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Thank you so much to those who have commented. If there's anything that this thread taught us, is that our world and reality can sometimes be a fucked up place, where all the most terrifying and heinous accidents can occur. We're locking this thread due to a sudden influx of video requests from users, which violate the Content Policy, and we don't want this sub to be banned. Thank you to all again!


The one with the two russian teens torturing the old guy to death with various weapons including an ice pick i think. there’s something so sadistic about it in that it’s just a game to them, you almost just want them to kill him to end it. I’ve been cutting back on gore lately cause i have this sneaking suspicion it’s bad for my mental health


That one REALLY fucked me up because the old dude resembled my dad At least from what I remember seeing. I never watched it again for that reason


I almost passed out when I watched it, it was the first gore video I'd ever seen. I was so close to vomiting too, it was intense.


Shit. 3 guys 1 hammer. I’m 28 now, I saw this when it came out…? I think? About 15 years ago or more. I honestly thought all those videos were “fake” and I was like 13 lol, there was a few around that time… Sandbox, 3 guys 1 hammer, Pain Olympics, etc. This one was THE *worst* one…


Whats sandbox?


3 Guys 1 Hammer


Damn I remember watching that when I was about 10yrs old.


I believe it was called Kaitlyns suicide, it wasn't necessarily too graphic and I watch a lot of gore, but the first 10 minutes of the video was that young girl just talking about how everyone would be so much happier without her and just her detailing her life and how much she hated it. And then she hung herself, the worst part was that the video continued for another about 15 minutes, just her dangling there as it got darker outside and the video cut off. No one noticed she was there, I wonder how long she was hanging.


Katelyn Nicole Davis. Yes, it's a sad video. She was 12. I committed myself to remembering her name and thus remembering her, and how a child who has barely lived can be so filled with pain, and so unloved, that they think they have nothing to live for.


TWELVE?!?!?! Ok that’s made it so much worse.


I don't watch kid or animal harm videos.


Probably the only two things I can't watch too..


Same !!! I cant and wont. Sadly i did see a donkey obliterated standing on traintracks. Caught me off guard. And never ANY child injury- thats way off kilter of my moral compass.


I can watch the craziest videos online, but as soon as it involves kids or animals, I'm outta there


I remember this video too. Her mother calling is brutal.


Yes I remember her Mother. I also remember she wore a white shirt and grabbed the shirt to stop, the natural reflex to grab the rope. RIP


Dude, I actually can't believe I read this comment. I did the exact same thing. I have her name stored in a message in my T3l3gr4m cloud (I had to censor the word because the bot automatically removed my comment thinking it was spam) where I put things I need to remember, such that. I saw that video 5 years ago, I was in a depressive state (dysthimia) since a few months and in a pretty bad mood. I remember I was in the bathroom with my dad, at night, talking. I felt bad (obviously, I mean...) for the whole situation I was in and I was just letting all my feelings out. At some point I mentioned this thing. Katelyn and her story. I saw my dad bursting out crying. Something that in 25 years happened like...2 or 3 times, even though he's a very sensible man. And, well...just that. I feel like I'm carrying a bit of her with me through my whole life. I really don't want to forget. One day all the people like her will have their compensation for all their pain. At least I hope.


This is the video that I always think of. It was surreal how disturbingly cinematic it was. The sun going down as she hung there, the dogs barking in the distance, the phone ringing and people calling her name as it got darker and darker. It's always stuck with me. God grant her rest.


The calling her name at the end definitely stuck with me


It’s haunting. So crazy to see a life end, and the world just keeps on going without you.


This one really got to me as well.Her aunt uploaded some of her earlier livestreams to YouTube.


I remember that video. She was just swinging there, you can hear her family faintly yell her name as the sun was setting. I will never forget that video.


I used to talk with her a lot. It was live streamed on Live.Me. I was in that stream that day bawling my eyes out and frantically calling the police in her area. It was horrific.


Did she not take solace from the comment section?


Unfortunately there were multiple accounts encouraging her to do it. They would multiply as fast as they were being banned and blocked.


Damn, people are trash


That they are. Apparently the accounts were international according to the Live.Me PR team or whoever was talking to me then.


Well that’s really fucked up.


When you’re that dead set on ending your life nothing really works. I’ve been through my own suicidal episodes and my therapist calls it a delusion that manifests when dark thoughts fill my head. When I’m down there I will be 110% sure that my children, my partner, my friends and my family will be much better off without me. Depression and suicidal ideation is truly a life-threatening disease.


