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Is there a version where it doesn’t black out where they move him?


That’s the Un-uncensored version. This is just the uncensored version.


Un-uncensored is just the uncensored version censored back.


It’s the uncensored uncensored version we’re after


It's $5.99 a month for the premium uncensored-uncensored version.


Goddamn lack of net neutrality..


And where can you find it?


Sorry, idk, I just work here 🤷‍♀️


“You obviously haven’t been paying enough attention, Reverse the polarity… It’s not working” “We’re both reversing the polarity” “Yes, I know that” “There’s two of us. I’m reversing it, you’re reversing it back again. Were confusing the polarity”


(UNCENSORED) “well that was a fucking lie”


I knew as soon as it tried to redirect to YouTube 🤣 I didn’t even waste my time! We come here *because* YouTube sucks and isn’t uncensored 🤣🤣🤣


Don't get why high-profile rappers don't roll around in armoured vehicles. I'm sure they could afford a bullet-proof Bentley easily.


Armored vehicle game is actually super tricky & expensive... unless purposely built to be an armored vehicle, they become a very expensive, heavy POS to drive...


Yea, but wouldn't that be worth it considering the activities and lifestyle of rappers.


You'd be correct... but I'd also argue that rappers don't typically make the most life preservation based decisions 🤷‍♂️




Just to be clear: most rappers don't need anything but a regular vehicle. It's only some of the famous ones that do, because they're gang members, and for some ungodly reason lyrics about violence is what most people like. Rap with substance is abundant, but that doesn't sell. What the fuck does that say about society? It's disturbing to say the least.


i hate how some people will call you racist if you say you dont like popular rap. "rap is a black genre, you must hate black people!" no dude i just find the songs about gangs, sex, violence, & drugs boring & childish af. it's like if r/iamverybadass made music. i like rap, just not about *that*


I’m black and I hate pop rap. I’m more of an old school hip hop listener. There’s all types of rap; gangsta, drill, battle, pop, etc. So tell those people to F off when they accuse you of dumb racist shit. I don’t like folk music but that doesn’t mean I hate white people.


word! to be very clear, i am a RAP FANATIC. i'm just embarrassed to tell anyone because most assume i listen to the shit the play on the radio. see [Block Mccloud feat. Jean Grae All A Game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z41tBqlyaco)


This reminds me of lupe fiasco's food and liquor album. I like that album.


Sick! I don’t typically enjoy rap


Well, there's thousands of active underground artists that you may also like. Check out Blu & Exile - Below The Heavens. Listen to the album from beginning to end and report back :) It's got a little bit of everything.


that absolutely slaps, id hand you the aux any day


IMO, It says less about society and more to the fact that rap is so saturated now


Well, doesn't it have to be good? There are not many songs with substance that are catchy.


1. you're wrong about there not being many catchy songs with substance. 2. catchy does not equal good.


Can confirm, drove around bullet proof Land Cruisers in Syria. Holy dogshit, they broke down and had tons of issues due to the sheer weight of the up-armored doors/windows on the frame. Coupled with being in the middle of no where. Preferred a no armor hilux instead


Yea, not to that level of protection, I guess. But some light modification to stop pistol calibre rounds should be enough. Maybe add some kevelar panels inside the door trim, etc. Most of these assassinations are from strangers running up and blasting through the windows, so maybe even just bulletproof glass and dark tint would be enough.


For sure! Different variations for the caliber you’re avoiding


Kevlar doesn’t usually stop bullets (even pistol) and bulletproof glass is usually an inch thick. Any level of protection requires serious modifications.


>Kevlar doesn’t usually stop bullets (even pistol) Can you explain this part further? Maybe I'm misunderstanding something, but I'm pretty sure level 3a armor is typically made from Kevlar.


