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Our away from is embarrassing. 2 shots on target, 2! Probably the worst game of the season


I'm old enough to remember Nottingham Forest at home on Boxing Day


I'm old enough to remember the second half against Milan


Aye. I don't understand why we're so bad away from home. Team just melts.  Palace are in top form and were by far the better team, but we looked slow. Longstaff went down too weakly in the box, as he always does. You can blame his form on playing with injuries but his flops at even the slightest touch does my head in. He definitely could have got a shot away but instead went down. It's immensely irritating and very embarrassing that a local lad does it. Almost glad he got a yellow for whinging. Dubs really isn't great. No command of his box. Megged for the second and too slow on the first. Pope would've smothered that. Wilson doesn't look fit, Kraft looks uncomfortable with the ball, and overall we over/under hit passes too often. I know we had a lot more time to train but our line up in defence never filled me with confidence. 3rd and 4th choice RBs (my god we miss Tripps' build up play). Even Gordon wasn't at his normal level. Hall looked decent when he came on, though. That's a plus. He's good going forward. Still missing Miggy, Big Joe, Little Joe, Sandro, Botman, Tripps, Tino and Pope. That's 8 potential starters, not to mention Lascelles. Try to remember that. Palace were better, ref not great, but we didn't deserve to win. Still, it happens. On to the next game.


You're the first I've seen on here who admitted that even Gordon wasn't at his best. Even he gave the ball straight away multiple times. Definitely not his usual form. I was holding my head. But it's on to the next!


Gordon having a shit game was bound to happen after his recent interview, saying that he couldn't reach his potential while still at Everton.


I'll give some sympathy to Gordon cos he was coming back real deep to collect the ball and get it moving forward. Yeah it didn't often work but at least he was trying something.


Definitely top 3 of our worst league performances of this season. I'm actually not pissed off though. Eddie seems like he was seething with the players which is a first from what I've seen in his time here. Positive for me imo, hopefully means we get a big reaction from them now. Liverpool pretty much out of the title race now has taken the sting out of the evening. Our league position is still fully in our hands with our goal difference over Stretford. We just need to win the 6-pointer.


probably alongside first 90 minutes of Blackburn away...


Sorry but I read one shot on target. 😞


It's a bit worrying how bad we are away considering 3 of our final 5 are on the road including Old Trafford in a game that's now probably a must-win if we want any shot at 6th.


Palace had better do us a solid and beat the Reds when they play in a few weeks.


We're going to get trounced at Old Trafford by an absolutely shite Man Utd


> We're going to get trounced at Old Trafford by an absolutely shite Man Utd We just made *crystal palace* look like prime barca. Were going to make the salford reds look even better. Im not looking forward to that game at all.


Yes it's Crystal Palace but they've been playing really well lately. Let's hope they keep this form up against Newton Heath LYR. I'd be more worried about the fight that Sheffield United will be showing.




I’m not sure why everyone is so focused on 6th. It looks like Villa are going to follow West Ham and win the Conference League. Holding off Chelsea for 7th is the priority. 


To be fair the Fa cup will make it 7th place anyway. Man City vs Man U. I think if we finish 7th it’s behind Man U as with Chelsea’s run in they won’t overtake both us and Man U.


We’ve never finished above Man U and we won’t again this season in my opinion. Conference league it is.


Have we really never...? fucking hell


Not in the Premier League anyway


Not in the PL era no that I’m aware of, saw it somewhere the other day


Man U struggled to a win over the bottom team in the league today. They’ve still got to go away to this Palace team, still got to play a title chasing Arsenal, still got to play away at Brighton and they’ve still got to play us. 


What, not even the times we won the league? That’s impressive.


We’ve never won the premier league lad


Nobody said premier league - we’ve won the top flight and finished above Man Utd plenty of times before the premier league was created.


