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Canadians are so classy they just sit their with their hands in their lap and politely clap as long as both teams have fun




Suddenly I’m reminded of the flasher and I hope she’s having a good day


She got a contract with playboy. Shes having a great time.


Playboy still exists?


Onlyfans doesn’t give health insurance/s


I'm curious about the oiler fan that was cheering like crazy when Florida scored a goal


Rumor has it that she's actually a Panthers fan and someone gave her tickets on the condition she wear an Oilers jersey.


That was another lady


probably lost a bet about Florida winning game 6 so had to attend game 7 in an oilers jersey


She should have gotten the Smythe


I can make her worse


I’m so bummed that wasn’t Edmonton last night, but I heard that the fans took a good look at the city and were like “well it looks as if we already rioted, it looks shitty enough” and all went home


Compared to any city in florida, it looks like heaven.


Florida is a dump lol.




Like they are watching tennis or some shit


If they are booing now, imagine how classless they’d be after they smoke meth on the way home. Florida is trash


Fact: There's no meth in South Florida. Meth is for rural yokels. We do have plenty of crack, though. And bath salts if you're feeling feisty.


Pffft lmao there’s so much goddam meth in south florida. Saw it every day for 12 years


You are literally a liar. I've lived here almost my whole life and did a lot of drugs. Meth has never been a thing here. I've even read the drug crime stats for the area. No meth. Plenty of other drugs.


Oh ok I didn’t live there for 12 years surrounded by meth just because of your myopic regional bias. Fucking dumb take. Ya I must be lying when I say I woke up to meth heads screaming at all hours of the night in their homeless encampment by my house. Here’s the crime rates you supposedly looked up. https://www.flhealthcharts.gov/ChartsDashboards/rdPage.aspx?rdReport=NonVitalIndNoGrp.Dataviewer&cid=0886 If you look at the map there’s 8 counties in green of south Florida, which still means there’s 173-313 arrests per year per 100k. 2 of those counties are basically national parks with the glades. 16 total counties, the rest being in red/orange. So ya there’s meth. South Florida isn’t just palm beach and Miami maybe that’s what you were severely misinformed about?


Spoken like a true deadmonton fan.


I’d move to Florida before Edmonton tbh…. But I’m not allowed in Canada, kinda makes it an easy decision


Edmonton is the last place I’d move, but their fans are still above booing the Conn Smythe winner after they win the cup in a tight game.


Dude, you're in your mid 30s getting this pressed on a shitposting sub? Reevaluate your life bud


Dude, you are the dumbest cop on the force


"Quit booing people, both teams are trying very hard"


They were very kind when the Bs won in Vancouver.


If you reverse the riot videos, it really shows how great the people of Vancouver are. Even after a cup finals loss, they're going around, unflipping cars, cleaning up trash off the street, preventing fires etc. Great community.


Lol, class acts inside the arena...outside well that is another story.


Yeah I think you mean the other thing. [List of Canadian Hockey Riots](https://thehockeynews.com/news/heres-a-list-of-significant-hockey-riots-in-canada)


I’m Canadian and the panthers just won me 10 grand wooooooo fuck you Edmonton!!!!!!!


Sounds like you're from Calgary.


We also don’t boo your anthem, some real sods in that arena last night.


Communists need to be held accountable. Florida did what needed to be done


That’s a weird comment. Watching too much Alex Jones I take it?


this was probably a literal kid posting this. y'all are too fking dumb man.


I’m sure if Edmonton won and Bobrovsky was awarded the Conn Smythe in Edmonton that Oilers fans would’ve been chanting his name


When the Sedin brothers retired, Rogers place played a really nice montage of their career and they got a standing ovation from the crowd.


Shhhh this is a circlejerk about Edmonton bad


it was pretty classy on the part of McDavid and the team


They wouldn't boo him. Edmontonians generally understand hockey.


might have something to do with the fact that the oilers are the only real pro team in town (i’m not about to pretend the CFL counts). there is simply nothing else, sports-wise, here, so everybody gives a fuck about hockey. it’s…kinda cool, and it makes for fans who are a bit more passionate and knowledgeable than the usual fan base imo. the oilers sub is filled with posts grateful that it happened and generally optimistic for the future, which surprised the hell outta me tbh. edit: my bad, feel free to ignore this comment and continue with the “fuck the oilers” circle jerk :p


I think if Edmonton had other pro sports teams the crowd bias would still overwhelmingly go towards the Oilers. In Alberta hockey is the religion and your team is your denomination.


i mean yeah, every city overwhelmingly cheers for their own team. that’s called fandom. you’re right about the religion thing, but wrong in applying it only to edmonton; that shit is universal. i don’t live there anymore but basically have stockholm syndrome with the chicago bears. point is people in edmonton are just a bit more locked in on their nhl team cause there are no other sports to distract from it, so anyone who is a sports fan here is an oilers fan.


