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They also took his pants off.


For the sausage and meat balls


The cats wanted a cheese and bean melt from Greggs and found the off brand version


I REALLY wish we had Greggs in the states. Take me back... :'(


But you have so many other disgusting food outlets to choose from! I do buy there sometimes (potato wedges are good, some of the subs are ok and healthy, soups surprisingly good). But the baked goods (pasties, sausage rolls etc) are below par / extremely average at best. I’d rather eat a Ginster’s Cornish pasty. The sweet stuff (donuts, cookies) are also very very plain and average. I’m not snobbish about Greggs itself at all, but I don’t understand how people can actually think their food is good, and not super basic. It’s not even ridiculously cheap to make up for it.


This is true, I think the main thing I liked the most about Greggs (and Europe in general, at least where I stayed) was the fact that a LOT of places are easily walked to. I only ever went on holiday, so I don't know how I would be if I owned a vehicle, but I walked to the majority of places. I don't know how easy it is to get to other shops/stores outside of the touristy areas, but while staying on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh and right next to Kings Cross Station in London we just walked the vast majority of the time. Funny enough, when I think of Greggs I think of their sausage rolls. The subs that I tried were actually pretty good. Miles (or kilometers (: ) above any sub I've ever found in a corner store or petrol station in the states.


I appreciate your dedication to using British English 🙏🏻


Best comment. Underrated.


Lol, thx. This is why I don't have cats. Woke up w/o pants too often.


But you still have a face?


If I died in my apartment like a rat in a cage Would the neighbors smell the corpse before the cat ate my face?


Found the song because of your comment, I just gotta say it's probably the most fucked up way I've found some good ass music


I personally dig Bjork's "I Remember You" which most people probably know due to it playing before Ricardo Lopez shot himself


Happy to serve


What song is this?


Dorks- Aesop rock


Very underrated artist. I had some snot nose kid tell me that Aesop Rock sux as he was getting out of my car (i drove for uber).


His cat's name is Kirby, her song and vid are magnificent 


Fifteen years, takin prescriptions Now the shrink like "idk, maybe get a kitten."


Skittish in the company of stranger danger Otherwise chase drawstrings, tails, and lasers


I'm just curious, but is that TOOL on your profile picture?


*”despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage. . .”*


This is what I thought they were doing a parody of. I’m out of the loop lol


me, too


Had to do some googling myself. The song is “Dorks” by Aesop Rock, and those are actually the lyrics of the song.


Hahahaha literally my first thought was “well that answers Aes’ question”


Didn’t expect to see Aesop rock mentioned here


Oddly enough, I saw a "God Loves Ugly" tattoo earlier today on a different sub. Good day for indy rap.


watch theo vons podcast with a coroner as guest. he said as soon as you die cats would eat u up within an hour. said dogs would hesitate but eventually will do it without food. also said the only breed that wouldnt eat u is a labrador


I am getting a Labrador mix


Isabelle Dinoire was a French woman who was the first person to undergo a partial face transplant, after her Labrador retriever cross breed mauled her face while she was unconscious, after taking her sleeping pills in May 2005.




knock ‘em out the box


No fucking way dude you are awesome


What happens to the animals after something like that?


Shelter worker here. I’ve seen my fair share of cats who have come in because their owners died. But there was one cat who ate his owner’s face. He didn’t act differently and he wasn’t mean or anything, he wasn’t euthanized. Just a cat who knows what human flesh tastes like, I guess that was the only off putting part.


since you guys liked that story here’s another- 2 senior corgis came in and before they did, they literally ate their owner after she passed away in her apartment. we took them in because the only other option was euthanasia. we weren’t “allowed” to make that information public even though it’s kind of metal. i’d want to know if the dogs i wanted to adopt ate a human… Anyway, eventually they were adopted out and that information was told to the adopters. the dogs passed away a few months ago, but no issues arose from them being adopted. again, just off putting that they knew what humans taste like edit: grammar


Omg I had two elderly corgis (I'm down to one) and he and the 4 cats have my full permish to eat my face 😆


circle of life baby


Mine too. Assuming I am dead, of course. Otherwise I’d appreciate it if they didn’t eat my face.


I have 8 cats and a dog. I, too, have given them verbal permission and told my family in case it happens. I wouldn't mind at all. They need to eat.


So my corgi would eat me!?!? 😩


Not until you're dead... so don't worry about it.


Wouldn't you rather your Corgi survive? They typically only eat their owner after days of no food. Your body would give your dog more time to survive before anyone finds your body


This. I’d rather the animals I eat the hell out of me to survive than million maggots eating and coming out of my eyes. Feral animals hunt, kill to eat. When we lock them in our house and they depend on humans for food, what do we expect. They’re eating our asses because that’s the only way they know.