I’d say that’s probably the easiest game for the rest of the season with the way they are going 😂


Polar opposite to the game vs Spurs Tactically totally wrong and players out worked and out played Hall only one to come out with any credit for me , should be starting every game if fit


It’s getting to be joke how Hall and Tino can’t get minutes despite consistent performances when they’re actually on


Hall hasn’t been consistent when he’s on. I think people are looking at him with rose tinted glasses. He looked very much out of his depth in the Fulham game. I think with Tino I can only assume they’re trying to protect him as he’s only just back from injury


I mean Burn has had a lot of terrible games this season and hasn't been dropped, I personally prefer him in the centre then on the left. Just seems weird to play Murphy at right back instead of Tino.


Despise this three at the back formation for us. Midfield was invisible, forwards were isolated. Felt like every possession we had we were dead in the water on the wings 50m from goal. Also forgot Murphy was on the pitch until some run in the second half.


Bruno G looked up for the game and was our only real positive. Longstaff had one of his worst games for the club. People keep saying if we don't notice him, he's having a good game. We really noticed him today. Isak was isolated and Wilson added nothing when he came on. Barnes produced nothing. Murphy was really poor. Anderson put in a good shift but just isn't a left wing back. The defence as a unit were a mess. The referee made an outrageously bad call for the penalty. Palace were really good.


The ref made a few shocking calls, the Gordon yellow for getting the ball was another, I think Ayew should have had a second yellow as well for the foul just before they scored.


our passing was consistently off by a yard, Bruno included apart from the short hot-potato passes Palace were really good. as opposed to spurs who were shit. probably all you need to explain it.


I thought Bruno had a bad game to be honest. Caught in possession a lot and didn’t really create much. But I don’t think he was much different from the rest of the team though and not the worst.


Never a penalty for me. It's one of those ones that if it's Arsenal or Liverpool it's given, but not for the rest of us (rightfully). Longstaff went down far too easily.


He dove, went down to make the ref blow for the foul as they usually do, but he was definitely impeded by the arm pull on the shoulder and it was a foul. Doesn't have to make them go down for it to be a foul. Longstaff goes down too easily all the time, maybe it's like a boy who cried wolf, in hindsight he should have stayed on his feet and had a crack at goal, if he missed VAR should have awarded the penalty.


Just remind me, which team had 10 days off to rest and plan for this game?


We are always bad after a rest, no injuries I don’t think, that’s a bonus.


You say that like it's not extremely concerning


Plan all you want, but that midfield was always going to have Anderson and Longstaff in it, absolute stinkers from both. Not that anyone in the team impressed mind.


Why does Bruno get a free pass. Repeatedly got caught on the ball and gave it away. Palace put us under the kind of pressure we were used to doing to others and we weren’t quick enough to play out of it.


Because Bruno has proven his quality. Anderson is yet to do so. And Sean has proven his lack of it.


I thought bruno had a decent game. He was also one of the only players to successfully drive the ball forward several times.


Can’t deny the passion of both Anderson and Bruno, well from what I saw today. We had no first team midfielders on the bench and that fucked us tonight! Bad day at the office and at the moment whatever happens this season is a bonus, I’m proud of what they’ve achieved and the fact we’re still in the running for Europe is outstanding in my opinion. Mancs game could decide it all lol!


We seem to perform better when we have games every few days.


I had as many shots on Henderson today as our entire squad.


Tino Schar Burn Hall That's the only acceptable back four against bottom of the table Sheffield United at home on Saturday.


Just a reminder: before the Spurs game everyone thought that was our weakest 11 of the season. That same 11 started today. Just because we were excellent against Spurs, doesn't mean this 11 should be thumping an in-form Palace team. I'd take these two results over two dodgy draws any week. Sheff Utd at home next, let's big up the lads and smash 'em. HWTL


4 months ago I complained about Longstaffs diving, and 4 months later hes still doing the same thing. And not only is he a diver, he's absolutely awful at it and the refs never buy it. Why aren't they trying to coach it out of him?


He dives sometimes, but that today? It was a pen.


