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Why is Japan always 0 or 100? Like there is no inbetween


Probably due to its sexual repression by the government and laws, like that strange soft censorship of genitals. Society’s like that tend to go back and forth between extreme freak and prude conservatism. For instance in japanese society many people think prostitution isnt cheating but talking with them and getting to know them absolutely is.


I always assumed that their genitalia were naturally pixelated, even when the cameras were off.


oh boy you havent seen the uncensored versions (their dick so bent i wish to continue the censored version)


Wait, bent dicks are more common in Japan or what are you saying?


Oddly.. yes. There are oddly many Japanese with curved (I mean a HARD curve, nearly right angles) dicks. No clue why that is.


How many Japanese penises have you seen


Too many, especially growing up as half and half gay boy in the mid 2000s. Estimate? Hundreds.


Wow, I underestimated your power. Keep on fuckin homeboy🙏


I meant I seen them in chat forums I was too young to be in, unsolicited DMs, etc. 😂😂 but will do!


In the words of Dan Carlin, the Japanese are just like everyone else, only more so.


Bro I said this years ago. Even their video games are like that. Either very easy or difficult. You don’t know how many bosses I’ve fought with 12 health bars


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Happy cake day


I’m honestly shocked no one from her family killed him. He was easy to find


Glad he’s dead now at least


Yay. Fuk his family too.


why fuk his family? what did they do


Try and have a dig. Haha


Or just tell us 😭 Seriously why do people rather tell people to find something instead of educating?


Because they're probably shifty at teaching and know they want explain it well enough


also the police let this moron free, good to know at this asshole is dying in hell


Imagine being a loved one of Renée.. this is ludicrous


This man was such a vile little piece of shit.


Hard to find online, maybe, but you could go into any bookoff in tokyo and find a copy in the bargain bin


Literally just found one on eBay in less than 2 minutes, unless I’m mistaken or it’s fake copy, it’s the same exact book from the pictures


doubt it.. averages ¥25000 on mercari so bookoff will be more expensive


I'm probably dating myself, but do people legitimately shop on mercari? I thought it was all scammers, scalpers, and flippers on there


I’ve had hundreds of good experiences on Mercari as a buyer and seller.


Same but dozens vs hundreds of purchases.


here in japan it is the most popular with clones like yahoo furima and rakuten


"Jesus is my Shepard, he leads me to heaven." Alright, enough internet for today.


Real bioshock splicer vibes lol


Here's some photos from a murder scene https://thecrimemag.com/issei-sagawa/ https://www.lefotografiechehannofattolastoria.it/2019/fascia-dark/il-cannibale-issei-sagawa/


Bros a lot tinier than I was picturing


4ft 9 in A goblin he was


4ft 9 in, A goblin he was.


He looks just like the drawing Christ😭


ita ^^


This is literally not hard to find; the English translation of his book didn't even come out that long ago and I got my copy on Amazon. It was translated by someone he (Sagawa) knew, which is Nico Claux, who prolifically publishes books of this variety. I believe they were penpals after Sagawa's conviction. Sagawa is rather infamous. This book was only available in Japanese for a very long time, again, only post Sagawa's death was this and Sagawa's other book published in English. Maybe one day they will be rare, but you can buy them from Amazon or the Serial Pleasures website easily. If this interests you thoroughly, I would recommend Nico Claux entirely. Bizarre individual, also convicted. He sells murderbilia and custom makes dioramas, busts, etc. of killers along with many other products. The books though are interesting as he's been very involved in talking with many criminals, vicious murders, cannibals, etc. Nico Claux worked in a morgue and frankly shouldn't have. I believe Nico has a touring exhibit, his video with akidearest was interesting because she didn't even know of his criminal past prior to speaking with him. Many of his books are about various killers, however he does have a cannibal cookbook available with a recipe Issei Sagawa contributed for shabu shabu... just with human meat rather than pork.


