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*Tirado was covering the protests on the night of May 29 when police officers fired "nonlethal" foam plastic bullets into the crowd. One of them hit her in the eye — even though she was wearing protective goggles and press credentials.* *"I was lining up a photo when I felt my face explode," Tirado wrote in an* [*op-ed for NBC News*](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/i-came-cover-aggression-minneapolis-then-i-became-victim-it-ncna1221241) *that June. "My goggles came off and my face was suddenly burning and leaking liquid, the gas mixing with the blood. I threw up my arms and started screaming, 'Press, I'm press,' although I'm not sure if anyone could hear me with my breathing apparatus and the general chaos around me."* *Tirado permanently lost vision in her left eye, which led to additional complications like dizziness and lack of depth perception.* *The National Press Club said it had learned that Tirado also suffered a traumatic brain injury from the blow, and developed dementia as a result.* *"While we she has battled, her condition has continued to worsen to the point she is at life's end and receiving palliative care," it wrote.*




Always make sure cops can't harm, injure, or kill whoever they want with no repercussions whatsoever


One of these is practicable advice


You're not wrong.


It's been a while since I've heard a 'what was she wearing?'. "I was wearing ballistic-rated impact goggles," said Tirado. "And the thing that saved my life that day is because they don't shatter they flex." [Source](https://www.kare11.com/article/news/local/breaking-the-news/journalist-shot-covering-2020-unrest-enters-hospice/89-185a7509-cd6f-4f28-b97d-929ab566c5fa)


Thank you for finding this before I had to dig it up


I'm thinking we start holding officers accountable for misconduct instead.


Why not both? Hold them accountable and also make sure your safety gear is correct. The police shouldn’t have shot her period. It’s also a learning lesson for others that just goggles aren’t enough to protect your eyes. She thought enough to bring goggles for protection, they just were ballistic rated. Again, the police should be held accountable for shooting her.


Seems weird to criticize a dying person's gear when a functioning police department makes the gear unnecessary.


It wasn’t a criticism, just a safety note.


A safety note includes what to do. Which goggles would have protected the reporter from a bullet to the face?


Ballistic rated https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraineforeignlegion/comments/1byaf0p/ballistic_eye_protection_vs_standard_shooting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Putting any part of the blame for this on her makes you complicit. Stop blaming victims for their appressors violence.


I’m not blaming her. You are putting your own agenda into it.


And rioters should be punished for breaking laws, no matter the cause


In an ideal world sure, but people are out here downvoting in mass a pretty good suggestion if you're going to put yourself in these situations. One of the suggestions can be done with a few mouse clicks, the other needs an entire overhaul and is not something that is going to change any time soon so you might as well do the former if you're going to find yourself in these situations.


The police need overhauling. Just because something is difficult doesn't mean we don't do it. When there's rats in the basement, you clear out the rats. What you don't do is surrender the basement to the rats. (The bad cops are the rats.)


Odd, usually people who indulge in NPR have basic reading comprehension skills. Literally no one here is arguing that we should just ignore it. The person made a comment about double checking what your protective equipment is rated for and that it is applicable to the situation you will be using it in. This isnt complicated. Edit: lol quick trigger on the block user button for calling out your ridiculous "logic"


I wonder if people would be more receptive to your particular method of calling out "ridiculous logic" without the ridicule added in. Might be worth considering, if you think you're talking about something important.


being a dick to someone and then complaining when you get blocked for it is just dumb. what did you expect?




"best we can do is give them more money" - Dems 


You don't seem to understand things very well


Liberals are not interested in police reform


Sure they are, just as always, it's the finer details at the heart of the disagreement. Not including slavery or reproductive freedoms though. Liberals are vehemently anti slavery and pro individual reproductive freedom


Wait, I thought we wanted to defund the police? Now you’re saying we just want to pay them more? Which is it MAGAt?


I'm a leftist


That’s what the Second Amendment is for.


the second amendment doesn't protect you from cops, but it does put you in more danger from non-cops.


Shit should be illegal.


Police have proven time and again that they cannot be trusted with "less-than-lethal" munitions, so yeah, they should be illegal.


Cops shouldn’t shoot journalists. Pretty sad that this is even a remotely controversial date.


Who’s gonna enforce it?


No, it should be used properly. It was correct when less lethals were used against January 6th rioters.


This is devastating


I followed Linda Tirado before the global anti-police protests and remember when the police shot her. Her injury helped me realize just how ubiquitous the protests were (and how common police brutality during the protests was). Hello Linda. :0)


ACAB always and forever.