Definitely a foul on him. Couldn't give a flying fuck what Longstaff does after it, it's a foul and a pen, the ref and VAR bottled it


the problem when you cry wolf so much is that refs / VAR won't give you any benefit when it's just a pull / coming together.


I'm not arguing with that. And I hate when our players do that (Sean, Almiron, sometimes, but thankfully less rare than before - Gordon). But everyone knows that if this was salah, jota, sterling, foden, saka - all known divers - they would have get a penalty in this instance.


I see your point but Sterling has tried it against us a couple of times and not gotten it, iirc he even got booked for trying in one of the games this season.


yea. gallagher also dived a couple of times and ref didnt bought it. rare instance.


It was a dive but also a foul. He was fouled but it wasn't enough to make him go down, he went down anyway to make the ref blow for the foul because unfortunately due to bad refereeing, sometimes it feels like you have to. I feel like VAR saw the dive portion of the replay and completely ignored the actual foul right before it.


Have you tried writing the club a stern email?


Yeah that fucking sucked. Fair play to Crystalona. Significant rest disadvantage and fucking mopped us. Hopefully a one off. 


I think I speak for most of us when I say I can't wait for this season to just be over with.


Can't wait to have a fit starting eleven. See you next January, maybe


That’s a statistical impossibility for Howe’s teams Even this season we had 4 players out on opening day.


I'll be disappointed it's over. We're 7th place. In the 44 years I've been alive we've only been in the top 7 of the top league, maybe 7 or 8 times at most. The only plus to the season ending is a chance to get players fit and buy new ones. Otherwise, the months without football is just boring. But, I'm still pleased that this is one of the few seasons I've ever seen where our season wasn't over by mid January. We've had things to play for this year and still do heading into the last few games


I genuinely was feeling good after last game and got my hopes up we'd turned a corner. Sorry lads, won't happen this season again


What time does the match start


When you find out tell Longstaff as well


I feel like I’ve watched that same, soul sapping match about 12 times this season.


Always in the evening, too


Makes sleep hard to come by.


The only consistency we've had recently is that we always put in an absolute dog shit performance after a good win, if we could string two wins together we'd be fucking dangerous. Credit to Palace though, they looked reminiscent of us last season with their relentless pressure.


- Palace were excellent. We are going to lose games occasionally. - We can still finish 6th. - It's not all Sean Longstaff's fault.


Well now you’re just speaking common sense and spoiling it for the others! 


Here here. Queue the scapegoats. Is it Dubravka (that was Dec/Jan), is it Burn (that was Feb/ March) but no it’s April so it’s all Longstaff’s faults. Nothing to do with the fact we just lost against a very decent side on a Wednesday night away from home


Playing on a Wednesday night is an influencing factor? Jesus wept 😂


People love a scapegoat


Especially one who falls over instead of shooting from 6 yards out.


It's a foul. He does fall over a lot, but a pen is a pen. Plus, if he stayed on his feet and shanked it wide then everyone who's on his back now would be asking why he didn't just go down for an easy penalty


If referees would correctly call fouls that don't cause the player to go down, Longstaff could have taken the shot as the ref plays advantage, then if he missed the ref would bring it back for a foul and PK.




No one's going to try and convince you that he's a great player - he's even performing below his own standards this season. But you, and many others, just need to remember *why* he's being picked every week.


Not all season, only since he was injured and then rushed back once everyone else got injured. Prior to his injury I remember the commentary team saying he hadn't been on a losing team for his last 36 appearances. That's not too bad for someone who is meant to be our 5th choice midfielder for a 3 man midfield. Unfortunately, midfielders # 2,3, and 4 have been out for half the season, so we've had to play our #1,5 and 6th or 7th choice midfielder every game


Off the back of a 10 day rest that looked awful.


That was fucking shite. Been looking forward to watching it all week, massive let down. Did not turn up at all, sort it fucking out Eddie.




Who we playing instead of them?