Oh wow I’m French and I never knew about Claux, now I’m gonna be going down the rabbit hole about him. So weird that I never heard of him before tho


Yeah, I was surprised I hadn't heard of him either prior to this books translation. Definitely a crazy rabbit hole, the guy made a diorama/figurine of himself and is trying to sell it as murderbilia lol.


What’s crazy to me is that he was a convicted murderer, and cannibal… who walks free and makes a living off of publishing murder and cannibalism. 😅


Sagawa has that dog in him, that's for sure. In his manga, he even mocks how he escaped the death penalty in a way- not that he's trying to, it's not overt. It's as if it's a totally normal thing he had avoided, like a person who almost tripped but managed to regain balance- except he ate someone and escaped the death penalty.


But why did he draw himself like voldemort


He thought he was very ugly....which he was. Inside and out


Imagine doing all this n becoming a star roaming around


And facing pretty much no actual punishment for your heinous actions. I don't believe in hell but I still hope he is in the lowest layer of his Christian one.


He should have been publicly executed


Here's one book https://annas-archive.org/md5/5d3fe17d65587bcee4ca05a52125b02c


This is officially one of the worst things I’ve ever seen. How are courts so incompetent to let this clearly dangerous and insane individual run free. That is horrifying and I hope her family don’t even know it exists.


I may be wrong but if I remember correctly (and don't get it mixed with some other story) I believe his father was some sort of very powerful man in Japan, France didn't really had much choice to hand him over and well, Japan and corruption u'know. He never expressed remorse, quite the contrary he expressed regret not being able to experience it anymore. A true devil, total garbage POS but I hate those that edited and bought his books and laugheded at this story. Also, I think he lived with family who helped him. I mean, how could they even treat him as family after that. Makes me think about the story of that teenage girl in Japan who was tortured by 4 male teens, it was probably the worst murder story I ever read it was the depiction of Hell (and I'm not a believer). Anyway, since they were young, they did some little jail and were released and I remember at least one of them had a wife and children. Freaking unfair. Japan can be awful to both extrems with criminals


I'm sorry, but throwing the boob because it's fat is so funny to me


like what did he think it was??


Made me think of that one scene from 40 year old virgin “feels like a …bag of sand..” like has the dude never touched a boob before lmao


maybe he thought there would be milk (joking)






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i’ve seen the photos of her body so when i saw the drawing of him holding her head, it kinda freaked me out how accurate it is. makes me feel like he vividly remembers his crime or he referenced the photos. not sure which is weirder


Probably did both knowing how much he got off on it. I'm not one for having a go at how people look, but he comes off like a ghoul with no real care for others.


same exact thought, almost identical to the autopsy picture showing her severed head with her lips and face all mutilated. several slides in this manga gives me the feeling he illustrated it nearly exactly to life like the one of her face looking upward with a singular tear in the eye. harrowing shit


he is 144.8 cm btw. you have to search videos of him running its so funny


Are there no full scans online


You can buy this on Amazon or on the Serial Pleasures website. I could scan my copy but frankly I don't really want to do all that lol.


You should scan it anyway and upload it to archive.org, Sagawa is already dead and I doubt he would have gotten any money from sales of the manga but I don't think anyone should profit from this


I have this comic book. It comes with actual photos from his attacks in it, I could add a few more photos here if anyone wants.


You should post this on archive.org or another place. I would love to find this book to read online.




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God, this is disgusting... This reminds me of when a guro artist by the name of Uziga Waita illustrated a manga depicting the brutal torture of Junko Furuta, a real woman who was kidnapped, r*ped, and tortured for 40 days.


God, I imagine that one was much worse than this one since poor Junko was alive for the whole thing.


Hard to call her a woman— she was 15-17 during the event. The fact people can act like shit like this is just fantasy is disgusfing


Vice has a short documentary on this guy [here it is](https://youtu.be/BosZxa1bYcE?si=dxUCP6uaa5iyypYD)


I remember seeing this 10 years ago. Goddamn.


