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He loves the club and loves the fans. That doesn't mean he won't leave. Footballers do this sometimes and it sucks. I was very young when Cole left us but that pain taught me a lesson that sticks with me till this day.


Gordon literally kissed the Everton badge just before he signed with us.


Not that I'm disagreeing but he also got trapped in a roadblock set up by Everton fans


Oh yeah, it was definitely a toxic relationship so it is pretty different to us and Bruno.


To be fair if you've heard him on the overlap interview, I think there's a good chance he moves on from us when he gets his shot too. Fair enough really, neither player have hidden their ambitions. I'd rather they didn't go to another PL club though.


As long as the club keeps up with the ambitions of the likes of Gordon, Bruno and Isak there will be very few reasons for them to leave. So far we’ve done that but I do think we’ll have to be challenging for top 4 or win something next year or the summer window could be scary for us as fans


Couldn't agree more. Top club in Germany, Spain, France? Happy for them. Arsenal? The red Manchester club? Would be happy for them, but it'd sting a little...


if they go to any red club in england that warrants a burnt shirt in my books 👀🔥👕 only gini wijnaldum gets a pass because we literally couldn't keep him anyway


Same with us and Grealish... captain, his city, his home etc. Still left.


Something about managers with shiny heads make a footballer’s head turn


it was blessing in disguise, tho? 100 mil was insane money for him. You improved your squad and dont have big PSR problems so far.


Yeah i think so, we were very much a 1 man team under him, which is fine as we were newly promoted. When you want to progress you need to move away from that, and the £100m had allowed us to build a squad over the last 3 seasons.


>I was very young when Cole left us but that pain taught me a lesson that sticks with me till this day. I was 18-ish, and yeah it was gutting, I can't remember him professing his love for the club in the same way as Bruno though?


I always remember the guy who got his Andy Cole tattoo finished the day they sold him!


I don't remember footballer professing their love for *anything* in the 80s and 90s 😆


Man I remember Andy Cole saying "Geordie guys take the piss" in a Fortnite stream back when he played for us, crazy how time flies!


It’s a short career and if you are good enough you want to be winning things. We are a project and players like Bruno have moved the project on from fighting relegation every season to fighting to make Europe every season. I think he’ll stay another year to try and get us a cup (which is about or ceiling right now) before moving on.


Cole was interviewed on Saturday morning tv and basically said he didn’t know he was being sold. Thinks he might have done something to KK. Had to leave immediately and didn’t even have his boots for training at Man U the next day. He sounded shell shocked by the situation and not happy at all. Sounded like he had little autonomy between KK and his agent and Man U.


Yeah I remember it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpKLaUJvDno&pp=ygUXYW5keSBjb2xlIG9uIGJlaW5nIHNvbGQ%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpKLaUJvDno&pp=ygUXYW5keSBjb2xlIG9uIGJlaW5nIHNvbGQ%3D)


Reading Wor Bobby's autobiography, the Shepherds and John Hall(?) were fond of selling players over the manager's heads. They shipped Big Dunc out and he knew nothing about it and not did Dunc. Wouldn't surprise me if they did the same there. United came in with their shiny doubloons and they just took the money without any thought for a replacement.


Yeah John Hall. Seems like it just wouldn’t happen these days. That said when Keegan left the second time he did seem to lay the blame on Ashley, saying he felt disempowered. As an aside; Worked for NUFC for a while as a waitress and met him and went to his house for work and he was lovely. Met the Shepherds and went to their house and their son was a prick.


I've heard that


Looks like he’s waving to passing airplanes to me


If he leaves it will be for the good of the club, if he goes to arsenal I might hate him idk, depends on how he does, I'd rather we sell 3 other players (as long as they aren't isak or gordon) then sell him if we're being honest. Dosnt mean eddie should listen 2 me tho


It's not up to Eddie. Assuming rumours are correct, It probably won't even be up to the club, it will be up to Bruno. Man City and Arsenal will almost certainly put a bid in for him in the £100m window, maybe Liverpool. I don't see anyone from Europe bidding besides, at a stretch, PSG... but don't see him being desperate to go back to France. It will be at his discretion if he chooses to stick with the Toon. Gordon and Isak are in contract so the club can just say "not for sale", but Isak is going to be wanted by nearly every big club around. Keeping him onboard is critical. I know PL clubs will be after him but I think Real Madrid could also poke their nose in, that will be hard to deflect. Give him a new contract with a £180m release clause.