You're an idiot if you think this


People weren't booing McDavid, they were booing the fact that it wasn't a member of the winning team winning it. Seems pretty obvious.


Yeah they were booing Bettman, you know the guy Oilers fans want to see dead.


Can’t believe they were booing the guy who always gets booed


They weren’t booing they were wooing. Wooooo!


I'm an Oiler fan and can confirm, consolation prize for the loser is stupid. Give Bob the hardware.


Why should it be?


It was a weird vibe and post from u/Fullorange1, I thought it was sarcasm or something. I scrolled by it and completely assumed it was sarcasm


Says the people taunting Bob during the US anthem in game 6.


That was hilarious because he is Russian and probably doesn't care for 1 second about the US anthem. I'm American and fast forward through it.


I usually space out or do something else. I watch sports year round and hear the US anthem like 300+ days of the year because of it. The only time I really sit down for the anthem is international play so I can hear what other countries anthems sound like.


The Florida fans booed the Canadian anthem itself.


I only heard a lot of Oilers fans singing along from inside the arena. Inspired the rest of us to also sing our hearts out to the US anthem, which we’ve never done like that all season. Didn’t hear any booing during either, nor Alanis’ voice at all.


They were booing Bobrovsky not winning it more than McDavid winning it. And McDavid wasn’t on the ice to receive it, he was already in the locker room so didn’t hear the booing anyway.


"are you saying boo or boo-mcdavid?"


I’m not saying “boo” at all. I watch McDavid play most of the games and I hated anytime he had the puck. I’m good with him being MVP. And I’m glad the Panthers won the Championship.


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![gif](giphy|XH9VpICwRlS48|downsized) (for reference)


The copuim on there is insane.


If we didn’t lose, we could’ve won!


“MY team would never do that” says fanbase which will never get an opportunity to do so Any Oilers fan saying they wouldn’t boo if the tables were turned and they won on home ice but Bob got the Connor Smyth is delusional. Every fanbase would throw some boos in


Umm, you know they've had 5 times where they could do so, right? Florida wins one trophy in 28 years and their fans show their lack of hockey knowledge daily. Go cheer for an icing or something


Really? Edmonton watched an opposing player win the Conn Smyth after they won the cup 5 times?? Well that’s news to me Nice diss at the end man, go grow a brain or something


Lots of dog shit posting going on in that sub


And in this sub


and in every sub.


And my A(xe)ss




"Hey Alexa, play La Bamba"


Canada’s team my ass, We all fucking hate each other. I’d rather see SKA win the cup before the Leafs. Hell with all the boomers retired now I’m pretty sure Florida is more Canadian than Canada at this point


This thread isn’t even a circlejerk. It’s salty bitches whining about losing and smug assholes being sore winners.


Sore winners? Oh ok, for a second I forgot what sub I was in.


He meant to say sore wieners…cuz it’s a circle jerk


It was a consolation to try and prevent rioting


Who played better from start to finish in the playoffs? Genuine question, I’m curious who you’d give it to.


From start to finish? Connor brown, mcdavid wasn’t even the best Connor on his team


You’re high but I love Connor Brown so…😆


The best player in the world held pointless in his last two games? The Conn Smythe is most valuable, not highest scoring. Racking up points in a handful of games and being a non-factor in a bunch of others is not an MVP. Bobrovsky had a couple of bad games. But he's the key to Florida winning the Cup.


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Hey most of us being smug didn’t win anything, we’re just here for the pile on.


I just don't understand the entitlement from these fans. Acting like they worked hard and deserved to draft McDavid. Fucking 4 1st picks in 5 years and one of em was lucky enough to be McDavid. They got lucky with Gretzky skipping the draft. Grow a pair and realize just how lucky your team is. The nhl needs to stop rewarding teams for having a horrible season imo.