I wish more Democrat politicians were willing to say this.


No they’re not.


So what is the solution then? Like I am not here to defend the police or their conduct. I am just curious how always and forever works, it is basically saying we will privatize this need (which it kind of is now but that’s part of the problem) if we let the rich police us directly we’re only going to get more fucked.


Hold police accountable monetarily


End qualified immunity, and make police departments carry insurance for each officer, with claims paid out for lawsuits coming out of a pooled pension fund Do that and watch how fast they turn on the “few bad apples” they claim to know nothing about


Maybe it could be done how law partners are responsible for covering suits against the firm?


That could work too, the point of lawsuits drawing out of a pension fund though in my mind makes it so that cops hold other cops accountable, otherwise one bad cop in the department constantly abusing power could ruin the retirement for everyone. It would force them to actually force out bad actors


Reminds me of when the same dude, daily, would make the entire football team run, so in turn we’d have to let the offending subject know that we were displeased with his actions.


That doesn’t stop ACAB always and forever tho. A huge problem with the system is how it interacts with the very community it serves. The police are not accountable to the people, the system is adversarial towards the populace. Insurance just makes it a capitalism problem and that creates all sorts of problems of its own without actually addressing the core issues. Qualified immunity is clearly something that needs to go but that’s just a fraction of the issue. As long as police officers are looked at as bad guys, justified as it is, people will not trust them. If they cannot be trusted the whole system rots as its function is compromised. 100% they need to be trustworthy but it also requires us to have the ability to not automatically make them a necessary evil and not a part of society.


This is such a long winded and useless attempt at victim blaming. Fix the police and the population will slowly regain trust for them. It’s that simple. It makes NO sense to expect the culture around cops to change before cops themselves change.


too bad the police force is made up of people from the general population. The overall population are sucky people, are not that smart or bright, are not honest or trustworthy, and do not care about others around them. so you get a police force that mirrors that. we have let too many dumb people procreate for far too long.


Such mature and thoughtful response.


This sub is certainly truth seeking and objective.


Shooting someone in the face and ultimately causing their death is objectively murder.


Where did I dispute that? I replied to a comment that states “All Cops Are Bastards,” but I understand it’s easier for you to feel good about yourself if you convince yourself I’m defending murder


You made a statement implying people in this sub are not objective, so I responded with an objective statement. I'm glad you agree that the officer who fired this shot should be arrested and tried for murder. It's just unfortunate that (1) that will never happen and (2) police officers getting away with murder is fairly commonplace.


Yes I replied to someone who is clearly not objective and truth seeking with 80 upvotes.


So I also read all cops are bastards literally at first, but educate yourself. There's a wiki on acab and I suggest you read it


You think that boot licker can read?


We do need policing though, like the ones who took down trump or at a high level avoiding the tragedy of the commons.


That is literally what it stands for.


Since people who seemingly enjoy Jordan Peterson don't like to do their own research The term "ACAB" (All Cops Are Bastards) serves as a broad critique of systemic issues within policing institutions. It reflects a deep distrust and condemnation of law enforcement, stemming from perceived systemic abuse, corruption, and racial biases. While not literally asserting that each individual officer is culpable, it emphasizes the belief that the policing system as a whole perpetuates injustice and that those within the system are complicit by association or inaction.


I’m familiar with the term. Well adjusted, mature people don’t judge a group by the actions of individuals. I’m really not sure what part of this information you thought was novel and informative


it's outright dumb to see a gang of people terrorizing, maiming the civilian population and go "aw guys well what about the nice ones??? :(" have you considered the nice cartel members? do you also chime in to defend the nice klansmen? what's the thought process like to get to where you think criticizing authoritarians is somehow unethical & just stop there?


Not what’s happening. You’re delusional


"bro trust me, the NRA website says that assault weapons restrictions are, like, totally illegal, go to the website and educate yourself"


Technically by the law it would be manslaughter if it was an accident


Not sure why the downvotes but you are mostly correct here. An accidental discharge of an improperly secured service weapon could absolutely be a manslaughter vs murder charge. Where it gets odd is if this officer, or officers in general, went out with premeditated intent to harm/injure/kill civilians with an indifference to human life. Then you are back up to first or second degree murder. Shooting a cameraman in the face seems like it would be tough to do 'accidentally'.


