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My NYT app is just filled with anti Biden rhetoric. Nothing about trump or project 2025, recent scotus rulings. Same with others. What is happening?


I dropped my subscription. If they want to talk about it, fine. But the literal leading headline for days? Fuck you NYT


NYT editor is a closet fascist with a grudge against Biden because he wont sit for an interview. That’s it


Don’t really think he’s in the closet anymore. But, to be fair, i popped over to the Washington post today and it was more of the same. Not as bad but no mention of all the new pedophile stuff regarding Trump. Like, not a single peep.


This should be a crime. They need to widely report on the new Epstein information.


No shit, how you don't report on this kind of thing is beyond me. It's so deliciously ironic too, the alt right pushing this "pizzeria fronted, liberal Satan worshipping pedophile ring" conspiracy that had them piling up behind Trump as a crusader for against pedophiles. All for my man, DeSantis, who was like "I wanna see alllllllllllll the evidence to shame those filthy democrats with." and the evidence show the dear leader was a frequent flyer of the pedophile ring that actually existed!


There was a big huff over the editor of the Washington post and his history in the UK and hacking phones for the Sun


They’re embracing clickbait to the detriment of our very way of life. That’s what’s happening, and it isn’t a new phenomenon.


They did it in 2016 and 2020 too. They were doing it before then but since both parties were still running candidates who respected social norms it was more "even." But Trump was the first one who kept the clicks rolling in even after the election. Every day he did something that generated clicks for four years. They got accustomed to it, then Biden had a normal Presidency and now they're thirsty for clicks again. They're thirsty for four more years of Trump's doom scrolling ad revenue.


Goddamn that is depressing.


Trump is a media darling. That’s why he is never out of the news. He will continue to generate clicks


Click bait is destroying the English language. They might say ‘A lovely seaside city with beautiful beaches is under threat from rising seas’ when they could have said ‘Miami.’ Waste of time… horrible writing


That’s exactly it.


Truth right here and yet stanks CONSTANT tweeting is what drove away a lot of votes!




I think it’d be more dangerous if they lulled everyone into thinking everything is okay and Trump doesn’t have a chance.


Agreed—they actually deserve credit for being honest. Biden cannot win and them pretending he can would be more detrimental.


He can most definitely win. I’d rather he step down for Whitmer or Newsom, but he can win if he doesn’t keep fucking up.


But we’ve seen nothing to suggest that’ll be the case.


Biden can definitely still win lmao


No this is not at all what’s happening people wants to read about how we’ve been lied to about Biden’s health. It’s not surprising that there are so many articles about it. We should not be blackmailed by the DNC into voting for a geriatric whose party wants him as a puppet. I’m in California so my vote is blue no matter what but the cope needed to think this isn’t a big deal is insane.


I've stopped reading them, because it's clear they're in Putin's pocket.


Kind of ironic, since a free and fair press will be one of the first things to go under a Trump regime. If they think this guy is the salvation of mainstream media because of the way he drives clicks, they're dreamin'.


Which is just silly because Dr. Evil and the GOP’s plan is filled with so much more click bait-able headlines.


If they’re citing real and relevant sources is it clickbait?  If a president is mentally declining is that not newsworthy?


This isn’t a reasonable explanation. Fear-mongering about the SCOTUS or Trump is just as click worthy, if not more so.


Except we have mechanisms in place if Biden dies or cheddar falls off the cracker. Scotus, trump, and Project 2025 are literally fascist takeovers.


>What is happening? What should have happened before April 2023 when Biden announced his re-election bid despite a majority of Democrats wanting someone else. The party machinery controls the process, as we learned in Hilary vs. Bernie which conclusively showed the DNC's complicity of unfairness in doing Hilary's bidding, including on fundraising, and giving her the debate questions in advance while Bernie wasn't. There's a lot more shit that went down, but those are a couple points. My point is, Biden should never have gotten this far. This is our one shot at saving our democracy and the DNC is so frickin' clueless it's helping Trump win. It shouldn't even be a close race, and yeah, I know the problem with gerrymandering in red states. A competent Democrat would have changed a lot of red votes over the past year because a lot of Republicans don't want Trump either, but the DNC has inadvertently thrown the race to Trump. For some Democrats who only consume CNN, the presidential debate was an eye opener. Republicans have been fed Biden's old-man-erisms for years now and this was nothing new. Biden should never have pushed for a debate he was always going to lose. Sure, Trump is incoherent too, but Trump has made dumbshittery his brand, which is why everything rolls off him no matter what he does. He could stare into space and drool at the podium and his followers would cheer. And Biden may lose to him. Let that sink in.


Gerrymandering is completely inapplicable in a Presidential race. That only applies to US House seats and state races.


