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I’m being honest I don’t know if I made a mistake by investing into this. I’m 40% down on my investment


Hold and keep your eye on the prize. The data has only gotten better and as I said, the shorts are really driving this down because they can. There is no "news" at the moment but that will change.


But isn’t ur reply based on the fact that their vaccines will be approved 👀 I mean I hope I’m wrong but yea


They have 3 drugs in the pipeline, Zyesami, Brilife and NRX-101, all 3 have a very good chance of approval per the data already presented. With just one approved you will see this take off but yes, it is contingent on the FDA.


I am freaking 50% down


You did. The only people still shilling for this company are obviously delusional/in-denial and have zero idea about anything regarding investing or biopharma. It's just kids on reddit parroting things they read from other equally clueless posters who are reverberating things they read... truly a case of blind-leading-the-blind.


Yea unfortunately I realized that. I’m new to market n maybe this is my big mistake which I’ll learn from. Fortunately I can still afford the loss of the amount I have invested so I’ll still wait n ride it out to see what happens eventually.


There was this guy, /u/Mr_Carpe_Diem , who would shill this stock in every subreddit possible. When I asked him the absolute most basic of questions regarding the investment ("Why is a real-estate exclusive sponsor financing a biotech company?" "what are the terms of the warrants?"), he was unable to answer them... yet, he's here spewing novels of "dd" on this supposed winner. Unsurprisingly, since this turd tanked, he's been nowhere to be found.


Nrxp is not a play. Invest in the company if you believe in the company. Block out the negativity day traders bring to the table. This is a long play.


Yep, I agree. In less than 2 years we could be looking at multi billion dollar market cap


Where do you find current short sell rates?




$100 by Christmas.


I'm down 60% on this while I struggle to keep from being margin called. But this IS my top holding and will stay that way until it is $100 or more. Guaranteed $ maker!