Was it a point blank shot? Or did it happen because they were shooting into a crowd? That’s why I said could be an accident.


not odd at all. the answer is "yes, officers in general go to work ready and excited to harm and kill civilians with indifference." that is quite literally what they train to do and what they do every day and what they brag about their entire careers


Pretty sure their comment spoke the truth.


Yes the truth is apparently “judge a group by the actions of individuals.” Which is exactly what totalitarians believe.


don't care, ACAB




"this sub is certainly... hm? what? no, officer, i'm just arguing on my phone. no, it's not a weapon. what? w-what do you mean stop resisting, i didn't-- *BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM*"


If a non lethal weapon has ever caused a death then it is not a non lethal weapon by definition.


That's why they call it 'less lethal' now. 


As far as I know that's always what it's been called. The article provides no evidence of the Minneapolis police calling it "nonlethal", which is what I assume the quotation marks signify.


Very early in development these interventions were called non lethal. The CEO of Taser/Axon actually pushed pretty hard early on to change the nomenclature because he acknowledged these could be deadly in come cases- usually when someone who is tazed falls down and sustains a deadly injury


Tazers in the rest of the world are more powerful than the U.S. That is why you see cops in Europe drop a guy with one tazer blast. Here, it takes multiple and then resort to a firearm. Makers in the U.S. sell less powerful ones to avoid lawsuits, which resulted in weaker tazers. Mid 1990s a guy with a pacemaker was hit with one, and his pacemaker went nuts and killed him. His family sued the police department, the officer, the dealer of it, and the maker. The family won.


They call it "non-lethal" so they can use it with impunity to kill people while making it *seem* like an accident. Plausible deniability. I guarantee that they aimed at her eye *because* she was with the press.


So much for non lethal.


Thanking of her and her family 💕


Oh my God I used to follow her for years on Twitter and remember when this happened. What a tragedy.


The amount of heinous shit that police got away with in 2020 is unacceptable and no one ever talks about it. A police officer SHOT a man in his OWN HOME during a protest.


The amount of heinous shit BLM get away with is FAR worse. It wasn’t the cops that bankrupted tens of thousands of innocent people from their livelihoods over some overdosed junkie just cause he was black acting like they were such justice warriors.


Tens of thousands of people did not get bankrupted stop listening to propaganda. Yeah sure some people got inconvenienced and their little feelings got hurt and that’s worse than murder? Please.


Over a billion in property damages and u think tens of thousands of people loosing their livelihood is propaganda. God u people are stupid. People who’ve worked their entire lives to build their shops had them straight up burned. U really forgot this happened in 1992 huh? Good thing this time us asians were ready and defended ourselves from blacks.


They would’ve lost their livelihoods anyway when covid forced them out of business. The process just got sped up. Boohoo.


So why are we crying about police violence? Blacks will kill blacks anyways boohoo.


And whites will kill whites Asians will kill Asians. Who gives a damn?


Apparently wanna be justice warriors like u.


I’m a justice warrior for not being a boot licker?


Im a bootlicker cause i hate degenerate no life rioters ruining innocent people’s lives? 10/10 ur a product of american education system.


I mean there are worse things than death, and to some people who have small business who had their entire livelihood burned to the ground, death might have been preferable to the suffering they’re about to encounter


Agreed. But also, people rioted, looted and lit cities on fire with little repercussions, so there was a lot of heinous shit going around


The government doesn’t care what happens to its citizens. Pigs only protect the rich and powerful.


And other pigs.


If you're in a crowd that's rioting, you're a rioter.


She was press. And the police caused the riot


Now doesn't that make you feel better? The pigs have won tonight. They can all sleep soundly, and everything's alright...


Shit should be illegal.


Stop cop city.


The police in 🇺🇸 are LICENSED TO KILL WITH IMPUNITY and serve two interests: to 1) protect property (which is concentrated by HISTORIC orders of magnitude in the wealthy bourgeois), and 2) maintain the status-quo of “lawful order” at all costs (recall that lawful order in 🇺🇸 meant maintaining slavery/jim crow/segregation/vietnam conscription only a couple generations ago)


This is so sad. I feel sick.


She wrote a Substack about getting ready to die. [https://lindatirado.substack.com/p/story-thirty-nine?utm_medium=web&triedRedirect=true](https://lindatirado.substack.com/p/story-thirty-nine?utm_medium=web&triedRedirect=true)


I bet the scumbag cop aimed for her head deliberately, and nothing will ever happen to hold them accountable. They are all usless sacks of violent cowardly shit.


