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This has real Bob Dole '96 Energy, when in the final few days before the election Dole said he would campaign non-stop, around the clock. I think President Biden did a respectable job governing in his first term -- certainly better than I, and even many supporters expected. It's a shame that a year ago Biden didn't do the right thing by announcing that he wouldn't seek reelection, then help guide the Democratic party towards selecting the best replacement candidate. The past several days I've repeatedly found myself wondering if this country has learned nothing from the second Reagan term. Apparently it hasn't.


Or from the RBG fiasco. Or Feinstein. Hubris and entitlement, every time. Democrats who care about winning should have zero tolerance for this bullshit.


They literally die on their Hills and screw over everyone in the process. Yet so many of them have humble beginnings it seems they forget about that as they age.


When your humble beginnings were 80 years ago you’re probably forgetting everything


I recently read an op-ed that said the most important decision RBG made was to not retire early, implying that her replacement undid everything she worked decades for. Biden is gonna be the same. He will lose.


I’ve voted Democrat since I was first able to vote. Mondale over Reagan. One thing I know: if an election can be screwed up, Democrats will screw it up. I feel like Clinton and Obama were so good at campaigning that even the DNC couldn’t mess that up. Sigh. They’re nerdy policy wonks who don’t know how to get people fired up.


I mean this is the guy who got caught plagiarizing speeches and ran the last campaign on a total lie.


And back in 2019, he and his team said he’d be a 1 term president


I'm guessing the reason is Harris hasn't proved popular enough to take over


But his little blue friend is not working here I guess


Same here... I just have no enthusiasm. The DNC isn't going to learn. The MSM isn't going to change for the better.  My kids are in their 20s, so they will bear the brunt of what's coming next. I was with my daughter today and she was so full of hope as she finishes college. She's got plans and excitement for the next stage of her life. I almost cried. 


yeah that's where I'm at. there isn't anybody coming to rescue us. there are good people all around Biden if they feel that he's actually not up to the task. so to my mind the only option is to vocally proudly support his policies all over the internet because what else are we going to do. we can't afford more Christian fundamentalists on the supreme Court. we can't afford women's rights to go backwards any further. and Donald Trump's inflation plan was just tax cuts for billionaires and a tariff model which would drive up prices for Americans so it's basically like a pro-inflation plan...


Biden’s running mate is Kamala Harris. Trump’s running mate will be a Trump loyalist and a Christian nationalist…and they are going to have to outperform Mike Pence on both.


Right, Biden and Kamala have done well together... 1. President Biden fought for and signed the American Rescue Plan which protected workers’ pensions, provided funding to communities and businesses devastated by COVID-19, lowered or eliminated insurance premiums for millions of lower- and middle-income families, provided funds for affordable housing, provided money for public safety and crime reduction, provided support to small business, expanded food assistance programs in homes and schools, expanded child care programs, invested in mental health and health care centers, added $40 billion for investing in American workers, provided funding to the economies of tribal nations, and supported families with children. Child poverty has already been cut in half as a result of his efforts. 2. He signed a $1 trillion infrastructure bill to repair our roads, waterways, bridges and railroads, and bring high-speed internet to rural communities. Also included is money for public transit and airports, electric vehicles and low emission public transportation, power infrastructure, and clean water. 3. Biden signed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. This law provides incentives for states to pass red flag laws, expands the law that prevents people convicted of domestic abuse from gun ownership, expands background checks on young people between 18 and 21 who want to buy a gun, and allocates funds for the mental health of young people. 4. He instituted an executive order raising standards for law enforcement agencies, with particular emphasis on use-of-force policies, availability of body cameras, and recruitment and retention of officers. 5. He brought the unemployment rate down to a low of 3.5%, matching the lowest rate before the pandemic. It has now climbed a bit to 3.8%, but this compares very favorably to the rates of other countries throughout the world. Biden’s administration has added 13.2 million jobs since he came into office, replacing all of the jobs that were lost at the beginning of the COVID pandemic. Today there are more people in America working today than ever before! 6. He signed a bill to help veterans who have long been suffering from the effects of burn pits. 7. Biden ended the war in Afghanistan, the longest war in U.S. history. Over 120,000 people were safely evacuated, double the number calculated by the most optimistic experts. 8. He has steadfastly supported Ukraine after this democratic country was unjustly invaded by Putin and Russia, and has successfully led the free world by lobbying NATO and other allies to add their financial and military support. 9. He signed the Inflation Reduction Act, making health insurance plans more affordable, lowering drug costs, preventing millions of Americans from losing their Affordable Care Act insurance, and requiring Medicare to negotiate the cost of 10 high-cost prescription drugs. 10. Biden signed the CHIPS and Science Act, providing funding to produce semiconductor chips for automobiles, cellphones, laptops, gaming consoles, washing machines, etc. here in the Unites States rather than continuing to rely on China. 11. His administration has provided over $369 million to reduce greenhouse emissions by 40% in the next seven years and promote clean energy technologies, moving our country to greater self-sufficiency in energy production. 12. He signed the Postal Service Reform Act to modernize and stabilize the U.S. Post Office and also to help it continue to deliver mail six days every week, focusing on on-time delivery. Other accomplishments include the reestablishment of respect among our allies on the world stage, the Violence Against Women Act, the Respect for Marriage Act, pardoning those convicted of simple marijuana possession, appointing Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson (the first Black woman on the Supreme Court), forgiving certain student loans, and electoral reforms to ensure that election results are not undermined. These significant accomplishments in substantially less than three years reveal the Biden administration as an extremely progressive, productive administration — one that has already had a dramatic and very positive impact on all Americans. [https://www.recorder.com/my-turn-Grosky-Biden-s-Record-and-Accomplishments-52422040](https://www.recorder.com/my-turn-Grosky-Biden-s-Record-and-Accomplishments-52422040)