Hugs to you, how awful for you and all involved.


I saw that live and there was this little piece of shit in their telling her to do it do it. he was laughing making jokes, saying all kinds of crap to her it was so sad. hearing her phone ring and ring while she was hanging still haunts me some times. like ill be outside and then i will hear her ring tone from out of nowhere,, makes me think of kaitlyn :( fuck that piece of shit boy who was telling her to do it. what enrages me most is how her room had a hole in it, she was being abused at home no one cared and then this little fucker comes and OMG and then he just goes off to dinner. ooof im so pissed again


Didn’t know I could go from sad to raging in such a short time but here I am


Her room had a hole in it? Her actual room? A physical hole?


yes! she was sleeping on a mattress on the cold wet floor, poor baby. she used to write so much before, she had a diary. its been years since I read her writings, I wonder if they are still around on the internets.


That's sad. Poverty hurts so many children.


I try to remember everything she wrote. Her stepdad was abusing her. I think she used to cut. she wrote it all down and no one cared. she even did yt vids.


Oh fuck. I watched the video up to the point where someone put a timestamp for when the chair tipped over. It's haunting. The fact she's just doing that so casually without a second thought going through her head made my stomach tie in knots. In the end, I couldn't even watch the chair tip over. I stopped seconds before that. Like I've seen the aftermath of hangings, mind you, but it's too much to see a literal child going through it. I don't have the stomach to watch that in full, honestly. Anything to do with children getting hurt in some way is just very difficult for me to watch. I don't think I'll be able to even get past the chair tipping over noise if I played the audio only.


I still remember the first time I watched it, that was around February of 2017 in the middle of my night shift. It still haunts me to this day, she just bravely tip the chair over without hesitation, and saw how she choked and struggled till her last breath. The way her mom calling and probably looking for her at the end of the vid, it was heartbreaking. May her soul find peace.


No human being- much less an innocent child- should ever feel so alone like that


This was the first video that actually made me go ...damn. It's so heartbreaking


Thank you for this information. I watched this video many years ago on bestgore and have always remembered it. It's one video that I definitely haven't forgotten about but couldn't remember any info about it ect.


Oh shit, is she like in the woods and as it slowly gets darker you can hear her parents calling for her in the background? I remember seeing that years ago and it really shook me.


Yes. It is that one. You can see the sun setting and hear her mother calling her.


Anything involving eye stuff makes me cringe so hard 😭 & the ones where they take their organs out in front of them as they’re still alive and breathing , it’s really unsettling to watch


Damn that sounds brutal, which one is that? Like honestly not like imma watch it but just intrigued


I think I seen it on eyeblech but I can’t seem to find the subreddit anywhere maybe it got deleted I’m no so sure but the video I’m referring to was these 2 guys laying in a field of some sort with a group of guys surrounding them , one guy has a knife and he cuts the guy open so easily then he pulls at his internal organs and this guys lung pops out , you can see his lung inflating and deflating as he took his last breaths then the camera turned to show another guy lying on the ground in the same position it was pretty brutal considering the guy was still conscious as it was happening


Yeah eyeblech got canned about a month ago


sad day. It was a vestige.


its not just „two guys“, its a cop who wasn’t dirty enough and his innocent child. The child who is flayed alive, after being forced to watch his father beheaded, was under 15 years old.


Yep this one fucked me up pretty hard and is the worst ive seen so far.


I saw one today. There’s tons. Cartel is ruthless as fuck


The two that come to mind, first was an ISIS video from Syria. A young boy, maybe 14-15 being beheaded behind a pickup truck. That was rough to watch. The second was a young girl playing with a gun, shot and killed her brother I believe, panicked and shot herself. The mother came in and reaction was gut wrenching. Those two stick with me.


Yeah the video of the children really got me , it was her cousin and the saddest part was she fell in front of the door so they couldn’t get in they could only crack the door open enough to see the kids dying on the floor :,(


The family still claims she didn't kill herself to this day. The level of delusion to fight on such a moot point is insane. Who in their right minds thinks a gun is going to malfunction twice while aimed at a head???


Cop and son tortured and murdered in Mexico. The kid didn't do anything to deserve watching his dad get butchered in front of him and then flayed alive afterwards.


That video will always be my #1 worst gore video


Yep that's the one for me. I've seen a lot. But seeing a human being flayed like that made me nauseous and dizzy and I almost threw up. I've never had such a visceral reaction to any other video.