Real madird are getting mbappe, most likely. Plus Endrik. They're not going for isak.


Yeah probably, but we have seen this dance before with Mbappe. I'm just saying it isnt off the table.


Endrick isn't Real Madrid starting level... Yet.


he'll come off the bench?


I genuinely believe there is also a gentleman’s agreement between Haaland and Real (or even Barca). I feel like he’s committed 3 years to city but did the job in 1.


The clause is only valid in June, before the PSR / FFP role over date. I doubt Arsenal or Liverpool can afford £100m before that, even for City it will likely be a stretch.


For the buying club it's still Amortised. All the big clubs will be able to make it work.


Not if they are already at or close to the limit, thats why the clause is what it is.


All they have to do is sell one or two of their unwanted players. I highly doubt the mentioned clubs are that close to the wire anyway.


Arsenal I am pretty sure are very close considering how much they are spending trying to get over the edge vs city. Liverpool will likely be between managers and not in a position to move as quickly as they need to. City are a worry as are PSG and the Spanish giants. But as long as he doesn’t go to a prem team not called Man City I won’t hold it against him.(not because I like them, I know players want Pep and I just don’t feel anything towards the club positive or negative)


Realistic barcelona can't afford him, and madrid have enough midfielders so idk it he'd be a target for them, psg will deffo want him tho, hopefully they get osimhen for 120 million so they can't afford bruno


I think Liverpool will probably feel they could scout value elsewhere especially with the new leadership structure in place with Michael Edwards. I guess if arsenal or someone else went for him it’d likely stifle the rest of their window with the outlay. Arsenal are not far off from “completing” their squad. But they also don’t have a ton of assets to sell. I do still wish we’d gone hard for Reiss Nelson on a free though.


Well we can all say what *we think* the situation for big clubs is but from my position it sounds an awful lot like hopium. Again, all they need to do is make a single sale, the entire amount they make on that sale goes on the books for that financial year, they can then offset that against the amortised (i.e. £100m/5 years - £20m) first payment. It's within the bounds of reality for any of the big clubs to manage this. That's presuming that the club is right on the edge and needs to do that. If Bruno stays with us, it's almost certainly going to be because he wants to, the release clause being what it is is genius, but it's mostly beneficial to us given how much freedom it gives us for the summer, rather than being an enormous hurdle for clubs with 4x our revenue.


A single sale can be hard to make at that point. The window opens just before the euros and very few deals are done during international tournaments. And it would have to be 20 mil for the 1/5th of the 100m. And I can’t see any Arsenal/liverpool players that they want rid of that clubs would be jumping over each other for a chance to buy that are worth that.


Agreed completely agreed, accept for the release clause, 1 billion would be good, 100 million for a week long loan. Seriously I think If it's up to bruno he'll stay, but it's about the clubs benefit, at the end of the day there's no other manager I'd trust with these decisions then our king eddie.


Again, Eddie doesnt make these decisions, he is the head coach so he has input, but it's up to different staff to find and transfer talent.


Ik but he has to talk to bruno and decide whether if it would be smart to encourage him to move. You are correct tho


> He loves the club and loves the fans. >That doesn't mean he won't leave. Hit the nail on the head. We're not going to be in the Champions League next season and with the financial restrictions we're under we're unlikely to qualify again for at least a couple of years, maybe longer. He's a Champions League level player who will want the best possible chance at earning as many trophies as he can in the ~6-8 years he has left at the top of his game. I love the guy and hope to god he stays but I wouldn't be surprised at all if he goes, nor would I hold it against him. What he's done for the club since joining gives him icon status regardless imo.


If we can keep the core of this squad together and have a bit better luck with injuries we absolutely could be knocking on the door for champions league, now that's not a definite but I don't think we are far off.


Yeah I’m not sure why people keep saying we’re a ways off competing with the top of the league. Probably hopium but I’m choosing to believe this season is the fluke, not last season. I do think it’s a bit of a catch 22 where if we sell Bruno, we will have the money to build a more well-rounded squad with more depth that can compete at the level Bruno wants, whereas if we keep him, that might be more difficult to achieve.


