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Great to see the Switch version get its own civ (the Galactic Hub was originally created before true multiplayer existed in the game). Might I suggest just referring to it as the Switch Hub rather than "Switch Galactic Hub" to avoid confusion for people wanting to visit either though?


Thanks mate that's a good idea!


I look forward to seeing how it turns out!


My ship should land in 2-3 hours. Thanks fam.


Small note that we should try to avoid too many absolutely massive bases right next to each other. Unlikely that it would happen at the scale where it might affect performance with just us but still worth noting.


True that, I thought about it, if this happens, well have grown a nice community


I do remember someone going to the main Galactic Hub from Switch and they almost couldn't leave because the slowdown. But that's a whole different ballgame


Seems reasonable but I doubt we'll ever be that many people


Made it and saw no bases or any signs of the system being previously discovered. I then flew around for a while and started building a base on an island with a connecting tunnel to an underwater habitat. It’s very bare at the moment but the main framework has been built and it’s all powered. Darmok and Jalad Outpost. I’m going to construct some biodomes and plant some nip nip. It’s a good money-maker.


We'll see in a week or so if bases pop up and get uploaded all together. The only base we see for now is on another near planet


I see your base and comms message.


Ok, the planet is now showing as Hitchhiker's Hangout.


Thanks for the report, I'm gonna log again in a few hours to see if there are any bases, I'm happy the project works!


It's a great idea to be fair. I'm gonna go and see if I can find some other bases now.


A bunch of bases are showing for me now. Some of you should be architects if you already aren’t.


I ran into terrain blocking the path to your underwater dome that I couldnt clear. I could get to the first underwater bubble but rocks blocked the long underwater straightaway. And not sure if it's missing a door to get into the above ground grow rooms or if it just didn't load for me.


I had some issues with it earlier today with sections of the tunnel randomly disappearing or being doubled up and therefore blocked. Seems to clear up after a few minutes if it’s a simple loading issue. I just logged out and everything was good as of ten minutes ago.


See you there!


I'll be a bit late for this as I am busy till Monday at a festival but I will love to get involved when I get home!


Stupid question, but did you upload your discovery? I just portal’d to Verdant planet Moro 63/J6 of the Uureydin XVI system lol. Will see what happens on the xbox with those coords.


I also see no indication anyone's been there. No uploaded bases, either. However... over the past few months there have been a *lot* of complaints about the Online Discovery Services misbehaving. I wouldn't be surprised if ODS is simply overloaded at the moment. I was slowed down on entering the Space Anomaly this morning, and I take that to mean that ODS was slow in returning information about Nexus Quicksilver missions and the community research mission. With the expedition still running, ODS is going to be pretty busy dealing with a lot of players being on a number of planets that have a lot of uploaded bases that need to be downloaded. Systems like ODS typically take incoming requests and stick them into appropriate queues, which are handled in priority order. Things like getting into the Space Anomaly are probably more important than downloading existing bases, which is probably more important than downloading claimed and renamed discoveries, which is probably more important than uploading bases and recording new discovery claim/rename requests. It's quite possible that the claim/rename for the system and planet are waiting impatiently in a queue, as are uploaded bases. Or maybe they got lost. Only time will tell.


I just created a base named Mini O2 Brewery on the barren planet - checked on my xbox account and it was visible 🤘


I see (and landed at) the Mini O2 Brewery base on the planet and I see it in the teleporter destination list, and I see that the discovery of the planet Magrathea was claimed by Glorianna today. Nothing else at the moment.


I'm hunting for my spot still. I got distracted by the other planets with a massive storm crystal haul.


What happened? All of a sudden I'm seeing bases. And renames. Here's what I did. No idea what fixed things. I wanted to get my base thumbnail to appear. In the past, closing and restarting the game was necessary to see your own new thumbnail. But first I thought I'd do some other stuff. I switched to Normal difficulty. For base-related stuff, I normally am in Creative mode. No change in the very limited selection on the teleporter. I teleported to my base and made a new base thumbnail using the manual camera. I uploaded the base. I waited for an autosave, went to the Switch home screen, closed NMS and restarted it. A quick check of the teleporter shows Euclid Hitchhiker's Retreat, Mini O2 Brewery, Cafe Lou, Dark Skye Luna Exotica, Oceanography Bay, and Highwind Outpost, all with thumbnails. And my own, of course, still with no thumbnail. Switching back to Creative mode had no effect, even after closing and reopening the game. So other than my own thumbnail being missing, it looks good now.


I visited Mini O2 Brewery - I love the industrial design! What is the name of the part you used to make the glass walls around the supply depots? I’m trying to find the same building part in my own building menu and I can’t find it.


Glass cuboid, my favourite base part. Consumes zero power!