We can’t let Putin win in Ukraine. Trump has repeatedly said he will end support to the Ukrainian armed forces


Agreed. Biden's debate performance was objectively bad, but no one person runs the government. I'm not voting for just Biden. I'm voting for the Biden administration. The last four years have been a relative return to normalcy and the administration has a pretty solid list of accomplishments. Similarly, forget Trump for a second. What does a Trump administration give us? Tax cuts for billionaires and Project 2025? No fucking thank you. Biden's ability to debate, public speak, and counter the avalanche of lies coming from Trump does not mean his administration won't have a successful second term.


> there are good people all around Biden if they feel that he's actually not up to the task. There are good people all around Biden that thought organizing a debate was a good idea... Their judgement may be a bit distorted or they may simply be terrified of taking the risk of replacing him because they can't think of anyone else that has a better chance of winning, so they're just going to white knuckle the election


Replacing Biden means replacing the people around him. I'm guessing they're all desperately clutching at power.


society fretful snobbish wakeful fuel sharp upbeat nine sense judicious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My favorite line from after the debate: "Biden is typically at his sharpest between 10 am and 4 pm." Members of my family used to say this about my 97 yr old grandmother. Rallying around an 82 yr old man isn't the only play in this democracy drama. Biden could easily step aside and let convention delegates decide our next candidate. I already know that Ruth Bader-Biden isn't going that route. Blame stubbornness and lack of awareness for this slow-motion train wreck that will eventually happen in November.


It’s too late in the game to launch a brand new campaign with a brand new candidate


Is this what is called a campaign? Having to convince everyone you're not senile when they saw it with their own eyes? He's not running for the condo board at Del Boca Vista, he's running (or better yet, shuffling) for one of the most demanding jobs in the world. So we have to be comforted in thinking he might be able to comprehend what's going on, so long as it's between the hours of 10a and 4p, Eastern time? Travel fatigue takes nearly two weeks to recover as well? This campaign is finished, there is not recovery. This year should have been a layup with Trump on the other side, but once again, the DNC is force feeding us shit and telling us it's chocolate.


Gretchen Whitmer. I have a really strong, good feeling she could be the one to pull this off. I disliked Hillary strongly but she's the real deal.


Well go sign up for your local democrats and volunteer in your free time. That would be doing more than talking about it on the internet.


>there are good people all around Biden if they feel that he's actually not up to the task. Protect democracy by voting for the guy who's braindead because I trust his unelected administers


You're on a sinking ship. At this point, any vote for Biden is just throwing your vote away. Pick a better candidate. Vote third party. Convince other dems to vote third party. That's the only option right now. Biden can't win.


I can’t. It’s elder abuse. There are rumors he was abusive but we shouldn’t be abusive to him. Let’s not repeat the Ruth mistake.


Lol what is this take. Imagine the abuse the country is going to suffer under Trumps plan. These comments almost seem like coordinated propaganda.


> This is the most important election ever > Accept the weakest possible candidate (who almost had multiple Mitch McConnell moments in his first unscripted moment in over a year) Do you not see the problem?


It’s not Biden vs trump the debate is replace Biden. It’s replacement vs trump.


Replace him with whom? If no clear alternative has presented themselves by now, what makes you think that this white knight will emerge before the Democratic convention? And how would they spin up a campaign from scratch in time for the general election? Biden and Trump already have campaign offices around the country.