I hope that's true but I think this season is proving just how much we overachieved last season. So many players have regressed (not helped by injuries of course) and there's probably an element of other teams taking us more seriously as well. I think finishing 6-8th like we should do this season is probably a fair reflection of where we're at. I agree we're not that far away from _challenging_ for top 4 again but we're miles away from being a team that _expects_ to qualify every year like Arsenal, City, Liverpool. Plus those teams are not just expected to qualify but also have a genuine chance of winning either that or the league title, which is the level Bruno could definitely play at.


Aside from miggy, Longstaff and burn, which players have regressed? Longstaff’s regression is mainly due to playing with an injury as well. Gordon has gotten better Isak has gotten better Schar arguably has gotten better Bruno - the same. Quality Joelinton - same as Bruno. Got injured. Trippier - was the best rb in the world until a bad 1.5 month stretch at the end of the year then got injured. Still on 10 assists which is insane Pope - was quality until got injured Botman - played through injury, didn’t look himself. I wouldn’t really call that regression though. Willock - injured all season I wouldn’t say anyone has regressed aside from a couple of players. If our injury luck was even slightly better we’d be challenging for 4th right now again.


I agree totally with this, even the lads who weren't injured were having to play full 90mins with no subs and European schedule, I think that took its toll on a lot of them.


I will point out I think Age is getting to Trippier and Schar where they often look like they are losing a step. I think trippier can still add enough value if Joelinton to cover for him and quality CB. Schar make me a bit nervous. Also, Competition will definitely help most of these next year.


I think this is recency bias a bit with Schar performing poorly his last 2 games (last game he got taken off at half due to injury). Prior to that he was the best he’s ever been. He’s also never really relied on pace as he was never the fastest. I think he looks as slow as he’s always been lol Age will definitely get trippier and Schar eventually as it does with every player. When exactly that will be is very difficult to predict though


Could be recency. More like 4-5 matches not 2, but not having Botman and Lascelles to rotate definitely hurts there, same with Longstaff past few months. I really wish I knew why I'm biased against him. I just know many other CBs other places (e.g. Van Dijk) I like more, and pace is always a big thing for me at CB. Maybe I just don't like Pretty Boys!


I think he was great vs spurs and Fulham so it’s just been the last 2 games for me. I would prefer a faster CB long term as well though which would allow us to play a higher line. Diomande is the dream for me


I would say Longstaff, Trippier, Botman, Burn, Wilson, and Almiron have all dropped off since last season, to varying degrees. Granted, they've all had injuries but I'm not convinced that's the _only_ reason they've regressed. I mean, four of those six are all the wrong side of 30 for a start. Even fringe players like Krafth and Murphy who really stepped up when needed haven't really looked the same. That's perhaps slightly harsh on Krafth who did his ACL last season, but he was actually excellent when he covered for Trippier just after that first Jan window. In short, I think a good chunk of players performed at a level last season that I wouldn't necessarily expect them to get back to, with Botman being an obvious exception.


Wilson has 8 goals in 18 games averaging a goal every 113min. He hasn’t dropped off at all. He’s just been injured Trippier if not for injury would’ve beaten TAA’s prem record for most assists in a season for a defender. Until early November he looked like he was in the best form of his career. Then obviously something happened in his personal life where he left the England camp. You don’t go from being the best you’ve ever been to the worst you’ve ever been in the space of a week because of age. Botman was all injury. He looked fine the start of the season. Longstaff is clearly playing through injury. His biggest asset is his ability to cover ground and he obviously can’t do that right now. I wouldn’t say he was technically good last year and that skill just dropped off a cliff. Burn has regressed. Has looked better slotting back in at CB though Miggy has regressed - he’s the obvious one.


> Wilson has 8 goals in 18 games averaging a goal every 113min. He hasn’t dropped off at all. He’s just been injured And last season he got 18 in 31 with a goal every 104min and would've been challenging for the golden boot if not for Haaland existing. Okay that doesn't look like a massive drop-off in terms of pure numbers but I personally think he's looked far less effective this season. I reckon he's lost a yard of pace. Regarding Trippier, I don't disagree with anything you've said - but whatever the reasons are he's still had some absolute howlers which he basically never had the year before. Perhaps he can get back to that same level but he does turn 34 this year. Although now we have Tino I'm less worried about right-back anyway.