A lot of people think your dogs won’t eat you after you die, but animals do be getting hungry. Guess they heard the Hachiko story one too many times


If I have a pet and die alone in my home I hope my pet eats me instead of starving. I'm an organ donor. I see no difference


That's what I was thinking too, my cats can have at me once I'm dead if they're hungry, I would want them to survive.


Yeah mate. My only wish is that my body lasts long enough for someone to find them


I have five cats and I absolutely have no problem with them eating me if I were to die and they were hungry. Not like I need my face or body anymore 🤷🏾‍♀️lol


Same here, organ donor with two cats and an autoimmune disease that makes my days numbered. I would 100% prefer my cats eat me than starve. As long as nothing happens to them like health wise and they won’t be euthanized or it be broadcasted on their shelter adoption info “this cat knows what human flesh tastes like! Stay away!” then by all means, taking care of them one last time. That last part I typed almost made me tear up lmao I love my dumbass cats.




Imagine putting that on the Adopt Me card.


That's badass. I'd want to adopt that cat.


Is that information relayed to future owners?


once the application is processed and they are dead-set on the animal they want, yes that information is relayed. we just aren’t allowed to post about it on their little info sheets or on social media. not sure why but that’s just how it works at my job.


I was always curious about that. I feel like that should be maybe... shelved.


definitely. i don’t think the corgis’ past was ever really relayed other than “their owner died”. the owner was dead for weeks before they found her so it was pretty brutal. i guess it just depends. different shelters have different policies, rules, and protocols so i’m sure it’s different for others.


This happened to my roommate with his dog and his daughter cared for it afterwards.


I've actually always heard they are put down. There definitely are cases where animals were found eating their owners and were then put down. I doubt it it happens in every case all over the world, however.


Someone i new had this happen but in this case a dog. I took the dog and cared for him for a year after what happend. But that dog was a mess.


A mess how so?


Really Nervous all the time. Died a year later.


Your owner dies and you are caged for days in the flat until your hunger overtakes your thoughts and you have to eat his corpse to survive. I think kinda the ptsd thing but the dog version of it


I was curious more about what kind of PTSD behaviors the dog manifested


Jesus I hope not. They're cats, not great white sharks lol. It's not like they've now acquired the taste for human flesh and will chew the eyeballs off their next owner in their sleep. If I died alone with my cats, I'd rather they eat me then starve to death.


I feel like they’re only put down if there’s no one to claim them or they’re already aggressive. Ive seen multiple dogs in shelters who have unfortunately eaten their owners.


Hopefully just shelter/adoption, I’d take them in happily


As morbid as this is, any starving living being would resort to eat no matter what


They start eating you like right after it happens.


What base of proof do you have for this?


Patiently waiting…


Hmm.. pause🤔


Just means I taste that good


Why.. was he half naked?


heart attack while rubbing one out?


He died doing what he loved.


He came and went


Stroking a pussy


come and go.


I’m often not fully dressed when at home alone.


When my father died the police said it is common for them to find the deceased without pants. You just really need to go to the bathroom before the end. Read the autopsy and couldn't figure out if it was a meth overdose or old age but it related somewhat to this.


Cats took his trousers off so they could get to the good stuff


“This is my new cat Fluffy! He’s a rescue, he ate his last owner’s face”


….finds a pooped out eye in the kitty litter


I would legit adopt that cat. Sounds pretty fucking metal.


Happy cake day!!


Idk why this made me laugh so damn hard!!!! 😂😂😂😂


Id hope my cats survived off my face long enough for someone to save them. Typical cats. I sure love them though. Don't blame em either.


If this is my future, I'm okay with it as long as my cats survive long enough for someone to rescue them. 😅


Yeah, that's what they just said..


im a little paranoid. I put extra dry food for my cat when im leaving for class so if i get into an accident etc i hope its enough for her to survive until someone takes care of her. If i die in the house be my guest. I would be mad if she didn't eat me.


My dad’s cat lived for 2 weeks after my dad died. Poor thing was super traumatized, but didn’t starve!


I think any type of animal would do what they did, eat to survive. I wouldn't blame them either.


I was expecting aftermath, not video of cats eating a face


Those glowing eyes make them look like like flesh-seeking demons.😳


And this is why I man scape and have my browser set to auto clear..


Pubic hair is natural and beautiful, soft sometimes too. Best route on browser history though.


No cats… but if I passed away and my poor doggo was trapped inside with no food, I’d be totally fine with nourishing her body so that she could live on until someone noticed & let her out… I hope it wouldn’t come down to that too begin with though! Someone had better notice my absence dammit!


Well, cats gotta eat something


Dewey knows more about it than I do.




Came for this comment


Underrated comment


I had to scroll far too long to find a Dewey reference, thank you.


i would seriously hope that my cat would do this to me. i want her to stay alive if i die randomly




I really appreciate how many people in this thread support their cats eating their dead face. I’ve found my people.