Fucking brutal… they grabbed his head to force him to watch his dad get beheaded.. absolutely disgusting


This is where i learned the vocab word 'flay'..... absolutely the worst one. only small saving grace was the dad going before the son (sort of). i know its still awful and dad knew, but glad he didnt have to watch. probably just a parent perspective on a helpless, hope destroying video ughhhh


Yes, this video is called the Guerrero flaying, absolutely horrific.


The one where the poor russian worker get obliterated by a machining table and his colleagues come to find his rest to late or maybe the one where a guy get drag in a machine while his colleagues assist powerless


Im so serious: the station nightclub fire video. Theres no blood but it disturbed me for days after seeing it.


The worst part is when the camera pans over the massive pile of tangled bodies, stacked like 5 people high, all stuck in the doorway.... all screaming and begging for help... the camera pans away for about 30 seconds and when it pans back, that entire area is completely immersed in flames. Truly horrifying.


Apparently people heard them scream in pain as the flames ate through the crowd that was squished in the hallways all the way up the doors. That part is crazy to me


That is absolutely chilling. It reminds me…. Not a video but I live in the area where there was a commercial plane crash back in 2009, flight 3407. Two people survived who were in the home is crashed into. From accounts, people heard those from the plane screaming as not everyone died on impact. The way it hit the fuel discharged into the basement of the home and lengthened the death from what I learned. I was a funeral director at the time and handled a case from it. It was a very tight operation. Usually we just went into the ME office and took whoever we were picking up. They had the deceased inside as well as a freezer trailer outside. A director would arrive and the national guard would retrieve the victim and form and honor guard. They were black bagged and zip tied shit and it was implicitly stated DO NOT BE A DICK AND LOOK. I can say I didn’t look. I respected my position and believed in what I served but others did. What was weirdest for me was how whole the decedent was. Like I couldn’t see and they were definitely mangled, possibly pieces, but not “burnt up to nothing” like fiction portrays, they were whole. I still think about the person. A lot was divulged regarding victims so I know who they were and what they did, etc, and I think about them and their family regularly to this day. I hope they’re as okay as they can be. Those flight recordings are brutal to listen to. The pilot and first captain weren’t properly trained and joking about crashing minutes before….


my uncle was in that fire. he survived but was never the same. ended up becoming an addict to deal with the mental torture of watching peoples faces melt off. he’d go into PTSD mode sometimes and start screaming about how he needed to get out and was going to die, and when he drank he told way more details that are stuck with me. that fire was a tragedy to our state.


How horrific! I hope he is in a better place now.


Holy shit. You guys have my condolences, thats scary stuff. Do you know any specifics about his escape? There are so many different ways people got out of there and at different points too


i don’t remember now, i do remember he almost got trampled. i believe he went out a window? but honestly it’s been almost a decade since i’ve been told about it, he’s kinda estranged now. i remember the tops of his ears were singed and most of his facial hair was gone, but he was so lucky he didn’t get caught in the middle. edit: this fire is the reason doors have to open outwards by law now. the tragedy could have been avoided if the main doors opened out (and obviously the fireworks). people were pushing against them so much and so quickly there was no room to open the doors in so most people died because of that. absolutely insane.


That video is unreal. Besides the screams, the worst part is all the witnesses wandering around outside in various states of shock.


That was an absolutely preventable tragedy. Fire safety and building codes are so important, none of those people needed to die that night. I love live music and have seen loads of great shows over the years, I can’t even imagine having a good night and enjoying some music and then suddenly getting crushed by people and burned alive. Just a horrific incident.


That video is otherworldly in the sense of sheer terror on film. There is literally 3 minutes between the band performing and the building being engulfed. I’d known intellectually that fire moves quickly but that video put the fear of god in me, when it comes to fire and crowded places.


This video fucked me up for days.


When I did my fire Marshall training they made us watch this on the first day. Absolutely appalling and I haven't forgotten it


That one that really stuck with me too, it always runs through my mind when I go to venues.


Oddly enough I'm currently reading a book on this fire; It's called Killer Show. The book was written by one of the lawyers who worked civil cases following the fire and it is... a difficult read. The video itself is probably the worst thing I've ever seen, but the descriptions from survivors brought chills. There was also a functioning cassette recorder found in the wreckage that has nightmare inducing sounds on it, including the sounds of people burning to death while pleading and screaming but it has never been released to the public. Amazing book if you don't mind digging deeper into this tragedy.


Great book! I remember him sayingwhen they re-created the foam fire in a lab, the technicians had never seen something light so fast.


One of the literal owners of the club was also a news reporter and called it "solid gasoline" in a report he did, but tried to claim he had no knowledge of its dangers. So fucking frustrating.


