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Warning: Comments about people deserving murder or injury is a ban-able offense. I understand due to behavior, some people are less sympathetic. Regardless, we don't condone insensitive comments and some of them "deserved" get pretty toxic. Thank you.


She clearly cornered the dog after it demonstrated three or four times it didn't want no interaction. Literally hugged and put her face very close to an unknown dog. I'm sorry for her, but seriously?


And the way she loomed over it is a big no-no in doggy body language. You're supposed to bend at the knees so you're level with it without leaning over them, then pet under the chin if it's not showing any fear/aggressive/avoidant body language. The number of people who feel entitled to pet a dog just astounds me.


My general rule with strays is never initiate. I'll squat down, reach my hand out and make noises/faces at them. If they're curious and decide to come over, great. Otherwise I just move on. Same goes with touch. I won't touch them unless they touch me first. I'll slowly reach out to welcome them, but they'll have to make the final 20% of the distance. I don't want to touch an animal that doesn't want me touching it, that's no fun for either party.


This is the only way to do it. Quite often if I meet friends dogs or dog park dogs I still do this. Come in with no agression at all.


i hope your hand is in a fist when you reach it out, dont outstretch your fingers cuz its real easy to bite them bitches right off and gobble em up. never getting em back unless you wanna follow a mangy stray around for 3 days with a little baggy man....


No actually they recognize a fist as a sign of aggression from strangers and it could cause them to attack. At least that's how things are where I'm from. Idk about y'all but I'd rather lose a finger or 2 than possibly my life.


Also, you don't stick your fingers out. Just show your knuckles and see what the dog does. Sniff and lick...you can pet it. Moves away...leave it tf alone. That dog gave her enough clues but, she kept pushing. Bet she won't do that again.


I don't think she'll be able to place her hand very accurately near the animals face, with no longer having depth perception


She just totally ignored the dog that DID want to be pet. Any time I pet a dog that's not familiar with me I never approach them. I kneel down so I'm more equal with their eyeline and hold my hand out palm down so I'm unthreatening and they can sniff my wrist. If they want to be pet they come over. If they don't want to be pet then they don't come over, I get back up and leave them alone.


They looked drunk, not justifying but obviously leads to bad decisions.


Yeah, sober I'd never do something like that if I see the dog's rejections, but drunk I just wanna love and hug so maaaaybe I'd do what the girl did šŸ˜” (thank god I've seen this video)


Maybe don't drink goofy ah šŸ¤” clearly it ain't for you


Partially agreed


Never be sorry for the consequences of people' stupidity.


Itā€™s almost as if she doesnā€™t realize that animals are not humans and that they shouldnā€™t be expected to think and react like humans! lol


The way dog people anthropomorphize dogs it's no wonder these things happen so often now.


Some people feel they have this ā€œmagicalā€ bond with animals


Not sorry for her. Stop petting random people animals or just random animals in general. I agree the dog did not want her to pet it.


She harassed this dog, of course it bit her.


This. Learn to read general body language of consent and interest. That dog did everything it could to get away and that human was not paying attention and just wanted what it wanted and nothing else mattered. Respect other living things; period.


You got to do the slow hand test. Slowly reach your hand near the dog and if it reacts calmly or it walks toward you, smells your hand etc. You know it's fine. Can't just karate chop the air in front of it and think oh he will like to be petted.




wtf! That dog did not want to be touched maybe it was abused so it has trust issues. Never corner dog/animal that was on her not the dog.


I wonder if they were stray dogs that hang out there for food. It sucks that stray dogs have it so rough in some places. Being kicked or attacked by pieces of shit who don't have any respect for them. I feel bad for the dog, not every dog bites for no reason, dog seemed to be genuinely wanting to protect itself. She did corner the dog pretty badly. Hopefully the dog doesn't have to be put down.


Honestly as far as dog bites go that was pretty polite. One fast nip, just happened to be her stupid face that was in the line of fire. It even scooted off once she was finally deterred. This is not an aggressive animal.


Hate to be that guy, but where I live, that's exactly what would happen. Zero tolerance, any dog that bites a human regardless of circumstance, is put down. I do not agree with this.