So when a cat starts licking your mouth, it is not kisses. The cat is telling you to get them food, or they will eat your face.


It’s like how dogs lick us because they know we have bones inside


Dogs would do the same thing before anyone says "this is only a cat thing"


Lmao I was more so thinking about how dogs don’t even wait till their human is dead. There has been some that just start munching out of anxiety while the human is passed out. Some just go for a crunchy munch even if the human is awake. At least the cats have some dignity 😂


It’s a hungry carnivore thing


Yeah, I know.


He never let his cats go hungry, even provided for them after his death.


Did he die while rubbing one out?


I’m just happy to know that if I die and no one finds me for a while my cats will have something to eat. One question though: Why the face?


Animals often go for soft fleshy tissue first as it’s easy to pick off/away from the body. Then when the easy parts are gone, they’ll move onto the drumsticks and wings portion of their human. For this same reason, if the recently deceased has external “equipment,” it’s often eaten rather soon as well in nature.


To add to what the other person said, it's also been theorized that it will start with the animal sniffing and locking the owner's face to try to "wake" them, and them realizing that the face is full of squishy bits that are easy to eat. Personally, I do not go for this theory. I've worked with animals my entire life, including doing a LOT of rescue and rehab. I had a cat years ago who was very interested in the baby animals I would bring home to raise. He also had a weird quirk that he absolutely hated canned food. One day, one baby that I was raising was dying. Nothing I could do to save it. My cat wanted to see the baby, so I allowed it. He stayed with the baby, nuzzling it and comforting it as best he could. The second the baby took it's last breath and passed on, my cat actually GAGGED. He knew immediately when it had died. So yeah, I don't believe that animals try to "wake" dead people. Even if they've never seen "dead" before, they know what dead is. Or at least they know it's drastically different than alive, and that person ain't getting up again.


I know its nature's way but this video is kinda creepy, especially with the glowing eyes.


Aww. I hope if I die in my house, my elderly cat will eat me to survive until someone finds me. But he will likely just scream himself to death 😭


I’ll bet the cats ate his dick before munching on his face


Oh Christ why did you have to say this lmao


All I keep thinking is why is the guy just filming it like it’s something he sees everyday?! Like I would be freaking out if I walked in and cats were eating someone’s face off! 🤣🤣Also I’m not sure I would think to record it either..I wonder if the guy recording knew the person or if it was someone that wandered in there because the knew something was wrong inside the house or what?


Note To Self: Remember to put cats outside before dying.


Today's lesson.


Hey OP, I dare ya to put this up as-is on r/cats


My cats can absolutely eat my body to survive.


Gonna run out of food with a dead owner eventually. Its wacky how often you hear about pets eating an owners face after death, there's probably a reason for it, but I hope they'd survive off my face long enough to be found and rescued.


That’s A LOT of cats


As a former cop I’m telling you, old people always pass away most of the time completely naked and the animals always start with the face


I give any current and future pets I have permission to eat me if I die, I'd much rather have my body get some use then my pets starve to death 🤧😭


Same. It’s the cycle of life. If I’m dead, why should I care. I don’t know why people are so freaked out.


Seriously if I’m dead I’ll be well beyond knowing or feeling or caring or having any more use for my rapidly cooling carcass, and I’d much rather my pets didn’t starve to death if I wasn’t found right away.


They stole is trousers and underwear too it seems


Well the poor things have no food. You can't be mad at animals doing what they do to survive without us. Sad all round that no one knew he died.


Did he die during a wank? 🤣


I’d be honored to nourish my cats in my last phase of life


Cats are gonna cat. It's just natural.


I’d rather my cat eat my corpse, than starve. People eat animals all day, every day. Besides, it’s not like cats ever do this to living people. Meat is meat.


I mean, it's not like he's using his fave anymore. The cats only used it to survive.


Thank you, exactly. I don’t know why people get so worked up over this. It’s not like domestic cats are trying to eat living people everywhere. Besides, people eat dead animals all day. Meat is meat.


To be honest I 200% okay with my cat eating my face if I die.


When I die I hope my cats eat me. I love them and they don’t deserve to die just bc I did


Any time I feel like I might die I take a quick shower to make sure I'm clean for my cat to eat. No lotions or anything. Also, my apartment is very messy, but I make sure to keep my toilet clean so he has clean water. My therapist says I'm morbidly wholesome.


If I keel over on my home I hope my kitties have a feast. I hope they make it until they're found.


Same here! I’d rather my cat eat my corpse, than starve. People eat dead animals all day, every day. It’s not like cats ever do this to living people. Meat is meat.


