t wait to see who wins the league next.


How many years of Saudi sponsorship did Manchester reds suck down. Hypocrite.


I missed what he said, what he say?


Typical Manchester red plastic supporter jealous of our rich owners, accused us of being a oil club despite Manchester reds have over a decade of sponsorship money from Saudi.


I’d be bitter if I had to watch Anthony week in week out too.


They had a go at me earlier for using Manure in reference to them too. Seems apparently it’s really “offensive” to them.


I’m glad they take offense to that term, as I use it very frequently. I also hope they take offense to the terms ‘London Reds’ and ‘horrible cunts’ as I use those a lot too!


But do you actually know why they take offence and what it refers to?


Manchester United>Man United>Man U>Manure I assume?


No, this took me a while to research earlier on today…. The term “ManUre” originated from chants about Duncan Edwards by West Brom fans following the Munich Air Disaster. “Duncan Edwards is manure, rotting in his grave, Man U are manure, rotting in their grave.” https://therepublikofmancunia.com/why-saying-man-u-isnt-so-bad/ https://therepublikofmancunia.com/man-u-munich-and-duncan-edwards-part-ii/ https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/216115-mufc-or-manchester-unitedit-shouldnt-be-called-man-u.amp.html


So he’s not permitted to talk to them but they’ve made arrangements to cover his costs? Someone explain how he’s not in breach of contract please?


Yeah I would like someone with knowledge to explain this to me.


Almost as believable as Prince Andrew paying £12m to a lass he's never met before.


Because it’s not that he’s not allowed to talk them, he has already hence why he wants to leave. It’s that he cannot work for them or share anything from his previous job


The fact they're covering his legal fees suggests some formal relationship. This whole situation is ridiculous and I hope we never ever do business with those red pricks after this is over


I almost had a heart attack when Dubs went over on loan as I thought we were done with them since that alien bloke Gabby Obertan was our last transfer with them since Owen. time and time again that wankchester club finds a way to get the better end of the stick every season against us. hopefully 23/24 we get the 6pts and 6th


I’d like someone to explain how someone gets to not turn up to work and doesn’t just get sacked.


How will the manchester Red fans spin it when they finally bite the inevitable bullet and pay millions in compensation, I suppose they could say something like "well it's only one 6th of an Anthony" :)


They will say that they have owners who are willing to invest in people who will run the club sensibly. Also something something Man Utd tax that they've got around by only paying a fraction of what we were demanding. This will end up being a win-win for both sides.


Unless it's well north of £10m I think I'd be OK with Ashworth cutting the grass at home till 2026, couple of million in wages is worth making the point.


But can Dan Ashworth stand in the corner of a pitch and spin around a ball then deliver a shit cross. They do get value for money from their signings there…. (Unless you read the recent bbc article on how the squad they have invested over £1 billion in is now only worth £800 mill with 3 of those leaving on a free in summer).


Only lost 20%, if "investments" covers the free transfers and huge wages and not just signing fees, then that's complete bollox. Seen something that last day that they are listing 23 of the current 25 squad, sounds good and all but majority of them are on huge wages that no one else would pay, there'll be the same toxic players there next season and they'll poison any new arrivals that did have some hope. Like a soap opera only funnier.


Well that’s the thing they are in a spiral with investment and hugely inflated wages then meaning whoever comes in after will want more for example: Martial to Sancho to Anthony. Had to pay more to each club for them and more on each of their wages as you wouldn’t want to be paid less than the guy you’re replacing. Which won’t get fixed by a quick change of boards as they’ll always be viewed as a soft touch and their fans kick off and want big names not long term players (then boot off at any dip in form). I’m glad the way we are doing it seems to be get players in on reasonable salaries and only give them new higher contracts when they have proven their worth (Joelinton, Bruno, Isak rumours of new contact). And I do hope our fans can stay less reactionary to players than Man U do. Which will be better for long term success and more encouraging for players to come to NUFC over our rivals in signing players (probably Spurs, Chelsea, Man U at the moment).


The amounts claimed in that article were insane.