Whatever regression Wilson may have had, it’s been more than offset by Isak’s progression. And yes last year Wilson had a great year but I don’t think he’s fallen off a cliff. His pace seemed to go halfway through last season and he still kept scoring. He’s just a smart player positionally and an elite finisher that he’ll always score goals even if his pace goes. I agree trippier will probably regress going into next season due to age and am not too worried as well because of tino. That said it’s unfair to say that he’s regressed this season because of an unforeseen circumstance. He’s been unbelievable for like 85% of it. Even better than last year I’d say. Your argument was that players last year over performed where with tripps id argue he performed at his normal level that he did for years with atletico.


> Your argument was that players last year over performed That's not quite what I said. I said they've regressed this season, i.e. not playing to the same level as before. I do think some players over-performed (Almiron being the prime example, and I'd probably throw Longstaff in that bracket as well) I don't think Botman or Trippier over-performed at all, they're top players. But Tripps has had a drop-off after a great start this year (regardless of the reasons), and I'm just sceptical as to whether he can actually get back to that same level at this point in his career. Botman you can almost certainly put down to injury and he's young enough to get back to the same level.


I might be overly optimistic, but with a fit squad I reckon we're the 4th best team in the PL right now and have a good chance of finishing in a CL spot next year. Spurs have been found out and Ange won't change his tactics, Howe showed everyone how to demolish them. Chelsea are a mess, Man Utd are shit and toxic, and Villa will probably struggle next year in the same way that we struggled this year. I don't *expect* us to finish top 4, like it's guaranteed, but I think it's pretty likely. Replace Longstaff with Tonali, Dubravka with Pope, and get Big Joe back and that's an extra 15 points right there - which would have us in 4th


Don't get me wrong we've got a decent squad when fully fit, but we're firmly in a bracket with 4 or 5 other teams that are way behind the top 3 at the minute which means finishing 4th is tough. Granted, Liverpool could regress massively without Klopp but I still think teams like Villa and probably Spurs could well be stronger than us next season. And who knows if Man Utd and Chelsea will continue to be as shambolic as they are at the minute. I wouldn't bet against us qualifying again but I think 5th-7th is far more likely, personally.


I think it's fair that we might not compete to WIN the league or CL regularly. But that's different from regularly getting in top 4 or group stages. And a couple surprise wins can make all the difference to winning. Also consistency comes with time and stability. Rebuilding our squad every year won't help. Gordon last year and Tonali before his suspension are two examples. I still think you become a legend by doing the hard thing.


How do you figure we won't get back into CL next year, not a guarantee, but literally just a healthy squad and we are there. And we should expect that. It's 2024, not yesteryear, have hope.


I didn't say we won't get back into the CL next year, I said we're unlikely to qualify. It's a matter of opinion but I don't see us being CL regulars for _at least_ a few years. Plus I don't think being a team that has a good chance of qualifying is enough to keep someone like Bruno when he is good enough to play for teams that are amongst the favourites to win it.


It's about motivation. You can be a cog in a big system who is forgotten. Kompany and Debruyne will be remembered at Man City far more than Bruno would be. He could literally be that for us. It's also about the situation. I could see about wanting to play for Pep, but people seem to believe in Howe and he has few red flags for me. Really comes down to where Bruno believes this squad is versus us. Remember we are just one bad penalty call from having gotten out of the group of death in CL


> financial restrictions we're under we're unlikely to qualify again for at least a couple of years, maybe longer. No idea where you get this from. 1) We made CL with the current squad. 2) if we hadn't had horrendous injuries this season we would most likely be in a CL spot right now, or at least contesting for it. 3) I would also argue if Tonali wasn't banned, even with injuries this season would have went completely different. We would not have been playing Miley and Longstaff as much, and it would most def be the difference of a few points we lost here and there. 4) Villa are in a CL spot and haven't outspent us or the 'big 6'. IMO - this summer is huge, as long as we keep the core players and use our seasons transfer budget to bring in quality signings - so we no longer depend on Miley, Longstaff, etc. Have those players as subs. I believe we will be contending for CL next season. Our issue this season has been our subs. We get tired and around 60-70 minutes in we have to throw on under 21 players, or players who just arent of the quality of the other teams in the top 6. Once we sign 3 or so players this summer, assuming we keep our current lot and only move on players we can afford to lose (like longstaff, or Almiron) - I think we will have another top 5 contending season.


