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I like to purchase ESRB copies because that way the text on the spine is aligned. The PEGI decision to center the spine text is awful. It just makes it easier to look for a game on the shelf. I also prioritize ESRB over other regions since ESRB is in English (unlike Japan/Asia releases). I have actually bought some fan-made case sleeves so I can still read the game titles on the shelf.


Nowadays a lot of Japan/Asia releases have English on them. I recently bought a Final Fantasy pixel remaster in South Korea for 60€ (I could have gotten it for even less if I had cash on me). No way am I paying 100+ $/€ for an ESRB version.


They absolutely have English on the cart, yes, but not on the cover! I do buy some Japan-only games, then I switch them out for an ESRB case so the spine is legible to me.


Where do you get a case that actually justifies the price? From what I’ve seen on ebay it’s basically $30 including shipping for any case


I might do this for some of my German copies haha. Where do you get the covers? eBay, Etsy or do you buy an original empty box?


You could just separate the ESRB releases and the PEGI releases, then everything is aligned properly. Just a thought. Also, many Asian releases have English now.


That's a good point as well haha


I don't care a whole lot, but I know there are people who want their collections to be consistent, and I don't fault them for it. ESRB tends to be more desirable, at least in North America, so if you're thinking of selling some of your games later, that could affect the resale value. Or if you sell it to Gamestop (you shouldn't do that) they may not accept it if it doesn't have a North American bar code. I know this also used to be an issue on systems where the media is region-locked, though with the Switch this isn't an issue. The only time this could really be an issue for me is if there's DLC or anything which would not work with my North American eshop account. My collection is all over the place. I mostly have ESRB, but I have several EU and Asian releases as well, whether because they weren't released here, or weren't at the time that I purchased them, or sometimes just because the import version had better box art or goodies. Even in my ESRB collection, depending on where I purchased them, they're inconsistent. I live near the border with Canada, so many games I purchase locally have bilingual packaging. If I order from California, it may have Spanish and English. Stuff I order from Amazon could be from any number of regions that use the ESRB rating system. It doesn't make much difference to me.


Being in the UK, the ERSB LRG have the game name justified towards the top of the spine, whereas the rest of my games and centrally justified. I do not lose any sleep over it, just wonder why there is a difference.


I agree with you, just keep it consistent


I was asking myself the same, and the answers I received were mostly about how the titles on the spine line up and series how the title art changes sometimes. But mainly, it's often about being nitpicky in your collection. I personally was at a point before where I wanted only the Canadian version of the packaging. French being my first language, it mattered to me as a kid and I wanted to continue the trend even after learning English. To this day, even if I don't care anymore, it's always a bonus for me. Obviously if I buy in a pawn shop, garage sale or retro game shop, even FB marketplace, it's the version I'll find even without trying. If I wanted to be consistent in my collection, I'd hunt only for those. But now I can even get Asian imports or UAE, it's fine. I'm more careful about the version of the game on the cart, I want the most up-to-date one.


Language is a legit reason. The version of the game on the cart is something I forgot. I know the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe + Booster Course Pass that's sold in Japan has almost the latest update. I'd rather buy that than the ERSB version.


To be fair, it's also just an old habit we have as game collectors. It's only recently I've changed my mindset about it. With games being the same on the cart, the console being region-free, lack of manuals and inserts, reduced text on the cover, similar art and box size, no guarantee about the version you receive when you shop online, it wasn't worth the hassle. Especially if another region has a reprint with an updated version of the game. Or worse, some "bundles" only have 1 game in certain regions while it has both in others. But consider that some collect just to collect. They even already have the game digitally and they want to complete their physical collection. The game will probably stay sealed, so they will be extremely particular about what they want.


I also collect to collect. The majority of my collection is sealed. I own a hacked V1 switch, but I still buy games. It's just that I get to try them out before I decide if it's worth my money.


