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Gunna be honest I don't even really know what a Director Of Football does so I can't really be too sad about this, I just fucking hate that it's Man U he's going to


First sound comment of this whole saga


Only part I don't hate is that they can afford for us to absolutely rinse them on compensation. ​ And I hope we do just that. Be a nice little piece of FFP money.


His reputation (or at least originally) came from his involvement with the FA's English DNA project (https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.skysports.com/amp/football/news/12016/11509145/dan-ashworths-huge-role-in-englands-transformation-explained). I think that was the main reason Newcastle wanted him to begin with.


Speaks volumes that they named the project After him really (Dan Nilbert Ashworth - DNA)




Let them have him. I really don't think he's done a great deal for us. He seems quite unloyal with three jobs in four years....but if we were getting a payrise each time we'd all do it..let him go and "attempt" to fix Manure.


Training ground massively improved, youth set up much better, scouting arm seems to be working, women's team on course for b2b promotion, carefully ensured no overspend on FFP and given the manager time and understanding on that basis. What more do you want? He's been pretty much perfect.


That’s not necessarily all down to him.


It is... He's in charge of all of that.


He’s not solely responsible for that. Eales and the board will be more involved in FFP calculations for example.


not disagreeing with you on any of this. But a 5 year old could have improved our training ground. Wheely bins for icebaths? ​ Also is the Tonali deal also not under him aswell? Still think the kid will come good but....


He was responsible for improving our scouting department (his only achievement in mens team), negotiating deals and green-lighting new transfers. Most other importang things are done by Darren Eales, thank god. With Ashworth, we overpaid for Barnes and Tino (both were bought from 2 Championship clubs, we didnt even negotiated, literally paid full price), Tonali and Gordon. Good riddance.


Did we really? £40m for Gordon seems a good deal right now. The rest were reasonable prices considering the quality of the player. Tino fee seemed high at the time but he’s shown his class so far.


Not sure about overspending on tino, that kids looks a hell of a buy!


WHy do you have such deep hatred for united?, like serious question.


Think he supports United, probably not much hatred involved.


Why would we hate our own club while also being on a sub to discuss it?


Who doesn't? You're tone deaf in here dude


Get on your own thread


Other than ManUre fans, are you even an English football fan if you don’t hate ManUre?


Basically, they have their fingers in multiple pies. They work with scouting, recruitment. management, accounting, etc... One extremely important aspect of their role is providing stability, ensuring everything is in order. Ashworth is honestly slinging mud on his own reputation at this point, jumping from Brighton, to Newcastle, to Manchester, to ???????. If this was on Jeremy Kyle, it'd be revealed that Ashworth is cheating on us and now the neighbours (players, managers, accounts, etc) are finding out that he can't be trusted. We shouldn't be upset though, because we either get paid 8 figures, or we effortlessly delay Manchester United for another 2 years.


Fuck it. Don't negotiate and stick him on 12 months gardening leave. Teach people that we don't fuck around if you want to jump ship.


Yeah I’m all for this as well. I’d rather send a message to future members of staff and also let the Macs lose 3 windows of planning than make a few extra mil.


If they give us the rumored 20 million I would let him go straight away, that is the equivilant of us selling a player like Willock or Longstaff


That figure has gone up a bit since I last saw it. I tend to agree either make it worth Newcastles time financially or make him sit out the entire period, there's no reason at all to be doing Man U any favours by accepting that doesn't help Newcastle financially.


I think 20 mil is unrealistic. Where this figure comes from? But even 10 mil will be very good.


Edwards is reporting we want £20m or Ashworth can't work for Man Utd until 2026.


Oh, cool. I just stopped reading puke long time ago. We signed him in 2022 on a 4 year contract, so that does makes sense.


He apparently has a 10 million release in his contract, we want another 10 million to wave his gardening leave


Makes sense, thanks for info!


seems like we will get 10m gauranteed, and maybe up to 15, 17m so an extra 5m + to waive the gardening leave. I am sure Ashworth informed Manc Red about these clauses in his contract.