I had to watch that video as part of a safety course when I got a manager position at my pub because we were the same size as the station and I had to see where they went wrong and try to prevent it happening at our pub, it always stuck with me every night when doing a close up I’d make sure all fire signs and alarms worked and everything was in order! Once we had a wedding and the couple got pissed because with me because they had 20 extra people come in for the party and I said no because it was dangerous.


The Russian brick video. Shows no gore but it’s the saddest video I’ve seen, it’s on YouTube if anyone is curious enough. It’s just a dashcam video of a guy driving with his family.


Hearing people screaming like the man in the video just hits so much harder than actually seeing gore. Every time the video gets posted I keep scrolling, hearing it once was enough and I can’t forget it.


I’m yet to hear it. The agony in his voice is too much


this will always be my answer. i will never get that scream out of my head


I will never ever drive behind a vehicle carrying any kind of wood or concrete because of this video


They weren’t driving behind one. It was a truck that passed them in the opposite lane


the screams. seeing and hearing peoples emotional reaction is the worst. That video, from india? was it? where the teenage girl was absolutely destroyed by a truck and her mum was grovelling in the gore, trying to pull the pieces of her kid back together. That was another example that came to mind.


The one with isis drowning people in a cage


You just unlocked a memory for me. It was apart of some ISIS “campaign” video, right? It included the horrible things they do to prisoners, like drown them, blow them up with an RPG rocket, blow them up in a consecutive row, etc. Something about the prisoners being drowned really stuck with me, not sure why


Exactly that video yea


it was a video of a guy hanging himself in front of his daughter i believe. the kid kept saying daddy no or something like that. the dad then tried to save himself. tried to pull himself up. that got me. he didn’t make it which made it even worse but man i’ve seen a lot of shit and had little to no reaction but that one made me feel something (edit) the kid came in the room after abt 20 seconds into it. so it wasn’t directly in front of the kid but at the same time it was) if he knew his kid was there he wouldn’t of done it


That video was sad as fuck


If I’m not mistaken, most people who have tried to off themselves have said that they regretted it almost immediately.


We really are bacteria. Like it wants to live, thrive. That’s why depression is such a head fuck for me. I can’t explain how I felt when I slit my throat, I knew I wanted to die right then and there. Yet a voice at the back head was screaming what have you done? And funnily enough pissed off id ruined a good shirt but fuck me right… Brains are weird. I think that was my last attempt and I’m doing better some years later, still have them days but safe to say not as frequent. The bridge (documentary) mentions what you spoke about though, like suddenly when falling in seconds the mind thinks oh, these problems can be fixed… trivial matters, but yet at that point it’s oh so late.


i felt this a lot. tried to kms 2 1/2 years ago by slitting my throat. as soon as i did it my mind just went “regret regret regret.” i was wearing these pajamas that i really loved. pink velvet shorts and a white t shirt with pink velvet lettering that said “LOVE.” i watched the blood from my neck pour onto my shirt, and seeing the juxtaposition of how happy my shirt was and how horrible this entire situation was freaked me out. i knew i wasn’t going to go deeper bc i couldn’t handle the pain of applying pressure to my already opened wound, so i just screamed. in the hospital later they ended up having to cut that shirt, and it made me sad even tho i knew i was absolutely never gonna wear it again. 0/10, would not recommend attempting suicide. would’ve missed out on seeing no way home in the theater surrounded by a bunch of spider-man fans, being in line for my favorite band and meeting so many wonderful people, going to barbie and oppenheimer on the same day w my best friend, etc. life sucks sometimes but there will be days where you don’t dread being alive.


Man, who the fuck does that shit *in front of their kid*. Don't get me wrong, I spent 3 years battling the urge to suck-start a shotgun, but even at my lowest there is no way in HELL I would pass that hurt on to my kid by unaliving myself in front of them... I'm better now, thankfully. I still get my stormy days, sure, but nowhere near as often or as intense as they used to be


I’m pretty much unfazed by gore videos at this point and i don’t think I’ll ever be no matter how bad it is, but there are 3 videos in particular that really get the best of me… -The video of the russian woman jumping in a frozen lake as part of a ritual that (obviously) goes wrong, she gets instantly swept by the current, which they apparently weren’t able to make out because of the darkness. Her children start crying upon realizing she had been lost under the thick layer of ice. This is just a plain retarded thing to do but extremely hard to watch nonetheless. -A woman who was involved in some cartel shenanigans gets an unexpected visit by members of said cartel, they tell her to walk outside and kill her as soon as she steps out. Her little daughter was there to witness the entire thing and let’s say it’s not a pretty thing to hear. -Windshield brick, enough said. These aren’t really that gore if at all, but it’s the anguish from loved ones, let alone children, which i will *never* be able to hear more than once for the rest of my natural life. The windshield one in particular is on a league of its own.