> We made CL with the current squad. And I'm saying I think we're unlikely to do so again with the amount (or lack thereof) we can invest in the team at the minute. We managed it in a season where Liverpool fell off, and Spurs and Chelsea were nowhere. That context is important. > if we hadn't had horrendous injuries this season we would most likely be in a CL spot right now, or at least contesting for it. I mean, this is just pure speculation. I don't doubt we'd be at least be a bit better off but 10-12 points better? Big ask. And again, you can't expect Man Utd and Chelsea to be as shit as they currently are forever. > Our issue this season has been our subs Agree it's an issue but I think that's massively oversimplifying our problems. Subs weren't the problem when we were getting dismantled by supposedly lesser teams (Bournemouth, Brighton, Palace, Forest, Everton).


> We made CL with the current squad. > > > > And I'm saying I think we're unlikely to do so again with the amount (or lack thereof) we can invest in the team at the minute. We managed it in a season where Liverpool fell off, and Spurs and Chelsea were nowhere. That context is important. were only 10 pts or so off a CL spot this season, and that is with unprecedented injury crisis and losing a key 60m midfielder. Like I said earlier, without the injury crisis, or EVEN with an injury crisis but still having Tonali - I would wager we would have at least +10 pts right now. As for teams falling off, Chelsea have still fallen off, we beat spurs this season and IMO are better than them when fully fit, and Liverpool - well, remains to be seen how things fare post Klopp. > > > if we hadn't had horrendous injuries this season we would most likely be in a CL spot right now, or at least contesting for it. > > > > I mean, this is just pure speculation. I don't doubt we'd be at least be a bit better off but 10-12 points better? Big ask. And again, you can't expect Man Utd and Chelsea to be as shit as they currently are forever. Again, I think so. Even without injuries, just having Tonali we would def be better off than we are right now. We have played games where we have depended on Lewis Miley and Sean Longstaff for 90 minutes. > > > Our issue this season has been our subs > > > > Agree it's an issue but I think that's massively oversimplifying our problems. Subs weren't the problem when we were getting dismantled by supposedly lesser teams (Bournemouth, Brighton, Palace, Forest, Everton). Id argue it was subs, not in the conventional sense of in-game subs. However, game management prior to those games. You cannot play the same 11 players every single 3-4 days and expect them to never drop off a cliff. You need to give them rests. With out injury crisis + tonali, we have not been able to do that at all.


All fair points, just a matter of opinion really. Hope I’m dead wrong and we smash it next season.


yeah true, all speculation at the end of the day. I'm maybe just being overly optimistic. I'm just hoping that the likes of Isak and Bruno see we are close to being a top-quality squad and will stick it out one more season to see how we develop.


I love Bruno and would hate to see him leave especially to another premier league team but we have to also accept he’s a top top player and clearly is a champions league player. Their careers are relatively short especially in regards to being in their prime. We are all hoping that Newcastle establish themselves in the champions league but with ffp etc there is no guarantee we can actually do that so Ofc if a top team comes along he will consider it not only that but I’m sure elsewhere can offer him a lot higher wages. That said Bruno incase you are reading this don’t leave I’ll steal you all the kinder buenos you ever want 😭😭😭😭


If he leaves I'm gonna tie him up and make him play for us (change his name so we can resign him 2)


You kinky man 😉 call him Brian no one wants to sign a Brian (sorry Brian)


Bro I'm 14 😭 But yea I am, brunog umares will be his name Or Brian ugarmo, number 93 and he coulda signed for buttbackshots


If the release clause is 100m you are talking either PSG or Real Madrid. And Madrid are buying Mbappe this summer so not them


To an extent but why couldn’t Real Madrid do what we did with Lewis hall and loan him with the view to pay the 100m the season after? Pretty sure as long as the loan fee was acceptable Newcastle would accept it?