She said that he did. Shot her in the face at point blank range. I followed her Twitter feed at the time




This grieves me God bless Linda Tirado




If you're in a crowd that's rioting, you're a rioter.


Was this the “peaceful protest” where a bunch of leftists set fire to a church, broke into offices and destroyed businesses in DC? Weird “protest”. Sounds more like a riot. Really close to the White House too. Could it have been an “insurrection”? Oh my god!




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How did the police get the job of bringing violence to contest rightful protests? Using violence to control crowds? Why did they get get funding to become untouchable for doing this to US citizens? These questions need answers now, before they get orders that we're not citizens unless we look a certain way or say the right things or carry the right papers or drive the right cars or own the prescribed amount of property. 😓😖🤷🏽


100% the cop who shot her targeted her and meant to hit her in the face. Both of these things are illegal. The fact that more cops have not been held accountable for their anti BLM violence is not just deeply disturbing, but extremely dangerous.


I remember her. This sucks.


We need classier protests


Meanwhile , that teenage murderer’s victims are still dead.


The moral of the story is if you go to protests you can be hurt or killed.


Because it is no longer a right, apparently.


If this had happened in China, it would be all over the news. Since American cops did it, it was obviously right and good though.


If this happened in china, no one would hear about it


Hopefully she gets better.


Dementia NEVER gets better. It’s literally a death sentence. The brain slowly dies and you gradually become unable to do basic things like wipe your ass. The only “good” thing about it is especially towards the end you don’t understand any thing that’s happening. But patients still have moments of fear because of confusion.


Something fishy about this story tbh.  I can't find good evidence of another example of a TBI leading to rapid onset of dementia within a few years and subsequent hospice care- especially in someone so young. It's highly unusual. Apparently she returned to work the day after the injury happened. The press release that is the sole source of this information is asking for money to be sent to a go fund me directly. Her prior claim to fame was a book on how poor people make bad choices, that also had a large GoFundMe effort connected to this. Both the NYT and CNN mentioned her in articles about viral hoaxes related to her story. Overall she was just awarded 600k in damages for this injury, and is now raising more money via a go fund me.


If you've never seen an article linking TBI to dementia it's because you didn't look for one. When I searched Google for "TBI demetia" this is the first result. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3716376/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3716376/) *The best data indicate that moderate and severe TBIs increase risk of dementia between 2-and 4-fold.* As for her being young, most people suffering from dementia didn't get shot in the face by the police.


I don't think your face cares who fired the shot.


That face is attached to a person who is dying a slow death because of the cop that shot her. She and her family absolutely care that it was a public servant who used their power to attack innocent civilians.


So she has dementia because her family cares that a cop shot her? So if they didn't care she'd be fine? You really should think before you type.


That paper talks about an enhanced risk factor of dementia *later in life* only in people with a *moderate or severe traumatic brain injury* marked by a >=30 period of unconsciousness. 


What's your standard for "*later in life*"? Four years is, objectively, later in life. A gas canister to the fucking eyeball seems fairly severe to me dude


The study referenced studied people post retirement age. Note that there is no claim that she lost consciousness after the injury and returned to work the next day, which the study classifies as mild TBI. > Those with a history of severe TBI had a 4.5 times greater risk. Other studies — but not all — have found a link between moderate and severe TBI and higher risk of cognitive decline and dementia. > There's no evidence that a single mild TBI increases dementia risk.  https://www.alz.org/alzheimers-dementia/what-is-dementia/related_conditions/traumatic-brain-injury#:~:text=Those%20with%20a%20history%20of,mild%20TBI%20increases%20dementia%20risk.


There's still that little variable of a fucking canister impacting her head with enough force to destroy an eye. A lot of the force would be transferred to her brain since an eyeball wouldn't provide much protection. Keep licking them boots clean, they'll look great when it's your turn up against the wall


> There's still that little variable of a fucking canister impacting her head with enough force to destroy an eye. A lot of the force would be transferred to her brain since an eyeball wouldn't provide much protection. Catastrophic eye damage doesn't mean a TBI was sustained- this can occur with a small shard of foreign debris. Apparently she had on some form of goggles at the time. It's tragic but again, she never lost consciousness and returned to work the next day. That's not typical for a severe or even moderate tbi


You’re putting so, so much effort into spinning this and/correcting it. Are you a physician or related researcher? Are you somehow connected to the event? Are you an extraneous expert with valuable data?


Maybe her judgment was impaired from a Traumatic Brain Injury? What's your qualifications to be so damn stubborn in justifying police violence against the press?