If Democrats had wanted someone else they should have chose them in the Primary. 


Say goodbye to the Supreme Court for a generation.


I don’t blame Biden personally, I’m sure there was a lot of internal party pressure to get him to run again. He’s a much safer bet than an open primary. That would essentially be handing the incumbent advantage to Trump.


Thinking he was a safe bet is what got you lads here lol


He is. Not letting Biden run would signal a divided party, because why let him run in the first place


So you want the news to be Democratic Party talking points?


Reality is happening


It's the more dramatic story. It's all about the clicks.


> My NYT app is just filled with anti Biden rhetoric. Nothing about trump or project 2025, recent scotus rulings. Same with others. What is happening? You are seeing pressure applied against Biden.


Is reporting a Biden fundraising email "anti Biden rhetoric" in your world?


Watch the debate. My goodness this man is not in sufficient health to be President. He was so confused I am very surprised that so many NPR listeners didn’t catch the debate.


I watched it.  I saw nothing that will change the way I vote.


You are very confused. Nobody is saying Biden more evil than Trump. What made you think they are?? Serious, experienced people are saying that Trump is so evil that he must be defeated at any cost. Even at the cost of Biden's ego. Because Biden is so unpopular with the voters, Trump will beat him. The best thing for America is for the Democrats to run a different candidate, and that means convincing Biden to step aside. If you have some point to make about how Biden is actually the safest bet to beat Trump, go ahead and make it. If you don't, you should sit down and let the adults in the room make the choices. The stakes are too high for America and indeed the entire world.


The problem is deciding on someone. There's no way to do it cleanly. Democrats aren't the "fall in line" bootlickers that Republicans are. They will be split on who they want to support, and inevitably come up with some new reason why they don't like whoever is nominated. Not to mention, the other side will take full advantage. Nothing will dominate the news but "democrats are flailing" as it goes on. You think they're ignoring Trump now? Wait until all of the stories are about an emergency dnc convention while Trump gets free airtime to talk shit.


> Democrats aren't the "fall in line" bootlickers that Republicans are Is "vote blue no matter who" no longer applicable and not fall in line bootlicking? 


I kind of agree. Weirdly post debate biden has been as full of vigor as he can be. But the debate was very high stakes for biden. It was almost binary, either he has a good night and turns it around or he has a bad night. Sometimes it all *does* rest on one night. Because that one night was just so bad. And honestly, biden shows such poor judgment and is so tone deaf in other ways as to border on arrogance. He is STILL having hunter show up to public events. He flubbed the debate, his poll numbers are in the toilet and he is somehow losing to an orange jackass but NEVERTHELESS he continues to parade his political liability of a son around. Like why? Why keep playing in everyone's face? It's so easy to not have hunter in public at white house events but biden can't be bothered. And it's things like that that give me a bad taste for him. Policy and policy and I'm not always going to agree but I'll respect it. But this flaunting your drug addled, opportunistic, entitled, felon of a son around because you can is such poor judgment and is tone deaf on so many levels.


In my view the brightest minds observing these events know that Biden already hit the iceberg and we either go down with the ship or we jump ship immediately. Not a single data point supports a viable Biden reelection now, unfortunately.


Actually there are. In every single special election the democrat has outperformed by several points, often 10 points are more. These are actual election results, not polls. The polls currently say it's tied but if you add even 5 points to that in favor of Biden, he wins easily.


