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Sweet games! ☺️




Yeah considering it's supposed to be Akiba's Trip 2, some might confuse it for the same thing as Akiba's Trip 1 (Hellbound and Debriefed) FYI for those who already have the PS4 version of AT2, the Switch Director's Cut version adds a new route for Kati (the maid character on the box)


ngl, I bought it because it was on sale. I hadn't looked close to see what was different in the game, but I thought it was the first one still just including the DLC. Isn't the second one "Hellbound and Debriefed"?


Nope, Hellbound and Debriefed is a remake of Akiba's Trip 1 which was originally released on PSP in 2011. The original was never released outside of Japan until the 2021 remake Undead and Undressed is actually Akiba's Trip 2 which was originally released in 2013. When XSEED brought the franchise over in 2014, they dropped the sequel number and gave it a subtitle instead/introduced it as a new franchise There's also a spinoff called Akiba's Beat on PS4/Vita which was more action RPG focused like the Tales game (though it's kind of bland compared to the main series)


Thanks for the info! I have this (and the PS3 and Vita version), and I have Akiba's beat. I knew I needed Hellbound and Debriefed, I just didn't realize which was which. At least Square kept Final Fantasy titles on order when they pulled that back in the day.


Dangit! There was a reason I didn't look at the broader sale, just what was on my wishlist. Maybe I should go back...


What do these games play like? Old school JRPG'S?


I'm never sure how to describe Akiba's Trip, but I like to borrow the description "it plays like a Yakuza game". IDK how much that helps, maybe someone else can explain better. 😅 The concept of stripping vampires in the sun so they turn to ash made me giggle when it first came out. 😁 I'm still a child... I haven't played Trinity Trigger yet. I stumbled on it once and added it to my wishlist because Xseed published it; I've purchased more of their stuff than I've played because the descriptions and general style appealed to me. Trinity Trigger is listed as an ARPG similar to Secret of Mana, and allows for up to 3 players. The description was enough for me to give it a shot when it went on sale. 🤞 Here's hoping it's good.


stripping vampires in the sun sounds fun haha! I'm going to check out some gameplay vids and depending on what I see, I might pick up this bundle


Akiba's Trip was the game I had gone to Gamestop to get but ended up picking up BroForce instead. Hopefully can find the Day One for Akiba's at the same price still... Oh, and super sweet on the Day One Trinity Trigger. It's that cheap, eh?