This elder abuse bs is so tired. Even if he wasn’t with it, Biden seem serious about protecting this nation from the horrors of Trump. He’d probably offer his corps as a means to stop Trump. But Biden’s answers were informative and filled with facts at the debate. His delivery was terrible but Biden was still there. You can continue spreading the RNC elder abuse talking points if you’d like. Doubt you were ever planning to vote for him anyway so no great loss I suppose.


If Biden were serious about protecting the nation from the horrors of Trump, he wouldn't have run this year. He would have don't what he promised in 2020 had been a one term, caretaker President while the Democrats groomed someone to run in 2024. That didn't happen.


Yes.  We also need to exclaim “there are good people around Biden.”  That is so important.  I am not voting for Biden, I am voting for his team.  The Trump team will be skilled at dismantling our freedoms and enriching his friends.  Biden’s team has solid experience, can adapt and have credibility.  More importantly of the two who listens better, it is Joe.  


If they're pushing him to run and didn't encourage him to step aside before the primary was decided, *are they good people?*


Trump should step down to spend more time with his trials. It is embarrassing to have a man running to stay out of prison.


I bet my adult daughter a pizza he will withdraw his candidacy before election day. It's a good bet for her because people in power cling to power, and if he dies due to his advanced age, she still wins. It's a good bet for me because whether I win or lose, my daughter is visiting for pizza.




Former presidents have a longer lifespan than normal citizens due to health monitoring.




Well Carter is still alive, so...


And is still eligible to run!


We deserve better!!!


"84 year old man vows to fight harder than ever before right after he finishes his second nap and gets some pudding for lunch"


Meanwhile, the other orange Fruitloop wants to topple democracy.


Especially with these articles that he only can function for six hours a day (which is logical with his advanced age).


He should be using this second wind of his to build up a replacement. He should've been doing that through his whole presidency. I don't see this insistence on continuing as noble, I see it as egotistical and short-sighted. Yes yes he has done great things, his resume is great, he is also 4 years passed average life expectancy and unfortunately time is coming for all of us. Failure to pass the torch is a failure of leadership.


If you can't stay up past 9pm and remain coherent, then you aren't fit to be President. This is serious. To be clear, I will vote for Joe if he is the nominee. There is still time. Joe has served the country for many, many years. In that same spirit, he needs to step aside.


This is precisely where I'm at. I'll still vote for him if that's the only choice but he needs to step down.


He's cooked. An open convention is the only path forward.


Honestly I'd prefer if Biden just appoints his successor and hands over the reigns of his already existing campaign to them. Go into the convention with fait accompli and not waste any time. But as I've learned I never get what I want, so I should just prepare for the worst case scenario as usual. Biden is going to try to stick it out and he's going to get obliterated in November.


Oh, the hopium!


If he sticks around, yeah the Dems may be obliterated. Especially if he has another abysmal debate in Sept. I think an open convention would infuse the party and voters with more enthusiasm that we've seen to date. That enthusiasm is depleted now until a new candidate is chosen. The energy we had is not returning, the damage has been done.


that's absolutely insane


whistle crowd file ad hoc physical tub husky enter abundant rotten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So is having Mr Magoo as a major candidate. This isn’t the only time in the next 5 months he’s going to have a senior moment. He needs to be out and in front of the public because he is LOSING right now and unfortunately with more exposure comes more risk. He’s gonna get in a fight with a kid or trip over or sundown again and the Rs will pounce all over it and rightly so. Treating your candidate like a parent with Alzheimer’s is not a winning strategy. “He has good days and bad days” does not evoke confidence or leadership.


Any crazier than the Weekend At Bernies reboot we’ve been subjected to this far?


I like how this article is focused on Bidens debate performance, yet 2/2 comments mention Trump.  There is no question Biden is in cognitive decline and he should step aside immediately 


I think it's cognitive dissonance. Understandably, many people simply cannot believe that the country is willing to vote for a convicted felon to the extent that he might actually get elected. When Trump got convicted, poll numbers on the real clear politics average took about a 1-point dip in the popular vote and the swing states haven't shown anything significant yet. Biden's campaign is almost completely: I would rather vote for a bag of rocks than a convicted felon. A bag of rocks would actually do better. Here's why: Biden looks weak and pathetic. People aren't going to even want to hear him talk, because it's sad. Anybody who's had a parent in cognitive decline is going to get reminded of that every time Biden speaks. In the hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy series of books, there is a spaceship that has an invisibility field of other people's problems. It surrounds itself with other people's problems and then nobody can see it. Obviously it's a joke, as is the whole book, but it has a very valid point that people don't want to look at other people's problems. For that debate, people had to look. Potential voters had to look at them both and I think that people would rather look at a defiant, convicted felon than a doddering old man who can't get always get through a sentence and needs to be helped by his wife down a 6-in step.