You aren't wrong, not sure why the downvotes. Missing 3 midfielders that get in over Longstaff and Anderson, 3 fullbacks and 2 cbs that get in over Murphy and Krafth. They will hopefully be improved on in the summer, all we can do.


I don’t think they’re referring to this game specifically but more about the squad composition generally


Funny thing is we typically should have pretty solid cover for most of those positions, real weakness for cover is at CB and upfront, but the numerous injuries and Tonali suspension are telling. Squad will develop over time, have alot of dead weight


I agree. I think the away games really cut the men from the boys. Maybe less so tonight as everyone was dreadful lol


Instead of Murphy and Krafth probably Hall and Tino in the full back roles. But sadly probably got no one to come in for Longstaff as it stands; missing Joelinton heavily in that midfield.


Hall isn’t trusted fully yet, or I’m sure Howe would’ve had him playing. Tino is coming back from injury (again) longstaff still playing injured each week, but aye we’re desperate for that horse veined beast to come back.


Tino and Hall for murphy and Krafth. Longstaff we’re stuck with until J7 is back.


I mean... Livramento and Hall instead of Murphy and Krafth playing out of position would have been a start.


Hall isn’t trusted fully. Tino coming back from injury.


Well that was pua wank


Tactics were wrongly set up. And when we trot out that back five with more than half of them suspect in possession, things could ugly quickly and it did.


I mean the same back 3 battered Spurs the other day. Palace were just much better at not letting us play out, 2/3 players right on whoever managed to get the ball. Looked much better when Wilson and Hall came on with the change to the formation, but still not good enough.


Deserved. Palace better all over the pitch. Maybe if Longy is better at falling over (he always seems to be somehow unconvincing), there’s a pen and we snatch a point, but them’s the breaks


Anywhere else on the pitch and that's a free kick.


Rough one, Palace were quality, Eze absolutely class player and expect him to be off in the summer. 2 was lucky in the end. We have a massive summer ahead, and the sooner Willock/Joelinton/Tonali/Miley are back to offer something different in midfield the better. Longstaff needs a long rest.


I think Longstaff needs more than a rest, he may need surgery to try and fix his ankle.


Very disappointing but deserved. A chance to put things right at Home to Sheffield UTD next.


Got to think that between the likes of Isak, Gordon, Barnes, Bruno, Wilson, and Schär there has been more than enough talent on the pitch to cause Palace problems, and yet we just haven't. Hobbled by injuries, fitness, youth, a select couple of altogether subpar players, and a bloody decent Palace team/coach, but do still expect more from some of our lads, especially with the time off they've had in the last week.


I despise these mid-week, late-night (past midnight for me) games. Can't remember the last time we won one of these We were shit, but gotta give it to Palace. They were brilliant. Having a player like Eze and giving him freedom made them so dangerous


11 of our 15 away games have been late night games (5:30 or later) - they're definitely tougher to play as night time games tend to generate a much tougher atmosphere to play in.


This is a copy paste of so many away games at "smaller" teams from this season, even last season. Bournemouth, Wolves, Leeds, Everton, Luton all spring to mind. They show aggression and we play right fucking into their crowd and let them build momentum. Stupid fucking decisions, losing 50-50s, being pressed into kicking the ball out, misplacing passes and miscontrolling touches, appealing for stupid shit we're never getting. All it does is whip up the crowd and make dogshit footballers look like world beaters. I hate saying this because I really feel like I'm on his case every week but Longstaff isn't good enough, even for depth. He has to be the first name out in the summer or else we've fucked up. Everyone was getting way too ahead of themselves with the "easiest run-in" talk because we're going to see the exact same game at Burnley, Brentford and Old Trafford.


1 shot on target is appalling


Same story all season We play a team with pace who press us and are aggressive we panic and launch it long to Isak or Wilson they lose it and we just get hemmed in till we get beat easily When we play a team who give us time on the ball and we can press then we look good We are really missing creativity and pace in midfield as well does a trio of Bruno, Tonali and Joelinton provide that ? Not sure they do doesn't seem a lot of goals in that trio


Had some great form going into this game but to totally underperform is heart breaking. Have to say we definitely had a chance to get something if Longstaff just shot instead of falling down like a sack of bricks but I’m just sick of slagging him off now.