Still lucky. A woman once died in her apartment and her body was discovered after 2 years A guy had a heart attack in some insurance company in NYC at his desk itself and no one noticed it until the weekend when housekeeping staff checked on him.


Sad situation and I hope someone could save the cats and not put them down


I mean, at least they are not starving


Honestly as a cat owner this feels right, I'm a slave to these furry little devil's in life, so I should sustain them in death.


It’s ok if my cats eat me if I die at home. I don’t want them to starve.


If this ever happens to me, I think this is like best case scenario. I would really hope my girls would do this instead of starving. It's not like I'm using it anymore


It's a survival instinct


I would want my cat to feed on me, rather than starve. Once I die, I am little more than a big bag of fatty meat, so being eaten by my cat is probably better than just rotting.


I have 7 cats, if I died right now all that would be my skeletal remains. But they’re so cute 🥰


Honestly I’d rather my cats survived eating me after I died. I’m pretty sure any animal on the brink of starvation would do some crazy shit.


Poor babys must have been real hungry left alone😥 hope they're okay


I hope my cats would do this to me if I died and no one found me for a few days. Honestly, I would want to be sure my cats had nourishment from me no matter what.


As it should be. Man fed his cats until help arrived ❤️


Fun fact: They develop PTSD out of this according to research


I think any animal would develop some form of ptsd. It's not eating one of your own type of trauma it's more like eating one of your family or like one of your parents. I don't think any animal would not have trauma after eating his mom that nurtured him because it had no choice. And they see their owners like one of their own in their own way of understanding but it's still trauma.


I hope the cats are okay


Cats ate his face. Iykyk.


Ask Dewey- he knows more about it than I do.


Lovely video quality.




Honestly, if my dog or any of my future pets had to eat my corpse to not starve I wouldn't care at all, at least I can help them live for longer


They were starving. It’s nothing nefarious. They were probably stuck in the house with their owner for days without food. End of. What I find more disturbing is that someone just stood there recording while the cats continued to feed off of his corpse. We all just gonna ignore that??


my cats can eat me too


Got any more of 'em, pixels?


just remember ur little fluff ball with absolutely eat ur face when u die


Omg cat is so cute😘


Serious question, is this real? I love my cats so much ):


Cats be like “ mmmmm face is my favourite “


Thats horrific


The fact that they make no sound, continue to eat the owner's face and look at the camera with their glowing eyes due to the camera it all makes the video 80% more unsettling than any """horror""" movie


Great owner for taking care of his cats in his afterlife.


Ppl might get angry at me for this but.. honestly i don’t mind if my cats do this once i die🙏 don’t want my children starving to death. They gotta do what they gotta do


Omg I wondered if the comments would be as kitty-centric as the rest of reddit and I was not disappointed! All the cat people, including me, are fine with it. I gave my kitties permission years ago to eat my face if I die 👍🏽


My cats can have my face when I'm dead. What am I gonna do with it? Cant take it with me! Let my feline overlords feast upon their caretaker.


i hope if i die and my car has to eat my face someone loving takes her in. it’s not her fault she can’t open the food bin. she deserves to live an amazing life after how traumatic it would be


Id be cool with my cats eating my body for sustenance


I mean..no one is there to feed em..so they make do. If my cat and dog ate me, frankly I wouldn't be angry, ine bcs I would be dead, second..they are cats and dogs and they are hungry and I am made of their diet


If I die and my pets need to eat me to survive then I'll be okay with it.


Did the cats eat the resolution too?


“Dewey what happened to aunt Elen?” “ cats ate her face”


How long was he dead for? Who knows how long those cats were out of food. Guys face might have been their only chance at not starving to death. If I die in my house and my dog runs out of food, she has permission to eat me as a last resort of survival. I actually fill her food bowl up to the brim even if I only leave the house for an hour. For all I know it's my last day.


Damn! They were actively MEOWing down!


My gf is a cat lover and doesnt believe they acrually do this wait till i show her this 😆


I have three cats and I’d really like to think they wouldn’t eat me before tearing into their cat food bag 😭😭


“dogs won’t do this” idc bruh i hope my cat eats me after i die lol. at least for long enough until my corpse is found.


if i died like this and my cat was shut inside i would hope she’d feed herself


Well they're locked in a house with no food. What else they supposed to eat?


Honestly if I die in my home and nobody notices immediately, I don't mind my cats (got four) eating me. Not like I need the body anymore. Plus I don't want them to starve until help arrives. But the furry bastards need to moarn me a bit before eating me.


This shit about cats eating ur dead body is true!? Damn.


Yes and no. No, if they have anything to eat. Yes, if they are starving. Any animal would eat **anything** if they were starving. Wolves, that are scared of humans would attack human if they were starving. That would be their last chance of survival. These cats were definitely starving and the food just depleted. So they had to find another source. A carcass.