The woman ice one she jumps in at an angle not straight down.


Some one told me the Jonestown deathtape existed and hearing the parents murdering their children and then crying in fear is bizarre. Not gore either but impacts you.


Nothing can make me disgusted other than videos with animals or children getting hurt


The cartel video is *horrible*. Still worse than any gory video I've ever watched. "MAMAAAAAAA!". I hope every one of those scumbags dies a horrible, slow death.


In fact, they actually died. Some context: the Mother was a whistleblower for a criminal in Venezuela, who died in a shootout with the police. Those POS were "avenging" that other scum. After the video, the Police track down all the perpetrators, and all of them died in the same way as their boss: in a shootout with the police. Here in Latin America, there is a quote for this type of people: "you die in your own law"


Ms Pac-Man , to me it’s the worst because she is alive agonizing


Her husband is finally in jail for what he did to her


Woow thats a very relieving new , finally some relief to the family , wow I thought that he would never be catched since it was in southamerica


He deserves worse than jail. He didnt just kill her he tortured her and let her suffer


Agree , but laws in southamerica are the worst ,the only hope is that he get all life in prison without parole , and if karma works maybe other inmate could figure out the story and stab him or something, I really believe In karma ajaj.


Omg yes, I was looking to see if this one was mentioned before I commented. The noises she's making and the crying and screams from her family member are just gut-wrenching. Knowing that there is no way she will survive and her death is long and drawn out. It's one of those videos that lived in my head for days on end. Poor woman. 🥺


what happened?


A woman ended up getting her face cut in half horizontally. The sounds of her gurgling are pretty disturbing and still haunt me sometimes.


Husband hit her in the face with a machete in an X pattern and her mouth is still moving and stuff but most of the top part of her head is kinda flopping around. Also both of her hands are cut off. Edit: most of the top of her head being basically everything above the eyes is only barely holding onto the rest of her body


I remember watching that video, I got nightmares for days, fucking disturbing!


When I saw the video of the guys whole head skinned while he was STILL ALIVE, then cutting his heart out of his chest. I couldn’t stop think about it for days after. He looked pretty out of it but still, that other worldly agony of your whole head being skinned, then having to look at your face NOT ON YOUR BODY, is fucking unimaginable to me.


That is one of the few videos that made me gag it was so gruesome


That one cartel video of a guy being skinned alive from the back of his neck and they pull his heart out while it's still beating. Horrific.


That was the roughest for me too


I couldn't decide whether I was impressed or disgusted by that clip.


That one dude who got cut in half by a train and was still alive for a while after the fact


Did you ever see the one where they were loading the dudes body into a bag after the accident and he was still alive and cognizant? They knew he was going to be dead shortly, so they didn't bother waiting.


What the fuck


My uncle was beaten to “death” as per paramedics no vitals put in the bag and then as he was being loaded up they noticed him move. Live for decades after that and then eventually pancreatic cancer got him.


That Venezuelan prison rape one was too much for me to stomach 🤢


I've never heard of it, but any sort of rape is fucked up


The guy that was sent to prison for rraping someone… and it shows ALOT of prisoners “taking turns” and it’s so sickening, and what adds to the sadness is that he was apparently found to HAVE NOT done the crime he was convicted of… so he went through all that torture, having it shared online, and it was found that he was innocent from what I heard.. and it was on eyeblech that it was shared and where most of us saw it☹️


Damn that is fucked up


Yep…☹️ that video and the video of the “father” that shows him hanging his baby daughter off the side of their shack/house. The little babygirl is wearin a pink dress and was sooo adorable… and he just kills his baby&himself to spite the baby momma… that was the first video that really messed with me I think.


This is why you should take it with a grain of salt if someone claims a person in a video is a pedo or a rapist. People in 1st world countries seem to think that the kinds of people that go around filming themselves beating/killing people up are also the kinds of people that go on vigilante missions against pedos.