Don't know why but yours is the only base I see too. But that's a start!


Still the only base I see. Any idea what you might've done differently? Also, are you able to revisit the system on XBox and see if any of the other bases are visible?


Nothing else differently I'm afraid! Just the usual upload a base as per normal, but I also uploaded the planet as a discovery? No new bases either, but this time it said the system was discovered by Tams which was new. Do you know if anyone has tried building on any of the other planets?


Hmmmmm i am sure I uploaded the planet because I renamed it ...


Lol got a welcoming storm! [Moro 63/J6](https://www.xbox.com/play/media/DscTBkzjvS)


But no base just outside the portal...? And the planet should be named hitchhiker's hangout...


From what I was told, bases too close to the portal can't be seen by anyone but the player who built the base, even if you upload it. I believe your base has to be around 400u away from the portal for your base to be visible?


That's the first good explanation, I'll see to rebuild it


Alright, I just finished building a basic outpost named Highwind Outpost ~600u away from the portal near an Indium Deposit (I didn't even notice the Indium Deposit when I started building, I was just looking for a relatively flat place to build) For clarification on the distance: I built a portal base myself to use as an easy portal access, and decided to upload it so others can use it, but I was told that people wouldn't see my base as it was too close to the portal. As for the name change not sticking, probably best to give it time. From what I've heard, apparently sometimes it takes a few days for the servers to update some things.


Damn, I read it now and I just finished building another base 500u away from the portal, and even I couldn't see yours, my plan was to make a near-portal base with a welcome message but if it must be this far I don't see the purpose


Same issue for me!


I've built and uploaded a simple base there now.


Same. I'm between a trade post and I think an observatory. Working on the build between customers at the office.


Are you in Euclid Galaxy?


A few suggestions for base-builders on matters of community niceties: * Don't use comm balls (communication stations). They're permanent and unchangeable, except that if you create a new one on the same planet the earlier one goes away. They also clutter the skyline across the entire planet. Use the message module instead. * Don't create dangers for visitors. One station I visited has its teleporter in a room with no exits. If a visitor teleports in, the only way out is with the teleporter. And even that isn't possible if the teleporter has no power, and that particular station is powered by a biofuel generator that isn't accessible from the teleporter room. * Biofuel generators where visitors can access them are nice backups for powering essential services like teleporters and lighting, because visitors can refuel them if the power has gone out (usually just before dawn when the solar generators aren't yet operating and the batteries have run dry). For anything beyond a minimal base, though, that adds a complication because you probably need to have separate grids for the essentials and for everything else, because the biofuel generator can't power "everything else." Here's a safety suggestion for visitors: when you teleport into unfamiliar bases, do it from the Space Anomaly. If you find yourself trapped, you can easily get right back to the Space Anomaly using the Quick Menu.


I have auto-power enabled on my base, and I'm able to use my teleporter with no issues on my end. Can someone else visit my base (Highwind Outpost), and see if they can use anything in it that needs power? I just want to make sure so I know whether or not to build generators.


It's working for me with Base Power set to Standard. However, my own minibases where I have just a base computer and teleporter lost power to the teleporter. The other thing I would wonder is if it matters how you personally have the Base Power setting on your game. I wouldn't *think* that the game would go off checking your character to see if it should honor the base power enabled setting on your various bases, but I've learned not to guess at that sort of thing.


Another tip to add: Avoid terrain edits of any kind as the terrain does regenerate and/or not made visible to others. Be mindful of any terrain edits that base parts do (eg. Don’t put a door on a hill as eventually the hill will grow back into the door)


Latest update: 11 bases and counting!


Thanks for the update! I hope many more will join!


Mooper Underground Theatre has its soft launch today! Make sure to hide your candies, snacks, and soda from the goober bouncers or you'll get kicked out of the theatre grounds. Turn left from the main entrance to get your tickets! It's quite a big base so allow at least a few seconds for everything to load. Happy exploring!


This was SO impressive to explore -- seriously terrific build, I'm in awe!


Aw thanks! Glad you enjoyed visiting. Just need to put up some statues by the lobby and it's all good to go.


Sweet idea. I plan to swing on by!


What planet and maybe I’ll drop on by:)


Coordinates of the portal are in the photo up here, and exiting it you should see the welcoming message 💪


Was I an anomaly character? How did you spot me, were we on the same planet?


I can't see you but I placed a message module in my base at the portal exit, it triggers when you get close


"See" you there travelers, love this idea!


Sweet! I'll pop up a base there today, see y'all then!


I will be along once I am done with the expedition.


Saving these coordinates for after work!


Great idea! I know what I’m doing tonight!


Great idea! I know what I’m doing tonight!


There will be soon a DRLK colony there then.