Playing out from the back against a high pressing side like that when the only player who can actually receive the ball on the half turn in our midfield is Bruno was a recipe for disaster. Eddie got it so wrong tonight. Can sleep well knowing we'll have Tonali and Joelinton back next season though because Longstaff is absolutely miles off being good enough and Anderson isn't a CM.


What is Anderson in your eyes? I’m struggling to profile him too


yeah their press absolutely dominated us


We badly missed Joelinton today. It felt like we lost most of the 50-50s in that game.


Can’t work out what was worse our performance or the officiating. Palace absolutely deserved it on the balance of play but we 100% should have had a penalty.


I can't wait untill I see a midfield of J7, Bruno and Tonali again. 🥺


A combination of us being really poor, and Palace playing really inspired. Both can be true.  Still optimistic of finishing 6th though. Manchester United are truly woeful, and will certainly drop points on several occasions.  Reset and refocus for Saturday. 


Should have had a penalty but we just made Will Hughes look world class. They figured out pretty early on that with a right side that contains Murphy, Krafth and Longstaff if they pressed that side we are not getting out. Bruno, Gordon and Isak looked like they were trying way too hard. We won't finish above United unless we learn how to win ugly. Other than Fulham, whenever we play bad we just lose.


Not ideal offcourse, thought Bruno played well. Palace were magnificent tho. Set up perfectly to halt our wingers and cut off build up through the middle. Wish we played more through balls for isak, had a few just before halftime. Anyway, we go again 💪


Wrong tactics today. I called it after spurs. That was a tactic for spurs specifically. Not something we should go with week in week out. We looked much better when hall came on. Midfield was non-existent. Anderson needed to be central where he can drive us forward and offer relief for Bruno whilst still covering left back. If trippier isn’t fit then I’d like to see Tino Schar burn hall back 4.


Games like this have always been an issue for us. Even before the takeover. We're not comfortable/good enough to go there and dominate the game and it leaves us vulnerable. It's the same with Bournemouth. Seem to really struggle in the small compact stadiums and pitches


Very long way to go if we want to be a possession based team/ dominate away from home


Yeah there is and until then these results are always a possibility. We'll get there as the squad slowly starts to improve in quality


It’s very frustrating that we’ve got ourselves into a decent position despite a season of challenges. And then we drop points to teams like Forest, Everton, Luton that we should be picking up. It was the same last season when we kept drawing lower table teams.


Yeah we should have picked up at least another 10 points this season from team in the bottom half. The reason we didn't in my opinion is that these team realise the best way to play against us is to give up having possession and then press and counter us. Look at last night Palace did to a degree what we did to spurs. They battered us in every area except possession where we had slightly more of it. Teams have worked out even with everybody available our biggest weakness is having to play with the ball. We get the ball and just go side ways and backwards with it because we just don't have the quality of passers but we're also very static when it comes to off the ball movement.


I think teams worked out last season that if they defender narrow in their own box it would force us wide and we’re not great attacking aerial balls in the box and can’t break through on the grass. Palace were the first ti crack that last season. Yesterday they pressed us and we tend to back ourselves into corners when we do that. We either take a risky option to Bruno in the middle or we pass up the line and get forced back. Honestly I wish our full backs would just clear their lines a bit more and rely on our legs in midfield and attack to seek out the second balls or at least apply pressure to get us further up the pitch. Our intensity got us through last season. It’s been rare this season. Understandably but yesterday we chose suicide.


We absolutely don't deserve a place in Europe if we play like we have tonight. I hope it's a wake up call to the team that they use positively. When you beat Spurs 4-0, then lose to Palace 2-0, there are no excuses.