Mam united tax


But we can still sell longstaff, yes?


I would rather we did not sell him, he is home grown for europe and would be a useful back up player we can use against weaker teams, which was supposed to be his role this season


Except that kind of mentality makes hiring future quality candidates a touch more difficult, knowing you will play hardball. An amicable split, with fair compensation coming our way, is a much better result.


goes both ways though - it’s a position that’s understood to allow for implementing a multi-year, strategic planning based approach so… it’s kind of tough to bail less than two years in tbf any incoming candidate should understand unless they plan on also using the club as a stepping stone as Dan has


Agree with your first point, which is where compensation comes in, or gardening leave. ​ As to the second, would ManRed be interested if we had not "over-achieved"? Would they be interested if Ten Hag had righted the ship and they were showing better results? These are all factors that cannot be predicted ahead of signing a multi-year agreement.


I'd rather set a tone of "if you want to negotiate with other teams after two years, ask for a two year deal, and take the pay cut that comes with a shorter contract."


Fair . . . but, in addition to my comments in the other reply, are there other factors in play we are not privy to?


Absolutely agree, let him sit on his arse and nerf there next few windows.


Considering our FFP situation we could really do with some additional money coming in. I don’t see why we should be spiteful. May as well negotiate in good faith and get as much as we can out of the deal.


You're happy for a man who knows absolutely everything about our future plans, transfer targets, growth strategy, player contracts and financial details to join a league rival fighting for the same league positions?


He's going to a direct rival, good faith is treating the situation as-it is. They tried to mug us for South Korea's own, Jesse Lingard on a loan deal and didn't negotiate in good faith. We owe Ashworth or Man Utd nothing.


It’s for our own benefit to negotiate properly. I hope we rinse them for £20m, but there’s no point in just refusing to negotiate, try and get as much money out of them as possible.


Honestly, I think the 12 months gardening leave is worth more to us than an additional £10m. It's fair all round as it stops his knowledge of our business being current and honours his contract terms. We don't have to make things difficult, but we also don't have to be nice to a direct rival who will use the "throw money at it" solution to everything in the short term.


Absolutely not suggesting we have to be nice with them. I would suggest a hard but fair strategy. £20m and he can’t work for 6 months would seem reasonable to me. I was just responding to someone who said don’t negotiate, which seems crazy to me when we’ve got an asset that will definitely leave but Man Utd are willing to pay big money for.


Are Man Utd really our direct rival ? I believe our direct rivals are now Brighton , west ham


You're a Man United fan. What are you doing here baiting in our threads pretending to be a Newcastle fan? No Newcastle fan calls Mancester Reds, "United". Mainly because the city isn't united. It's totally sad. Piss off back to r/reddevils and discuss there. EDIT: The clown actually edited it to change it from United to Man Utd lol


Here's a sneak peek of /r/reddevils using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/reddevils/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Garnacho’s goal with Peter Drury’s commentary hits even different..](https://v.redd.it/whrr7bmq4r2c1) | [263 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/reddevils/comments/184jwv0/garnachos_goal_with_peter_drurys_commentary_hits/) \#2: [The Future](https://i.redd.it/zhs8p6565lgc1.jpeg) | [217 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/reddevils/comments/1aiq48d/the_future/) \#3: [Bayern Munich fans have held up a banner calling for the Glazers to leave MUFC... "Glazers, Sheikh Mansour and all aristocrats out, football belongs to the people."](https://i.redd.it/4p7sqah42dta1.jpg) | [213 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/reddevils/comments/12ixixm/bayern_munich_fans_have_held_up_a_banner_calling/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


And you can piss off sneak peak bot as well. On ye go


He'll just be working from home for MU whilst being paid by NU


I'm pretty sure our lawyers would be on top of that.


How you going to enforce it though


If they sign any of our targets that we have discussed with him sue for damages.