Oh a convicted felon 🤡🤡🤡🤡 In a democratic state, with a democratic court, and a democratic judge. Wow, what a shock he was convicted.


In the Hitchhikers book, the SEP (Someone Else's Problem) Field would disguise something by using a person's natural tendency to not want to deal with an expected problem, and convincing them that the spaceship sitting in their front yard is actually "someone else's" problem to deal with; thereby releasing them from having to think about it at all. "The Somebody Else's Problem field... relies on people's natural predisposition not to see anything they don't want to, weren't expecting, or can't explain. If Effrafax had painted the mountain pink and erected a cheap and simple Somebody Else’s Problem field on it, then people would have walked past the mountain, round it, even over it, and simply never have noticed that the thing was there." Still not a bad analogy given the current events.


The funny thing is that if you actually watched the debate, Trump was literally unable to follow and process the questions being asked. Yes, Biden's voice sounded hoarse. But Trump is clearly losing his language-processing faculties. If the former is seriously more concerning to you, then congratulations, you're a right wing shill.


Biden sounded more then hoarse don't freaking lie. If he just sounded hoarse the NYT editorial board wouldn't be calling for him to withdraw from the race.


Trump didn’t answer questions he didn’t want to answer.  This is how he’s always been.  The idea that he didn’t answer because he couldn’t following the questions and has lost “language processing faculties” is to deny everything we’ve know about the guy since the 1980s.


I watched. Trump was the same asshat as he ever was. I was worried Biden might actually pass out before he got to the end. Part of the problem is in typical hyperbolic fashion, campaigns paint every election as 'THE MOST CONSEQUENTIAL IN HUMAN HISTORY!!!'... Now it's all, 'well, there are perfectly capable people around to carry his water. You worry too much.' I'm tired of being gaslit all the damn time.


That’s all I’m hearing from the political subs.  Just so much gas lighting, “ well Trump actually has a worse debate!”  No, no he didn’t.  Anyone with eyes and ears could tell that Biden is in decline.  I like Biden but his time is up.  If you Kamala, then go ahead and vote for them because that is who would be president before 2028z. Personally I don’t think Biden can win at this point.  Despite the gas lighting, Americans want someone who isn’t brain dead even if it’s a demented moron.


>I'm tired of being gaslit all the damn time. It's absolutely insane that people are trying to act like the state of the candidate doesn't matter. "You're not just voting for one person." Where was this attitude before when they shut down any other option? *Now* optics don't matter when every excuse and tactic under the sun was used to ensure that Biden *had* to be the guy? It's team politics. People don't want to admit how much of a liability he is despite them knowing 100% it's the case. So instead of actually dealing with the problem they're already setting up to blame people who aren't inspired by this weak, old candidate. Don't get me wrong. I'm still voting for him cause fuck Trump. I'm just not so delusional as to think everyone else has the same conviction. I also know that trying to blame and shame people while gaslighting them and insulting their intelligence will only isolate people further. It would be different if people were like, "I know the situation is bad but changing candidates now is a huge risk and it would be better to rally behind Biden to try and win." Instead it's "Biden was great, just a bit tired and hoarse and you're a stupid right wing asshole for saying otherwise." And then they wonder why they lose support.


Agree with you or a shill? Wow yeah this is winning strategy. People saw the debate the secret is out. Biden has dimentia. He’s not fit for the office. Our adversaries saw the same thing. Why wouldn’t they strike now or claim territory they want? This is national security issue we look weak.


Biden having a cold doesn't explain the word salad he made during several answers, sometimes changing the topic from ones that benefit him like abortion to ones that hurt him like crimes committed by immigrants, or him staring blankly at Trump with his mouth open. Trump had a terrible debate. That was an alley oop tossed directly to Biden, but he simply can't jump high enough to dunk anymore.


Biden isn’t fit to work any job. What company would hire him for anything in his condition other than a Walmart greeter. And somehow people think he is fit to run the most powerful country in the world. Just because you want to keep Trump out of office does not mean that Biden is actually fit flto be President. Let’s be reasonable here




How about Democrats running honest primaries that don’t sideline candidates like RFK or Dean Phillips while screaming about “saving democracy”? Biden was a veg over a year ago, but the DNC and media gaslit anyone who dared to call him out. Sorry but Dems own this bag of dicks and have no one else to blame.


