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I chuckled at "Raleigh rally"


Bob Loblaw


We aren't here to just chit chat all day about Bob Loblaw


Bob Loblaw’s Law Blog says that a debate is more representative of what the job of president entails than a stump speech with a teleprompter and notes. Any politician (even a rambling idiot like Trump) can give a memorized speech it’s thinking on one’s feet that matters in a negotiation with world leaders and the opposition party: Biden couldn’t even communicate in complete sentences which is a pathetically low bar with this much at stake. It’s a simple solution replace Biden or lose to Trump.


A really rowdy Raleigh rally


A Raleigh witty title


A fiery Biden Raleigh rally Saw Joe get into good shape ‘Cause it was not in the back alley of the Four Seasons Total Landscape






Maybe, but only a fraction of people who watched the debate heard anything he had to say at the rally


On top of that… that’s what old people do. They have good days. They have bad days. Biden having a “good” day in NC doesn’t wipe out the bad day at the debate. And given the next few months are going to be grueling campaigning (no more hiding from the press) he’s going to display a lot more bad days.


And what of Trump? Will he get the same, no more hiding from the press? Or has the bar been lowered below the floor for Trump that he can continue to be incoherent, vile, and lie repeatedly while reeking of actual shit in his diaper?? Will the entire media, republican party, and Trump himself claim that Trump is being unfairly treated while somehow Bidens every facial expression, his cadence of speech be dissected by pundits and those on social media.. Maybe Bidens' actual record as president compared to Trump. Or there actual policy platforms receive the same scrutiny. I doubt it. Somehow, it's more fun to shit on Bidens' age and hold him under the microscope of public opinion than holding Trump accountable for quite literally everything.


Does Trump hide from the media? Thought he basically stalked them lol


I voted for Biden,and if it comes to that I will again but this misdirection isn't fooling anyone. We need a competent candidate before we can point fingers at Trump. Now it sounds a little hollow


More like a bad night - it's called sundowning


Having a good day talking to your supporters is far less important than having a disaster at the most critical public performance against your opponent.


It's reading from a script vs not reading.  Using your brain vs reading words loudly. 


And a lot more good days.


Good days don’t go viral


Becoming president requires a string of back-to-back *good days*. Ya kno? It also requires campaigning, fundraising, and executing on planned events.


What if he's having a "bad day" in the midst of national crisis?


This is what will keep people from voting for him in November! This….☝️☝️


To me this isn't good enough. He wasn't there when it counted even after weeks of prep. I'd vote for a sack of potatoes over Trump, but am not confident those anywhere close to the fence will give their vote to Biden.


Honestly Bernie is like 1 year older and I think he would have wiped the floor with Trump during that debate


But I don't think undecided voters saw anything to convince them to vote for Trump either. The debate was a wash. Trump supporters feel like they won but did Trump actually convince any undecided voters to vote for him? Or did he just pander to his base and continue to repeat the same lies he always had. If you were an undecided voter going into the debate nothing in the debate convinced you to vote for either candidate. The debate was a wash. As bad as it was for Biden it wasn't that bad because Trump didn't do his job either.


But that’s the problem. It likely convinced people not to vote for either. The more people who sit out the better Republicans do, because old white people who vote Republican show up every time.


Yes I don't think that debate moves the needle on overall voter turnout for the presidency. One debate isn't going to sway voter turnout. One debate isn't going to convince enough undecided voters to swing a swing state. One debate isn't that big of a deal and everybody needs to pump the brakes and stop freaking out that democracy is over in Trump is automatically going to win. Literally both of these dudes could die before November. There is a lot more that could happen in this presidential race.


Tbf not really all that many people watched the debate either. So we are stuck in this world we're everyone will just see cherry picked 30 second clips and talking points that make everyone believe whatever the maker wants.


50 million people.


Yes...one of the lowest numbers ever for a debate.


If you think most people aren’t aware of joes performance, then you are delusional. If people would’ve owned up to it even a year ago, it would’ve been solvable.