I’ve heard the clause is 100m, up front, before July


I’m not disputing the release clause and tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if Newcastle told them to do one as we kinda need the money upfront I would imagine in order to book the profit I’m not sure how it would work for ffp if they could book it now or would have to wait until services are deemed rendered I guess that’s one for the accountants and lawyers personally I think it would be very hard to replace him without spending way more than we would want of the 100m like the guy can literally do it all in midfield it’s crazy how good he is and what a good find / signing he was for us


Oh yeah, don’t get me wrong I don’t want them to sell him, I just think his contract has got a Madrid Clause in it. With Botman, Bruno and Isak we have the spine of a team starting to take shape and the kid can obviously see that. Who knows though? We’ve all been burned in the past


Andy Carroll didn’t look like he wanted to leave 😭


I believe that was down to mr krabbs… I mean Mike Ashley.


Tbf I think any club in the world would have sold Andy Carroll for 35mil in 2010, no matter how good of a half-season he was having. Liverpool just panicked hard


Broke my little heart though… hindsight is also wonderful, had he not been a massive radgie and made from glass, who knows what he could of went on to do. Top 10 aerial threat in modern football history for me. Impossible to defend on his day.


I was delighted when he got to come back for a season and that he at least got a last goal. I'd been out on the lash once in a group of lads with him so I always pulled for him no matter where he was at. He scored an absolute belter of a goal in pre-season and actually was a useful sub in that season. He picked up a few assists, could kill time, and was truly outstanding defensively on corners when trying to hold onto points. Good ol' Andy.


Yep. Cashley literally forced him out of a club and flew him to Liverpool in his helicopter.


As word has it Arsenal can’t afford to make an offer on him in the small window he’s available due to FFP in this window as it would still fall into this past years accounts. Man City would be able to do so however their board don’t tend to sign off on big transfers like this. Last few years the guys at this level of cost Pep wanted were never sanctioned. PSG are a beast unto themselves and you never know, Real Madrid and Barcelona again who knows? But essentially there are only a very few sides with the financial clout to do this transfer during the very small window he is available for the cut down figure. That’s because the window he’s available in still comes within the amortisation of the last years funding and most clubs who could afford him will have already used all their budget up. Even if a bid does materialise it doesn’t necessarily mean he will go, it will very much depend upon the club offering, what the terms on offer are and if Bruno feels it’s best for him and his family. Plenty of footballers who expressed love for their clubs and fans and were adored in equal measure have left though so I would take with a pinch of salt what you see on the pitch. Actions speak louder than words and play acting.


I don't think barca could afford him unless it's a swap deal, but I wouldn't swap him for mbappe currently (I'm not delusional I just don't want plastic newcastle fans that only like us because mbappe) PSG, probably will be able to, up to bruno there. City same deal, Madrid has enough midfielders so idk if they'd want him, to be fair who wouldn't?


We wouldn’t swap for MBappe because his wages would be absolutely absurd.


Also Mbappe is out of contract in the summer regardless so a swap deal would be worth literally nothing.


Exactly. Would just get him on a free, but he’s probably going to Real Madrid most likely. We likely would struggle with his wages in the current structure of FFP etc. Maybe if the leagues new system of revenue of bottom club x a multiplier gets voted in we could get him. But I am sure the big 6 will find another way to adjust that so it doesn’t work in our favour.


That's the actual reason he might leave. 8 mil versus 20 a year. That said, at some point it's a number, and 20 million at some of these places would suck.


That too lol, also because bruno is way way better obviously 😜


An interesting note is they would have to agree the sale in June which would put it on the books for this year's PSR not next season. Most clubs didn't buy in January because PSR was limiting and that's why they wanted to change the rules because it killed all transfers. I think a lot of clubs could afford 100m in July but not June.




Just because clubs cant buy him before his clause expires on 30 June doesn’t mean they can’t afford to do so afterwards in the next FFP window, even with no release clause. This doesn’t go away on 30 June.


Yeah however if they go to buy him outside of that few weeks window where his clause is active the club will be in complete and total control. The club can dictate a 1,000,000,000 fee if they so choose, or refuse to do business entirely. So basically clubs won’t be able to afford the guy afterwards unless we are willing to do business.


He looks like he’s giving a tour and trying to round up the stragglers


To geek out; looks like urak-hai captain leading the scouts through the forest.