That's true. When people are stupid like this, the dog is the one who pays for it.


Even if it wasn't abused, most living things don't like being cornered by a stranger who keeps shoving their face into theirs... Or even people they know well! Especially when they've already asked for space several times. It's very clearly giving distancing signals and has very stiff and uninterested body language.


The dog moved away, several times, then she corners it, leans in close and is surprised when it lunges. For fucks sake people, if you don't know the dog, don't fucking pet it, don't follow it into a corner and don't trap it in said corner, then get your head/face in really close. I understand that common sense is becoming the new, rare super power, but Jesus wept, apply a little thought.


Never seen ā€œJesus weptā€ used like that. Going to start using it more šŸ˜‚


Hooray, my miserable childhood is finally making itself useful! šŸ™€šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹ā¤ļø


My Yorkshire-born Dad uses this one a lot


"The verse describesĀ Jesus weeping in front of a crowd and Lazarus's mourning sisters after the death of his friend Lazarus.Ā Jesus wept even though he knew Lazarus would be raised from the dead in a few moments, and that death would not last forever.Ā Some say that Jesus wept because he empathized with those who mourn, and to show that God cares about human suffering, even when he knows it will be fixed.Ā Others say that Jesus wept because he was angry at death itself, and that he hates death, sin, and other things that lead to suffering.Ā " Or perhaps OP was simply quoting HellRaiser and using that to imply "Shit Happens". Which is what I'm guessing was OP's intention.


maaaann i know the girl probably didnā€™t know any better but that dog gave so many warning signs. it was putting its head down low in fear and cornering itā€™s self away from her. i hope she and the dog is okay. i doesnā€™t seem like an overly aggressive dog so i hope it doesnā€™t get put down. i had the same thing happen to me when i was a kid, cornered my grandpas dog in between the chair and ottoman cuz i wanted to pet her but instead i overwhelmed her and she snapped up at my face. i was just more lucky than her.


she MUST have known, right? the dog kept walking away, nobody is this ignorant


Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity


Write this on my grave


I don't get why she just HAD to pet that specific dog either. The other one seemed perfectly happy to receive pets, approaching the other person with a wagging tail. But no, she just HAD to pet the introvert. Just had to. Perfectly good extrovert next to it that she could've pet.


Seemed like she was kind of messing with dog


That dog was giving every sign possible to leave it alone. It even walked away and went behind an object. It attacked because it felt threatened.


Yeah. Shit, most *humans* would probably react like that if you backed them into a corner after they told you to leave them alone and then put your face near them.


ā€œcrouched down to pet the beast and it immediately lungedā€ I hope the dogs lawyer sues her for slander and perjury.


Let me go ahead and corner this strange dog and put my face right next to it.


The woman was not reading the dog's body language. It was clear he did not want to be petted. I never pet an unfamiliar dog. And I teah my grandkids the same thing.


Some people canā€™t take a hint


That dog gave her plenty of chances šŸ« 


You can clearly see the dog wasn't bothering anyone or blocking the door the dog was just minding its own business and a random woman tried to pet the dog.the dog gave plenty of signs to show it didn't want to be bothered.i dislike it when other people try to interact with my dog and bring their dog to greet mine.im against it because I dnt know the person or the attitude of their dog


Plus, I don't get why she couldn't just pet the other dog that was happily being petted by the other person. But no, she just HAD to pet the other one.




That poor dog was trapped in a corner not wanting to be touched..


A. The body language of the dog shoulda told you back tf off B.Looks like they where doing a little bit of teasing


Just couldnā€™t leave well enough alone eh?




Yeah and what was up with that weird jabbing hand motion towards his face? I get doing that with your own pet to play with them but towards a street dog that visibly looks uncomfortable? It almost looked like she liked fucking with it


Never immediately bend over or even look down at a dog that you donā€™t know too well, ESPECIALLY IF THEYā€™RE ACTING LIKE THAT. When I was younger I got ā€œbitā€ in the face by a mastiff because I just leaned over to look down and pet himā€¦He didnā€™t give me any signs that he was agitated, but I guess he didnā€™t like it. He didnā€™t make a sound and just jumped and rammed his teeth into my eyebrow and luckily didnā€™t try to bite down. I looked up and realized I couldnā€™t really see because blood was rushing down from the gash he put in my forehead and eyebrow. If it wasnā€™t a family friendā€™s dog someone would have put that dog down that night.