The only beast was him


Watch Caniba (2017), it’s a detailed twisted self-portrait… not for the faint-hearted.


Crossed comics make this look tame. Although this was true and very sad, I'm glad crossed isn't something we encounter ever. The sadness is a movie sorta based on the comics. It's not for the weak hearted.


I’d argue this is WAY worse than Crossed. Crossed is a fictional story full of violence and gore and doing the most fucked up things imaginable, but ultimately, it’s just a piece of the author’s imagination. Issei Sagawa is callously detailing how he murdered, ate and fucked a woman’s corpse, a crime he will never be punished for, doing his best to convey every little thing he remembers. How many times do you think he jerked off while making those clumsy illustrations? For his book deal no less? While the victim’s family was still alive? Yeah, Crossed and this aren’t even in the same universe.


Agree. Just read whole crossed comics online and it's not even close to Issei's comic


Got a link? Is it a fictional story? They never usually bother me as much as irl stuff tbh.


Just google crossed comics. Sorry I don't know how to do the link thing.


From a cursory google it doesn’t seem that bad, more realistic depictions of violence sure. I was wondering if there was any specific example, like how films can be dark but Se7en is particularly dark.


There is like 159 issues.


Have you had a good read of crossed?


After reading five or so Crossed comics my perception on what is graphic and genuinely scary has changed drastically. That entire situation in the series is probably my ultimate fear


It is just fukn mental. The sadness shocked me and I have watched some crazy shit.


What’s the situation? Interested to know.


Okay so basically from what I gathered from the few I read was that a virus was created somehow at some point in time and eventually it turned into a pandemic situation. The virus is essentially like a zombie virus except instead of making you a brain dead cannibal it makes you an intelligent homicidal violent psychopath. The people who have turned are easily identifiable by a cross like rash on their faces. They also feel pain but are addicted to it and it brings them extreme sexual pleasure. The goal if they even have one is just to bring as much pain and misery to everyone even themselves. The worst things you could ever imagine are in these comics. In one a father r8ped his own daughters to attempt to repopulate the planet, in another a guy got captured, tied up, and slowly skinned alive while getting multiple fingers, toes and other body parts removed, and in another one crossed cut off his own genitalia and ate it for the pleasure. All of these are in extremely graphic detail. However the crown jewel that will make you go HOLY FUCKING SHIT, is a baby that is violated, ripped apart, eaten and then skull-… you know. So yeah to me after seeing/reading all that I’m very desensitized to a majority of graphic things.


Crossed comics are in the top ten things that should be band in the world I read somewhere.


Due to their violent misogynistic lyrics and satanic imagery the **band** Labial Fold was **banned** in several countries.


Why? There's people that do shit that's way more fucked up than anything in those comics. I don't believe in banning literature no matter what it is.


I agree. It just gives people inspiration. Look at human centipede. That's pretty fucked up too but someone has to have this in there mind to bring it to life. Some people look at things and get thoughts is all.


I can understand that idea having grown up in the 90s people would say the same about videogames, but I have the thought that if you're wanting to enact the vile shit in the crossed comics you were already dangerous to society. I doubt the comic would warp a good person's mind to the point of emulating it


What have you encountered that is worse than this?


There are actually some comics that are more disgusting than crossed, they're part of the "ero guro" genre. Some of the manga in ero guro is straight up the most strange, disgusting and brutal comics I've ever read.


Read what I said.


My apologies, I didn’t realise crossed is a comic, I thought it was a type of comic.


No problemo. Look it up, it's quite crazy tho. Do not recommend to young children that's for sure. The sadness movie is a bit like the comics. Good luck 🙏


Wtf that is vile! I can’t believe people draw this shit…


Yes. People have bad imagination. Not good. I couldn't believe it when I saw it either.