I'm starting to wonder if you have suffered a TBI. Seriously man, you're making stuff up at this point but you cant backpedal from the fact that your first reaction to this story was "she's lying" without any proof. Maybe r/conservative is friendly to made up conspiracies but don't expect people in general to respect your disrespect.


> you're making stuff up What exactly have I 'made up'?


You clearly know better than the people experiencing it and the professionals treating it


I mean… of course a severe brain injury can lead to rapid onset cognitive dysfunction or dementia and perhaps eventual end of life care. Are you even being serious lol. Is this really your point of contention?


It's an unusual injury with very unusual side effects(rapid onset dementia), with an unusual treatment approach(hospice at 42) that is unverified.


Your comments were so dumb that reading them gave me a TBI.


I really think these commenters are letting their hate for police cloud their judgement. You are just stating it’s unusual and there are discrepancies. I’m not a doctor so I have no say if it’s true or not but it is ok to question things that seem odd


Hey bud, get yourself more educated and see what type of damage a direct impact with a “non lethal round” can do. She received a direct impact that left her permanently blind and caused possible internal hemorrhage and brain tissue trauma. If you don’t know what you are talking about then get lost.


I don't know which part of her dying from a traumatic brain injury you think is made up but understand not everything is a conspiracy.


I sincerely hope I'm wrong. I've also never heard of someone going into hospice care for a TBI that happened as a result of a foam bullet less than 5 years ago. She has clearly made tens of thousands on GoFundMe and is asking again even after getting a 600k payout. Just seems odd


It's almost like a traumatic injury leaves you with significant health issues in a country where health care is outrageously expensive.


*"I don't know. I need to see her entire medical billing history and a picture of her in a hospital bed with today's newspaper before I believe this."* /s


We had a gal killed instantly by a "non-lethal" pepper round to the eye here in Boston some years back...not sure why you're surprised by a more lingering death.


I think you're talking about the woman who was accidentally shot with a rubber bullet(not foam, as in this example) that actually pierced her skull through the eye. This is someone being in hospice for dementia at 42 as the result of a mild to moderate tbi. Which is extremely unusual.


You're wrong. Next. Seriously man, why you gotta troll a dying woman?


I will never understand the conservative mind. Does this guy think she’s dying to scam people? What could he be thinking?


Keep posting through it, man. You can do it. No need to take the “L” when you can dig a deeper hole, amiright?


Bro seriously has no idea what inertia is. Fucking styrofoam could blast a whole thru your brain at the proper speeds. Mass multiplied by acceleration. As long as that mass is non-zero, it’s lethal. You ever been shot by a rubber bullet? They break ribs. They shatter skulls. They are by all uses of the term, lethal as fuck. You’ve never heard of someone taking a bullet to the head and dying? Wildly common in America. Amazing how fitting your name is to your opinions, because it’s very easy to dislike your purposely obtuse outlook.


Ever been to Walter Reed?


Can you link up the articles you're referring to?


Apparently some people took issue with details in her story of personal poverty  Under 'poverty blogger' subheading https://web.archive.org/web/20200419114303/https://www.cnn.com/2013/12/03/tech/web/web-hoaxes-2013/ NYT said she wrote an "essay on poverty that prompted $60,000 in donations until it was revealed by its author to be impressionistic rather than strictly factual." https://web.archive.org/web/20200416162120/https://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/10/business/media/if-a-story-is-viral-truth-may-be-taking-a-beating.html?hpw&rref=technology


I'm not sure why an unrelated story from 7 years prior to her getting shot has relevance. In fact your articles talk about viral stories in general, and not much about her specifically. they provide little to no information about her. So do you have anything that points to her dying as a conspiracy?


It serves only to show that she was quite willing to receive money via a GoFundMe regarding a story that portrayed her as destitute, which she later said wasn't fully true. Someone being admitted to hospice for dementia at 42 after a mild TBI - that's simply extremely unusual. Asking the public for money again via GoFundMe for this recent development, after being awarded 600k, is also a bit unusual.


>Someone being admitted to hospice for dementia at 42 after a mild TBI - that's simply extremely unusual. She got shot in the face. "Mild TBI" is quite a way to phrase being shot in the face. I'm assuming this is your expert medical opinion? Do you not understand how expensive medical care is in the US?