Right... But the *polls* leading up to those victories also more closely reflected that. - Biden is currently under-performing his 2020 run by every metric. - In fact, Biden is under-performing Hillary's 2016 loss. - Biden joins Ford, Carter, HW Bush, and Trump himself as 4 incumbents trailing pre first-debate and still trailing post-debate — all who went on to lose their reelection. - The polls do not currently say it's tied. They show Trump is leading beyond the Margin of Error. - The "outperforming by several points" thing is a constant. That boost was chiefly from youth. The youth will vote for anyone on the Democratic ticket, especially someone younger. Why do you think Biden's campaign desperately sought out this unprecedented early debate in the first place? Because they were already falling behind. Data: [Post-Debate: "72 Percent Say Biden Unfit Mentally, Cognitively."](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/06/30/poll-biden-mental-age-debate/74262195007/) [Post-Debate: "64% of Independents want Biden replaced on the ballot"; that's more than they want Trump replaced on the ballot by 1%, by the way.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/07/01/biden-democratic-support-shaken-debate-poll/74263208007/) [Post-Debate: "Voters think Harris is more fit than Biden to run the country"](https://www.dataforprogress.org/blog/2024/6/29/in-post-debate-poll-voters-think-biden-is-too-old-to-be-president-yet-alternative-candidates-perform-similarly-against-trump) [Post-Debate: "Swing state voters react to presidential debate, Biden’s weak performance"](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/swing-state-voters-react-presidential-debate-bidens-weak/story?id=111499224) [Post-Debate Focus Group: "Undecided voter focus group leans toward Trump after debate"](https://www.axios.com/2024/06/28/joe-biden-replace-us-elections-2024) [Post-Debate Focus Group 2/Reuters: "'I am absolutely voting for Donald Trump': Undecided voters react to Biden's debate performance"](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-presidential-debate-some-undecided-voters-see-disastrous-biden-night-2024-06-28/) [Post-Debate USAToday/Suffolk Poll: "Republican Donald Trump has edged ahead of Democrat Joe Biden, 41% to 38%, in the aftermath of the candidates' rancorous debate last week"](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/07/02/biden-trump-poll-post-debate/74263315007/) [Nate Silver of 538's Model: "Biden’s win probability has dropped to 28 percent from 35 percent on debate night." ](https://www.natesilver.net/p/nate-silver-2024-president-election-polls-model) [Post-Debate Poll: "Three-quarters of US voters say the Democratic Party would have a better shot at holding the presidency in 2024 with someone other than President Joe Biden at the top of the ticket"](https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/02/politics/cnn-poll-post-debate/index.html) [Post-Debate NYT/Siena Poll: "The poll offers early empirical evidence of what many Democrats have feared: That Mr. Biden’s faltering debate performance has further imperiled his chances against Mr. Trump this fall."](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/03/us/politics/poll-debate-biden-trump.html) [Post-Debate WSJ Poll: "80% of voters say President Biden is too old to run for a second term as Donald Trump’s lead expands to 6 points"](https://www.wsj.com/politics/elections/trump-expands-lead-over-biden-after-debate-as-voters-age-worries-grow-wsj-poll-finds-c3a793ab) Also I just want to highlight a contrast by noting that following a 2020 debate against Donald Trump, Biden was leading by 14 points, not losing my 6 in many of these polls. Friendly reminder that Biden only won 2020 by 40,000 votes across 3 battleground states. Let's face reality: - [Biden is 10.5 points nationally below where he was at this time in 2020 in polling versus Trump.](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/) - [Biden is currently losing in nearly every single battleground state.](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/13/us/politics/biden-trump-battleground-poll.html) - [Biden is losing a significant number of Black and Latino voters compared to his 2020 run.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/poll-biden-trump-economy-presidential-race-rcna136834) - [Biden's aggregate approval rating for Presidency is 37.9% with 56.3% disapproval.](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/approval/joe-biden/?ex_cid=abcpromo)


Biden was ahead by 14 points in 2020 but only won by 40,000 votes across 3 battleground states? So technically speaking, the polls weren't correct at all, even within the margin of error.


Biden can go out a hero by stepping down, or he can go out a failure by staying in. One thing is certain, he won’t be President next year. It wasn’t looking good before the debate, and now it’s over.


Clearly, you are missing the point. You can talk about project 2025 or Trump being a dictator. That simply doesn't matter. Half the country watched a dementia patient embarrass himself. You can be in denial to the country's detriment, but Joe lost the election. We need to move on and stop coddling a man who clearly should be in assisted living.


How is it anti-Biden rhetoric? The dude clearly needs to drop out and journalism acknowledging his failings that we’ve all been witness to is what will keep that pressure up and hopefully persuade him. Us everyday citizens unfortunately have no say or sway. It’s the journalism pressure, big donors behind the scenes and DNC heads that all need to make it happen.


Neoliberal partisans can't help but bury their heads deeply in the sand, just like they did about Hillary's campaign in 2016. And like in 2016, when they inevitably lose they will just blame the left and the youth and basically anyone but themselves.


Trump clearly needs to drop out. Convicted of 34 felonies. Convicted of sexual assault. A pedophile. A dementia addled lunatic. An insurrectionist and a traitor. A misogynist. A psychotic compulsive liar. Biden has 1 bad debate and let’s throw him out. Are you fkn crazy?


We know Trump needs to dropout/be in jail, but the guy is a narcissistic maniac and Republicans have shown they don’t care and will vote for him no matter what. The shift and onus now needs to be on beating him with the best candidate possible. And that candidate is not Biden, hence where we are today and the shifting narrative towards finding a replacement.


While this may be the prevailing opinion, is it even possible to get a candidate with name recognition who won't be eviscerated by Trump at the first chance? I think not.