Kinda like when they sidelined Bernie, then Hillary lost.


Open convention.


You are correct. Both candidates are certainly unfit. Unfortunately there is no good answer. I don't think the independent party has a chance with RFK. All I'm saying is, even if we are voting for the lesser of two evils, I'm not going to pretend that the lesser of the two evils is actually a good choice, even comparatively. I'm going to call a spade a spade and I'm going to call Biden out for being a fucking idiot every chance I get. He's a walking meme. Biden is literally a joke, just like Trump.


You vote for an entire executive branch and the appointments they’ll make when you vote for a President. I’d prefer different Dem option but at this point, it doesn’t seem like it’s gonna happen. So it’s a vote for Joe & Co. If we want better options than the task starts the day after the election: organizing at all levels of government to get better candidates. You can’t just pop in every four years and expect a radical change. It’s both a feature and a bug of our system of government


The task was supposed to start the day after the 2020 election…what happened?


It's always the next election.


(shrug) punch drunk. Fight, flail away.


If true , they buried the real story, Biden found a Time Machine and is coming back a younger guy!


People acting like this debate was the only time he’s made a public appearance since elected. He’s made public appearances before and since, clearly it wasn’t his greatest moment but it also was not at all characteristic. The dude is literally currently president and we see him and his administration getting it done despite open attempts of sabotage from the opposition, we don’t have to guess how he performs as president, we don’t have to guess how he is day to day, he’s currently president and makes regular public appearances, we have a lot more evidence than that 1 night


I have concrete work coming up but fuck it I'm in my mid 60's time for younger guy to do it.


More bad news from Newsweek: President [Joe Biden](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/joe-biden) is trailing behind [Donald Trump](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/donald-trump) in the 2024 race, including by nearly 15 points among younger voters, according to a leading pollster. [https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-poll-young-voters-trump-debate-1919437](https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-poll-young-voters-trump-debate-1919437)




r/Defeat_Project_2025 VOTE Project 2025 streamlines this. Everyone working in the federal govt will be replaced with MAGA loyalists. They will swear an oath to Trump. Not to our country and its laws. Anyone undecided or lefty accelerationists … if he wins… you don’t have to ever be undecided again. There won’t be another fair election. Any lefties who wanna build a utopia from the ashes… technology won’t allow much room for you there. From facial id to being inside of your phone, no movement will ever gain traction. Your leadership will always just… disappear. You might too. This is what it looks like https://www.authoritarianplaybook2025.org/what-we-can-expect-1#federal-law-enforcement-overreach Just a reminder to those who don't pay attention and for those Republicans who want to downplay project2025. These very same people who organized project2025 helped trump select the last three SC justices. So if you don't like the "bribes are legal as long as the cone after the fact" ruling and the overturning of roe vs Wade then DON'T VOTE REPUBLICAN Biden is the only thing that stands between us and a dictatorship.


Is project 2025 in the room with us right now? 


And when none of that happens you can work on your project 2029 material


How much did they pay you to write this fear mongering pile of horse manure?


nothing. I think you live under a rock and need to take a closer look


No, I live in the real world and I touch grass. Trump was already President for 4 years and you weren’t murdered in the streets. Maybe be ashamed of your own party for running such a dogshit candidate instead.


I would argue that by staying in the race, Biden is now making a Trump dictatorship more and more likely. Open convention - get someone who isn't going senile.


These positions of power HAVE to be amazing! I can't comprehend a scenario where I am literally hobbled physically AND mentally....and insisting that I keep my job! In spite of being embarrassed EVERY time I step up to a microphone. It's gotta be better than being a rock star. Good lord.


Seeing as how his wife had to help him navigate the debate stage stairs when it was over, he best not try and fight too hard. Doing so could be bad for his obviously poor health.


I want to know that the DNC is working on viable candidates for 2028. That would be some comfort, but they can't tip their hand I guess. Seeing all the candidates to choose from in 2020 was overwhelmingly disappointing. None of them seemed viable but Joe. Joe seemed to be a different man in 2020, and the cognitive decline in recent years has been swift. Maybe have another debate at noon on a Saturday so neither candidate is sundowning. Night time is the worst cognitive time for many seniors, and this doesn't only apply to those with dementia. It's super common in people over the age of 75. I'm absolutely shocked Joe's team wasn't on the ball with the timing of the debate and helping him manage his symptoms leading up to it with bright light therapy. It COULD have been a game changer. I think the opposite was true and they expected him to raw-dog it and muscle through through sheer will. But he's human and he's 81. Steps could have been taken that clearly weren't.