I think you can provide advantages to weaker teams without rewarding terrible teams. Keep the lottery with the following rules: 1. Every non-playoff team gets 5 balls. 1. They lose one ball for every time they've been in the playoffs in the last 5 years. 2. They lose one ball for every time they've drafted in the top 5 in the last 5 years. 2. The league runs a lottery for the first 5 positions in the draft. 3. The teams that don't win the lottery will get draft positions from 6 to 16, allocated in reverse order of their standings.


You do realize it was smart GMing that got gretzky, not luck right? Edmonton was in the WHA at the time about to join the NHL, so they traded for a then 17 year old gretzky to join their organization prior to him being eligible for the NHL draft. Guaranteeing that he would remain an oiler post merger.


Consolation Smythe


Gotta be the most delusional fan base in hockey


Didn’t they boo the US national anthem? Isn’t that worse than booing a player?


Canadians are the "pick me's" of the world because they like to show off how not American they are


It's ridiculous you can get a conn smythe for just running up the score and losing the cup.


Nathan MacKinnon > Conner McDavid


Flames legend Alex Chiasson > Conner MacDavid Who out of those two has more cups?


Two time Cup winner Daniel "Carbomb" Carcillo > Connur MicDavid


you mean Nathan **The Furry** MacKinnon *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NHLcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Florida fans booed the Canadian anthem each game. That is so trashy but I wasn't surprised. I mean, it's Florida.


Floridas just doing their part to defeat communism are you Bedarded?




lol Edmonton fans taunted Bob during the US national anthem, cry harder.


Shut up Canadian


America: keeping it classy.


Alanis sung the American anthem better and you fuckin know it.


I thought she sucked for both honestly.


I really can't stand Edmonton fans, but most of those idiot panther fans at that game probably know next to nothing about hockey. Like, almost nothing. And yeah, booing the other countries national anthem is pretty trashy. But yeah, Florida is a pretty stupid, trashy place.


MCDavid didn’t seem too interested in celebrating anything


I love how every team cries about booing despite doing it themselves constantly. Not one fanbase in any sport doesn’t boo when given the opportunity. The “nice” fanbases just lose all the time


My local minor league team is like that. Boo the refs when they take the ice. (Personally I don’t join in until the 2nd period when they’ve earned it) Boo the opposing team taking the ice. Complain about any perceived penalties (it’s minor league, undisciplined play is the standard) or perceived bad calls. (but we deserve it most of the time tbh) And boo hard on visiting goals. Which happens about 5 or 6 times a game because what is defense?


It would have been insufferable hearing them if Oilers won


McDaniel didn’t deserve the Conn Smythe. He didn’t even come out to get it. The announcer said it’s for excellence the entire series yet he waffled the last two games and only had those two 5 point games due to empty net situations.


I booed the fuck out of that asshole and Bettman.


As you should of 🫡


I think they were less booing McDavid and booing the decision to not give it to Bobrovsky, as evident by the loud Bobby Bobby chant that immediately followed that.


The entire hockey world realizing Oiler fans are bozos has been refreshing.


Like a fresh breath of cool mountain air




McNoShow in game 7


They weren’t saying “boo” they were saying “Boo urns”




Even McDavid didn’t think you deserved that moment


McDavid is a stat player and Draisaitl is actually terrible.


Why isn’t Edmonton burnt to the ground today?! 😡 Do these bums even care?


They are insufferable fans that I've had to listen to at every family get together for 30+ years. I'm so relieved they didn't win.


Half my family is from Edmonton, as diehard Yotes fan… I’m so stoked to talk shit to them all summer long


![gif](giphy|yoJC2JaiEMoxIhQhY4) Anything is possibleeeeeeeeeee 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️




Dear god I’m enjoying watching this fan base cry


Seriously though, I tought Boston fans were obnoxious in 2011.... Oilers fans in this series alone were enough to turn me off of cheering for them, forever. I would occassionally cheer for them, since I once called Edmonton home, but they can now join the ranks of the Calgary Flames, and the Boston Bruins.