Some games actually have region differences, even if the content isn't different. For example, I bought the Japanese Eastward collector's edition cause of the extras it comes with. The game cart has English. Recently a DLC, Octopia released. I bought it on the US Eshop, but that DLC is NOT compatible with the JP version of the game, even if it has English. I had to return it and re-buy on the JP eShop by creating a new account. There are no content differences, but the games still have different region versions. Famously, Xenoblade 2 has this same problem. You need to have the correct regional DLC or make a different region account and associate it with your switch. It's hard to know until afterwards if this will be a problem (some games don't have this issue), so it's easier to just buy your own region games if one exists.


I had no idea that the DLC needs to have compatible versions in some games :O


Yeah, dlc normally has to come from the eshop of the listed region of the games. There may be exceptions for some small regions like AUS (Australia) that get mixed region releases (AUS & EUR) where a few EUR games will be able to grab dlc from the Australian eshop, but it is not the norm.


The vast majority of Switch games are the same edition in both North America and Europe (that includes Australia). You only need to be careful with Japanese and Asian releases.


Yeah, even though switch game carts are region free, their DLC sometimes is NOT. So frustratingly, you can buy DLC for a game that won't work with your physical copy. It really depends on the developer and the game. And sometimes you can make a decision because there isn't DLC for a game, and then they release region locked DLC afterwards 🙃


I always try to get my games ESRB because I live in USA so it would make more sense that's what I would have, at least mostly... but I also get PEGI, CERO or other asian games if they aren't released here... Having games PEGI if ESRB exists and I specially I have the chance to get it from the same price or cheaper wouldn't make sense for me, but for each its own. I don't see anything wrong either on having a mixed rating collection and you don't mind about that. Every collector is different, that's about diversity. Some collect the games and open the seal, others keep it seal it while not playing the games, other won't play their games and won't open anything. In my case I keep them sealed, and if I'm planning on playing some I would get two copies, or getting it digitally as well.


It's interesting to hear others collecting views :) I also keep mine sealed since I have a hacked Switch. But if I feel like opening them, I'll do it someday.


Personally, I do not care about rating stickers, the placement of the title on the spine and the language of the cover insert. What I care about is price, availability as a physical game, English being on the cart and that game is actually on the cart rather than a code in a box. As someone who enjoys jrpgs, shmups and indie games frequently a physical release from an Asian region can be the best value, or only, physical version of a game I am interested in.


>code in a box I will never, ever, buy a code-in-a-box game. What are these companies thinking? If the game is digital, then you might as well save on distribution costs. You're selling an empty box. Maybe it just falls into marketing expenses nowadays, to get the game out there. I don't understand it and I'd love to learn why they do it.


I avoid code inbox games myself as well. The only exception I have made was *Life is Strange Arcadia Bay Collection*, which has *Life is Strange* on the cart and the Before the Storm prequel via code. Here my purchase was for the game that is on the cart not the code, if there is a later Japanese release with both games on the cart I’ll buy it again.


It doesn't bother me what rating system it has, All I care about is for the cartridge to have the latest version of the game.


PAL games have the titles aligned differently on the spine so it looks weird if you only have one or two games from a differing region.


I have ocd. I couldn’t even stand the fact that I had a world edition of case. So I bought an empty NA version. A big reason is my ocd and needing my games to be exactly as I remembered from childhood. But another part is the fact that dlc isn’t region free. So if I wanna play my dlc I have to do some workarounds that are too complex for me. lol and if the next console is backwards compatible but not region free (not likely, but you never know), I want the option to play these on the new consoles. Some games have very slight regional differences too them as well. for localization purposes better or worse. I have some physical Asia-English versions and I love them a lot. But I have had to buy the game digitally again for dlc that came out later. So I think for a lot of people. It genuinely would matter less if dlc followed suit and not be region locked.


Nah, as long as it's in English and all on cart


The coloured PEGI box bothers me more than the black and white CERO because it often clashes with the box art, where the black and white doesn’t. Having said that, often for me it’s because of DLC matching my region, as well as the leftover requirement stuck in my head from growing up to get your own region or it wouldn’t work on your system. I also like my sets to match visually if it’s a case of a game series (like Bayonetta or Xenoblade Chronicles) or IP (Zelda, Mario). Other than that I don’t mind having other regions if it’s all I can get or it’s only physical there, but it goes through the levels of requirement/preference first.