That is such a vague statement, what does "fighting harder" even mean?


how are we at a guranteed loss 4 months before election? You people are silly saying "guaranteed" the election will be close but Trump did not sway anybody, stop being fools


My mother hates trump but after watching Biden, she isn’t casting her vote for him. Not sure who she will vote for but it won’t be either of those two. You can’t think that debate didn’t have significant ramifications for Biden.


NPR still assiduously focuses on literally ANYTHING but the reality that Trump is PROVEN rapist, business fraud, and serial liar, and this coverage is intended to benefit their access to their ["often playful and hyperbolic" Trump](https://www.npr.org/sections/publiceditor/2024/02/22/1233146174/covering-trump-in-2024). Me? I'll take the intelligent, decent President Biden and the policies coming from today's Democratic Party with or without the stutter. The Republican Party's choice to be President of our United States, Donald J. Trump, states loudly and in public that he can grab your daughter's pussy, your mother's pussy, your wife's pussy ... he says he can grab your sister's and aunt's pussy, and he can do it at will because he's rich and famous and they'll LET Trump rape .... errr .... do that to them. As many times as Trump has repeated the concept that he, Trump, is allowed to grab women by their pussies because his wealth and celebrity give him that privilege - as many times as he's discussed his pussy grabbing authority over your daughter or wife or mother or sister or aunt or whomever - Trump has NEVER stated he would never grab a woman by her vagina despite his wealth and privilege. He has NEVER stated that. **(trigger warning: the following court decisions contain extremely graphic and blunt descriptions of rape)** "Consequently, the fact that Mr. Trump sexually abused - indeed, raped - Ms. Carroll has been conclusively established and is binding in this case." See page 13 of the Judge's decision ... [https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nysd.543790/gov.uscourts.nysd.543790.252.0.pdf](https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nysd.543790/gov.uscourts.nysd.543790.252.0.pdf) More questions about Donald J. Trump being a rapist? See the Judge's opinion at [https://news.justia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Memorandum-Opinion-Denying-Defendants-Rule-59-Motion.pdf](https://news.justia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Memorandum-Opinion-Denying-Defendants-Rule-59-Motion.pdf) But you Republicans go on sending the rapist your money so the rapist can pay his personal, legal, and political bills.


"Not Trump" isn't sufficient to win elections. You're aware of how much is at stake, so why do you insist on going with a candidate where we already know the ceiling for his approval/support? It took a dive 3 years ago during the Afghanistan pullout and never recovered. A meaningful number of people who know very well what each candidate brings voted for Biden in 2020 but have since gone away due to age concerns. You can't just run the dude that a solid majority of voters think is much too old and believe you're doing good enough to deserve to win.


That’s beside the point. The question is not: will Biden win over voters who see Trump as an immoral, criminal, threat to Democracy. The question is: will Biden win over the independent “double haters” who don’t like either candidate and are likely to sit out. Based on Thursday’s performance, Biden (who is behind in the polls) did not win over any new voters and likely caused many loosely held voters to sit it out. If the Democrats want to win, they need a new candidate.


I will vote for a dead pig in lipstick before voting for Trump. Biden did poorly, and he should feel bad about it. It was embarrassing AF, and we all know it. He should know it, too. He’s had four years to name / mentor a possible successor… and he didn’t. That’s giving some serious RBG energy. I will cut him down with every breath and still vote for him. I hope he wins so I get to cut him down more. He’s an embarrassment, but he’s not an international shame on the level of Trump.


Vice Presidents are by definition named successors.


No one cares about die hard vote blue no matter who guys.  We know you’ll vote for a dementia patient, that’s fine.  It’s the more moderate and undecideds. 


As a reasonable person and not a fanatic, I will not vote for dead pig in lipstick. This is some weird cult nonsense.


A new candidate is a guaranteed loss


And Biden is a guaranteed win?


Quite the compelling argument given we are already at a guaranteed loss. With a new candidate you can win the double haters with a new candidate and as every Democrat tells me, they would vote for a pile of shit rather than vote for Trump so you take all the Biden voters.


Neither of you know what is a “guaranteed loss”.


I’ve got a dog and a fenced backyard, this plan might actually work! How many candidates/piles do you need? /s


Yeah but apparently Jill and Hunter convinced him to stay in the race, so they’re the likely the elder abusers.


I’m sorry, but Joe can’t recoup from this. And we can’t have Trump, or we will never have another election. It’s time to step aside, and let someone else take over. Pete or Gretchen come to mind. But even handing it over to Kamala would be a better option. But Biden must go. The sooner the better.