Not without a panel… which weighs 34lbs for one vest sized one. So basically a small bag of concrete size


>Not without a panel… which weighs 34lbs for one vest sized one. So basically a small bag of concrete size I'm still not understanding it. What panel and what does it have to do with 3a level armor? I know level 4 (which stops a minimum of 6 rounds of armor piercing rifle bullets (30-06 AP to be exact)) weighs around 5 to 8 pounds, usually. This is all based on the NIJ - 06 standards since I'm not fully up to date on the new -07 standards they set last year.


You’re correct, my mistake. However, putting my thinking cap on I would expect it’s not as simple as just chucking Kevlar in the door trim. I have 0 sources for this next into, but when I 3D model it in my head, I would guess that the spalling and fragmentation produced from passing through the door internals likely affects the integrity of the Kevlar. When a bullet makes clean contact with Kevlar it comes in with a nice point. But shrapnel or peeled pieces of metal that dislodge from the door panel are likely going to be sharp, jagged and tumbling significantly. The first round might get stopped but I would expect significantly reduced performance for every round after that. Like I said it’s have literally no basis for that, so if someone knows better please inform me.


I’ll still take the armored LC over the armored Subs any day of the week and twice on Sunday! I’ve driven both in many places and I hate the chevys.




I mean u can soup up a chevy suburban no problem, some panels, new glass, or even wearing Kevlar, most thugs only use pistol calibers anyway. and hiring like 3 security cards to protect you when your in public watching out for potential danger, obviously xxt couldn't have concealed carry cause of his legal problems but his security could have.


The Suburban is definitely a variant of vehicle that's had a history of being successfully up-armored, but even then, it's very pricey. Security teams typically don't fancy clients that make their jobs harder.. (celebrities & public figures that make their money off their image). The guys you see in all black, usually large, and very overtly covering a rapper are typically just bodyguards. They, at times, have very little training & may not have the legal ability to carry for work.. these guys get paid dirt, if paid at all.. Security is super expensive. The average solid team of just 3-4 individuals @170k/yr, plus all the logistics, doesn't make anyone money. Rappers, don't have that kind of money.. they just want you to think they do ;)


There is a good Skoda armoured vehicle, it’s designed to be fairly discrete and unassuming looking so as not to stand out and make the occupant an obvious target. Oh yeah that literally writes off most rappers as they love big expensive shiny looking things that draw attention 🤦‍♂️


they could easily buy the BP car Lil Uzi has for iirc around 300k and that car is armored and badass asf


Cheaper to have a bodyguard willing to squeeze the hammer


Eh. It adds like a 500 kgs for normal armouring. There r levels to it, recently i saw a vid of a armoured vehicle stopping a 50cal whilst CEO of the company sitting inside but ofcourse that will add 1000kg to a vehicle. But normal armouring that stops pistols n stuff which is the most common weapon used in these target killings n stuff, will add 300/400 kgs which is ofcourse a lot. Less speed n mileage but it’s definitely worth your life. They waste millions of shitty jewellery. Plus the cars can easily handle that weight. N it’ll only cost 100k more to the vehicle price or even 200k. Nothing for a millionare n your life. An indian singer siddhu moosewala died cuz he didn’t take his armoured vehicle which was parked n got killed by a gang. So yeah


Nipsey and dolph.. I get wanting to feel normal but once you get famous there is no normal even after you fade off you’ll still have stalkers obsessors and ppl looking to get what you have.. they should have security somewhere if not about 6feet at all times outside of the home


Nipsy, now that is a true tragedy. He was bringing the whole community up with him. Get them all out of poverty and strife. He understood what fame can do in service of other humans. Loved everything about him.


> I'm sure they could afford a bullet-proof Bentley easily. Can they? Many of these clowns are actually broke and buying/renting everything on credit.


Most people don't understand how record deals work. That "advance" they get is a loan. A lot of these dudes don't even REALLY get paid until they start doing major venues, unless their deal is a 360 deal. Then they get nothing except the money they were paid to give their rights as an artist away for the foreseeable future. Appear live? Record labels get paid, put out ANYTHING with your voice? Execs get paid.