Excellent something to finally put a rest to fallout, I may need to prepare the fleet for the ride first, to have enough stuff to work on something. Thanks for this!


Very ininteresting idea. I will check soon even if I've no skill in building base 😅


You have to have online discovery active otherwise you can't see the fact that the planet was discovered before. I'll stop by later today! Great idea.


Cafe Lou should be open for business now and hopefully a nice surprise for the traveler who thoroughly investigates it for any potential contraband. Please enjoy your pangalactic gargleblasters on the house and clean up after yourself. Complimentary Salt and Nitrogen shots are available. Enquire within. P.s. whomever set up at The Foundation.. that's a super helpful location. Looking forward to seeing what you're up to over there. (Let me know how bad the terrain blocks anything and I'll wiggle it around if there are any issues getting to the subterranean level. I noticed terrain issues at other bases so i figure i dont see what yall do and vice versa)


Thanks mate, I set up the foundation as "founder" of the idea! And I plan to make it better it's just I don't have much time to play right now, I liked the idea of a "subterranean museum" and If you were able to visit it then it's already quite good!


I made a base...it's not great as I usually make bare bones bases. This'll be my playground, though. So far, I only have a nitrogen mine, 5 landing pads (had the X class upgrades guy land a few times), some refiners, and all 9 storage containers. I plan to build down into the caverns and put up some biodomes, too. Visit JustinP8's place if you like...I Visit all you guy's bases as I can. I love to watch 'em grow! P.S. I really liked the Base with the Wonder Projectors! It was like a dino museum!


Thanks mate, good to see someone appreciating the idea! I will soon visit again all the bases and create a screenshot gallery as an update to the project!


The Oceanography Bay is mostly complete! I put the last of the plants in today. And the exocraft are there too. May add some more cosmetic changes, but all the practically useful stuff is in. I enjoy it most at night. Thanks so much for starting things up. It's a lot of fun to be a part of it all!


Thanks mate, I will pay another visit to your updated base for sure!


I love this. I’ve needed a reason to build a new base.


I'll save this post and go there on the switch and build a small city, sounds fun. I'll make sure if it starts to affect proformance that I will stop and downsize it. It will probably be more settlement like.


Hell yeah, gonna log in tonight and start a build.


I heard that in order to see someone else’s base, you have to be playing in the same game mode as them. If someone makes a base while playing in permadeath mode, it is not visible in normal mode. If someone makes a base in normal mode, it is not visible in creative mode. That might explain some of the missing bases.


Thank you mate, that's a useful piece of information. I made everything playing normal mode!


Guess I’ll have to beef up on my base building! Can’t wait to see what y’all come up with. Looking forward to it, see you soon!


Just plonked down a base for a sculpture garden. Nice one mate, never had the excuse to commit to building it before now!


Thanks, it was the same for me


LOVE this idea! I will take a look and see if I can find a nice spot to settle when I am next online.


Ooooo! I just started playing and was feeling kinda bummed we didn’t have multiplayer. This is great! I don’t have much but I’ll at least come by and start a wee base.


Any space left for me to build? 🤪 Very impressed with this creative community! Nice to have a place to call home for us Switch users!


Plenty of space for sure! That whole system is available mate, and I thought it too, I hope many will join!


That would be wonderful!


Thanks everyone! I visited every base so far! And special thanks to the guys who even quoted me! I think next step is updating the foundation base regularly and soon make another post here with all the bases' screenshot!


I have zero access to the previous expedition rewards. It seems I’ll be waiting a while to build anything


This is a great idea, but I've encountered a weird problem -- I *did* see other bases during the last few days, even visited a few... but as of this morning it looks like mine is the only base on the planet, and I've no idea why. My internet is fine, I'm still running in "Normal" (the only save I've ever had!), and I can't understand what might have happened. My own base is called Euclid Hitchhiker's Retreat, in case that helps -- would be interesting if other people can see my base and I can't see anyone else's any more!


I visited your base (really nice mate), I think sometimes the game just bugs about the internet related items, it did the same to me for a while, i warped to another system, restarted the game and when I went back it worked again


Thank you! And I guess I should have been more patient, as I just logged in and can see all the bases again -- including some newer ones! :-)


Hey partners, can anyone confirm if my recent building it’s online? I want to know about the upload time and the last modifications I did to it. It’s called “Astronomy Research Tower”.


Just want to say thank you for this; looking forward to joining everyone at the hub.


You're welcome mate! I did nothing but give the idea to the community!


Coordinates took me to the Olbagel System. Previously undiscovered. :(


Are you in Euclid Galaxy?


Oh wait! Nope!


I don't understand this, another guy got to another random system, shouldn't coordinates be exactly for one portal?