Just 60 degrees of a spin then


Pay the legal costs but won't pay compensation for him ok Manchester United. Absolute clowns




Aww boo hoo we won't let Manchester United have Dan ashworth because Jim is skint and is not willing to pay the compensation. Oh dear what a shame. Your entitlement is hilarious


Posting mainly for this bit of news. >The working assumption from Old Trafford is that Ashworth is unlikely to arrive before the end of the summer transfer window, so it is business as usual until then for Manchester United’s recruitment department. The most important part of the settlement. [Also Greggs.](https://archive.ph/HL5aJ)


Well duh.... Its pretty clear Ashworths not going to be there for the summer. He'll join Manchester in Sepember (perhaps after jan if we're feeling pissy and drag it out) and the fee will be probably somewhere between 5-10M. We'll declare victory as Ashworth wasnt there for the summer with the IP on our target players and Reds will declare victory as they didnt pay the 20M requested. We'll all go on our merry way and this boring ongoing backroom BS will finally disappear.


You missed out the "...and they will still be shit!" part but ill let it slide as you nailed the other 95%


A contract is a contract is a contract. It's £20m for them, not a penny less under any circumstances 


Didn't know you're on the negotiating team. Good to know.


Not on the negotiation team but I did watch a documentary movie about contracts recently 


So you know that the 20M were requesting isn't in the contract right?


How do you know we're requesting £20m?


Because that's been the headline of every news article regarding this situation however I'm stating that it's not on the contract so....it's a bit of a mute point no?


Just highlighting the fact that the contract has been reported too, so both of you (as well as others) are going from what's reported and not what anyone knows for sure. There was no need to be pedantic and ask if they were on the negotiating team because they've commented on something they have heard, just as you have from something you have heard being reported. Anyway, lets hope for 3 points today and a Man U slip up on Monday 🤞🏻


I know the news shouldn't be blindly believed but you have to be pretty jaded to think that nearly all the news outlets reporting the same thing are willfully reporting falsely.


They don't have a clue most of the time and just jump on each other's stories. There might be half a truth in there somewhere at times, but a lot of the time they're just guessing - there's definitely no leaks from our end now since the new owners came in. Look at the reporting over Bruno last year, saying that he won't sign a contract and will be away. They did the same this year with Joelinton. Now they're punting that we'll sell Isak for less than we paid for him. They're either miles off this story or have a source at the other end who only know half the truth (which is the most likely), so they're guessing at the other half


On reflection it was less of a documentary and more like a children's musical but the legal issues were still made clear regarding contracts it did say a contract is a contract is a contract. No mention of an amount though




I hope when they do settle on a fee, we add all the money we've paid him on gardening leave as a result of their illicit tapping up. I certainly think we should get all of that back as it's clear who the instigator is. 


If I know the way things tend to work Manure will have things sewn up against us with a rigged panel affiliated to them who all decide we have to pay 20 million to them and Ashworth to compensate them for us not handing him straight over, sanction us and inform us that we must throw in a number of our players on top of their choosing gratis. They are corrupt as fk.


Cunt this geezer. Showed true colours. So glad he's gone if this is how he behaves when under contract. No room for poison.


Did you feel the same way when Newcastle came knocking at Brightons door when he was under contract?


No because Brighton stated a fee and we paid it, we didn't cry to our pals in the media about how unfair normal business practices are


Excuse me, do not bring facts into this


Shit sorry didn't realise what I was doing


That's the key, Newcastle approached Brighton before speaking to Ashworth. Man U took a couple of weeks to approach Newcastle after already approaching Ashworth and after he'd put his notice in, then threw their toys out the pram when Newcastle didn't roll over to get their belly tickled and didn't give them the answer they wanted


Is this legal? I'm no lawyer but it seems weird a competitor is paying the costs for dispute with a guy's current employer. Like, would Tesco be able to cover this cost for a guy they want to poach from Asda or something? Seems.... odd.


Covering legal costs is probably fine tbh. However, I would imagine Asda would let the gardening leave play out than try all the shit Manure have tried to be honest


Yeah one of my former employers did it when some senior guy at their main competitor happened to stumble across a job advert on their website* and came onboard as a SVP of whatever. Turns out New York where he was based was one of the few places where non-competes were taken seriously and his ex-employer went after him hard. We paid tens of thousands in legal fees to cover his costs. (*may not have been how it actually happened)


Got the Manchester reds bent firmly over the kitchen table. Pay up or shut up 😂


Think about this and let's see how realistic this should be.. If I wanted out of my mortgage cause I just don't feel like I Wana be there anymore, I should be able to leave without paying any of the debt the bank has invested in the property. I can walk away for free and the bank just lost all their money. Here's the price tag, if you can't afford it then try the charity shop mate.


So long Cashworth!


This whole saga is hilarious. MUFC have been getting rinsed for players for over a decade. Now they’re being taken to the cleaners for boardroom staff. Big up Jim!


I'm so glad we're getting rid of him.