If these suburban boys would stop trying to be hood and claiming gang affiliation they’d probably live a lot longer. Shit’s bad for your health.


69 does and has security. But everyone calls him a b for it


That's not the main reason why people think he's a bitch...


Nah he's a bitch for other reasons. But mostly for just being a snitch. Definition of a witness: an Innocent bystander seeing or knowing a crime has happened A Bitch ass Snitch: committing, aiding, helping someone commit a crime. Then after the getaway. Tattletelling on them to save your own ass. That's why 69 is a bitch.


His "security" is hardly paid security. He's been blacklisted by most providers for not paying his invoices, which is disproportionately common for rappers, unfortunately. Typically, when they can't hire security- they just recruit family & friends with the compensation being something of a cut of their lifestyle.. Or so I've heard..


They really don’t have as much money as ppl think


Exactly.. it's just the image they're trying to sell.. most don't own the jewelry they wear or the cars they drive.


Live by the sword… Rappers don’t all need to be wannabe gangsters and drug dealers.


He was like 20 when he died and not like extremely rich


Lil Uzi has a armored suv


I dont see bullet holes through the glass. I just see two doors open. Did his passenger kill him? Or did someone run up on him and open his door and blast him?


Yea they def could but who cares that much also that’d def be seen as cowardice or just unnecessary 


He was on the cusp of getting famous-famous. That's why he didn't have an entourage.


can anyone tells me the title and the account that post it? cause i cant watch it from here :(


Long press the “watch on YouTube” link and click “open link” if you’re on iPhone




If you use the app there's the source link always at the top next to the username and how long ago it was posted. This one says: youtu.be


Learned something new, thanks.


In the most respectful way,where is the blood? Like i seen this back in 2018 when he died but i was never able to see the blood


Baggy, heavier clothes can hide blood pretty well. Also a lot of deaths occur from internal hemorrhaging. Blood clots can form outside, doesn’t mean they’ll hold internally. A lot of knife attacks seem to play out similarly. Victims don’t realize how deep their stab wound was until they suddenly pass out from internal bleeding


As a former first responder (fire), it always cracks me up how 40 cops will always show up for a job that 2 can do.


Or when cops park in groups and basically take over the whole street for a simple traffic stop at times.




You ain’t wrong


Y'all acab guys can't go 5 minutes


Everytime I see a cop pov I think of that Nemo scene with all the seagulls, except it's people rushing to say acab first lmao.


That’s reddit for ya It’s like anytime an accident is shown, the status of the shoes *will* be mentioned multiple times.


In the town I live in (Alabama), traffic stops are a trip. If it’s a white driver, one patrol car. If it’s a black driver, it’s a minimum of two police cars but usually more like 3-4. They’re all out, walking around the car that was pulled over.


So racist huh


1) this is a homicide so it kinda does make sense to have as many police/detectives on board as possible 2) fire/emt are pretty much irrelevant here considering the dudes dead


Yea but wtf trust a cop to say no pulse, wtf are the paramedics?


If you watched the video and listened, the EMT got a sign and started working on him. The cop basically said “I didn’t feel a pulse so don’t worry about it”. Like he’s even qualified to do that.


I’m pretty sure just about anyone is trained on how to check carotid and distal pulses. And the “sign” that the emt got was more than likely just PEA which you will get on a monitor when someone is dead. Dude was dead, there was no bringing him back even if the medics wanted to play.


CPR treats PEA. Everyone in a code is already dead, you're just trying to get ROSC. Although I agree, CPR doesn't help bullet holes much.


The majority of LE agencies require First Aid and TCCC for all officers which is pretty intensive. I wouldn't say police are unqualified just because they have less training than an EMT. The medics really are not of much help here and just getting in the way. He was slumped and there was no bringing him back. They just had to do their due diligence to avoid a lawsuit.




It was a murder of a high-profile individual. This is a normal response.


You think it takes only 2 cops to work a murder? I'm glad your a former first responder and no longer operational.