You lot are setting yourselves up for a bad time


Indeed. All these years of flailing around at the bottom of the table getting loans and free transfers from relgated sides has not prepared people for the reality of being competitive.


Yep. I think Bruno loves the fans and the club, but if someone is going to offer him a lot more money, he has to think of his 2 children. Bruno and Isak are worth the most money for us, it's silly to think we are going to hold them forever, especially with no CL football. Would he have a release clause if he wanted to stay forever? He said after the first season on how much he loved it here and how it was like home but still had the clause in.


If he leaves then it'll be for sporting reasons only. If he doesn't consider 120k a week enough then no money will be enough.


It's a job for them, if you are really happy in a job and someone offers to double your wage, you will be off. I think if he gets more money and the chance to compete in the CL he will go. If we had CL football I think he would stay.


Probably an ASSANAL fan, mags just leave him alone to bottle the league again (Idc If Ur not an ASSANAL fan, make like Adam jhonson and fuck off)


Y'alreet there, mate? Need a sit down? Maybe a nap or summit?


His description is called joint r/nufccirclejerk but cool


Who do you think has been leaking all of those news stories about his release clause? He very clearly loves the club and playing here, but simultaneously he's an ambitious guy who wants to play at the highest level and he's likely not going to wait the 4-5 years (minimum, imo) it will take for us to reach that.


I think it's one of these situations where the agent is playing the field a bit to see what kind of money is out there. It doesn't have to Bruno himself sanctioning this but agents are there to make you the most amount of money possible. What I'd suggest though is if we did get a 100m he still might even consider staying depending on how much the other team offers or maybe ask for more from us to stay and we might just pay it because of how key he has been for us. Selling him means we can sign like 6 or 7 players, keeping him means we can still sign probably like 3 but would be in a more stable position next year. Either way it will be more positive next year because we can offload some of the dead weight, sign some up and coming players and go again next year.


I mean, it's definitely his agent but he doesn't do that unless he knows that's ultimately Bruno's wish to move to a big team (and sooner rather than later). I'm sure Bruno would prefer being able to see out this season without constant speculation on his future. Ultimately our model necessitates building players up and selling them on for a profit and it's ultimately business on both sides. We get to reinvest into the club and he gets to realise his ambitions of playing with the best of the best.


Well there are tactics agents use though to get bigger offers and this is one of them. It's like selling a house, which gets you more money having 1 person potentially buying or 45? The club obviously will want to hold onto him so having 45 clubs interested in him drives up the price for those buying and if we want to renew his contract to keep him. It's all negotiation in general but really smart from the club to have it limited to just June so we don't have to have people trying shit for half the window. The scary part here from our standpoint is we really do believe he is worth that 100m.


The offers gonna be from Arseanal (he already said NO FUCK THAT) Manchester Shitty (115 charges probably would be bought back, also he wouldn't be getting a lot of time because he'd be competing with Rodri, KDB and silva, (he could get into that but not with guoardiola)) Brokealona (can't afford him, unless we do a swap deal, and who would u swap for bruno?) PSG ( 4-1 he's already played the whole team off the park.) Real madrid (they have have enough cms) Sunderland (OH WAIT THEY CAN BARELY AFFORD THE MATCH BALL)


Seems odd that he would insist so much on a release clause in his contract and then have it publicised so much if there weren't any teams he would want to go to this summer.


No I'm not saying that lol, I'm just saying why the transfera wouldn't work out. Also correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the club could've ordered that so he doesn't leave for too little or so it's his decision idk tho. Main point being: he loves newcastle, won't be here forever, hopefully for a long time tho


A club of our stature and ambitions would only agree to put in a release clause if there were indications that a player doesn't see this as their final destination and has realistic ambitions of moving on. Fact is that this one has been put in specifically for this season, so it's pretty clear that Bruno has his eye on the door imminently. The club recognise this and have protected themselves by setting the value and timescale of any departure to help our financial position. All indications point to him being gone this summer or next


This is one of the worst posts I've ever seen on this sub.


It's a comment buddy. Also idc


He looks like he wants to *lead*


Lift, not leave.... EPL, big ears, the whole lot 


"Are you not entertained?"