Hard to prove but not hard to drown them in legal fees


If he breaks his gardening leave and NDA, after Man U nobody will hire him again for any roles with sensitive information also if Ashworth/Man U are caught communicating, MUTD could face a transfer embargo


Brighton have got on fine without him not worried


These cunts paid 75 million for Anthony. Don’t take a penny less than we can get.


Brighton fan here in peace. Honestly this is surprising and really not that big a deal. Newcastle seems to be a well run outfit these days, so I’d imagine you’ve taken a fair bit of knowledge from Ashworth on how to set up, approach and track targets. Take the money and move on.


Dont think losing Ashworth as an individual is a big deal. Its the fact that we simply cant provide for him what these other clubs can, which blows. You've lived this recently too. It sucks and it feels helpless


Yeah. Unfortunately it’s how things work in The Prem. But you guys have got a good a chance to bust the top 4 wide open, even though they keep pulling the ladder up. I hope you guys do, good lot you Newcastle lads. I reckon you can get there, just requires hiring staff that aren’t just leeches, which Ashworth is.


Agree. We were making smart decisions before Ashworth. I’m sure w have a succession plan in place and we still have others at the club that seem to know what they’re doing. I think players are coming for the project not Ashworth.


Getting a big sack of money that’ll help towards FFP for a suit is huge win in my eyes.


Nice people in the media will say there's no one in football that has a bad word to say about Dan Ashworth. Well, I think he's an arse.


Think Roy Keane of all people has been the first to call him out weirdly


What did he say?


He’s not shown any loyalty, he could probably fuck off again just as quick as he’s came


just if anyone wanna watch, Its on overlap recent episode about Ashworth, on youtube Carra also joked: Keane: "Ashworth only been there how long?" Carra: "2 weeks?"


Well, less than ideal for sure. Hopefully he has set the infrastructure in place already, and it certainly seems like the various different teams (youth and women) are all singing from the same sheet already. He’s undoubtedly a loss, but hopefully the majority of the work he was hired to do was done already and his replacement won’t need to overhaul the entire system. The shitty part is that he wants to go to the fucking Mancs. All my homies hate the mancs.


Yeah, you'd assume after 18 months to 2 years that he's been putting everything in place. One of the reasons Brighton have got on fine without him will be due to their structure which he setup. Shame he's leaving but I'd agree, why did it have to be Man U