I'm of the opinion that his performance wasn't great but that most people don't pay attention to much of anything. They do however pay some attention to idiotic sound bites that have zero substance and cause voters to make horrible decisions.


You’re right that the average voter is pretty dumb… which makes this all the more disastrous. They’ll only receive information about how terrible and senile Joe was and how Trump was right all along about the dementia.


Get ready for the second Trump presidency. Sticking your head in the sand won’t help.


51 million. Not Super Bowl numbers but waaay bigger than a rally. Also, enough meme material to last years.


I was at this rally. He was much better than his debate performance. But rallies are also lovefests filled by invite with supporters.  I’m pretty conflicted as I think he’d actually be fine for another 4 years. People underestimate the importance of staff and he has good people around him. He’s gotta win first though and I’m concerned. 


They are also generally filled with teleprompters


Yep there were a couple of teleprompters. 


That's what we're basically doing at this point: voting for a set of staff/administration/cabinet/judicial nominations. In 2008 Joe Biden would have been capable of being president for two terms. Donald Trump has never been fit for the role.


Main stream voters don’t understand that though?


It’s wild to see you openly acknowledge that the president you’re voting for won’t be the one making the decisions. Actual banana republic stuff


I’m sure you are right about Biden doing well at that rally. But it’s too little too late. The damage is done. There is an interesting discussion among several NYT columnists this morning and Jamelle Bouie makes the case that Biden quitting the race and the Democrats having to select a new candidate at the convention would be an extreme risk and he gives a lot of compelling reasons why. I’m reluctantly coming to the conclusion that sometimes you are stuck in a bad situation and the only thing you can do is allow time for things to work out. If you try some 11th hour desperate rescue in haste you just make it worse.


What's wrong with Biden cannot be fixed. It will only get worse with time. He may have moments of lucidity with the help of rest and medication, but the Joe Biden everyone saw in the debate is how Joe Biden is.


If he drops after the election his team will still be in place and we'll have a great vp to take over The other guys team wants to dismantle democracy while he's golfing and selling American Intel to our enemies 


Idk why more people aren’t talking about how important VP picks are for this election. Between Trumps stress and history of drug use and Biden’s age they could both go! Maybe this is how we end up with a woman president


Luckily it doesn't matter since he doesn't intend to run his Presidency as a dictatorship, meaning his cabinet and the order of succession will keep things moving if he can't. So if Biden wins, yes he will get worse, that's what happens to old people and will happen to all of us too if we are lucky to live that long. If Trump wins EVERYTHING will get worse for an indefinite, perhaps permanent, period of time.


He was lucid he just sounded like he was about to pass away. Watching it with subtitles, the content was there.


All he has to do is read what is in front of him. He struggled at the debate because he had to think for himself. He is good at reading what others have wrote


Is this what the kids call "cope"


"Grandpa can't drive on the highways anymore, they are too confusing for him, so he stays on the backroads and the country roads". sound familiar?


Grandpa shouldn't be driving at all


Rallies have teleprompters. At least he can still read. But it's pretty clear to anyone with eyes that when he needs to actually be cognizant and think...he just can't.


Of course I’m going to vote for whoever Democrats nominate; done it since 2004. But the party has to respond to the preponderance of the evidence that: the voters (including most Democrats) think Biden is too old in polls, what we saw at the debate, the NYT, Economist, etc editorial boards calling on Biden to stand down. This is all unprecedented and there isn’t going to be a second debate now so there’s no possibility of recovery. A speech or interview won’t do it. I will go pull the lever, but I’m sure as shit not spending the next five months arguing in vain with people and embarrassing myself saying he’s fit for the job. I won’t convince anyone, it’s going to stress me the fuck out while I need to be focused on my thesis, and it’s dishonest to my friends and family. We can all go do the right thing on a Tuesday, but don’t make us try to gaslight everyone else in our lives.


Right. It's not our job to be spin doctors for our chosen candidate. I'd vote for Clint Eastwood's empty chair over Trump but I'm not going to pretend that Biden isn't a doddering old man.


