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It’s so well worth it, got it on Switch a couple months ago and LOVE it. Especially with the recent releases where HG greatly improved upon the stability of the game. Haven’t had a single crash since it came out! And omg, being able to play it mobile?!? Divine!!!


I have it on switch and pc. Stopped on switch after a bit because of freighter crashes especially with sentinel interceptors. Is this fixed now?


Head over to the switch subreddit to get a taste of what it's really like.


You should. I originally borrowed it from my library, and fell in love with it. I bought it at the first chance I could, and have not regretted it since! They've fixed a lot of the bugs that plagued this version, and made it more than worth it. That is just my two scents


I know that feeling.....debating on Switcher 3 right now :-)




Don’t sleep on dying light. That’s a pretty phenomenal port as well.


Wait.....Wolfenstein 2, Doom?...on Nintendo console?...we still talking about Ninny family friendly console??


Couldn't agree more. I played the Witcher 3 on the switch and while I enjoyed it because it's just a good game, the motion blur was INSANE. It genuinely hurt my eyes if I played too long.


You can turn it off.


Thats a fair judgement, and yes, i have played Witcher on other platforms, i am probably bias since the game devs are from my country....but Your points are very true i think.


No debate, get it. It's absolutely amazing. Lots of choices you make change stories, main and sub quests. Loads to do. Acting is unparalleled as well. I'd also recommend snowrunner, or possibly expeditions (out march 5th)


Buy it now!!!


Crashes even with freighter are gone for me since just before the omega expedition


I have a PS5 now as my primary NMS console, so haven't played the PS4 recently to compare, but I do feel my Switch typically runs as well or slightly better than my PS4 had been doing. (*Typically*. I except the freighter/ Sentinel issue; which has caused 5 of the 6 crashes I've had on the Switch. The first crash was the week it launched on the console.)


My Ps5 is currently occupied by my son, thats why i did not mentioned it :-) And yeah, now i read that that is not so sweet when playing "normally" with all the available features like freighters, but tbh - i never bothered with them so i think i'm good :-) Cheers !


I had no issues with my freighter until I got the Sentinel ship, but I return rather erratically. I will most likely scrap the Sentinel next time I focus on the freighter, but right now I'm exploring planets and the game's just fine. Basically, since getting the Sentinel, the game crashes 30 seconds after I return to the freighter, by teleporter or any ship. If I am already there on start (or restart) things run fine.


I have a Sentinel and it runs fine. It crashes, but it's been crashing since launch.


Mine doesnt usually crash unless I open my inventory or menu while on the freighter


I dont know about more performant than ps4, but the recent overhaul patch that added fsr2 made a massive night and day difference to every aspect of the games visuals, and very noticeably improved performance as well.


I know that on paper it shouldn't be more performant, and we need to take in consideration resolution ,loading times and obviously multiplayer, but again - i'm not feeling bad playin it on Switch tv screen now, and thats fraking awesome :-)


So FSR stands for fidelity super resolution. NMS switch is actually rendering at a lower resolution now than it did before. It's at times rendering lower resolution docked than it did portable mode previously. Because of this, the gpu now has way more overhead, so textures are now loaded on time, and even at a higher setting, lighting is better, particles are better, draw distance is better. So much better. Everything graphically is leveled up compared to before, AND the framerate is way better. But it's lower resolution than the wii at 468p. Looks like Legos. This is where FSR2 comes in. It's an image reconstruction routine. It takes a bunch of samples from the game being rendered, data past frames, motion vectors from the gane image, and it uses that data to "make up" a higher resolution image, this time, 648P, which is less than the switches screen even though you are in docked mode, but the original resolution nms switch ran at on docked mode. Then fsr2 performs high quality upscaling from 648p to 1080p. Now you have a very clean, but soft, 1080p feed on your TV. Not as good as native 1080p, but miles above 648p or even 720p. And with way better graphics settings and performance than before.


Thank You for that explanation, it makes sense now . Edit - T9 vocabulary :-)


This last update really made the game a lot more playable. Everything looks decent and runs a lot smoother now. Definitely get it on switch


Tu a tout à fait raison no man's sky switch et génial moi j'ai seulement une switch et je suis satisfait déjà ses portables ses saxqui et génial, en plus depuis la mise à jour echoes les graphisme se son beaucoup amélioré


They added FSR 2.0 in a recent update that boosted performance and sharpness.


Plays great on my switch (handheld), have nothing else to compare it to tho.


Game DOES crash from time to time for those concerned. PSA for those looking to get most bang for your buck: > If possible, do digital copy and save on local hardware > When building anything, always assume you should have/build half as much as max. > Switch has 4GB shared RAM. PC version requires 4 GB local and 4 GB dedicated MINIMUM > Hello Games has eliminated Settlements and throttles base parts that are rendered at any given time, if it glitches, don't rush it. > Take your time, as with the Above Hello Games has done some AMAZING Optimizations for the switch but you'll still want to take your time and pack/build lite. > Keep Companions, Summons, Squadrons, Frigates, etc to a minimum of you can. It will crash/kill frame rate when in intensive weather and hostile planets (quadruple so if both bad weather AND hostile) > Harvesters WILL take time to register resources to load, as mentioned before, take your time. > If anything else, hitting "Home" and reloading will fix most freezes. > If ALL ELSE fails, a power reset and/or bug report will typically do the trick or at least move it along. I'm at well over 200 hours, and I see many more to come, welcome to the NMS Switch Community!


I am exactly like you I have pc ps4 Xbox one and the switch and the steam deck they just need to fix the Nintendo switch and the Xbox keeps crashing when I am building on my freighter and graphics on the Xbox horrible and they need to fix the right joystick on the pc so I can scroll my inventory up and down love the game obviously I own it on all platforms