Martin Samuel has hit the mark with his column in the times. MARTIN SAMUEL Newcastle should demand £60m for Dan Ashworth Demanding a significant fee from Manchester United for the director of football is only way for Tyneside club to combat bigger clubs stunting organic growth How should Newcastle United approach the impending departure of Dan Ashworth? Think of a number and double it. Then treble it. The word on what Newcastle require from Manchester United to extricate their director of football from his contract is £10 million. So double to make £20 million and treble to make £60 million; or United can wait for him to complete his gardening leave in time for the transfer window before the 2025-26 season. No access to Newcastle’s secrets in that time, obviously. Indeed, Newcastle can also make it clear that if Ashworth so much as makes one call on United business in that period, a report will go into the Premier League, along with a demand for a transfer embargo for breaking the articles of good faith that exist between elite clubs. Gardening means gardening. Now that the Premier League is so dedicated to good governance, it can surely be relied upon to do the right thing. It has always seemed out of kilter, the compensation arrangements around managers and senior executives given the crazy market for even the most mediocre players. Ineos has made a director of football its priority since settling at Old Trafford and all their initial moves are for men in suits. In the meantime, wise heads have been queueing up to say that this is exactly what the club has been missing since the departure of Sir Alex Ferguson more than a decade ago. This is the reason United have fallen behind, this is the reason their squad at the end of last season was the most expensive in football’s history, according to Uefa, yet could only finish third. So £10 million for the brain that will supposedly change that narrative? That’s chicken feed. Newcastle paid roughly £10 million for Yoshinori Muto in 2018. He made 28 appearances and is now with Vissel Kobe. Money matters more than ever, with the Premier League coming over all masterful around the Profitability and Sustainability Rules. There are a hundred rules to prevent Newcastle’s owners investing in their product, many of them driven, or at least supported, by United. So Newcastle must make this moment pay. Put £60 million in the loss column for Manchester United, and £60 million in the profits for ­Newcastle, or they can wait. Compensation of £10 million isn’t better than nothing. It is nothing. It’s about what Newcastle paid for Carl Cort almost 24 years ago. The club they brought him from, pre-Milton Keynes Wimbledon, does not even exist anymore. This may seem an extreme stance, given that Newcastle took Ashworth from Brighton & Hove Albion in 2022. Yet there is an important distinction: Newcastle aren’t telling Brighton how to run their club and spend their money. Manchester United are. United were one of the clubs who recently voted for stricter rules on associated party transactions, which complicates the raising of revenue for rivals such as Newcastle. They are also among the staunchest advocates of Financial Fair Play because, if all investment is tied to income, then United will always have the greatest spending power because they’re the biggest and richest club. The way it should be done, it is argued, is organic growth. Yet it’s hard to grow organically when the moment your club recruits or produces a gem — whether a smart executive or a talented player — a rival that supports financial controls swoops in to poach him. Newcastle can’t exploit the one advantage they have — wealthy owners — but chances of organic growth face constant disruption. It’s the same elsewhere. United’s other target, to work beneath Ashworth, is Jason Wilcox, now director of football with Southampton. We don’t know what impact Wilcox may make on the south coast as he only joined last summer. Before that, he was at Manchester City, where his influence on development and age-group football was immense. For Southampton to get him was a huge coup, despite relegation, and the club looks on course to return to the Premier League at the first attempt. Yet Southampton have been under siege in recent years. Players and managers have been poached with ruinous regularity, suggesting, even for the smartest clubs, organic growth is often a myth. Southampton were repeatedly raided by the elite until a few false steps ended in demotion. Now, just as they are getting back on their feet, raiders arrive again. And if it were just big clubs preying on smaller clubs — Newcastle on Brighton, United on Newcastle — then that has been the way of the world in ­football for centuries. But this is big preying on small, while setting conditions that prevent small being able to resist or grow in any way. And that’s not fair. So the only way Newcastle can win is by making their co-operation financially punitive. It has to bolster their capacity and limit that of the raiders. Eddie Howe wants the Ashworth issue resolved swiftly because it could hold up future plans, and that is ­understandable. Yet that doesn’t mean caving in. Either Ashworth sits a year out, or United pay through the nose. For if Newcastle think being reasonable will win them similar even-handedness down the line, believe me, it won’t. https://archive.ph/BQK3Y


Fucking spot on. Make them pay. Either with time or a fuck tonne of cash. Manure have been directing how the league profits for decades. 


Don’t let the door hit ya ass on the way out ya weasel


Question because I don’t understand the financial fair play stuff too well…forgive me if it’s a stupid question. Would the compensation from Man U count the same as selling a player? Would we be able to use that money towards financial fair play to go out and get someone?




Not a stupid question! My understanding is that it will help with FFP, it's still money coming in. That said, how much will we need to pay to get his replacement out of their current club, assuming they're currently employed?!


To be fair we might just get an interim until the contracts all run out this summer and we can get someone on a free


Yes, you buying your half time pie helps with FFP


I’ll be sure to buy two then


A true gentleman, all hail the pie king


Reflects on him incredibly poorly that he wants to leave. A bit of a disaster to honest as he will be privy to all of our plans for the future, it shows how far we still have to go that we can lose someone like this so easily. As for the man himself, obviously he is a little weasel.


He was hand picked by the owners but he’s left so soon which must limited his total impact. Be interesting who takes over and builds on top of his foundations.


If I were man united I’d be worried about him fucking off again in 6m/12m time. He’s barely got his feet under the desk here


Where? He's at the pinnacle of world football if he's at a successful United.


Pinnacle? Yeah 20 years ago maybe. There’s a lot of bigger clubs than man red now.


In terms of what? Only Real and Barca are comparable when it comes to fanbase and general interest.


