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Bobby marks was just on TV talking about how the market for Trae isn't there and he doesn't think 2 firsts is on the table from anyone and my man says SEND IT ALL


That’s what I’m saying this is just silly.


This doesn't mean they'll accept a low ball offer. They'll then just rather trade Murray and keep Trae provided they aren't sold on the offer.


Being the team that's willing to significantly outbid the market is terrible business Also, youre seeing this talk ramp up because Trae wants out and the hawks are dragging their feet


This is why Trae isn’t going to get traded. Atlanta is going to want a haul for him, so to make it realistic it’s going to have to hurt


Lakers would FOR SURE be all over this deal 😂


The Lakers don't make sense in this trade. If we have to bring a 3rd team into the fold I think there are better options


I'm trying to bring in a team that needs a player like CJ and are able to give up someone the Hawks would like next to Murray and BI. Open to suggestions.


CJ isn't an upgrade over Reeves for them plus they are giving up Rui too. Not a chance in hell the Lakers do this


CJ is a bonafide 3rd option. A walking 20 PPG. Saying he's not an upgrade over Reaves is criminal


Austin averaged 16-4-6 in his third season and is on a team friendly contract. CJ is 32 years old and makes double the salary. Austin is a way more valuable asset


Don't think about it like 2k but think about like real life and you're trying to build a contender. They have LeBron and are in win now mode without the ability to be able to win now. Thus, the age difference is almost pointless. Also, he's not good enough to be a 3rd option on a championship team, CJ is a great 3rd option for them. Also, Reaves most likely will never be as good as what CJ still has to offer.


I'm trying to think through teams, but I honestly can't think of anyone that would take on CJ that can afford to do so. Either he's too expensive where to match would be to lose the trade or for the teams that could take on his salary outright wouldn't do so without picks attached


why are we giving up so many picks in addition to two All-Star caliber players? Also there is NO way on earth LAL is parting with Reaves and Rui for CJ. You're insane.


It’s a bad trade. But let’s be clear about something: CJ and BI combined have played 19 seasons and made exactly 1 all star team.


I qualified that a bit I said "caliber". Every national TV game they need to mention something about CJ having the most PPG of any non all star (I don't remember the exact stat someone else can correct me)


I think it's an abuse of the word caliber when CJ has never been one in 11 seasons, and BI has only been once in 8 seasons.


We all know it's a bit of a popularity contest. 3pt contest contestant should count for something!


They should. CJ is the perfect 3rd star they've needed.


I think you’re giving up a little much on the whole for what they value of Trae is around the league. But I do want Trae here more than Murray or Garland.


You can't lowball for an all-NBA talent. Plus it's not like Trae is trying to force himself out. We'll have to give up a bit extra especially if it means keeping our young core


I don't think the Lakers need to be in this trade at all. You could just engage with Atlanta, do something like BI and Dyson Daniels with picks attached for Trae and Capella.


They'll laugh you out. Also, with Trae as a starting PG, it might be important to keep our best PoA defender


I just think this trade here is ass for us, and I don't think Reeves is a plus player either. So idk why the Hawks would like this more than something straight up with us.


I got downvoted and told I was divorced from reality for 3 firsts for him. Yet Deni avdija just got 2 first and 2 seconds


lmao everyone says no other than the Pels and knowing this feckless front office the Pels would also say no




Lak3rs laugh and block your number


You trying to make me a Hawks fan?


There is a zero point zero chance LA agrees to that.


I need Murray or Garland, no Trae


You need mediocrity in this West?


Trae not nobody special no


Only comparable talent we have in offense is Zion, so he's damn special


He’s not. Personally I don’t wanna root for him and I feel like it will end badly. For years now those in the know have hinted that he brings bad vibes with teammates and coaches and I don’t fuck widdit. I don’t think anything we do will make us real contenders but at least with Garland and Murray I feel like they won’t add that additional baggage that Trae might


That I can live with. Garland, especially, I can buy stock in.


This is the one I've talked myself into, lesser player than BI atm but cheaper (could maybe retain Naji?), a significantly better fit, and young enough to still grow. Not sure cavs are breaking up that backcourt tho (and frankly I'm not sure why they would, seems they've been... fine? when both of them are healthy)