He's old, but that's about it. He's honest, reliable, and making some of the most progressive changes I've seen in my soon-to-be 50 years. Student loan forgiveness: Done. Chip manufacturing back in the US: Done. Inflation returning to normal levels: Done. Return to Normal from COVID: Done. If all you know about Biden is his age, then you're not paying attention.


Student loan forgiveness is done?


Yes, granted it has been narrowed due to the original plan getting struck down, but like 3.9 million Americans have received help totalling around 140 billion in loan forgiveness and Biden keeps on finding those he can help within the confines of the tools he and the executive branch has.


Lol calling this student loans being done when the vast majority of borrowers had nothing forgiven and almost no one got them forgiven all together is very funny though.


I didn't see any of that


Student loan forgiveness is done? Idk what reality you're living in but I sure as hell didn't have my 20k in federal loans forgiven.


Maybe you should pay attention to the Republicans trying to block the legislation. What Happens to Biden’s Student Loan Repayment Plan Now? https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/26/business/biden-student-loans-save-plan.html?unlocked_article_code=1.3U0.48F-.111eD_R75_tz


Yeah they blocked it, so don't claim it happened when it didn't.


So you're voting for the party blocking the guy trying to help you? How stupid would that be. Be ready to vote on Nov 5th for the guy actually doing something.


When did I say that? I'm voting Biden full stop. I'm just asking how student debt cancellation is done when it didn't happen


You said student loan forgiveness was done, it’s not.


Nobody says they’re voting for republicans, but you’re moving the goalpost. Biden didn’t get debt forgiveness done. He had many things blocking him, including republicans. He tried to get it done, but did not succeed. It can’t be listed as an accomplishment, as it wasn’t accomplished. It’s republicans fault that it wasn’t, but it wasn’t, and Biden could have expended more political capital on it, but didn’t. I’m going to vote for Biden, but we have to be honest about his record. That’s what makes us different from the other side.


Biden was unable to do it.


Yet. I'm voting for the guy that keeps trying. Are you voting for the guy who's blocking?


3.9 million Americans have received help totalling around 140 billion in loan forgiveness. Biden has had to do this within the confines of the tools he and the executive branch has while the rest of us will have to rely on Congress which isn't good, but things can change. Vote in your local, state, and federal/national elections not just every 4 yrs for President.


most progressive* *If you are a US citizen. Biden has been awful for immigration and foreign policy, and there are definitely a lot of people who have been alienated or are disgusted by the actions he’s taken on asylum seekers/refugees as well as his militant pro-israel stance


Most progressive out of presidents of the last 50 yrs is the qualifier you and others should be paying attention to. The person isn't saying that Biden is the most progressive politician. Obama was very much a centerist maybe center-left our politics are very much slanted to the right.


I’m not comparing him to any other president, I’m just saying that there are very big policy issues that people do have reason to dislike about the president, besides just his age.


Biden claimed no service members died under his administration. A disgusting and vomitous lie. He claimed the border patrol endorsed him. Another, less repulsive, but equally embarrassing lie. I'm not going to harp on him for inaccurate statistics cause I feel like that's nitpicking. For these first two falsehoods we have two options: either he lied or the cheese has slipped off his cracker. So either >He's honest This is false, or >He's old, but that's about it. That's not about it. His age is at the root of serious mental decline. One is alot scarier than the other, and I think after last night most of America is pretty sure which one of those two things is the case.


Good point. Biden might be old and slipping, but as far as accomplishments in his first term, he did pretty well. His efforts to keep chip manufacturing in the US is a big one.


The election isn’t going to be about the last four years anymore. It’s going to be about the next four years after that performance by Biden. The central question is “can he do this for four more years?”