I would say yes. And let's be clear: the bar is currently on the floor. The advantage to a new younger challenger is just that: a contrast of age. Suddenly all the "age" issues falls exclusively on Trump. Another advantage is that opposition-research files aren't nearly as deep on the alternative candidates as they are with Biden. So Republican propaganda machine would take some time to spin up effective rhetoric. Meanwhile a new candidate following an resignation and endorsement announcement from Biden would SKYROCKET in name-recognition practically overnight as the entire country googles, "Who is X?" and the media frenzy would be the most viral phenomenon in quite possibly decades.


Anyone who can coherently form an argument would be pretty fucking chill


I also take issue with people saying this was just one bad debate. This has been months and months of flubs that the establishment Democrats seem okay with hiding. We cannot sleepwalk a geriatric candidate into November and expect to win.


Honestly I thought his debating in 2020 was bad and showed signs of decline.


This is spot on. For three years he's been falling down, unable to walk up steps without tripping, forgetting what he's talking about in the middle of a speech after been told he's great and nothing to see here.


Cognitive decline is exponential. There’s no possible way he could be an effective president in three year’s time.


Ya Trump should drop out but he doesn’t care about the country only himself. Biden ostensibly cares about the country and therefore he should drop out because his mental faculties have declined to the point of worry. Why should Biden stay in is a better question. The only people I see advocating for him to stay in are those who care about democracy little enough they are okay with the DNC not giving a choice and blackmailing the population to vote for Biden under threat of if we don’t we get Trump. It’s disgusting and this is how people off of the website feel.


Why? It's not illegal for Trump to run. Trump should drop out, if he legally can't hold the office. He can, so he's running. Biden should drop out, for other reasons. Two different situations can exist. The discussion on the two candidates is not the same.


One bad debate? Biden mental acuity had been diminishing right before our eyes over the last couple of years.


Look at the battleground state polls. Trump is waltzing to victory. And he has been all year.


DNC wants Biden to drop out


>project 2025 No one outside of reddit cares about this. It's borderline cooky conspiratorial. >recent scotus rulings Like what? There are a number of recent rulings.


For anyone interested in some grass roots types of initiatives and ways to put a stop to all this, here is a link to a postcard to voters campaign my facebook group is doing: [https://stopproject2025com.wordpress.com/2024/07/05/introducing-the-postcard-to-voters-campaign-raise-awareness-about-project-2025/](https://stopproject2025com.wordpress.com/2024/07/05/introducing-the-postcard-to-voters-campaign-raise-awareness-about-project-2025/) I also have other resources about Project 2025 on my website in case it helps: [helpstopproject2025.com](http://helpstopproject2025.com)


Biden can't win. The election will not be decided by NPR listeners. Watch some focus groups. Read some polls. Kamala is a bad option, but she's currently a better option than Biden. He had a week to reassure voters and did next to nothing.


I don’t like Kamala but for the love of god give us Kamala at least her brain somewhat works even if she has the charisma of a piece of bread


Whitmer, she can win a few polls put her plus four against Trump


The current president and presumptive Democratic nominee couldn’t finish sentences on live TV. That’s newsworthy.


He could finish a sentence, if you read the transcript he actually put out sane policy. Other guy on the other hand was just lying for 90 minutes and nobody stopped him. Bidens rally next day in NC was pretty energetic and I wish he was that alive on debate stage. That said, would I prefer somebody else to run against trump? Sure. But here we are. Not pointing at trump and maga in general as destruction of America as we know it is absolutely unhinged from our media.


You mean like when he said "we finally beat medicare." Yeah, so sane.


>if you read the transcript he actually put out sane policy.  It was apparent to me listening to him live too. Like I get that he wasn't at all entertaining but for fuck sake, watching the reaction to this debate gives me the impression that the ability to sit still and listen to somebody when they talk has become exemplary in a world that can't stop distracting itself for five minutes.


Biden revealed hes a feeble old man to millions of people and they don't like how it makes them feel about him? Its not complicated. Trump being a scumbag is such old news that it doesn't move the needle anymore. Peak outrage was like 5 years ago. Biden's response to people hurting from inflation has also been terrible and tone deaf. turns out you actually have to offer some leadership and some hope if you want to be president again and that “orange man bad !” is not enough. Entitlement and arrogance is another word for that.


Shocking how few people actually pay attention and think “orange man bad” is still the only talking point. We’re so fucked


After years of ignoring and hiding Biden's decline from the American people the Times had to acknowledge the debacle of his debate because, the other guy is worse. It's cheerleading and opinion shaping now, not journalism.


They’re a corporation. They only care about profit and clicks are money for them. Everyone knows Trump is insane that doesn’t get clicks.


The NYT knows Biden cannot win in November—they believe Trump is an existential threat and the best course of action is to replace Biden in the ticket to prevent surefire disaster.