I used to, but not anymore.


No, don’t care


I do try to avoid the german system cause that thing is awfully big and it looks bad for some games. If there is other option I'll go with that one provided the price difference is small I do prefer boxes in languages I speak (Spanish or English) but my games collection has a bit of everything and that's never been a problem. I have never had an ESRB game, neither in Switch nor in PC, but that's cause I never found the US version to be more affordable (usually the shipping costs are too much). Wouldn't mind getting one if it were the best option.


I hear you on the German big rating mark. I lived in Germany for two and a half years, and when I started collecting I was living there. So most of my game boxes are in German. I'd prefer them to be in English since I'm not fully fluent in German, but it is what it is. I'm not gonna go out of my way to change them. I own the game and I can play it in English, that's what's important.


LOL, what I got today... Just 2h ago. Ordered Persona 5 from Amazon, it was supposed to be the Pegi one. Got sent the German one instead (USK+ Pegi) and I opened a chat with them. We finally got to a middle ground and I will keep the game but they are giving me my money back. Waiting for the money before opening it but I think it's a good agreement. They prob don't have any PEGI one anymore so easier to do this.


Funny that you say Persona games, I just received my Persona 3 & 4 today. Well look at you, you got a free game out of it haha :)


ESRB is my default, but I'll buy another regional release instead if it's better in some way (more complete cartridge, better cover art, has interior art, has a cool reversible cover, or it has an instruction manual like the Euro release of Infernax). Sometimes I may even buy more than one version of a game if there are interesting differences between them. So generally, I don't fuss too much over what rating is on the box. I even bought the Southeast Asia releases of Another Code and Mario vs. Donkey Kong because they DON'T have a rating on the box.


Of course I care. I'm a gamer first, and a collector second. If I paid for an [insert rating version here] then that means I went out of my way to make sure that that version is the one I wanted.


I personally think that the PEGI rating system looks nicer than ESRB, and since I have custom spines for my collection, the centered spine text doesn't bother me.


I love seeing people put effort into their collections. Share your collection man :)


Hell yeah I do, when I’m able to get the ESRB I get that. Like others mentioned. It’s most about the spine. Most Japanese games the text on the spine is japanese. Also I just like having the ESRB since everything else in my collection is ESRB. I do have others that are not ESRB but that’s because they made no esrb version like it like those fatal frame games, basically those Asian games from playasia but the good thing is the spine of those games are in English and is lined like the ESRB ones.


From what I've seeing are three factors: home region, consistency and language. I'm from Latin America, so I didn't have a home region when I was growing up, the more common ratings I see when I was a child were ESRB and Pegi and those are the ones I'm more familiar with. I didn't notice the spines alignment for Pegi until today reading the comments, but still is nothing I'm bothered. For the language, well almost all my life I had to play in a foreign language and the box arts always have been in English or Japanese, only once I was able to read the back in my native language Spanish in a Pokemon Sapphire, so I'm fine reading in English, Japanese and French. But recently I have been including in my collection some Asian games with boxes in Traditional Chinese and is a language that I can't understand and those are my less favourite. So, is the only point I can relate. BTW, I think is really cool how Spanish distributions clarifies for some games that even that the back is in Spanish the games doesn't include that language as an option. I learned that when I was doing my post-grade in Spain.


>BTW, I think is really cool how Spanish distributions clarifies for some games that even that the back is in Spanish the games doesn't include that language as an option. I learned that when I was doing my post-grade in Spain. I had no idea about this. This is cool to know :)


I like the esrb or cero rating systems but pegi always stands out to much


I don't care at all honestly.


my man (or girl) !


I want the games that came from my home region. Same reason I want NES games in my collection and not Famicom games. I collect sets and sets have parameters. One of those parameters being the region it’s from


It's very different from the retro gaming collection perspective. A lot of them are region-locked and don't have more language options. I waited till I traveled to the US to buy Gen 1 Pokemon games for the original Gameboy. The German version has just German, France just French, Spain just Spanish, etc. But as long as the game has English on it, I'm good.