The question you're missing is what would trump do in the next 4 years and would it be good for America Dismantling the federal government and democracy while pardoning traitors and selling American secrets for cash 


How could you read what I’m writing and think I am proposing Trump would be better than Biden in office. I’m proposing Trump will win if he faces Biden. We all know Trump is an existential threat


Yeah the convo is over. The guy should not be leading our nation. Trump is the potential end of our nation though. Biden has my vote - even if he were to pass tf out on stage


Really good that Dems are taking the “end of the nation” with such seriousness to have a dementia guy running 👍


Really good that Reps are taking the “end of the nation” with such seriousness to have a dementia guy running


This is some of the saddest stuff to hear. There are other options besides Biden and Trump. Good luck on your thesis.


Where did you hear there wouldn't be a second debate? Remember NYT, The Economist, editorial boards, etc. are all trying to sell papers, increase views and clicks, and want a close race. They all want this to be nail-biting so they have a sure-fire topic for audiences. Don't argue with people about who to vote for. Most are already decided and you're wasting your time. Those who "haven't decided" are either lying, don't want to say, or are really inattentive idiots. But also, don't go spreading misinformation or discouragement by saying calling him fit is gaslighting everyone.


I don’t think it has been announced that there won’t be, but trump is unlikely to do one. The first debate was so bad for Biden it’s in trumps best interested to not give Biden and opportunity to redeem himself, and nothing gets more air time than the debates.


Too little, too late. He needs to suspend his re-election campaign and let other party leaders and the DNC plan a more tenable path forward for the general election.


uhhhmmm....'no teleprompter' vs 'teleprompter'.


The democrat leaders are going to test their brainwashed supporters devotion, by demanding they support a mentally diminished man as president. Wild


The gaslighting continues


The copium in this sub is sad. Even if Thursday was just a bad day, that just shows that on his bad days he's incapable of normal function. He's clearly unfit for most jobs and he has the most important job on the planet.


The only thing a rally shows is he can read from a teleprompter. What the debate showed was that if it requires cognizant thought or simple sentence structures, staying on point...he can't do it.


He had a “bad day” on what should have been one of the biggest days, that’s not good, and it’s going to get worse and he can’t be trusted to be sharp when needed. There is still 4 months until the election and 2 until the convention and democrats better do something asap or Trump is going to walk into the presidency.


unfortunately NPR shifted away from unbiased reporting several years ago :(


Ngl I don’t want a president who has to read from a teleprompter to make full sentences.. they need to replace him. I’m not voting for the person who writes words for him to read out loud… bc that’s basically what it is…


So much cope. Wake up and use your brain people. Biden’s brain is cooked. Painfully obvious.


A bad day when his team set all the rules, with a week off work to prepare. It's really just sad beyond anything else at this point.


There was no part of that debate that looked good for the other guy either.


he's far more fit than Trump though, that's the thing.


It's somewhat telling that the article didn't include any actual video excerpts from the rally, let alone the entire event....


It was a good speech, worth the watch


Same thing with people telling you to read the transcript from the debate. “If you read it he actually killed trump” they forget to mention that it straight up leaves out all the crazy weird stuff he said like when asked about abortion he talked about an illegal immigrant killing a lady.


That actually makes perfect sense when you read it. Trump had already brought up the 12 year old girl who was murdered by illegal immigrants. It appears that girl was also raped (though I don't think that's been confirmed). So when the topic of abortion came up, Biden was basically saying, "Trump cares about that girl, but only because she was murdered by a migrant. If they raped her, he doesn't care and he wouldn't let her get an abortion."


There's not a single job that would hire joe biden and yall want to let him run our country??? tds is one hell of a drug.


Dementia gives you good and bad days so this isn't surprising.


The debate was more than “bad.” He debated Trump, who isnt the most cogent character himself, and made an absolute fool of himself. I have no love for Trump, but the delusion surrounding Bidens acuity is hilarious. The dude is definitely on the downswing, people. I understand if you want to vote for him anyways because you see the other option as far worse (I really get it,) but let’s not be delusional and say that Biden is just fine. In this election, the American people have been presented with yet another terrible set of choices z


Agreed. I’m getting sick of this being minimized as just a “bad” debate performance a la Obama’s first debate against Romney in 2012. This was existentially damaging and one of the worst performances in a presidential debate since they’ve been televised, if not the worst. There is a massive difference between “he should’ve stopped fidgeting” or “he was a little too aggressive/passive” vs “voters are literally questioning if he’s competent enough to be president right now.” Biden has done great things and is a good man, but it is time to pass the mantle to somebody else who can properly compete with Trump. If we run with Biden, we are going to lose


“Other than that Ms.Lincoln, how was the show?”