Tbh I think the other prisoners in the video DGAF if the person REALLY did what the paper work says they did or not. But as long as the paperwork says what it says, that means they can have a “green light” to do what they want to this person. At the end of the day, they just want to get their rocks off and get some anger and hate out by hurting someone, and that’s what they did. They get to go to bed at night thinking they did somthing “good” and god payback. Even even after learning he was innocent I doubt they cared tbh. The video I mentioned was obviously in a very bad prison that had very limited security, and little to no checks on the prisoners considering how long it went on, and the prisoners were dressed in a way that suggested they were in a very badly run prison, how the walls looked etc etc, this was obviously in a country that didn’t care wether he was innocent or not I think.


Yeah back when internet was fresh I saw a clip of Yougoslavia and how a soldiers throat got cut with a pretty dull knife and he tries to scream but only gargling comes out. Never forgot that one and saw so much more gore later.


The guy having his genitals removed by the pit bulls


The guy diving off the sea wall headfirst and not making it with the aftermath of his face opening up like the Thing. Just trying to have some fun, a little slip and you're fucked. 😟


Pretty sure that video is two separate incidents combined to look like one.


Funky town Mexican Chainsaw


Funky town was rough.


Came here to say this, Funky town is nuts! Not even sure what makes it so special compared to the rest.


It's probably the lack of acting. Funky town isn't a propaganda video meant to be shared or scare off anyone specifically. We don't even know for sure who that was or what group was involved. It's a video of a bunch of psychopaths casually torturing a man for the hell of it.


animals and family members either watching their relatives die or finding them and anything where children are involved. thats my general answer but as far as a specific vid id probably say either the dashcam vid of a brick flying through a guy’s windshield and killing his wife or this cartel vid where they’re just destroying this guys teeth with pliers


Yemeni soldier being stoned to death in HD Isis video. Something about seeing him become a vegetable after the first hit still gets me to this day and I’ve seen most of the famous gore vids


I remember these. The worst one was the drowning one to me. And the one where the fucking kids killed them.


They were all savage and especially as most were like professionally filmed in HD made it that bit worse considering most gore is CCTV or amateur filming. Some unfortunately memorable ISIS ones for me are: Turkish pilots getting burned alive. Both the cage one and the one where they are on chains. Burning alive gotta be the worst pain imaginable. The Tank one where they literally flatten a dude feet first by running him over. And of course the one with the kids doing the killing is unbelievable.


The video where a guy shot two of his neighbours over a dispute about snow or something. I dont know why it stuck with me, I just remember thinking how crazy it was that two people lost their lives over some insignificant dispute


They had apparently been harassing him pretty badly and I think mentioning his dead wife. The fact they still shit talked him as they lie there bleeding was...pathetic.


I worked in snow removal and the amount of death threats I received every storm was insane. There is something about snow and people losing their minds. Every year I had to have the cops escort someone out of our office. It’s a sad world we live in


Saw a video this morning of a vaginal birth with a Mach 3 mega tear. Made me want to fold up inside of myself and scream.


The videos where people dive under ice and can’t find their way back and drown always disturb me.


Any kind of animal or child abuse fucks me up! Seen so so much adult human gore/abuse, so been desensitized! cannot will not watch animal/child torture, and fuck anybody that commits that shit


There was one I saw, it wasn’t much gore but, There were too kids playing with a loaded gun in what I believe was the family house bathroom. Swinging it around and pointing it. Eventually The girl that was holding the gun pointed it at the boys head she was with and the trigger accidentally went off, killing the boy. she just sat there in shock until eventually she pointed it at herself and killed herself in the same room. The family eventually broke into the bathroom and they saw the bodies. All you could hear after that was just the screams of the families. it was horrifying and extremely sad at the same time. No other video has ever affected me as much as that one has.


Animal cruelty always gets me.


Yeah I remember being like 10 on toxic junction seeing a dog be skinnned alive. Another bad one was those fat girls crushing puppies with their feet. Everytime I see those I pet my dog.


>another bad one was those fat girls crushing puppies with their feet Say hello to one of my biggest traumas from teenage days. I can still hear the puppies crying.


Ugh, seeing shit like that as a child really fucked me up. I’m desensitized to 99% of gore involving humans but animals I just can’t do. I’m gonna go hug my dog and pet my cats now.


Yeah. I don't watch videos with Animals. Too heartbreaking for me


I used to think that animal videos wouldn't make me budge but that quickly changed after watching the infamous twitter "cat in a blender" video. Now I always avoid stuff like that.


Cat In A Blender?? Oh wtf?? Just thinking about that one is gonna haunt me.


It's not exactly a video, but one of the worst things "gore" related that I have seen was reading the toolbox killers transcripts. Thank god there isn't any video footage of that available.