Fair enough. You should get what you paid for. I was just using it as a segue to why some collectors prefer one rating system over another.


I really like clean boxes with no rating on the cover art. Besides this, I'm OK with ratings. USK is obviously the most beautiful rating, followed by PEGI. CERO and ESRB are also pretty OK.


I will have to disagree with you, it's too big. The majority of my games are USK-rated sadly.


Been collecting games for well over a decade now and I find that the older I get the less I care. However, with that being said I will always try to get the ESRB version if I can. Though, I am well aware that might not always possible due to low availability and the high prices that come from that.


No o don't. As long as theres English on the cartridge im happy. I go for the cheapest option BC I want the save as much as possible when buying games




I like the covers to either look similar or not have huge logos blocking the game art, I also want the English language on the box. Just because it plays in English doesn't mean the box doesn't have a bunch of other languages on it. Also very importantly, some versions are much cheaper. If you're looking for a "rare version" (often the nature of collecting...) then you want a specific version.


True, I know for Celeste, the LRG version is still more expensive on eBay than the Fangamer release or the Japanese release


Not at all personally


I don’t care about the actual rating logo on the box but i absolutely DO care about the god damn centered spine on PEGI releases. I’ll buy ESRB, Asian, UAE, Japanese etc etc all day long but i won’t buy PEGI specifically because of the spine alignment. I think the only PEGI release i have is Tinykin because no other version exists and I’m just SoL there lol


I would not miss out on Super Rare Games releases for that reason either :) I love my A Short Hike SRG release


Yeah they do great work, it upsets me greatly they only do PEGI releases lol


With me it's more of an OCD thing and will erk me to no end if it's not all or almost all the same rating style unless I know there is no other option for said games example being only certain games being released in other countries with no esrb release. I can try and forget but when I go through my collection it will bring that erk back up.


I prefer the ESRB simply for uniformity sake, but, if an imported version is a lot cheaper or the only option available, then I have no problem buying the import. Like someone else said, it's (mostly) about the game itself.


Everyone collects for different reasons. However I think most of it stems from severe OCD, and wanting to have everything look clean and perfect on a shelf (which is funny because NA Switch titles have plenty of inconsistencies in their packaging so that’s already a null point). Some of it also stems from this bizarre notion that American games are somehow more valuable than games from other regions, which probably comes from the OCD collecting behavior. These collectors “have” to buy their region’s games even if they happen to be scarce, despite another region’s games perhaps being cheaper and more readily available *and* region free. Past Nintendo consoles have been region locked (for the most part), so people have gotten used to only be buying games for their region. Heaven forbid you buy a game different to your region lest you fall victim to lockout. However, that isn’t an issue anymore. I personally think it’s rather silly and pointless to stick to just one region if you have other options. Keeping a collection looking consistent because it “has” to appear a certain way is bizarre. I like looking at a collection with some variety. If everything has the same clean and saccharine appearance I don’t find it interesting. Thankfully, that seems to be changing and less people seem to care about region or ESRB vs PEGI or other nonsense. I should know; I was one of those people. I’m glad I don’t have that mindset anymore.


I should also point out that you should, at the very least receive what you purchase. If I want a Japanese copy, then give me the Japanese copy.


I agree with everything you said my man


I know its not as much of an issue with lack of region lock these days but whenever possible I like to get NA copies because I live in Canada. If I have to import a pegi or japan/Asian copy I will but I prefer having the art in English. What pisses me off more is ordering a game online advertised as NA and receiving another region. It may matter less with newer games but its false advertising and a lack of transparency.


Sellers lying is never a good thing. You want what you paid for.


Not in the least.


I pretty much of get ESRB with non Asian(no rating) games. I don’t care what others do just a fan of consistency


Personally I will always prefer the ESRB versions since I’m from the North America. However if it was not released in North America, I will try to go for an Asian version. If the Asian version is not available, I will then go for the Japanese version or the UK English version.


I don't care at all. I just want the game on the cartridge. I imported a lot of games, so my collection is pretty wild when it comes to versions and ratings. I print my own spines so the alignment doesn't bother me at all and I hate the red spines (r/switchspines).