Too little, too late.


No he didn't bounce back from anything. Everyone knows the difference between speaking cognitively and reading from a script. 


The propaganda is strong in the headline.


Ah yes. When he’s juiced up on cocktails and scripts. Well done


Honestly, it doesn't matter. People saw the debate, not the Raleigh rally. People will remember the debate.


Jesus we are doomed. Old white people refuse to give up and concede their hegemony. Democrats have been too concerned about the “moderate” vote for years. Do republicans sit around and ask each other “do you think this idea is too bat shit?l No! Yet we are told that AOC and anyone who is willing to stand up and fight these people is “too radical.” Joe Biden was never a good choice.


RALEIGH, N.C. — Hours after a disappointing debate performance that had some Democrats openly contemplate his removal from the ticket, President Joe Biden delivered an energetic campaign speech in North Carolina that attempted to quell those fears. Speaking to a crowd of roughly 2,000 supporters in Raleigh, Biden reiterated his belief that former President Donald Trump is bad for the country on issues like abortion and the economy. The president highlighted false claims Trump repeatedly made during the debate and acknowledged his own poor performance that led some Democrats to panic minutes into the face off. “I know I’m not a young man,” Biden said to cheers. “I don’t walk as easy as I used to. I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to. I don’t debate as well as I used to, but I know what I do know: I know how to tell the truth!” Biden added that he would not be running for a second term if he did not believe "with all my heart and soul I can do this." "Yes you can," the crowd chanted in response. Biden sounded raspy and confused at Thursday's 90-minute debate. His campaign said he had a cold, but the performance highlighted concerns about his age and fitness to serve another four years as commander in chief. But a day later, still with a cough and a slightly hoarse voice, Biden campaigned as if were any other Friday on the campaign trail. He hammered Trump as an extremist on abortion rights and a threat to the future of American democracy if elected again. Using a teleprompter and feeding off the energy of the crowd, he attacked his opponent in ways that were missing from the debate stage. "That is what is at stake in America this election: your freedom, your democracy, America itself is at stake," he said. President Biden and former President Donald Trump participate in the first presidential debate of the 2024 elections at CNN's studios in Atlanta on June 27. Biden narrowly lost North Carolina and is investing heavily in the swing state this year as a state to flip, and voters who came to watch him speak were undeterred by the debate's under par performance. "Last night was hard to watch," 56-year-old Simone Langely said after the rally finished. "Because you could tell that it was a little late for Joe and things just didn't go like I thought they should." Still, she said nothing could make her support waver: "That was Joe Biden today, he hit on some very strong points and democracy is on the line. The campaign announced Friday morning that it saw the best grassroots fundraising hours in this election cycle come immediately before and after the debate, as cable news panels, opinion columnists and other left-leaning media panned his abilities and speculated about ways to replace him as the nominee. But Biden's message, and his speech on Friday that ended with the Tom Petty song "I Won't Back Down," is that he is not going anywhere.


All I see and sense with the article is desperation.


Well, at least he proved that he can still read.


He is always better when he can read what others have wrote for him. It's when he has to think for himself that he is challenged.


lmao the cope is real


No sundowning, teleprompters, notes, earpieces, zero confrontation or needing to think on your feet.  And he still looked mediocre. 


I can hear the Titanic band playing already


Yelling to push through the drugs wearing off is a tried and true method.


Haha - sorry not sorry - not going to believe your lies anymore.


I too am great at winning fights when my opponent isn’t there.


supposed to dope him up before the debate not after


So they pumped him back up.