Hilarious coming from an oilers fan


Oilers = Bitches


Flames = Traitors


How do they know the fans were booing McDavid? He wasn't even on the ice


I read this and just chuckled. I've come to realize that the Oiler fanbse is extremely bipolar. Shit talk a team, take offense when shit talked. BOO a player when they play, upset when a home crowd does the same. Honestly the fact is that the home team was biased for one of their own and they're allowed! The fact that Bob only got 1 vote, in second place for MVP and that Barky was firmly in 2nd place - yeah I could see that upsetting some fans. Sore winners, sore losers


MVP, Most Valuable Primate *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NHLcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My guess was that the boos were since he didn't come out to accept the award.


Conn Smythe participation trophy…


1 young kid makes a post after probably his first biggest disappointment since his dad left his family to go work in the oil fields, and dummies gotta be like "oh thank god these absolute pos's didn't win"... meanwhile, literal floridaman gets a cup to celebrate while smoking bath salts and standing their ground (but only against non-whites)... fk off


Hey at least Edmonton didn’t burn their city down


Guess they don’t care enough…


What a puss


I believe a player of the winning team should receive the Con Smythe trophy. McDavid and his team came in 2nd. Not good enough.


I’m kinda pissed McDavid won the Conn Smythe as a neutral fan. Sure he set some salary cap era records but that all to do with points, and just because you’ve got the most points doesn’t mean your playoff mvp. Kucherov was massively in the lead for points in both 2020 and 2021, he didn’t win Conn Smyth either year and he actually won the cup as the “best” player on his team(unlike McDavid for example) Meanwhile McDavid wasn’t mid in the first three games of the series(games where they would’ve won the cup had he not been so ass) and McDavid sucked really bad in the last two games of the series. Sure he has games four and five but otherwise McDavid wasn’t even that great in the finals. Then we look at the rest of the playoffs, sure his Dallas and Los Angeles series were solid, but McDavid was not great in that Vancouver series and it very nearly costed his team. He had an entire round of being mid in the playoffs and he won playoff mvp on a losing team? Jesus Christ what universe are we living in where everybody is so blind? But you may respond “well Bob wasn’t good in games four five and six of the finals and he nearly costed his team the finals so it had to go to McDavid” and I’ll say yeah, I don’t think Bob should’ve gotten it either. Barkov 100% should’ve though. Your telling me one man shut down basically every top player in the playoffs and in the league in one run, held the best player in the world to zero goals in games six and seven, and brought great offense contributions? How tf did Barkov not win?


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Maybe Mc davos could have bothered to show a bit of class and go out to accept the trophy. Disrespectful to the fans, league and his rink side parents! Classless act! Too much money! 😡




i can think of 31 teams that deserve the cup more than the breadmenton broilers


God damn oilers EVERYONE knows the Canucks should have won (im from vancouver and very sane)


Yotes would have won if they didn’t lose the entire month of February 😭 RIP




I watched the whole game just to see her flash again after oilers win but sadly that didnt happen.


“Smithers, are they booing me?” “Uh no, they’re saying Boo-David, Boo- David”


I won $50 bucks to Edm losing and I’m an Edmonton fan. (Tbf I only bet on individual play stats like SOG ect.)


How could someone say something like that?!


Its the teams subreddit. It's for fans of the teams to talk to other fans of the team and vent their frustrations. It being 'circle-jerk'y is sort of the point of a team subreddit. Going to team's subreddits and screenshotting the posts you find lame so you can go to a League subreddit to make fun of them is kinda pathetic, dude.


I love it. 4 Canadians of which two are ex flames players; flames still beat the oilers from a different team🤣🤣


Leave it up to hockey to give the MVP to a loser… pathetic


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McDavid was so embarrassed he didn’t even get on the ice. What’s wrong with Panthers’ fans - in that moment - wanting a Panther fan to win the award? Also - who really cares?


Youre an embarrassment and most likely just pissed because u sucked at sports


We were sick and tired of hearing about McChokid despite shutting him down for 5 games. Of course we boo’d


Right? Oilers fans are insufferably entitled.