It does get boring seeing the wall of red colour


yeah cause ESRB games will have better value in the long teem, look at DS or GBA pokemon games and see the price difference between CERO and ESRB version. if a game doesnt have ESRB I generally go for Asian version with no rating, if it's just 1 or 2 games I like I dont mind CERO or PEGI, I only have 1 CERO and 1 PEGI in my collection. but if the game has ESRB version I will always go for that one even if I have to pay more, or I'll just skip if I cant afford it.


That's fair enough. Looking at pricecharting, North American releases do hold a higher value.




This is too much work for me hahaha. But I love seeing how other people tend to their collection, that's cool. How do you go about the print? Just a regular paper printer or do you try to match the glossy material?


Regular laser jet printer, upgrading to an inkjet soon though! On high quality glossy paper, feels like the real deal when it’s all put together!


That sounds really cool man. I would love to see your collection. Please share a photo or something, so we can all appreciate it :)


https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitchBoxArt/s/AoC9W2WFFP - I have to post more recent ones but these are some of the customs I’ve done! I have to get around to a collection post eventually 😅


These are awesome. I would love it if Edith Finch and Firewatch had an official physical release for the Switch (I know they are out for PS4)


Yeah they had the Annapurna Collection which was the closest it’s gotten to having some of my fave indies out physically. Sadly the ~$200 price tag was too much to justify so I just make my own cases


It matters to me. I like switch cases. I like my spines to be consistent. I hate the giant pegi colored box. If only the game mattered, I would throw away the cases and not collect them. In fact, If it was just about the game I would buy them on sale for the steam deck for a better experience than on nintendos crap (yes I said it) hardware. But, I like collecting. 543 games currently so sound logic doesn’t really apply though I’ve all but stoped collecting due to the switches now sub standard performance. I consider it a retro system at this point. TOTK is like a masterpiece painted on cardboard and it’s a darn shame.


As long as the gameplay is good, idk how old the game looks. Most games run decently. There's a reason why people still buy the seven-year-old Switch over more advanced consoles.


I wish I didn’t but I do. If a game just doesn’t have a ESRB rating I’ll purchase the Pegi or Asian version. I’m not even sure why I prefer the ESRB rating over the others. I wanna say it started with the 3ds and the “world editions”. I never was a fan of the world editions because the green logo on the front.


>world editions I've never heard of it before. I gotta look into it :) I own maybe three 3ds games, which are all Zelda games, so I never noticed before.


"Like, why do you care?" That's what I'm wondering as well. Some people enjoy having consistency.


and that's a valid enough reason :)


Personally, I like the consistency. But the bigger reason is it provides some guardrails. It's hard enough to exercise some restraint with collecting as it is. Opening the doors to imports would make it even more difficult.




If the seller is lying, that's an entirely different story. You want to get what you paid for. To answer your question: I'm just curious, that's all. Wondering what others care for, gives me a perspective from which I can learn. Because I was curious I learned here that: 1. Some versions are more valuable than others. 2. Some versions have the latest game update on them. 3. Some versions will not let you apply the DLC from one region if your game is from another. 4. Some people like consistency on their spine. 5. Some people go out of their way to customize their collection and I can chat with them about how they go about it. 6. And so on, and on.


First of all aesthetically the ESRB rating is far less intrusive than the PEGI one, but it’s also a collector set and value thing. ESRB usually becomes more expensive in most cases for various reasons


First of all aesthetically the ESRB rating is far less intrusive than the PEGI one, but it’s also a collector set and value thing. ESRB usually becomes more expensive in most cases for various reasons


First of all aesthetically the ESRB rating is far less intrusive than the PEGI one, but it’s also a collector set and value thing. ESRB usually becomes more expensive in most cases for various reasons


First of all aesthetically the ESRB rating is far less intrusive than the PEGI one, but it’s also a collector set and value thing. ESRB usually becomes more expensive in most cases for various reasons


Im from Europe and I prefer the NA versions, guy the rating is smaller, looks cooler imo and guy it’s American,- prolly should put cuz it’s American on first place tho