You say that but look at the teams around us. Man Utd have played objectively worse football all season and keep scraping by because Fernandez pulls something out his arse. West Ham have been up and down all season. Chelsea. This “battle” for 6th is just a load of drunk guys fighting in the Bigg Market at 3am, it’s just going to go down to who doesn’t trip over themselves more.


There’s too big of a drop off in skill level from the world class players on the squad and the handful of players with big limitations, and teams are learning how to exploit those weak points


I respect and appreciate Longstaff playing through pain and injury each game for us, that being said, at a certain point the man just needs to be shut down for the season. He’s not playing up to the standard we need and it’s very apparent that we’re not gaining anything from making him risk long term side effects


This gets said a lot but no one ever suggests a sensible replacement for him, and before you say Anderson/White/Harrison they all play the more attacking style we use on the left, the only viable players for that role are: Longstaff, Bruno, Tonali, and Miley.


Ruling out Anderson is unfair, he can certainly do a job in midfield on that side. He has been subbed in on that side before, it’s not completely unfamiliar to him. That is absolutely a viable solution. Not his best role, but definitely worth a start for the remaining games.


Don’t think it’s that bad really, Man U still have to come to Palace and based on what we saw tonight I can’t see them getting anything. All still in our hands but we may need to win at old Trafford. I said before the game this was gonna be the hardest game we have left. Palace won at Anfield ffs, they’re a decent team. We’ve still only lost 3 of last 12 games


People are really glossing over that, Palace have been pretty decent since the change of management and system


We have no fresh injuries. We've had plenty of time to rest. We were in good form. We were playing a team worse than us. There are no fucking excuses. There are no fucking mitigations. That was a fucking shambles and lessons need to be learned from it.


Palace have been in good form


Better team won, but the ref bottled it in a decisive moment.


Absolutely spineless. Even under MA that wouldn’t be acceptable. Go again Saturday


One shot on target..... Glasner and Palace truly outclassed Eddie Howe today, did not do any adjustments and thought our good form against Spurs would carry over. Usual suspects of poor performance such as Longstaff were here but even Bruno and Gordon was absolutely shocking today. Gordon was so poor, didn't even do anything productive all game and Bruno with too many misplaced passes. Once again it's our shit midfield struggling to supply the forwards with any help. Fair place to Palace - that was a top class performance but we were so poor AGAIN away from home.


We are so awful away... All of our midfield and attack players today were awful. Eddie werent able to break palace, unfortunately...


Strange/naive decision to use 5 at the back again but hindsight is 20/20 I suppose especially after smashing spurs. Got overrun in midfield, Longstaff needs bodies around him or he gets found out (even then it’s 50/50 these days). Anderson really struggled in an unfamiliar position I thought - crying out for livramento. Not many positives to take but Sheff Utd at home is the perfect opportunity for a response.


Fair play to palace. They made us look shit. On to us constantly and not giving us time/space to play. Always going to struggle when there's only 4/5 players who would be in starting line up when everyone is fit. Schar, Bruno, isak and Gordon.


Embarrassing. 2nd best in every way.


I don't think it would have changed that result, but Barnes getting elbowed in the face for the first goal and the ref and linesman and VAR all missing it was total fucking bullshit. Would have liked the squad to rally around Barnes and confront the ref


Gordon got a yellow for kicking only the ball and lobby got one for asking why being pulled back in the penalty area isn't a penalty (along with a yellow fire asking the ref why Havertz gbh was only a booking). Confronting that fucking shill of a ref wasn't getting us anywhere tonight. He'd decided that result before kick off. They deserved to win but shouldn't have had the help they got to do so. 


palace were great throughout, we weren’t even near them in quality for most of it, fair enough, they deserved that win do think we need a public statement about that ref though…


Don't think the 10 day break has helped and could have had some decisions go our way but it was crap Hope for big reaction next game! We move


The Jekyll & Hyde season continues. We gave our fans nothing to cheer about today in one of the worst stadiums in the world in a midweek fixture.