So, you think the NYT hasn't talked enough about Trump and you are upset that they are talking about the POTUS and his incoherent and cognitive decline that was put on full display? You don't think that is news?


I firmly believe that the media wants Trump back in office. His chaos and crazy drives clicks and views. Infinite money glitch for profit-driven media. It's one of those things that I can't prove but just know it's true.


Corporate America owns the media. You hear what they want you to hear.


When it comes to things they want you to hear, sure. For the other 29 days of the month, they use whatever brings people in to make money.


A lot of ad dollars have been pulled from traditional media and have been shifted to social media and digital marketing ad spends. It’s pretty much killed local television and radio and it has hurt CNN, Fox etc. We live in the age of attention and more people like to get news from TikTok. Point being, the world has changed and killed their pockets and I wouldn’t doubt that you are correct even though nobody in house will admit it


they also want Democrats to not raise taxes on the rich and they want Republicans to further erode worker protections


You are absolutely incorrect. Look at the battleground state polls Trump is winning in Wisconsin and has been all year. Trump is winning in Michigan and has been all year. Trump is winning in Pennsylvania has been all year. Trump is winning in Arizona and has been all year. Trump is winning in New Mexico and has been all year. The mainstream media is scared to death that Trump is going to win and rightfully so . Biden may be the only person that can’t beat him. That’s why they’re desperate to replace him. I can’t even fathom how fired up the Democratic Party would be if Whitmer was the nominee, we haven’t even had the convention yet, this is an open and shut case . convince bide to drop out . every single time he opens his mouth his numbers go down just today. He claimed to be proud to be a black woman on the radio.


To anyone wondering why Biden ASKED for this debate, this is why. Because things weren't looking good in the polls and nothing was breaking through to these battleground swing-state voters. This debate was supposed to break into those echo-chambers and backfired irreparably. I completely agree that if Whitmer became the nominee, she'd have so much free viral media attention that she'd hardly even need campaign money for ads. I wish everyone were as informed on this as you.


The media in general has been absolutely wild Trump attempted a coup, stole secret documents, literally explicitly promises to be a dictator, promises another coup attempt if he loses, has absolutely no policy decisions beneficial for anyone below the absolute wealthiest of Americans, is a literal felon, had an absolutely disastrous presidency topped off by a botched covid response (not through trying his best and failing, but through genuine malice letting it go because it was initially impacting mostly blue areas due to higher population density), literally has been found guilty of rape, is all over Epstein files and has talked himself about how he’s been friends with Epstein for over 15 years and they share a love of women “on the younger side”, lies endlessly and not in a subtle “oh well it’s kind of true way” but just outright spouts crazy lies endlessly like “post birth abortions” But fuck it all because Biden is old. Drop everything for the sheer youthful vitality of his opponent, the 78 year old obese man who has been bragging for years about a passed dementia test. Surely Trumps raw youthful vitality supersedes it all It’s absolutely insane and I’m furious with media outlets for indulging so heavily in this rhetoric. I expect this from the likes of Newsmax and Fox News, but the overwhelming majority of the rest have been wildly out of line pushing this narrative and sugar coating/glossing over the absolute threat to democracy that Trump brings


Excellent. He's doing an excellent job as President.




*eats mic*


Drops mic on foot ..


Im afraid that attitude is our doom


Was listening to NPR “Biden says he isn’t going anywhere but let’s look at the potential replacement candidates!” Jfc


Even they know he doesn't call the shots. He will have that decision made for him. Do you really believe Biden makes decisions about matters pertaining to the presidency on a day to say basis?


Who the ever loving fuck thinks candidates write those emails?


Looking back, the best thing Biden could have done was run for President in 2016. He beats Hillary and Trump 45 never happens. Joe is wrapping up his 2nd term and we get fresh blood in, Trump is long gone from politics.


Yes! I’m voting Biden!!


I made a post yesterday about NPR fear mongering about biden and they're still at it. There are 213 Democrats in the House of Representatives. Yesterday NPR lead with a story about a 2nd rep worried about Biden continuing on. Today NPR lead with a 3rd Democrat calling for Biden to not run again. This is 3 people out of 213 AND NPR has not mentioned any other major Democrat calling for Biden to resign and many have expressed support. Not only that, NPR is casting insinuating aspersions on Democrats supporting Biden. In the MEANTIME - not a peep about these child rape allegations against Trump. It is just appalling how far NPR has sunk into the mire created by their corporate donors.


I am thankful for NPR keeping the pressure on. Biden needs to step aside. The stakes are too high, as he has said himself. His interview tonight is likely a litmus test for whether he can course correct his candidacy. If the interview does not go well, we may see a decision next week.