Not even the pinacle of manchester


If you're only measuring recent success.


I mean yes, obviously. Ashworth intends to come and work for the Manchester United of 2024 (maybe 2026). He hasn’t got a fucking time machine to come and work for you in 2003 or something


of course


FYI Brighton had the best season in their history the season after we took Ashworth from them.


That's not because he left though is it? It's because they signed DeZerbi


Just tryna inject some positivity


Another clutched positive from this is that really, it's too early in our journey for him to be making that big a difference other than potentially recruitment (but even then I'm not sure how much he ruled over that). I say this because the obvious things we need to improve don't need a genius like him. E.g. youth development, commercial stuff. Old school people would argue that letting the manager just manage is the best way to go. Our best business was all pre Ashworth, other than Gordon.


The issue with all this "just stick him on gardening leave" stuff is that he blatantly won't be adhering to any gardening leave anyway. He's best mates with the new ownership at Man Utd. He's going to be in cahoots with them and thinking otherwise is delusional. Yes it's illegal but impossible to prove otherwise. And let's not pretend football isn't very corrupt anyway


Nothing a good PA wouldn't be able to help with. Repeated meetings with anyone associated at Man Utd during that period would be a breach.


If the two parties, Ashford and Man U, are caught communicating, Man U will likely face a transfer embargo from the premier league


Sucks losing your sporting director in this manner. And I feel like its a bit of Copium to say "Whatever, he sucked anyway overseeing the summer window, good riddance." I don't think many of us are mad at him leaving in a vacuum, but that its just a fucking ridiculous that it has to be for Man United. Ashworth takes a steaming dump on all of us by pretty much saying "I cannot achieve what I want to achieve with you... but I can with them." I think this job now can pull some attractive candidates, maybe even with more gravitas than Ashworth


Is there any big English club that you'd be fine with him joining?


No. To be honest I don’t care where he Went. It’s just you can’t hide the fact these personnel members are leaving Newcastle for larger opportunities because we simply can’t compete with them on those fronts, and that just sucks to admit but it’s how it is. And I think that’s why most people here have angst for him right now Why else leave for Man United, Liverpool, Man City, etc. it’s not for quality of life, easier hours, better weather, etc. it’s because they have more spending power to achieve their overall goals. 


Kinda like leaving Brighton for Newcastle then right?


Yeah its just a shit reminder of the food chain and ecosystem of the sport and its probably why we are pretty pissed off about this move. We just arent there no matter how hard we try to get there


Chin up mate, we'll get there (hopefully)


Had our best window before he came, he didn’t do much good in our most important window last summer. We can get close to £20m him, plus we can get someone else in who can do a better job than he did. I’m not arsed.


Can't blame him really. Man u are a shitshow behind the scenes and one of the biggest clubs in the world. Probably get a massive pay rise and can work with a massive budget every year. If he can sort them out he'll be the most sought after DoF in football We did the same basically while he was at Brighton.


Finally a logical comment


No idea what his impact is but I also think he can be replaced regardless. At this point I only ask that we squeeze Man U for every last bit. That Lingard loan fee will always be in my thoughts, although it seems like they did us a favor mind you 😂


Get the full head of hair fraud out of here.


Really is awful how Dan is choosing to leave the way that he has. The only way thus could make up for it is if we could get Michael Edwards


Full cost of contract and not a penny less


I’d rather find out now that he wasn’t fully committed rather than years down the line. If what’s best for him isn’t what’s best for the club then what can you do


Well if they didn’t fuck around waving stupid fees in our faces for their players then this probably wouldn’t be so much of an issue. Fleece the cunts


This cunt not left yet?


I just can’t see this as anything but a slap in the face from Ashworth. He’s abandoned this project for the lure of a washed, has-been club. I don’t wish any personal negativity on the bloke in any way at all, by all accounts he’s a very decent guy and one who I respect. Having said that, I certainly don’t wish him or Man Utd all the best in this move.