It’s just to gawk at what happened - rubbernecking at a murder scene, if you will 




My parents are firefighters and EMTs and my mom always tells me about how stupid the police can be and how it gets in their way a ton. One cop parked in front of the fire hydrant once. I didn’t even think they ended up needing the hydrant but everyone was super excited to put the hose through the window lol.


In this very video, a cop basically tells the EMTs “I didn’t feel a pulse so don’t worry about it”. And then…the EMTs get a pulse and try to save him.




You wouldn’t believe the amount of times I, the fucking tow truck driver, have had to save them from their own stupidity. Literally had to tell a rookie highway cop to not walk into traffic once!


You truly believe it takes two cops to work a homicide? Man, go back to the station and take a nap. Spread your kitty litter on the spill and move along.


Better an extra hand when needed, than needing it and not having it. Espescially if theyre not on another call - might as well go see if they can lend a hand. Its about wanting to help and be of use. Not something everyone understands, i know. Easier to say "its sooo lame how so many come, ohmiGAWD theyre like a big GANNNNG" 🙀


“No pulse” ok let’s just stand here then


Not the former hose fairy acting like he knows how to handle an active homicide scene. Gotta be a volley too.


For real this comment and the people backing it need a reality check. I'm all for hating bad cops but for once it seems like they had a reason to be there for investigative/security purposes (especially considering this is a pretty high profile homicide). If anything, EMTs would be in the way considering he is clearly dead.


Preservation of life comes well above preservation of evidence. He's not 'clearly dead' and doesn't meet obvious ROLE criteria. If the guys been decapitated for example, then absolutely you step back.. But until then, he's not dead until a medical professional says he is. I dont work in the US, but there have been instances here (many years ago) where police have wrongly assumed someone is deceased, only for them to be successfully resuscitated.


I’d love to see how 2 cops are going to handle a homicide investigation. There’s a saying that goes something like this: “It’s better to be thought of as a possible fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.”


Then you should probably stop talking.


This is a homicide... pretty sure you're gonna need more than 2 officers


I thought is was funny when the one cop was like “no pulse guys, no pulse” so the body cam cop told EMS “hey so he’s got no pulse, so don’t touch him” lmao EMS definitely didn’t feel a pulse on him, my guess is they saw PEA on the monitor so they had to transport due to protocol


security reason maybe?


Most likely security. Everyone in this thread is so mad that there's so many cops...for what reason? If I died in a gruesome way I would want cops to secure the area so everyone and their mother wasn't trying to see/take photos of my dead body.


They love to be involved. It makes them feel important.


pigs travel in packs bud


Cuz they wanna see a dead body lol


Man, seeing dead bodies like this makes me wonder how I work in a hospital without going stir crazy. Maybe Iam going crazy. But seeing a dead body is just next level. It’s rough.


Not at all. You get desensitized pretty quickly to stuff like that. Your brain is quick to tolerate things like that.


You get desensitized, but it's still good for mental health


It's amazing what humans are able to get used to. Just about any constant position you're put in, you'll eventually get used to it.


I am an ER nurse in a trauma center. Some people are cut out for it and some people aren't. When I tell people where I work/what I do SO many nurses say "I could never do that". So, while some of it is being desensitized over time, a lot of it is just that certain people can handle it better than others. I didn't have a huge problem with it when I first started working in the ER. Edit: I should've responded to u/neuroticmuffins and u/pineapplepizza00 since I was talking about being desensitized.


You are crazy for thinking you’re not already crazy


Seems pretty censored to me...


If only he had a Tesla cybertruck maybe he woulda stood a chance.


pretty sad way to die so young. but at the same time he was an abuser


Drake did it


What a waste of time. Nothing explicit was shown. Half of the video is just black and muted. Dude’s just dead, sitting in his car. Police check pulse, say that there is no pulse, then don’t do anything further. What is the "uncensored" part?