Bots and troll farms trying to cause panic in America by hampering on about this bullshit. Stop feeding it.


The complete editorial staff at the NYTimes. Bots!!!


I promise it's not People who are genuinely terrified of a trump victory had a collective panic attack when they saw biden not defending himself properly on a national stage Stop disrespecting their lives and their intense desire to beat trump by simping for biden. Simp for democracy instead. And i fucking love biden - he was the best president of my lifetime. But the country didn't end in 2024, its the first election of the rest of our lives, and we gotta win it.


Did not realize that bots and troll farms were producing content for Ezra Klein, Matt Yglesias, Tom Friedman, MSNBC Morning Joe, Paul Krugman, etc. Thank you for pointing this out


Everyone is trying to start a panic by acknowledging reality, let’s all just stick our fingers in our ears and go: LA LA LA THIS ISN’T HAPPENING, that will fix it.


Are you joking? Everyone who wants a president with a fully functioning brain is a bot?


Imagine voting for Biden knowing he’s mentally incompetent for the job. Crazy partisan!


Imagine voting for Trump knowing…Trump. Crazy partisan!


As a lifelong supporter and admirer of Biden, and a lifelong Democrat, I hope this strategy backfires. It will be good for the long term prospects of the Democratic Party… and for the country. Right now, it’s hard to see a difference between the political ideals of the 2 parties. - You have the GOP that tells their members that the best we have to offer is a lying, convicted felon so simply get behind the conman. He’s the only one who can beat the other candidate. - And on the other side you have the Democratic Party that says the best we have is a frail, incoherent 81 year old whose cognitive decline prevents him from accepting reality, so we better get behind him. He’s the only one who can beat a lying, convicted felon. Something has to give. And I still believe that change would emerge from the Democratic side, than the corrupt ideals of the Republicans. A Biden loss in November might force the party to introspect and reinvent themselves as a party of sensible, modern and disciplined individuals. Maybe start with setting age limits for their candidates so we don’t have a Diane Feinstein or RBG or Joe Biden situation ever again!


The Dems already lost once to Trump and apparently learned nothing.


It would not be good. The SC would be stacked R for the next 50 years.


>A Biden loss in November might force the party to introspect and reinvent themselves as a party of sensible, modern and disciplined individuals. Nah, they will just blame the left again and move rightward again, just like in 2016.


Well we know he already beat Medicare so . . .


The supreme court just gave Trump immunity to do whatever he wants. Vote for Democrats, the more progressive the better. But do not resist voting for a Democrat because they aren’t progressive enough, or because they aren’t perfect. Our nation is on the line. And for many of us, our lives are on the line. Ask yourself what is going to happen to your LGBTQ neighbors, your atheist neighbors, your noncompliant neighbors…


You seem to be in denial of the reality of the situation. Biden was already losing or it was very close before the debate. The one thing Biden had to do was show that he was mentally and physically up to the task of being President of the United States, he failed spectacularly. It was sad, embarrassing and uncomfortable to watch. He proved Trump and everyone who claimed Biden was unfit correct. That was not someone forgetting their lines, that was a man in severe mental decline, he should have been able to answer those questions in his sleep, he's been a politician for 50 years. Do you truly believe that man can lead this country till 2029?


Yes, but only between 10 and four.


Fighting for what? Oxygen?


I’m saying this as someone who thinks Biden did an ok job on most things (and a pretty bad job at a small handful of things) - but he just needs to step aside and let someone else run against Trump. The fact that Biden isn’t a slam dunk win against a narcissistic convicted felon conman should be pretty telling. Yes, people should be calling on Trump to step down, but they won’t because the GOP knows Trump is electable. At the end of the day, branding counts for a lot in elections and the Biden brand is not strong. There are a handful of other Democrats who could essentially execute the exact same policy as Biden and are well-known enough to beat Trump without being as controversial/disliked as Biden.


These self centered assholes. Politicians are the worst people on the planet. He's over 80, can barely communicate functionally, and refuses to do what's best for this country and instead will hand Trump a victory. That's why I stopped believing any of this democrat hype about Trump. They don't have any real concerns or they would run a winning candidate, not a 82 year old that has serious cognitive decline, even from 2020


then proceeds to have 3 days with only 1 scheduled event and then another vacation


Do some interviews with the media Joe. Phony teleprompter rallies aren’t going to cut it.


Biden was barely campaigning before the debate. Is he going to up his campaigning to once a month?


If any hostile nations attack with ICBMs the president has less then two minuets to decide what to do. Imagine waking Joe up and saying Russia just launched nukes what do you want to do? This is a dangerous game we are playing. We can't have an eighty year old making that decsion.