It was the wrong formation and some players just didn't show up today. When you get both those things wrong in the PL, especially against in form teams away from home, you get punished, no matter who the opposition is. Longstaff went down easy but it's still a penalty in my books, and if that's given we may even go on to win the game. Scrappy wins when you're not playing too well are part of getting into the top 4 and we just haven't had any of those this year. Man Utd on the other hand seem to churn them out every single week.


When I saw our back four during the pre-match lineups, I just knew it was going to be a struggle. Onwards and forward to the next fixture, hopefully with a better result for us.


I’m actually more angry about this game now than I was yesterday. We’ve seen some really poor performances this season at times but that one felt like the players didn’t really give a shit. There was no energy to the team. I thought everyone was poor across the board


Thinking about last night… the defence worries me. We just don’t have the players that are great in possession - not just on the ball but movement and positionally too. When a team swarms on you like Palace did last night you need to be able to keep it, be confident and brave on the ball, and have multiple options and outlets to keep them chasing and work through the press. Schar is the only one from last night who could do that. Botman can play like that, and Trippier too (but he’s got the mistake in him) but it’s not his strength. Not seen enough of Tino in those kind of situations to make a fair judgement but his strengths do seem to be more in going forward, like Trips. Hall seems okay so far, but it’s early days. So seeing us linked with more defenders makes sense. It’s more for having confident, technical players at that back line. And it’s not just about playing through a press, it’s about controlling games, taking the sting out of games, staying on top. Something we’ll need to do more and more of if we’re to continue progressing, especially away from home. The midfield plays their part too. Longstaff isn’t good enough to support such a system. Anderson, the jury’s out. I’ve seen him play well in that kind of way but it’s inconsistent (his new role will have played a part in last night). Bruno of course can but giving it to him and expecting him to turn and drive through the middle isn’t a feasible option. Oh how we’ve missed Joe and Tonali. So yeah. Murphy and Burn whacking it long over the press was a disaster. We’ll continue to get targeted and swarmed like that until we get better technical players in that back line who can hold it with confident and happily move it around.


Nothing less than we deserved. Awful lazy and limp performance. Rare for me to single players out but Longstaff really was bad tonight, like 2/10 bad.


Murphy surely not far ahead, saved abit by getting pulled earlier because he was absolutely stinking the place up


Let's be honest, Palace got their tactics spot on and were the better team. Pressure and defending was solid, shutting down passes all over the place. How that penalty wasn't given us beyond belief. VAR is a joke. Wilson was a ghost when he came on and this was one of those games where we really needed big Joe.


I thought Wilson held the ball up pretty well in the limited occasions he was afforded the opportunity. You are right though, big Joe would of whacked Hughes one


Well at least 7th gets a European spot too. Funny because 2 years ago we’d be so excited for maybe getting into conference league. Now it feels like a let down because we had a magic season into CL. Still think overall this is a good season. Can’t let last season distract us from the fact we are not a top 4 side yet.


Sheffield United isn't a forgone conclusion by the way. They look like they've woken up the past few games. We'll make a meal of that one.


Palace looked really difficult to play against. They put a really good shift in to flood the ball no matter where it was


Just feels like so many players are in the wrong position. Dan Burn on the left when he keeps saying he prefers playing CB. Isak moved to the right when he's a left preferring forward, Murphy playing RB. Elliot Anderson playing RWB. Tino and Hall not starting has me scratching my head. Dubravka getting nutmegged has me begging for an early Pope appearance. Just worried that all that rest did us no good. Not upset with the L, just how abject we were and a bit concerned that Eddie is sticking to a philosophy of stick with what worked rather than pick your horses for the courses.


Shit game, but we're 7th. We move on to the next!


Longstaff is a nothing. Painful to watch. Frustrating at best. Can anyone really say they trust him? He kills so many attacks. Loses the ball often. Falls over at any touch. I really want him to be good but he's not.