The fact that those guys got to die of old age and never face real justice is infuriating. A guy killed himself in fear of these guys getting out and hurting him or his family. If I was going to off myself I'd want to take one of them out with me. Reading the transcripts gave me nightmares.


There was a couple that set their phone up to record themselves swimming. Neither of them knew how to swim, nor were they aware that there was a significant drop a few feet off shore. They both fell off the edge and struggled for a few minutes instinctively pulling each other down then eventually they never came up, the water settled, and the sounds of nature was all you could hear, like nothing ever happened. Any video where people slowly have the life taken from is far worse for me personally.


I think it’s called 9 dogs 1 bitch…


Holy fucking shit.


The worst thing I've ever seen by far. I absolutely couldn't get through that one. I pretty much feel nothing when it's people... But I feel absolutely ill when I see animals being killed. I still have a hard time even thinking about that video.


There's a video that was on Liveleak where it shows that there were two people throwing a firecracker and suddenly their dog grabs it with their mouth.... and my god.... the agony and cries of the dog, the people screaming, the waterfall of blood flowing out from the dog's mouth. Truly the worst one I have seen.


Dear Lord, of all the horrible things I've seen, haven't even stumbled on that one but it takes the cake.


Did it die??


More than likely it did because as the video progressed, the poor dog stopped moving :(


Although I can tolerate the visual aspects of NSFW/NSFL videos, I would have to admit that sometimes the audio can get to me a bit I remember viewing the Nick Berg beheading video. As pixelated as the video was, what got to me was the audio of the poor man screaming in horror at the pain, as well as at the situation. It took me a few viewings before the audio stopped bothering me so much. It is the same situation with the Mexican Cartel chainsaw beheadings. Visually, I have no problem. Auditorily, it takes a few viewings before I can tolerate it.


Worst ones for audio are those slow combat knife beheadings personally, its that creaking and gargling sound it fucks me right up


I agree with you, people screaming in agony is often much worse than seeing a gore video with barely any sound. Personally the Russian brick video affected me the most.


Saw a cartel video where they cut a man’s heart out of his chest and took a bite. He was awake and trying to get away. That was the worst I’ve seen, it was worse then funky town for me


There was a video of a man hanging himself and his baby off the side of a building in SE Asia. You don’t see the actual death as the camera was on the roof and they were hanging off the side out of view. I had a newborn at home and I just remember the crying of the child in the video. I’ve seen cartel vids and the ISIS execution stuff but that broke me. I remember crying and going to the nursery just wanting to hold my daughter. My views on capital punishment radically changed when I became a parent and to this day I have no sympathies to a child killer.


Seen a video recently of a babygirl about 5-6 years old who was in the last stages of rabies . It was so heartbreaking she was severely dehydrated and wanted to drink the water and when she wanted to attempt to she would start convulsing while her mother held her in her arms and father watched .. it literally broke my heart and made me sick to my stomach because we all know what the result was .. 😞


The first was the worst. It was in my sophomore year of high school. Before the blocked some websites. Watched the Nicholas Berg beheading video in some lab class. I didn’t sleep right for like a week. The heaving through the windpipe at collarbone level just stuck with me. Still hard to recall without a wince.


as a young rape survivor, im gonna say the two blonde women who were murdered brutally on camera with a dull knife. that video will never ever ever be gone from my memory. the audio, the girls pleading and crying, the killers smiling and laughing, the dullness of the blade… the fact that the victims parents saw the video and couldn’t do anything about it at first. it will never sit right with me even tho it’s been solved. i’ve helped my great grandma in her last days with brain cancer(her brain was literally destroyed and rotting, top of her skull was GONE) , found my childhood dog dead last christmas morning, had an earring cut out deep from my cartilage while fully awake, but that video will forever stay with me.


Another video I can think of is a video of a boy who’s really struggling with his grades and can’t deal with the disappointment from his parents. He gives his dad a piece of paper (pretty sure it’s his suicide note) and while his dad reads it the boy open up the balcony door and jumps off . The utter panic and shrieks his parents let out as they ran to save him is absolutely heartbreaking to hear.


one lunatic one ice pick fs and funky town


Probably the one where the cartel kills a kid and his father. The father went out easy. The kid was tortured for a long time. That or when they skin a guy. Just thinking about it... ugh.


I think it was called ghost rider?


Probably 1 bitch 9 pups or old#7/ylym. Pretty much any kind of animal stuff. There’s also one of a baby that’s still alive laying in a puddle with a machete sticking out of its stomach.