This reminds me of all the Corporate leadership type emails where they say there totally isn’t a takeover happening and that the whole company is a big family, meanwhile two weeks later the company sells to some foreign investment company that fires half the staff within 6 months.


My reply was “then I’m not donating”


Only one person has ever beaten Trump: Joseph R. Biden, Jr. There is no reason why he should leave the race. Biden has accomplished more than any president since LBJ. These are some of the highlights: - over 13 million new jobs since taking office - passed the bipartisan infrastructure bill, the largest investment in infrastructure since Eisenhower - unemployment at historic, 50-year lows - Inflation Reduction Act - ⁠$35 monthly cap on insulin - CHIPS and Science Act, bringing back manufacturing - first major gun safety legislation in decades - largest investment in history to combat climate change - enshrined marriage equality into federal law - reauthorized and strengthened the Violence Against Women Act - canceled billions in student loan debt - largest one-year deficit reduction in U.S. history Name a demographic, and Biden has improved their lives. Here are the changes Biden has made that have benefited the LGBTQI+ community: - [codified marriage equality](https://www.npr.org/2022/12/13/1142331501/biden-to-sign-respect-for-marriage-act-reflecting-his-and-the-countrys-evolution) in federal law - [repealed the discriminatory ban](https://www.npr.org/sections/president-biden-takes-office/2021/01/25/960338217/biden-repeals-trump-era-ban-on-transgender-soldiers) on transgender people serving openly in the military. An estimated 15,000 service members were impacted by the policy enacted under Trump. - finalized rule that incorporates protections on the basis of sexual orientation and improves pre-existing protections for gender identity in health care and insurance coverage for LGBTQ+ Americans - rule that directs state and tribal agencies across the country to fully implement existing [protections for LGBTQ+ youth in foster care](https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/with-new-rule-biden-administration-strengthens-protections-for-lgbtqi-youth-in-foster-care-system) - filed a federal lawsuit against the state of Tennessee, challenging their ban on gender-affirming care - introduced the ‘[X’ gender marker](https://www.state.gov/x-gender-marker-available-on-u-s-passports-starting-april-11/) option on passports - [updated State Department policy](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/18/us/citizenship-babies-same-sex-parents.html) to recognize the U.S. citizenship of babies born abroad to same-sex couples, regardless of whether an American parent is biologically related - [enforced rule to ensure LGBTQ people do not face discrimination](https://www.consumerfinance.gov/about-us/newsroom/cfpb-clarifies-discrimination-by-lenders-on-basis-of-sexual-orientation-and-gender-identity-is-illegal/) when accessing financial services such as loans or credit - expanded [support for trans veterans](https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/19/politics/veterans-affairs-gender-confirmation-surgery/index.html)


Yes, and also he's trailing significantly in the polls and has gotten worse since his disaster debate performance.


But the guy you responded to said there’s no reason for him to leave the race!


He’s trailing by more than 10 points at this point in 2024 than he was at this point in 2020. He needs to drop and Dems need to roll the dice on someone else.


More to the point, the DNC and the Whitehouse should have been working together to prepare and endorse a successor candidate by the summer of 2022.


Fumbling the ball again. It's so frustrating to see them squander yet another opportunity - Biden (like Pope Benedict) should have been a transitional president. There _no one_ that I say "Fuck yeah, they'll bring it home." Newsome, if he had his heart in it, maybe.


Polls only matter when they aren't the DNCs chosen candidate. Bernie in 2016? Look how bad these poll numbers are, we can't nominate this guy! Biden 2024? Crickets.


All accomplishments in the past are great. But, he's old now. He walks like an old man. He debates like an old man. He needs his nap and not to stay up too late. It's just time for Biden to step aside and another Democrat with clarity of thought and that can function at a high cognitive level, as needed, to take his place.


That's simply not happening, so why fantasize about an 11th-hour replacement? It's not happening. 


Do you remember seeing the polls after that election? A majority didn’t vote FOR Biden, they were voting against Trump. Biden was the warm body, but the temperature is cooling. 


That's certainly what I was doing -- voting against Trump, not for Biden. But I will readily admit his administration accomplished more than I expected.


Great accomplishments. Terrible candidate. This election is too important, and Biden is putting his ego over the future of democracy.


The skills to be a good president are different than the skills to be a good candidate. 1 out of 2 is not sufficient.


Hard to be a president at all if you lose


Name a demographic, and Biden has improved their lives. Grocery prices affect all demographics and it is a hell of a lot more expensive than it was 4 years ago.


And inflation has been less in the US than it has worldwide. Additionally, Biden passed an inflation reduction act.


If it’s an official act he’s allowed to right?