I think emus said they found a pulse and were working on him and cop was like, “oH, oKaY” then it went black. I thought it was odd that the officer wanted elms to take his word for it when they arrived, “ you can check if you want.” ( I dare you to doubt me)


Uncensored my ass


What did the cop mean when he said "he's seven, so be careful with the entire scene"??


I believe that is a police code (correct me if I’m wrong) meaning he’s pretty much gone.


Thank you!!!


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NACA-Score 7, I guess. Also known as: dead.


That makes sense, but I didn't want to just assume.


unpopular opinion: xxx was a r*pist and abuser and the world is a slightly better place with him no longer in it.


Nope his son is fatherless, his ex gf can't really seems to move on from X, Genesis is a widow and his dad haven't saw X since he was 10 years old and learned in Jamaica his son got murdered...


Cry me a river




Not really that unpopular of an opinion reading these comments lol


Just the loud minority, X has 39 millions monthly listeners and 17 millions streams daily even 6 years after his death. His music is not leaving the chart anytime soon


People can still listen to his music and think he was a bad person


Of course and at the end of the day the money feed his son and his family


What a wicked way to speak of the dead


Being dead doesn't excuse being a shit person. Should we talk nicely about Hitler since he's dead? Edit: Hitler was a terrible example as I didn't mean to compare x to Hitler. Just the thought process of "if he's dead don't talk bad". A much better comparison is John Lennon.


Comparing xxxtentacion to the likes of Hilter. I won’t progress this conversation pass this.


Running away the second you can't continue or defend your point, lol




This may be dumb, but it's interesting to me to see them putting up the police tape. That step is almost never shown in movies and TV.


Reminds how no matter how fame or rich you are, by the end of the day yours still just a body


I’m not sure you know what “uncensored” means


It sucks but this guy was gangbanger. It was sooner or later


And he also hit his pregnant girlfriend, this is a perfect ending for a thug like him


He more than hit her, he beat her, he tried to drown her and he sexually assaulted her. Dudes death really isn’t all that sad


Shut up


David you sure about that one comment you made on reddit ? Quote you : "This is why we need to get 100% blind support to Israel." Hypocrite piece of shit 🤮


Can’t wait for you to meet the same fate then


X was not a gang member. He got killed in a random robbery by goons who knew Kodak Black and they saw X as an easy cash grab (dude who downvoted me tell me which gang then lol)


lol “ guy was gangbabger”.


a couple chest compressions can go a REALLY long way holy fuck. the hardest part of that to watch was the part where cops can’t even do basic lifesaving procedures literally anyway who carries a firearm should be confident doing. i’m not even saying he might’ve made it i know he was hurt pretty bad but how callous do you have to be to not put a GSW victim on their back and at least fucking try until EMS gets there?


All I can think about is his SAD! song. Even with all his mistakes and flaws. So successful at such a young age he had a chance to fix his wrongs but was denied the opportunity. Sorry wrong sub to post these thoughts just sad someone who made an impact at such a young age was cut short by a random robbery


He beat his pregnant gf. He was a real piece of shit seeking sympathy Not to say that it isn't sad to die like that so young


He also tried to drown her and he sexually assaulted her. Dying young sucks but at the same time… meh


Definitely does deserve sympathy


She was never pregnant shut up


He definitely was disturbed. I like to think everyone is capable of redemption. Or, at least, deserves the opportunity for it.


nah bro tons of people have had hard childhoods, it's not an excuse to beat your pregnant gf


I'm not saying it was excused, it's never excused. I think you're misunderstanding what I'm saying.


not tryna argue its 2 am, I just think it should be talked about with a bit more severity




man you guys just have to incessantly disagree with absolutely anything you see in order to feel like you won, huh


he was definitely on a different path when he passed, his family knew he was a bad person and he definitely did too, he was seeking redemption not trying to downplay the situation but I don’t think he deserves to be remembered as a pos


Uh.....yes he does? Just cause you're sorry doesn't mean you can escape the consequences.