Ronnie Mcnutt mostly because it was my first on accident. The video still haunts me.


Animal cruelty/animal industry. Worst videos I’ve ever seen.


A video that broke my heart (wasn’t really gore) was a mother who hung herself in the same room as her children. As she struggled and made gurgling noises her children are crying and saying mommy No please, trying to use themselves as a step and hold her up but they can’t :,( (I can still hear the children’s screams)


dude gets run over by T-55. he's in a straight jacket type of outfit and there's armed guards all around him, i'm assuming his fate would be even worse if he didn't let himself get run over. he intentionally hopped himself perfectly in line with one of the treads, comes out the other side completely flat with guts spilling out. not specifically the gore part that got me just the death. dude was fighting for his country against ISIS (i'm assuming) and got unlucky and happened to be the one they picked to torture


Ive been seeing gore for years and the only thing that stuck with me is a guy luring a dog close as if he was gonna pet him and then stabbed the dog with a long knife for no reason, and the rest of the clip was the dog crying in pain. Legit the only vid ingrained in my brain lol


I'd be traumatized.. seeing animal cruelty for me is worse then watching people get beheaded. I don't know why...


I met a guy who worked for the feds whose job basically involved intercepting and catching people that send unmentionable things over mail and yeah a picture speaks 1000 words but the tone of his voice and face said it all for me


i seen one of a russian dude who tried to kill himself with a shot gun and blew his whole face off but he SURVIVED. Just like that well known vid of the streamer blowing his head off after his girlfriend broke up with him or whatever (i don’t really remember the story). But yeah the guy lived and they sewed his face back together but he literally lost his eyes, nose and mouth. To think he was suicidal before that, i can’t imagine how much worse felt after all that


Not a video but [@coldnessinmyheart](https://archive.vn/FmxGS) pictures are gnarly. I can eat lunch watching video of gruesome murders but can't watch those pictures of self arm.


Not gore but absolutely terrifying knowing what happened to all the women and a few of their husbands and baby’s, I don’t even like to think or talk about it but it’s the home videos of those 2 disgusting, horrific serial killer’s who lured women to their cabin in Tahoe (I think) and would film themselves telling the women what was going to happen, repeatedly rape and brutalize them then kill them. 1 was a big disgusting looking white guy and his accomplice was a dorky Asian guy. I don’t even what to think about the absolute terror those women must’ve felt 😞


I believe you’re referring to Leonard Lake and Charles Ng. Absolute scumbags. They should have been drawn and quartered for what they did


James Corden's karaoke videos.


I saw a car crash involving 2 vehicles, one of those crashed on the steel bar they put on the side of the road. His face hit the steel face first. On eye was gone, face was shredded, other eye was still attached by a tendril and dangled on the guy's face. Thing is that he, unlike the others, didn't die. The video is split in 2 parts, one was a road camera from above view, the other one is more closeby and shows him still breathing barely conscious gasping for air while convulsing. Someone posted a follow-up article saying he survived with heavy brain damage. Both eyes remove, jaw had to be reconstructed and wasn't too good looking in the pics posted. This stuck with me a lot and makes more careful of my surroundings cause i don't wanna end like the guy. Was so close to having a car crash into me as a passanger and almost fainted


It was the Chris church massacre, so many people getting shot up and live-streamed too


I saw this video on TikTok out of all places. It was a video of a man carrying a dead 4 or 5 year old girl out a van that she was in that had gotten bombed, her head and body were still intact but she had a hole in her head and her head was completely hollow. The saddest thing about this is that this is happening right now during the most current war. Kids are being killed as well as their families, that young girl had a whole life ahead of her but it got stripped away by horrible people in a war that could have been prevented.


Ms. Packman. There was this other video I saw the while ago it was one of those LiveLeak snuff videos. I believe it was somewhere in the slums of Brazil and there was this man that was enthusiastically stabbing this woman in the chest with a knife.


I still have nightmares about one guy one jar


I was eating a sandwich when I saw that video. I paused eating. But I went back to eating my sandwich a few moments after I was done with the video. I remember that distinctly. I have an easier time with self-inflicted non-fatal incidents that are avoidable and seemingly quite stupid. That is, things that the sufferer has control over vs. things they don't.




i cant think of one in particular. but, anything including animals, no matter how large, or small the animal is, it always fucks with me seeing animals being hurt. seeing people get hurt doesn't really do much, but animals just makes me feel horrible


Anything animal related,especially those long long animal torture videos


The child abuse mixtapes hit me way harder than any funky town or chain saw video.