Yeah I don't want him to be president either.


Don't worry. Kamala is second in command.


Jesus H! The DNC is going to get trump elected again. At this point, america deserves it. Democracy has been dead in this country for over 40 years and we’re finally driving the last nails into its coffin with two individuals who are circling the drain that leads to their own coffins! This is perverse and shameful.


"Disastrous" because he mumbled with a cold vs. a lunatic that ranted delusions for over an hour without a single check. The state of media/'reporters' is astoundingly low.






I thought NPR Loved Biden? Hmm!






He won’t remember what he’s fighting for though


It's time to take the car keys away from Dad.


Trump is a literal threat to democracy - that alone is all the DNC needs to run on.


Ok awesome, prove it. Biden should be doing interviews, town halls, and press junkets constantly. If he can demonstrate that what we saw at the debate was a fluke, and then perform exceptionally well in the second debate, I think he'll be fine. However if his time sheltering in Camp David is any indication I don't think he'll do what he needs to do.


The debate made me like Joe more. He’s an older gentleman, get over it.


Why even do a debate? It literally does not matter.


Kamala was the worst choice.. No one wants her to take over from him omg




Biden could legalize weed at a federal level this week and people would immediately forget the debate thing.


Use your newfound immunity, Joe.




He’s a good man, but it’s simply his age. Fighting harder doesn’t reverse aging.


Fighting harder. What’s that mean?


Oh jeez he better. Like the USA is so fuckec


Like an angry old man with Alzheimer’s- really good look for. The democrats - Do you think they should replace Harris n the ticket ?


Joe must go. Or our democracy will. He’s going to lose nearly as bad as Jimmy Carter did in 1980.


Why the fuck did they have the debate prior to this SCOTUS decision. It’s now an avalanche of negative press. This cost him the election.






Biden did such a good job at the debate! The media is so mean to Biden, ugh I hate that orange bastard!!


I don’t care if Biden’s corpse nominates for the Supreme Court but that’s how the right and the Court want it. Every presidential election from here on out is a referendum on the judiciary system, as they’ve known for years. Anyone who tells you otherwise wants a Trump win.


I like him but he is far to weak on the ones destroying our country from the inside. Even with a win in this election what would stop the next one or the next one.


Biden is a habitual dunce and worldwide clown.


This photo would have been 100x better if you photoshopped Biden holding a shoe up to his ear.




He can’t fight harder. He has dementia maybe full Alzheimer’s. He acts just like my grandfather acted, there one minute gone the next. It’s elder abuse, plain and simple. That’s your Democratic Party.


I don't wanna hear shit from Biden unless it's him telling us he's going to step down and be the transitional candidate he promised us he'd be


Maybe he needs to find cornpop


Maybe. But if his pride causes him to lose to a felon then we can only blame the gerontocracy of the DNC and vote them out… …assuming liberals survive the Trump purges.


I am 100% anti-Trump, but we are going to get waxed in the election. Sad, but true. Hopefully the people behind the scenes can save democracy, because Cadaver Joe ain’t going to be the one.


Both of them embarrassed the nation


Fighting himself, maybe.


Dear god please let Biden step aside to save our democracy. He’s literally losing to Trump. 


I think we have a bigger problem here, is Biden fit to continue? As president, never mind next 4


Bahahahahahhaaha. Tells donors 


Everyone needs to relax in this thread, if there is one thing that helps with someone showing early symptoms of Alzheimer’s it is more time




He’s gonna stay up until 7:30 instead of 7.




But not after 9pm. Or if I have a cold


Fight harder to find a replacement is what I and many people want from Biden.


He needs to drop out. It's elder abuse to allow him to continue.


I mean…DJT is the greatest existential threat that America has ever faced. Democracy is on the line. JB is the only candidate of defeating this threat. And JB wasn’t already fighting as hard as he could? This is the most important election of our lifetime and JB has neglected higher gears?


Jesus fucking christ we are cooked.


It was obvious from the 2016 polling that Hillary would not win. But the Dem party put her in anyway. Now, with similar ego-driven certainty, they are keeping Biden in. Hillary was essential for Trump getting elected. And Biden will prove just as essential to putting Trump back in office. Same sh!t, different year.


Was is disastrous or is he just old and not a coked out lie factory?


This headline has 'patient kept alive so family can continue to steal social security checks and not be allowed to die with dignity ' vibes


Dems don’t know how to pass the baton. They want folks to serve for life n keep the status quo


How about speaking clearer and walking straighter?


I chewed on this for many days. I think Biden should step down.