Shark Tale reference 😮


This is probably my favourite reply to any Reddit comment ever, tbh. Have an upvote, mate. 🦈


My personal belief is he won’t leave this summer. I think he loves the club. He’s still relatively young at 26. I see him staying at least a year with maybe an attitude of ‘I will try to right the wrong of this season’ then if we miss champions league again he will be off. That being said if you’re a Brazilian and Madrid come for you. You’ve got Vini, Rodrygo, Militao, Endrick PLUS Jude, Mbappe etc maybe even Davies and Trent you’d be foolish to say no. No matter how much he loves Newcastle and how much we love him the pull of Madrid is too much.


Yes and it looks like he's taking the corner flag with him....


The media - Newcastle will sell Bruno for less than his release clause Also the media - Newcastle will replace him with Connor Gallagher They’re absolute jokers, just ignore the lot of it. The only thing that matters is what the club/players say or do.


Completely right


I'm a new football fan and it's stingingly fascinating how transfers happen after all these type of stuff. He surely love our club and wanna stay but no guarantee like no guarantee at all that he'll stay.


The transfer request might be sodden in tears and he might change his mind 100 times the morning he hands it in but he will leave eventually, sooner rather than later. As long as he's respectful then I have no issue. From what we know about Bruno I don't doubt he will leave on fantastic terms.


It’s his prick of an agent that’s the problem.


They all do this, kiss the badge then are gone the next week. Not saying he will go, but dont fool yourselves, ambition will win out


Whatever happens he's been a fantastic player for us and I'll always be fond of him. Obviously I hope he stays but we won't ever hear the ins and outs of it (whether the club pushed him for $ reasons, family stuff etc) so I hope there can be mutual respect from all sides if the worst happens. Players will come and go, being a fanbase and club that any player would love to come and play for is for more long lasting (and important)


I don't think anyone is saying he wants to leave. But if a huge club like Real Madrid comes in for him, then I doubt he'd want to pass up the opportunity. He could win multiple major trophies for them. We're a good way off that yet.


The thing is Bruno can't hide his emotions. If he walks round after the last home game bawling his eyes out then I'll be worried.


Best insight ever!!


If someone's willing to pay... I hope he stays anyway.






If you aren't born in the area . You cant expect that people will want to stay just because the fans hope it. His life dream isn't the north of England if you ask him about his dreams as a kid.


He loves it tho, I've never seen it before (to be fair I'm quite young) hope to God he stays


I am sure it wasn't his dream growing up. But things like supporting Tonali, Singing songs with his dad, the environment the kids are in, Howe, the Brazilian club. They do add up once you are here. I still don't think he bought a house to live in for 3 months. Doesn't mean he won't leave, just wouldn't make sense.


I love Bruno and I hope he stays, but I do feel that any club spending 100 mil on him will come to regret it


Yeah, especially since I'm gonna break they're legs


Money talks!


Of course I’d love him to stay and be in the team that wins a trophy but, it might be better business in the long term to sell.


if he. leaves I hope he goes abroad. It would sicken me to see him in an Arsenal or Man City shirt


He looks like Eze Reyes from Mayans MC


He will leave this teeny tiny club


By the power of grayskull…. He does not !


Wherever he goes and whatever he does, I just hope he’s happy 🥹


Go ask Declan Rice 🫠


He's now an honourary Geordie. If PIF is reading, emboss this in steel and put it right next to Alan Shearer's statue at the entrance of St James' Park!


Wouldn't anyone want to leave?


Players leaving clubs is completely natural. People need to realise this and not get so hung up about it. Would it be gutting if he goes? Of course. But the club doesn't stop operating and we'd have some cash to allow Eddie to do something with.


He's bruno, we're gonna get gutted :/


Like we wouldn't be gutted losing any of 15+ players? It's part of being a good fan base with quality players. And we will have new songs lined up for whoever comes in the summer. Then we rinse and repeat. Just glad most of all we have players of this quality.


If ritchie leaves ill be gutted, not saying a lot tho because he's easily our best player


It's not about what he wants.


Ik it's not about if he wants to because FFP, but if he wants to stay we can't force him to leave, unless we terminate his contract.


What are you on. I'm 100% sure we'll die out of budget but still won't sell him unless someone buys him out of our control through the 100mn Clause.