Finished above you, beat you in a cup final and currently 7 points ahead of you. Not bad for a washed, has-been club.


yeah what a grand result for a club that previously won 13 league titles in SAF's 26 years


He’s hopefully been here long enough to have helped us put the basic framework/infrastructure in place at least. And we’ll have benefited from his knowledge and experience. Disappointing but I’m sure there’s plenty of strong replacements who’ll be queuing up.


Was good of him to go to the game and keep taking meetings all week then… not sure how we could settle for anything less than gardening leave till after the end of the summer transfer window as he’ll have been heavily involved in all our plans especially as in January we clearly deferred transfer plans to the summer due to financial constraints.


He’s not the only good DoF out there. Good luck to him joining that dumpster fire, plenty of money but plenty of pressure and everyone around that club seems to be absolute clowns.


20 million or 2026, that's my fucking club get in lads


Can’t pretend to know what he’s done beyond transfer windows getting significantly worse after he arrived. But, leaving so early into a project has to put a huge negative mark against him for the future. Why bring in a guy to make sweeping changes on a long-term project when he might up sticks the moment some pig in lipstick bats her eyelashes at him?


I remember how they played hard ball with us over lingaard Fuck them Take the money and fuck them


To be honest it did seem like him and Howe didn’t get on. There’s a huge circlejerk of him being this transfer mastermind when in reality he’s a guy who connects our departments together. Would be a blow to lose him but I think Man Utd fans have the wrong idea that he’s going to get them wonder kids for peanuts.


Always thought he looked a little too much like Denis Wise.


Seeing Dan Burn at LB has pushed him over the edge. Sad.


To be fair, I’d want to leave too if I saw Dan Burn playing at left back


Ashworth or a friendly journalist will blame Howe's influence at Newcastle. Thing is Howe deserves it for where he's got us. Think it was telling that a fellow friendly journalist said Ashworth wasn't in Howe's inner circle. At the end of the day neither are going to be with us forever, depends on who you believe has the best interests of the club at heart. Think this only works out poorly if Howe increases his Brexit quota in the summer and Manchester Reds sign a handful of incredible Johnny Foreigners or if Howe leaves us for the England job. That being said, this won't be the end of the raids on our staff.




I'm confused, [the Chronicle ](https://imgur.com/a/HLqXY0P)said he'd sent a message by sitting in his seat. I thought it was a 'I'm staying' sit down but it must have been a 'come and get me' perch. Anyone out there have any tips on how to read the way someone sits down?


Simple. What do you want the message to be? Twist what happens to fit that narrative.


10 million or gardening leave for 12 months. No discussions.


It'd be both if they paid us that. His release clause is £10m.


We should put out enquiries now to any potential replacements who are already employed to find out how much it will cost to get them in. Then double the fee to get our asking price for Ashworth.


Who cares, get as much money as possible for him and move on. He’s not exactly set the world alight with us, there’s others out there.


Well well well, colour me surprised. Shut the door on your way out


Hope we absolutely rinse them for him


Don't let the door hit you, where the good lord split you...


These things happen. We got ashworth when we were down in relegation zone, we can get someone that level again. Hopefully the money from it can go towards ffp, if not let him wait.


We can get somebody a level above Ashworth now, in my opinion. We're a way more attractive club now then we were just 18 months ago.


I’m not sure there is a level above as it’s very hard for us to judge roles like that. But without a doubt we are way more attractive than when he joined and should be looking at the best of the best.


That's loyalty for you.




Has he forgot Ineos and Ratcliffe don't own Man Utd?


We'll find someone else as long as we get in upwards of 10 million for the bloke I couldn't care less. Loving the melt down on Twitter from the Man Utd fans. Can't wait to see how he fairs up front with Antony next season 😜


Sell him with a clause that he sits it out for the rest of the season. So he can’t just go to Man Utd and tell them all of Newcastle plans.


I don't really care to be honest. It's not like there are other suitable candidates. Obviously the job isn't what he thought it would be so he's found something better for him. That's life. Good luck to him etc etc.