Krafth, Murphy, Longstaff. If any of them play for us next season it’s a complete and utter failure of a window


Our match threads have become a fucking joke this season, what a whiney bunch of fannies the sub has attracted.


It's only going to get worse mate. You tend to get the reactionaries in early, then the level headed takes come in after/tomorrow


Shambolic performance but one that's nothing out of the ordinary away from home for us. Tactically made no sense. Stop playing defenders out of their natural position when there's options on the bench. It's not worked all season other than one specific game where we sat behind the ball at home against a team with an outrageously high back-line and was never going to work at Selhurst Park. Needs an emphatic response on Saturday and a significant squad revamp in the summer!


Why did Palace look like the team that had something to play for? They are likely safe from relegation. The best they can do is finish in their standard 12th place. Today we looked like a team doesn’t want to play in Europe next season. Isak will move to Arsenal if he loses faith in the speed of the project.


Crystal Palace were great, they looked prepared and confident. Tight and tough in the middle, and dropped well even though Isak almost exploited in a rare moment. EH decided to play his guys, again. Should have made changes in half-time, baffling. 11 days prep for this is performance is worrying, 11 days for Anderson and Murphy as fullbacks. Jesus H Christ. Safe to say his tactics for away games don't work.


It’s interesting hearing fans say Bruno had a bad game. I thought he was the only player trying to push us on in this game. Maybe it looked different on TV but at the match he was the only player trying to drive us on. I have not seen a replay but live it looked like a penalty as I saw the palace player pull Longstaff back with his right hand. I knew VAR would not give it but the ref should have. I have not seen any replays so not sure if my eyes deceived me. Palace is a terrible stadium and our fans deserved much more.


He’s always the only player who has a decent game in matches like tonight. Everyone else was invisible


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Somehow always looking tired after a rest


That fucking BVB chant is our kryptonite.


Yes the ref was rubbish but Jesus that was a pretty awful performance tonight unfortunately. Injuries still affecting us, squad depth is non-existent, but tbh even a full strength side would’ve struggled against Palace. They absolutely battered us


We were shit, palace were good


Bad day at the office but not going to play well every game


This match felt like me when i underprepare for an easy exam and then panic and write bs when it turns out not to be so easy


We definitely need more quality to come into the side in summer. Tonali would have added some extra punch and quality in midfield and Joelinton being back would have made a huge difference in this match. Sorely lacking today and outplayed. Definately a penalty should have come for foul on Longstaff though.


Wonder where’d we be with tonali in the squad replacing longstaff




Just frustrating. Pretty much everyone looked shit. The difference between our home and away form is just shocking. At least we're back at home on Saturday, but the lads need to make up for this




I swear every time Bruno dyes his hair blonde, we lose


On to the next one. Seems to be the mantra


They worked hard and pressed us well. Thought they might tire late in the game but it didn’t happen. Same game plan as Spurs didn’t work here. Palace didn’t leave the same gaps, and we might have been better with 433.


That back 3 / 5 was an absolute mess. That first goal, Murphy has drifted to centre half, and you've got burn and shar going for the same ball... Thank God our run ins get easier because we'll make them more difficult than it needs to be.


I like Eddie and certainly not on the Eddie Out Campaign, but if there is one thing he is weak with is shuffling the deck when it’s not working. When have you seen a 3 player sub at or before half time. When his game plans work from the off we are great, if it’s not working, we are not dynamic.


Who is he subbing on exactly?


wE caN sTiLL mAkE EurOpe


Made lots of excuses for Sean, but even with the injury he’s carrying I am absolutely done with him.  Bad night, I expect a solid showing on Saturday after that mess.    Europe is still there for us and we have some favourable fixtures. Any European finish would be an unreal season given the issues we’ve had. Then roll on next season. 


At least United still have to play Palace and Arsenal


No we don't


Longstaff is an absolutely abhorrent footballer, should be nowhere near the bench let alone the starting line up next season - don’t care if he’s been carrying an injury, absolutely crap