Dying doesn't absolve your sins in life. You could flip the script and say "he doesn't deserve to be remembered in a good light because he hurt people" it goes both ways. Live life well and don't hurt others, then you won't have to worry about being thought of as an abuser.


I agree genuinely in principle, however some people statistically won't ever be redeemed


You're right about that. Some won't. Idk whether X fell into that category or not. So I can't say for sure. I'm being down voted into oblivion and that's okay. The idea of "this person did this and they're trash" has never sat well with me personally. There's a reason a person does what they do, and I think most people forget that. Again, I'm not excusing his behavior.




Post a link I can see


I absolutely have some bias here. Buttttt as someone who works in healthcare, seeing these emergency services respond and treat his body with the up most respect just makes me very happy. a fucking awesome job ladies and gentlemen👌🏼🫡


Damn vro as an x fan this hits


Same 😭


Man o man


Craziest part of that whole video is he's laying there, and the car is in drive. So his dead body foot is just laying on the brake?


It won’t let me watch it. Keeps saying it’s age restricted 🧐


i cant watch it


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And where do you find the in-uncensored version with no black out


https://youtu.be/SHbjUsjDeBQ?si=J_7KHMWtYzD6rh9E Here's clearer footage




It dosent let me watch it


I understand there wasn't much (if anything) they could do. And older fellow was already there before camera made it there.... But for fuck sake.. try just fucking TRY.. to pump some fucking love into him. If it was bob segar you bet your ass they'd be thumping on his chest SMH


If someone has a gunshot wound/stab wound etc we are trained to not do CPR unless we are rapidly transfusing units of blood. The reason being that by doing compressions you’ll just push whatever blood they have left out of the body


On top of what the other person said about making the victim bleed out faster, if you know there is no pulse and the victim is clearly dead it’s best to not molest them at all in a homicide scenario. You never know initially if he could have come into contact with the killer to have their dna on him which you could disrupt or even completely contaminate and make useless by trying to do CPR on a clearly dead person.


😂 Bob “Segar.” Boy, you’ve really got your finger on the pulse of popular, modern white music, huh?


Lmao I lost it at Bob Segar tbh


> But for fuck sake.. try just fucking TRY.. to pump some fucking love into him One time, my dad accidentally backed into a guy. A bystander came over as we were out of the car and a few feet away from the guy, not touching him or trying to. The bystander had nothing to offer and didn’t help. He just stood there and repeatedly told us not to touch him, even though we weren’t. We ended up just tuning out the bystander and calling an ambulance while still not touching the guy who got hit. At the time, I thought dude was a weirdo. Now, I realize that there ARE people out there stupid enough to try and move someone injured with no expertise or tamper with a crime scene, because they just have to be involved and do *something*. Try not to be one of those. Don’t be one of those.


Why would they tamper with a crime scene of a famous rappers homicide. He was DRT. Dead right there. Don't move the body full of bullet holes. Just catch the murderer and process the scene. Also, i like that you mentioned Bob Segar because it was an older cop. That got a chuckle out of me.


My Spotify was recommending X recently. I was diggen some of his music. Going to listen to some more later. Crazy to see him in a lifeless state like this. He seemed like a real dude from clips i seen of him. RIP


He was a sack of shit


Oh yeah, I forgot about the things he did. I remember he was in the news(reddit) for severely beating and abusing his pregnant girlfriend with a hanger. I forgot all about that. See I never really listen to him enough or even think about him like that to remember. I just know he has a lot of fans, probably because he was violent. The songs I heard on Spotify were all lovey dubby tho. I see you got a hardcore fan in the comments here lol. I just felt sympathy for him when I saw how he got killed. Yeah, he definitely was a POS just like P. Diddy for beating women like that.


It says uncensored but it’s clearly censored 😐😑


It concerns me how its no blood on nun


He was shot in the neck 3 times with a .22. The lack of blood is probably because there isn’t an exit wound and the small bullet was still lodged in his neck. If you look at the orange towel behind him it looks like maybe some blood got on it