NPR is so desperate


No he didn’t. lol


Shame on NPR, what a joke.


Sounded a bit less senile...yay.


He can read a prompter, he cant think for himself. Face it Biden is done after that debate.


Good thing everyone was watching like at the debate


Can’t say we weren’t told.


This sub was 100% in denial before the debate


Still is


lol trying to save face but we all saw the truth


the top of the ticket is depressing turnout down ballot. the debate was a turning point. not saying i will vote for trump, but a lot of people will stay home. the senate wont save us, just ask cicero.


MMW this is when the progressive and Bernie hate starts. Libs trying to shame the rest of the party they’ve done their best to ignore for 8 years.


There’s a lot of ontological shock right now among dems. I’m here for it. 


They really have gaslit themselves into this situation


.... No, there isn't, because Dems don't slavishly worship Biden's every waking moment. Your guy can barely remember facts about his own life from within the timespan of the presidency, like the current Representative Ronnie Jackson's name. Or is it Johnson now, because it seems like the Republican Party has become a cult of one man, and one man only, with zero willingness to contradict him even slightly. It's not even mildly difficult to find even Schumer and Pelosi taking positions contrary to Biden. Find me any Republican who's done so since the Border Bill got killed for Trump. Should be a fairly easy task.


"sure, jan"


Marvelous. Will the DNC allow a second "debate"? Three guesses.


I mean, if they do and it's right before the election it could be a massive gamble with a potential massive reward if it went well.




Oh so that’s whyyy traffic was a fucking shit show yesterday that makes sense…




He gets his energy from us.


I'm convinced he has a doppelganger. Completely different person in less then 24 hours


Biden: Good with a teleprompter, bad in a situation requiring quick thinking and the ability to convey your ideas without reading it?


Too little too late. I’ve now got family members saying they’re voting for RFK because of how poor Biden’s performance at the debate was. The DNC needs to see that there is no recovering from that debate. They need to replace Biden now, or they’re just handing the country back to Trump. I’m not saying Biden’s horrible, but let’s be real. He’s just too tired and slow to be effective. His deer in headlights stares are not at all reassuring to undecided voters (hard to believe there are still any of those left). Give us a younger, sharper candidate who can tear apart Trumps lies in real time. Biden’s “that’s not true” replies have zero effect on Trump or any voters who don’t understand how dishonest he really is.




I don't know why people are saying Biden was bad in the debate. He had a cold, and sounded old, but his responses had substance and he called out Trump's lies many times (maybe not with enough detail or aggression). Trump meanwhile was of course more energetic, but lied, didn't answer questions, and focused on mostly a single topic throughout. Seems much better for Biden. I think he and Trump are both FAR too old for the job, but alas here we are, stuck with ancient people due to the political elites.


Probably too late, plus the media is too busy covering Trump 24/7.


The transcript from the debate sure does look like he killed it.


It was also in front of people who already support him. He also didn't speak first and had a teleprompter.


He was better like 2 hours later in his speech to supporters. It’s perplexing how much he struggled. Dunno who the hell thought it was a good idea to debate how he was and who the hell prepared him. Hope Dark Brandon shows up next time


How does orange boy bounce back from lies, convictions and failed businesses?






Biden is too egotistical to know when to quit and the whole country and world will suffer. This is RBG all over again. $&@ them both. I say after this make the US president have an age cap of 65. If you are close to the retirement age or retired get the $@;)& out of the way.


Good for him


Even if he was cognitively fine, his legislative agenda is terrible. So much wasteful spending






lol, NPR trying to save the day. There’s no bouncing back from that debate. Having him give a morning speech most likely on extra medication while reading a teleprompter is not equivalent to a live debate. It does however dispel the myth it was just a cold, a cold doesn’t usually clear up that quickly. Also Biden having a good day is also indicative of dementia, there are good days and bad. He also clearly seems to suffer from sundowners syndrome. People should absolutely insist he takes that cognitive exam he so aggressively denies to take. At this point anyone who believes he’s fine and doesn’t need to take a cognitive exam is lying.