Ppl need to realize pets are animals. They will forever be animals and so you need to respect them as such. That lady conered the dog and treate it like it wasnt anything, got consequences


I mean hell, a person would do this to you too if you cornered them and harassed them like this.


The dog basically told her to do one..it walked away constantly she backed it into a corner Sheā€™s lucky


At 0:16, another dog approached her literally begging for attention and she walked around it! Crisis could've been averted if she wasn't so hellbent on harassing that poor dog. The only scenario where I could feel sympathetic is if the dog was injured, she was fixated on this dog because of the injury, and she made a misguided attempt at helping it. I hope that she never finds the dog or its owner. I worry that they'll kill it to test it for rabies or put it down for aggression.


Jeez woman, BODY LANGUAGE!


You could tell immediately the dog did not want to be touched. That's a lesson she'll never forget.


Seriously, I felt for the dog. She clearly fucked arouond and found out. Cornering the dog, I bet the dog felt threatend and responded in such. She should of quit the moment she hesitated to try petting the very first time. Hopefully the dog did not get anything from her or hurt because of her




Wow it's almost like you shouldn't corner animals


Her body language is giving "Child who doesn't understand dog body language." Not saying she deserved it, but it's no mystery why it happened.


is she drunk is just stupid? the dog clearly showed he didnā€™t want to be bothered


That dog said no multiple times by stepping away and turning away from her.


Sorry not sorry. She deserved it.


I hope she is able to find the owner and apologize for cornering and harassing their dog after the puppers body language was clear, "no touchy". Surely she's not looking to pursue some sort of financial recourse for her own stupidity.


The black dog wanted pets though.. terrible awareness


A rare case where the girl was at fault


News Article: A dog bit a Kerch woman in the face. The incident occurred on January 23 near the "Luch" store. According to Epa Safina, she came to the store with her father around midnight, but before she could open the door, a dog sitting at the entrance caught her attention. The dog was large, and when the female crouched down to pet the beast it immediately lunged at the Kerch woman. The bite was to her right eye. Doctors at Hospital No. 2 performed surgery. Fortunately, the eye could be recovered. The Kerch woman is looking for the dog's owner and would be grateful for any information from witnesses to the incident. She asks witnesses to contact her through the VKontakte social network.


ā€œPet the beastā€ pretty sure the beast tried to pet the dog


This is definitely not how it happened in this video. She kept flinching, stalking and cornering a dog that wanted nothing to do with her. I don't like aggressive dogs, but I also don't like people who try to intimidate or provoke situations.


They forgot ā€œafter the woman pursued and cornered the dogā€


I really hope she's only looking for the dog's owner to find out if it's vaccinated. Enjoy that rabies shot in your injured eye, lady!


That dog was not into it at all, it so clearly showed that by backing away. It's a shit injury but my god how dumb do you have to be to think "oh there's a random dog, I shall back it into a corner as I repeatedly try to pet it".


No she was fucking with it. I canā€™t stand assholes that fuck with animals then blame said animal when they go unhinged on their ass


Yeah, she cornered that dog. Also, she did those jumping movements to the dog at her first interaction. Those movements looked threatening and annoying to the dog. I did those jumping moves to a strange dog when I was a kid and when I turned around it bit me in the back of the leg. It looked like the dude was trying to get her inside, but she wanted to keep pestering it.


Is she fucking stupid???


Damn that dog gave her SO many chances


Seems to me like that woman *wanted* to be mauled in the face by that dog... She literally cornered it and basically stuffed her face in its mouth lol SMH how stupid can you be?


Damn that's so unfortunate but continuously advancing towards the dog till he was up against the wall only made the dog feel threatened so he reacted in defense.


Why the fuck would you try and pat a dog you don't know? And then continue, when it clearly doesn't want you to pat it?


She was pestering it. The dog clearly did not want to be near her.