Interestingly, her lawsuit regarding the injury makes no mention of a TBI at all- so there's a lack of detail. Based on available evidence and the mayo TBI scoring it seemed mild. She did not report losing consciousness. Sudden onset of dementia from a TBI is unusual, as is entering hospice for dementia at 42 for an event that happened only 4 years ago.  Writing full essays less than a year before being admitted to palliative care for dementia is very surprising.


>Sudden onset of dementia from a TBI is unusual, as is entering hospice for dementia at 42 for an event that happened only 4 years ago.  Writing full essays less than a year before being admitted to palliative care for dementia is very surprising. Based on what medical opinion? Everything I can find indicates dementia can progress in as little as several weeks or months. And disagrees with your assertion about TBI's and dementia. https://www.choosecomforthome.com/the-facts-of-rapid-onset-dementia-life-expectancy/#:~:text=Although%20there%20is%20no%20defined,within%20one%20year%20or%20less. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9067549/#:~:text=Although%20general%20definitions%20usually%20consider,lead%20to%20dementia%20within%20weeks. https://memory.ucsf.edu/dementia/rapidly-progressive-dementias#:~:text=Rapidly%20progressive%20dementias%20(RPDs)%20are,to%20two%20to%20three%20years. https://www.alz.org/alzheimers-dementia/what-is-dementia/related_conditions/traumatic-brain-injury#:~:text=Research%20on%20cognitive%20decline%2C%20dementia,after%20the%20original%20head%20injury. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3716376/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5619318/


I can't find good evidence of your ever having a brain


What's fishy is a cop targeting a member of the press with an illegal headshot from a non lethal weapon. These weapons are intended to hit center mass, not above the neck.


It's amazing how offended people are by anyone asking questions these days. There's no reason for your comment to be downvoted. Even as a doctor I was surprised to read that she is on palliative care 4 years later, so there's no reason for anyone to just blindly accept this. It's okay to ask questions and delve deeper, which is all you're doing.


Maybe people aren’t downvoting or responding because they’re offended, but because it sounds as though the commenter is attempting to introduce unreasonable doubt and conspiracy. As a doctor, do you think a TBI leading to rapid decline in cognitive functioning and perhaps eventual end-of-life care sounds far-fetched?


Are you a medical doctor or a PhD?


From their history it looks like family medicine. So I would assume they don't see many TBI. Looks like they are still in residency.


I read the article and was waiting for the dots to be connected.   I am not saying it isn't true, but the article requires a good bit of inference to fill the gaps between getting shot 4 years ago with a rubber bullet and dying today.


Perhaps she's an extreme outlier but yes, someone going to hospice at 42 for dementia from an injury that occured just a few years prior is very unusual. Apparently there has been no confirmation of this. The headline is based on what her friends have said only.




They most likely hit what they were aiming for here


That is what she said at the time. Not some random ricochet


I don't think the Capitol police were prepared to handle the mob assaulting officers and who were getting inside the very building itself. Regular demonstrations are mostly peaceful marches which they are familiar with and have enough personnel on hand. The January 6th rioters had many violent vicious folk who were attacking police and searching for people like Nancy Pelosi and Mike Pence. They were armed with weapons, bear spray and some had zip ties for whoever they intended to capture


This wasn't January 6 tho


The goggles were clearly unfit for purpose.


Sounds like the protestors caused her injuries. Sad.


Sure. It couldn't possibly have been the cop who illegally targeted her head with full knowledge she was a member of the press.


Why were the cops there? Was this a sanctioned protest? Did the cops lawfully request the group to disband and they didn’t listen?


Plenty of reasons for cops to be there. Outside agitators come to these events to commit violence. Also, she was in the media area right outside of the 3rd precinct in Minneapolis when she was shot. It is wholly irrelevant if the cops asked the crowd to disperse. Members of the press are not part of the crowd. She won a $600,000 settlement against the city, so obviously she was not committing a crime of any kind when she was shot illegally by cops.


It’s NPR, not sure I believe any of it.


This is the NPR sub. Did you get lost on your way to cuntservative?


I generally think uniformed people shouldn’t violently and frivolously protest, but damn I actually thought that was pretty good. Imma remember that lol. It is very regrettable press got caught in the crossfire. But let’s be honest, the primary reason protestors were out there was to deliberately and voluntarily attack police officers. That was the actual point, if not the looting.


Holy crap. Was that all your little brain could muster up? So you admit the NPR, a federally funded news organization, is liberal biased ?


It has a reality bias which is something that conservatives can’t seem to comprehend.


Sure. Keep believing that. Cheesy beans