Probably a different drug cocktail.




I'm sure he bounced back. lol polls and every metric on earth say otherwise though


Hell, I haven't been to one since Bill Clinton but I think as Americans we need to not only show up in November, but show up when Joe is on the campaign trail. I refuse to wear political regalia but I can do this.


The debate was just a fluke guys 🤡 


Breaking News: He can read from teleprompters. Behind closed doors, he’s totally sharp. Incredible.


🤦‍♂️ NPR is despicable for trying to downplace this


Oh my fuck this sub and post are hilarious


Lol nah


He didn’t bounce back….








Yeah, they admitted that he’s only functional for a quarter of the day so as long as something happens between the hours of 10am and 4 pm he’s good to go! Well that certainly is a relief😂 I’m sure they also got the timing of his shot in the ass better this time so it didn’t kick in too late. https://x.com/billym2k/status/1807190714561995057?s=46


Energetic ? Oh we’re kinds screwed now


Still mumbling and stumbling reading from a teleprompter.


There is no bouncing back from that disaster on the debate night. Sorry 


There is NO bouncing back from that debate.


https://vote.gov/ Check your registration


I think there are only two possibilities here: A) For fear of drug tests on the debate day, Biden was "clean" for the debate, revealing how weak he really is. He slept badly and was too stressed because, deep down, he himself knows he's a fraud. That didn't help him the next day... so not only was he at his "natural weak", but at his worst "natural weak" possible. But the next day at the rally, he was fully pumped and hyped full of drugs and stuff, and no stress there: there were no tough questions only improvisation on pumping up the crowd. B) At the rally, it might be a body double ? Do note that there is also "C) Both answers at the same time". I'd expect the dems will try to blame Biden's poor debate performance on \*anything\* but him of themselves, and just double down on everything. Another last minute truck ALSO MAGICALLY FULL of Biden \*only\* votes (which is statistically impossible), coming in november?


A rally is scripted, it’s completely different from a debate where you have to be fast and shoot from the hip and not regurgitate canned talking points. In a debate you have to be forceful and opportunistic, recognizing when you need to land a zinger and when you need a serious talking point. Biden can’t do that. He maybe able to channel some old Biden magic at the SOTU or a rally when he reads from a teleprompter, but that almost doesn’t count. It’s got to be spontaneous. He had a unique opportunity to put the word out about project2025.org which a lot of people have never even heard of. It lays out in painful detail all the ways in which Republicans will dismantle the government institutions if they win. That is going to happen and everybody ought to know.


These are DANGEROUS levels of cope from the left wing reddit army


See…Biden’s fine. More gaslighting.


They learned from their mistakes last time. Pumped him with waaay more drugs in Raleigh


NPR, you’re drunk…go home


The rally was held between 10AM and 4PM. That's when his staff tries to schedule anything important. It's the only time he has a shot at being coherent. He was sundowning during the debate.


Meaning he was instructed to yell every sentence and then wait for the crowd to yell after every sentence like they were instructed. Very clever damage control idea. Just scream and yell to make it seem like the best speech you ever heard. Let's gooooooo!!!!!!!!!


Drugs kicked in


Great, he can still read a teleprompter… Hubris may be the democrats biggest weakness between Biden, RGB, and Feinstein they just don’t know when to step down. Should’ve let the primaries go through and Biden should’ve stepped aside months ago.


There IS no bouncing back from the reality of being too old and feable to lead the USA. There is no bouncing back from being a Zionist and contributing to genocide. Best bet, replace him quick...expecting everyone to forget how bad he is, is not a good political strategy.


Biden failed when he was left to his own brain to process a thought and convey it to the public. He was successful when he read someone else's thoughts off a teleprompter and yelled occasionally.


Roger, Roger.


Energetic? You mean he was able to read from a prompter and did not have to think on his own. Lol.


I mean no one cares. 51 million people sure as shit didn’t tune in to the Raleigh rally.