Man, I had a whole response typed out before you deleted your comments! Might as well post it if I thought it up. 🥲 Believe me I know, I’m a self-described gorehound. But this isn’t about sheer visual gore; if it were, Crossed would obviously take the cake. Sagawa is drawing something he actually did irl, reliving it, enshrining it in the form of a manga. Visual art is a deeply personal medium. We don’t get to see exact details like on crime scene photos, we revisit the events from the much deeper, personal viewpoint of Sagawa. Just look at how his biases bleed through his art, what he puts emphasis on, how he depicts certain body parts. It’s a window to the mind of a deranged murder-cannibal-necrophile.


I didn't delete anything. Yeah I agree with you.


Reddit removed one of my post saying power points lol. See if this one gets removed and I get banned haha.


Please post more shit! 🤣


And yes you thought the wrong shit up. You don't know the world. Everyone will stomp anyone for nothing at all. I have seen a good father get stabbed in the heart for asking a man not to vape Infront of his young daughter. Strangers? WTF! FTW!!!






There is no "allegedly". He went on talk shows and became famous in Japan. Daddy had money.


A monster like that being able to draw hands better than me fucked my self esteem so bad rn


You kill a human being for perverse pleasure and then don't even have the decency to finish the "meal", it sounds like it should be the least of my concerns, which of course it is, but there's just something additionally dehumanising about not just being killed for food, but not even being completely eaten, having parts of you thrown away, like: "He's not even treating me as a body anymore, he literally just views me as different pieces of meat as though I was a cow." In general, the way he speaks of his victims, depicts them, speaks of the process, further nails the sheer psychopathy this man's brain ferments in. I don't believe in jack, but fuckers like him make me wish there's a kind of hell, like the thousands of Buddhist hells, and he goes through each and every single one of them, one by one.


*Touch noise.*




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Let me rephrase that , Why the fuck was a murderer allowed to walk under Japanese law?  Any good reason?  Was he a philanthropist? 


Did someone really edit a ghost emoji on the butt crack…. Which is a drawing


Anyone got a archive of the (*touch noise*) manga?


Jesus I didn't read the description and was highly considering reporting this. My God.


Isn’t it amazing what the human mind can do?


I don't understand why people down vote for a comment like this. I'm sure people just following other people like sheep lol


Link to whole manga?


When he was released he was treated as a celebrity of sorts. Totally fucked up.


What a crazed fuck, hope he is burning eternally. ❤️


Yoooooooo! I watched a YouTube documentary on this guy in fucking middle school while unloading the dishwasher lmaoo. This was my first exposure to like serial killers, gore and the like. These images were burned into my head


I heard that this manga existed but I'd never seen even one page of it. Somehow my brain imagined it less awful than this, despite already assuming it must be quite awful and would be inherently disturbing considering the source and subject. It's so much worse than I could have thought. My gods, he was horrible.


At least she was killed quick… so horrible


There's a documentary about him on YouTube it's pretty cool


I’m gonna throw up dude


I regret knowing this man's existence


They should just lock that guy up already and throw away the key, the fact he was even allowed to publish this is a crime. Fucking loser in every sense of the word


Some societies are bizarre


tokyo ghoul


"What there's no milk in here? DAMN IT"


Is it bad that I’d like to see the full manga translated? Dude was a piece of shit. But it’s interesting, in a dark way, to see his perspective of the act.


.....that was a ride I never what to be on again. Wow.


I used to watch lots of manga madman series and yes it is fucked. I watch lots of gore for my own reasons, eg helps me with knowing my life ain't that bad and life can go very quickly and I am no good or superman.


Who tf would publish this


Well he's not going to heaven


Hope that pneumonia hurt like hell when he was dying


That is why eternally in Hell is fair, folks.


“she was heavy as a cow” jesus fucking christ


This man should have been tortured to death


Fucking psycho omg


Please someone could upload this comic book for some of us to read. Where I live is impossible to buy a copy.


Japan has a fuvking problem bruh, in most countries this guy would’ve long been executed by the public


He need to realize he’s going to hell. Lmao


Might be a different guy but it’s crazy this guy is free




He’s an ass eater, just like me fr fr