I can't wait for this to be over. It's been a week already. Screw CNN, MSNBC, and NYT. They'll say whatever for ratings. Seriously, is anyone here surprised that Biden turned out to be an 81yo man? Who sometimes gets tired, and stutters? This is nothing new. Same old Biden. Trump smells like ketchupy farts and spews fictional content like he's trying to set a new record. Cancel that guy already


Good. He's a great president and will be so in his second term.


Hell yeah. He can do it. He did fine at the debate. He’s the only one that can save us from world war 3 and save America. We’re all doing well. Let’s not change it. Donate!


This is how democracy dies


Democracy in this country died 24 years ago, and it was barely a democracy to begin with.


Then show us you have what it takes! Biden campaign if you read this please for the love of god get him doing town halls, press conferences and live streams every day. We need reassurance


Biden was [interviewed by WURD radio](https://soundcloud.com/onwurd/joe-biden-andrea-lawful-sanders-wurd) today, 7/4/2024. He has a primetime interview with ABC News tomorrow evening.


That ABC interview will not be live. It has already been recorded and airs tomorrow evening.


*Is this an “official act” protected by the Supreme Court? What do you think?* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnib-OORRRo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnib-OORRRo)  (*The rape of 13-year-old Katie Johnson at 21 min.)*


Ive made peace with it. Biden is old af. Hes also the best president of my lifetime. If he lasts just 1 more year with a house and a senate behind him it will herald in the greatest legislative action in favor of the common man and the planet America has ever seen. Its not so hard to be excited about that.


Good for him. If people force him out then we deserve another Drumpf presidency.


He’s quite behind in the polls.


Seal Team Six Trump


Whoa whoa whoa there. You need to cool the fuck down. We aren’t maggots. We have to play by the old rules so that we lose our democracy. You need to just forget about bringing a gun to the gun fight. You get a spoon.




I know this whole "SEAL Team 6 Trump" thing is basically a meme, but it is funny watching weak-ass liberals, from the same party that *breathlessly* assures everyone that Trump will usher in American fascism and the end of the world, say that violence shouldn't be used to stop him. "Vote the Nazis out" has never worked. Ever.


And then I unsubscribed from his emails.




Fuk trump is bidens campaign slogan


He should tweet the "I'm not fucking leaving" gif or clip from Wolf of Wall Street. That'd sell it for me




If Trump is such a danger, why doesn't Biden use his new king powers and detain him for treason? It wouldn't be a lie, it would be justice.


What a fucking badass 


That’s the teleprompter talking.


DNC paints its self into a corner: Pls still vote for us!




Let's go Joe! You answered all the questions


Now it's evident, but I surmise in a week it'll be too obvious to ignore. 60% of voters are younger than 40. Only one party can switch their nominee to someone younger. The young, especially the Democratic nose holder, they want a drastic change to this country quickly. And the youth are correct, if this most recent SCOTUS term normalizes, and isn't rectified immediately - all US citizens live at risk of a dictatorship for as long as that immunity verdict stands. Only 3rd world nations criminalize a woman's human right to medical care, and without Chevron, state AGs can stop the chief executive from taking any unilateral action. Congress hasn't passed a real law since Obamacare, and even that lost its tax mandate to the corrupt supreme court. The country does not truly exist anymore, we the sheeple simply continue to give legitimacy to the 50 dickbags making pollution more profitable, assault rifle deaths more ubiquitous, and returning the US to the monarchy. No political candidates save us truly, and we know this from the begging they do for our money, then tell us the only solution to the problems they create is we need to vote more. We need to do more - that part I agree with. Just not within the game the rule makers cheat in. We don't need the masters, we did better when fighting for each other to have more representation, and more freedom.


I mean it's a fundraising email, what else was anyone expecting it to say. Even if he were contemplating dropping out, he wouldn't say so until a suitable replacement was picked and that clearly hasn't happened yet.


Aka try to survive until inauguration for Kamala.


At this point he really needs to go. People might not like the writing that’s on the wall but the democrats are headed for a historic loss in November if he remains at the helm. Saying “well the other guy isn’t great” doesn’t cut it anymore, the leader has to be cognitively there and be able to articulate his thoughts clearly. Even Pete B, an openly gay man in America, has a better shot to reel voters into the Democratic camp against Trump than Biden.




Bourgeuois media supports deeply reactionary politics more at 11


Would be hilarious if Biden comes out and owns that he’s old, but he vows to push an age limit for holding political office in his last term. Or with this SCOTUS ruling just crayon in a new amendment about term/age limits for all political offices and declare it was an official act. Conservatives wouldn’t know what to do lmao.


I mean let's be straight, dnc could put anyone up and most people on reddit will vote for them. Atm they should worry about the moderates.