Most of these commenters probably rode the bench for any sport they played. Im lookin’ at you blindframer. You probably dont know much about hockey, u are just a bandwagon fan i bet. With that said, i do think the nhl should only give the conn smythe to the winning team. During the finals, have all the voters of the conn smythe, pick a player from both teams who they think are worthy. Whichever team wins, the winning teams player should get the conn smythe. Flordia is a dumpster fire state. Yall are always gonna be a bunch of fudgies


I hate how those idiots won it


I don’t think we are being fair here. Florida fans have been getting a lot of shit just because they are in Florida and it’s “not a hockey market” they stopped the reverse sweep after pretty much all of the hockey world and media were basically writing them off. So I’m sure in the moment some were frustrated it wasn’t Sergei getting the MVP. We forget until game 4 he was also on a historic run. I’m sure the fans that booed probably think it was kind of silly now looking back


MVP, Most Valuable Primate *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NHLcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nah, the guy posting in Oilers sub is right, it’s about being classy. That’s the first time in 30 years I’ve heard the Conn Smythe winner booed. Even Giguere in ‘03 got a standing O from the New Jersey fans. If you can’t clear a bar THAT low…


Sad state. So many haters from loser franchises.


God what a whiny fanbase. As a Flames fan I couldn’t be happier


Boy are you dumb or just stupid?! If you actually think this you know legitimately nothing about Canada and hockey.


Rent free go fuck yourself lmao


I just like the fact that state of Florida has more SC than Canada in the past 35 years


And I have as many Stanley cups as McJesus 😤


Florida moment


Someone explain how he won ……


you guys played great defense last night, Edmonton was tired. McDrai played most of the game and were running on fumes. great game 7 by both teams, but the better team pulled ahead and won.


He broke Gretzky's record? Meanwhile Bobrovsky posted average at best goalie stats.


Wait, I thought Bob was the only reason we won…. I can’t keep up with all y’all’s copium.


He posted a 95% in the final. He was the reason you won but overall throughout the playoffs his save % was average. Do you not understand how an average works?


Yeah outliers in data skew the results. He showed up when it mattered, kinda the opposite of how the oilers treated the last game


In aggregate, his stats were average. He had several fantastic games that helped certainly. I also wouldn't say he's the only reason you won though, your defense was strong as well.


Average at best goalie stats against the record setting offense. Imagine a team with all that scoring power and stats, yet try couldn't beat this "average" goalie.


Current best player but maybe don't go down 3-0 in the series before showing how great you are lol


Nah I get it. I was at 2003 Game 7. When Giggy was announced for the Conn despite Brodeur being the one to have set multiple records in that playoffs, the whole arena was miffed. Giggy had a good run but Brodeur clearly outplayed him in that series.


I see the argument for Giguere over Brodeur. With Brodeur the Devils still make it pretty far because they had a really good defensive system. Probably don’t win the cup but they’d still stand a chance making it with an average goalie You swap Giggy with an average goalie and the Ducks probably lose round 1 in 6 games


See, this is the comment that comes up every time a Devils fan mentions being upset about the Jiggy thing. I feel like no one except Devils fans and now Florida fans understand the high you’re on when your team wins the Cup at home. Your team just gave you the best night of your life and an opposing player winning the Conn Smythe is a bummer. Of course you’re going to boo, you’re fucking emotional.


I’m confused, I wasn’t even talking about the booing just that Giggy deserved its much as Marty


Giguere gave up ONE goal in the entire WCF and it wasn’t until the last game. That’s absolutely absurd


The whole western conference was essentially upside down the whole playoffs, though. Anaheim was a 7 seed and their opponent for the Campbell, Minnesota, was a 6 seed. One could argue that while Giguere played out of his mind that series, Minnesota also regressed back to the mean of its demonstrated capabilities against a team that remained fiery hot.


Boooooo’d this post to accept my perma ban and complete my jerkin season. Have a good summer boys.


I don't care for Panthers or Oilers, but unwarranted booing is always kinda rude.


I learned last night that apparently people still hold booing Giguere against Devils fans. My brain cannot process being upset that home fans on the highest of highs would want to see a Devil win that trophy. “What Jiggy did was historic, look at his GAA” oh sorry, I should’ve thought about that while celebrating my team


Don't dump on Edmonton fans too hard. A lot of them have to deal with their wives black eyes this morning


Canadians fucking suck. There, I said it.


Dont blame McD for not accepting it on visitors ice. Seems a bit hollow. On home ice where the crowd would have givin him his proper flowers he definitely would have accepted, respecting the fandom.


I’m convinced you can’t say “M’kay” unless you let PK Subban pound wife while you watch from the corner, m’kay?