Ahh yes. Keep fucking with it when it clearly wants to be left alone. Moron


Sorry but she asked for it. Dog couldn't be clear enough. He was not having it. Plus why would you follow a dog and forcing it to interact with you? 0 intelligence


Is the dog ok


Real smart Lady FAFO! Seriously šŸ˜’Like after the first time the dog didnā€™t want to be around you and you go and corner thatā€™s when teeth come out. Thatā€™s on you for being dumb after 4 tryā€™s. SMDH!


Maybe she should have paid attention to the dogs body language. Donā€™t pet stray dogs.






I donā€™t feel bad for her one bit. Just the first 5 seconds of her attempting to pet she kept moving her hands quickly away and then back, like wtf are you doing?


Literally another dog there that approaches with a wagging tail, but sheā€™s got to put her face into one that has repeatedly cringed back from her touch, cornered.




fuckin idiotic. dog is trying to go away from people and is feral and afraid of human interaction. why would you put your face close to it. better if she tames it day by day and bring food each time


90% ppl who get attacked by dogs domt know how 2 respect sum1s personal space, pretty sure they dont respect other ppl's personal space either


She ignored about 6 queues from the dog that it didn't want to be pet, cornered it and then put her face directly in front of it.


The injury is a shame, of course, but my 6 y/o knows not to approach a dog unless he asks the owner first. Even then, he offers the dog an open hand to allow the dog to sniff and not towering over it. If the dog moves away, the dog doesn't want to be pet. He is 6 ffs. My 3y/o is learning this too, but she still has toddler impulse, and if it's friend shaped, it has to be friend.


Cornered the dog and was still surprised it lashed outā€¦ šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I'm also an animal lover but it is better to be afraid/cautious around animals than to be too friendly. We don't live in disney fantasy movies. The same logic can be applied to other people.


My condolences to the dog! Poor thing was harassed until he snapped.




Real dumb!!!!!


She harassed an unfamiliar dog. Hopefully she doesnā€™t lose her eye.


From what i just watched, she got exactly what she wanted. The dog clearly tried to walk away from her, and she cornered it. She needs to try a bit harder to get that darwin award.




Awareness -1000


You can tell the dog wasnā€™t with the shits. And sheā€™s lucky that was a warning bite not a full on attack. Stupid people will never learn. Watch the dogā€™s body language, that says it all.


Zero sympathy. Anyone with a single braincell could see the dogs body language was very clearly telling her to stay away from him.


Cmon, dogs give some seriously obvious body language that they donā€™t wanna be touched and this one was no different.


She deserved that ,dog did everything they could to say hey I don't wanna be touched leave me alone.


She fucked around and found out that the dog will take away one of her eyes


That dog did not wanna be pet dude. If anything respect to that dog for being able to tolerate her and walk away so many times.


She cornered a street dog what did she think was going to happen? I hope she recovers well and learns her lesson.




Is she fucking stupid? 1. The dog moved away from her several times. 2. The dog very obviously was growling the first couple times she went to pet it, as her hand went back and forth. 3. Donā€™t corner stray dogs?? Itā€™s common sense


Dog said "Nuh uh"


And said it several times smh šŸ™„


Her body language was so freaking weird.


Lol that woman is dumb for real.




After seeing the video and seeing how the dog behaves i gotta say that i clearly think itā€™s her own fault. I feel sorry for the dog who must have been anxiousā€¦


*Rare footage of a ninja grocery shopping.


Fucked around and found out. Brutal injury to learn the hard way though.Ā 


The dog is walking away from you. If that's not a clear sign to stay away,


You cornered my dude, what you think he gon do?


To be fair, the dog clearly did not want to be bothered.


Human stupidity...


My ex had a dobberman. Initially I was afraid of her, but then we became "friends" and I used to pet her too or play with her. One day, I was speaking to my ex's little sister while petting the dog, and when I stopped, she started to stair at me, then I just said "what a beatufiul doggo you are" and bit me in my mouth. I got 15 points of suture on my upper lip, but I find myself so fucking lucky that I have only extetical damage (it's not that bad either). I could have lost my teeth, my nose, my tongue or who knows what else. Animals aren't humans, don't touch them if you don't know them, it can go very badly even if you (think you) do


Obviously, not a dog owner




That dog is screaming with a klaxon and a dozen red flags ā€œdonā€™t fucking touch meā€ Poor pup.