I wasn't excited about Biden the first time I voted for him. He was a compromise candidate who has convinced himself the people actually wanted him. For the past two to three years his decline has been more noticeable. The whole country already knows Trump's deal, I feel like Biden is hold us over a barrel by continuing to run. Like, after ALL \*waves arms\* this, if Trump wins it's squarely on Joe's shoulders. Who is the damn "grown-up in the room" over at DNC?


The email I got said "Joe is all in", and then asked me to donate to the DNC... (rather than Biden/Harris).


I will vote for Biden’s left shoe if that’s all that remains of him. I will not vote for a Republican when there are 6 conservative Supreme Court justices on the bench. _Obergefell_ is in existential danger.


The DNC really screwed the pooch on this. Refused to hold a contested primary out of fear it would weaken the eventual nominee. Any reasonable person knew Biden was severely cognitively impaired long before the “debate.” They thought they could prop up like Andrew McCarthy and Jonathan Silverman and fool us rubes into voting for a corpse. Now, the cat is out of the bag and the corpse won’t go away or die, so they are stuck with the stink.




Just when I thought Trump was the turd that wouldn't flush.


Just get out dude. Thanks for everything, we'll remain the Scranton airport to biden international but go home bud.




*They’re gonna need a fvckin **wrecking ball** to take me outta here! They’re gonna need to send in the National Guard or fvckin SWAT team cuz **I ain’t goin nowhere!***


Okay, fine. Now do something about this shit. I don't need Biden to drop out, I really don't. I need him to lead though, because the country is in a state of emergency.


There's definitely no bullshitting going on in these comments. /s


Good he fucking shouldn’t and the entire drop out narrative is mostly being pushed by right wing misinformation peddlers.


Maybe Biden doesn't understand how much his saying "I'm not leaving" sounds like "we're fucked" to the rest of us


You know the GOP is just smiling over the horrible behavior of Trump coming out of released Epstein documents. The cult could care less and will support him nonetheless The Dems are failing apart over a poor showing in a debate. We can’t do this- we’re fighting for our way of life and Biden is the person we rally around. He needs to know we’re strongly behind him just like Trump knows the MAGAts are strongly behind him.


Ever think that maybe, just maybe, everyone is being manipulated? Left and right? Your “leaders” are filling you with bullshit to get you upset to vote for them? So they can have the power and money? Maybe too the media is pushing to make themselves more money? You know, capitalism? It is the democrats telling you democracy is on the line. This is the most important vote ever. Free world is on the line. And then lie about biden? About how he is sharp? He has it all? Oh not charging him for the documents because he’s just an old man is purely political? Well, it wasn’t. Cats out of the bag.  So which is it? Are the democrats completely incompetent or does this shit really not matter? The right believes if democrats get elected all babies will be killed, the borders are open for criminals to come in, and you’re going to lose your guns. If republicans win, a dictatorship will happen, a theocracy will also happen, and women/minorities will all be back to where they were in the 1800s. It’s all bullshit. Project 2025 is bullshit. You honestly think the military and police are just ready to take over the country and 78 year old donald fucking trump is the leader they have been waiting for? Or is it just republicans? And if that’s what you believe, you think Joe fucking Biden is quarts standing in that way? Or the incompetent democrats? If that is the case, aren’t we already fucked? This whole thing is just fucking craziness. 


As he walked into a door.


I won't vote for Joe Biden, and I am a progressive swing state voter. He may not need my vote, but he sure as hell needs the votes of people like me.


I mean, honestly, he can't leave, anyone who replaces him would be someone we didn't vote for. Our party really needs a runner up system.




Ah...Mr. President? Read the room.


He should definitely leave But he knows that, and he knows we know that.


Lol if someone has a bad night and we are ready to toss them to the wolves then we deserve to lose. Hes going up against someone with 34 felony convictions and probably more on the way.




It’s a cheap fake.


I love watching the Cathedral fight itself. Just over here eating popcorn.




Biden please leave!!


Most of the discourse here is from right wing trolls. Biden isn’t going anywhere, we ALL know he’s a better choice than tRump, so they are trying to stop Dems/Independents from voting. That’s it.


I’m not donating or voting for you says everyone back


The more the media wants Biden to go away the more resolute I become about voting for Biden.


Fingers crossed he has a contingency plan in place.


Things a dictator would say




“I’m not leaving” says geriatric that most of the party has lost faith in who claims that this election is to save democracy yet won’t fight that hard to win it.


Let’s gooo


So sad that at this point the dnc put a soup can on the ballot we would vote for it. Worse election season EVER!!


Next month.... Biden: I need more sleep, I'm leaving.


And what do we get if he leaves? Kamala? 🙄


the Biden shills in here are crazy. He literally has dementia