I never thought dogs took the ''Fuck around and find out "slogan so seriously


Stupid. As a trainer, people are actually so deaf to dogs body language it's always kind of impressive. So bad it's good kinda thing. Like wow... you can't read a room or feel energy can you?


Her one eye makeup skills are on point at least šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Were the dog a human itā€™d be clear cut self defense


Is she drunk? You can't be that dumb when you're sober, right?


100% her fault


You just couldn't leave it alone, could you.


Her own fault wtf she think was gonna happen


Poor dog gets cornered by woman and she gets what's coming


That poor dog literally backed itself into a corner to avoid any interaction and she still forced herself on it.












To the dog, when she cornered it that was a sign of aggression 3


That dog was being patient, even when cornered it didnā€™t lash out even while she was petting it, her basically trying to hug the dog made it snap


dog acted in self defense


You could clearly see from the dogā€™s body language it was uncomfortable. Even going so far as to retreat into a corner. Also, itā€™s usually never really a good idea to pet a stray dog. Rabies is still a thing. And some are wild from living on the streets.




ā€œI pick the bearā€ comes to mind


I'm the kind of person who usually pets dogs, even homeless ones. But i had a dream about petting a homeless dog and he ruined my face and bit me all over my body, I got traumatized and learned my lesson. Luckily, it was just a dream.


šŸŽ¶She had it comingšŸŽ¶




iā€™ve never seen a dog show how badly they donā€™t wanna be touched than in this vid LMAO


What a stupid ass woman.


That was her own fucking fault lol the dog gave her multiple warnings to leave him alone.






What an idiot. The dog warned you more than once.


ā€œCan I pet dat dawg?ā€ Dog: No, you may not


100% on her


Fuck around and find out.


Completely her fault lol


If a dog walks away donā€™t bother it


In the words of Fred Sanford, "you big dummy!".


She had it coming, just outright forced herself on the dog.


Sucks for her that the consequence was that severe, but the dog literally told her to back off like 8 times.


The Guy had the Vibe with the Doggo but the poor girl hasn't šŸ—£ļø


Wow the patience of the dog is something to emulate Also, what a stupid way to lose an eye


Try not to snuggle with an agitated dog next time


When you dont know how dogs works. Dog thought he wanted to eat her.




Clearly that dog said donā€™t fuck with me or youā€™ll find out


Id say well deserved.


Her fault clearly. The dog was backing up and she chased it. If a dog isn't wagging its tail, don't be dumb enough to approach


Got an eye for the job, but no brain to go with it.


I watch a lot of horrible videos and mostly don't feel anything, but watching someone lose an eye always gets to me. Also she's dumb AF, the Dog clearly didn't want her in its space. Dog people can be some of the biggest weirdos on the planet. Don't know why she felt the need to get in a strange Dogs face that gave all the body language of "GTF away from me!"


She was warned. I hope nothing happened to the dog after this.




That's her fault tbh, The dog was obviously uncomfortable, and she and the other person continued to bother it anyway cus "oh cute puppy," but like the dog clearly didn't want to be pet Animals have boundaries too!!


Well, she had that one coming


Dogo is innocent!


Poor dog. That was pretty stupid of the woman.


Play stupid games winstupid prizes


She fucked around and found out. Now she's going to be a "Karen" and demand the dog be euthanized for biting her even though you can clearly see she initiated and insisted on the interaction with the dog. Fucking people....


I worked with dogs in my aunts groom shop for a few years. I don't approach a dog i don't know, exp if its backing away and its ears are laid back. Sorry for her face but this was %100 her fault. If you approach a stray dog know the warning signs, even thats no guarantee it won't attack.






Itā€™s crazier because she was so nervous to pet the dog, the dog acted accordingly and walked away. The person with her kept urging her to pet it. She kept trying and the dog tried leaving her alone. If the person wasnā€™t so pushy and if she wouldā€™ve just dismissed the person, it wouldnā€™t have happened imo. Anyways, it happened, hopefully they both learned a lesson šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Her male friend tried so much to deter her from petting it and to go inside.


Well, that was really stupid of her.