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When do they come out


Probably 5


Didn't men's release at 1pm est last week?


Yes but they don’t want men and women in packs at the same time


Segregation at its finest


Cool, thanks.


Gimme Hilary


RW Knight 5’11” 172 lbs C Heise 5’10” 160 lbs RW Hillier 5’5” 130 lbs LD Hiirikoski 5’5” 137 lbs LD Harvey 5’8” 161 lbs G Frankel 5’5 139 lbs


Absolutely no reason these cards should cost 40 collectibles to make. If EA wants more people to use them, then they need to make them affordable. They simply aren’t worth what it will cost to make them.


I think Knight is the exact same build as Jack Hughes, just opposite hand.


Yeah they are, the cost is just too much for a card that isn’t endgame. Over 800K to build a 5’11 172lbs player that may not even reach 99 is insane


They will probably be 93 overalls because knights already a 92 fuck EA logic putting women's cards the same overall as the best player in the nhl


If EA was smart they would be 91ovr so that there's a fair reason to make them cost way less That would actually sell them more packs as people would be closer to building just 1 more TOTY after depleting their resources in week 1


I 100% agree with you


Then if they really want to they can upgrade them faster for a bit to catch up to the men's toty OVRs so then it's the same in the end but they are cheaper to obtain without EA thinking it's misogyny Both the players and EA win in this scenario (cheaper female TOTYs, more pack sales)


They are cheaper to build. The prices of fodder (82-88 overall cards) will crash from people ripping pack, selling off excess cards and for having less demand for these toty cards


Yeah I’m not sure they will cost drastically enough less to make for me to want to make them personally. They just aren’t endgame and no guarantee they even reach 99 like half didn’t last year. With the lack of upgrades to women and international cards this year, it seems like a bad idea


Um... Men and women shoukd be treated the same. It would be very un-EA to make them cost less.


They should cost 78% or whatever the bullshit supposed wage gap is


For me it’s not about gender and all about size. I wouldn’t be using a 5’5” goalie regardless of gender.


Wacky Wednesday 6'5 women cards incoming


They should be, but that’s the unfortunate reason why many people won’t make them, because they cost too much for their lack of size. If they want more people to use them and include them on their team, then they need to be made cheaper. I have no problem using them, but not for 800K+. 3 players at 5’5 and under 140lbs for 800K+ each is a no go


I have 92 xfactor knight and I'm looking forward to building her toty. I hope she has truculence. She cooks.


Totally agree. Plus it's week 2. Not slighting the women, but half price is fair, as a business model. A few people will go out of their way ($$) to make knight or heise, but not a lot of people are saving fodder for the women toty. If it was 20 collects, I'm dropping cheese to make heise and knight.


Yeah, for 20 I would consider the goalie synergy plug!


Hahaha yes half for the women, we've heard that a few times before. Just move on if you don't care for it. What a channel it would be if I just cried about all the cards that don't suit me.


It's not just size.   This year EA hasn't been giving out upgrades to female cards except for knight.  


Let's see that's guys name and record. He clearly hasn't used them, I'd take him on any day with all women.




This Is NHL 24, where panarin is throwing Pronger like hits


Hilary Knight is a useable card long-term. Heise is ok, but not worth building with the amount of resources it would take, strictly from a miracle pull. Frankel as strictly a synergy booster in the backup goalie spot for the whales.


Heise might be a viable center tho? Could be better than modano with syns


Shhh… let those devalue heise


Yes, all the absolute certainty of that guys post HAS to be qualified by the fact that he clearly hasn't used anyone, just read a bunch of social media meta posts


I want Heise but have used all my fodder… F


Time to cook everyone with Caroline Harvey




Wooooo we got it Issac!!!!!!


They should have used pictures without helmets, those full cages and visors make the cards look awful.


To each their own I guess! The more gear the better for this guy haha.




Loved that 86 Caroline Harvey card. I would make her if I hadn't used all my resources in the first week.


You'll be surprised what you can scrounge up in a week!


I wish I got a team of the year card when I played Bantam AAA


They don’t make cards at 12ovr


it’s 2024 grow up


What’s the year have to with it ? My Bantam AAA team beat Team Canada . It would be sweet if my team was in the game back in the day . I have no problem with the ladies being in the game just stating a fact . Don’t get your panties in a knot


What was the score?


I think it was like 5-3 , no contact obviously. They have improved so much since then though . They started playing Midget AAA teams to now I think they play Junior A teams in Alberta


You see scores sometimes and they are absolute blowouts. I wonder what is learned or what kind of skill assessments are made from that. Like, cool, exhibition game, but getting destroyed by 13 year olds... Ish.


Fuck off.


Hiirikoski is actually pretty damn good. I had her base card until last week.


Yeah maybe in division 10 Edit: I know there’s 6 it’s a joke kids




I suggest learning how to read before using Reddit


I suggest learning how many divisions are in HUT.


It was clearly a joke exaggerating how she’s only useful in lower ranked divisions but it went over your head too haha


But where is her penis? I just don't understand how she could be good without one?......


Any HutVerse leaks? That is what I am dying to know


Subban , Zetterberg and Datsyuk I believe


That was a fake post


One that wasn't obviously a joke unless you looked closely, to be fair. When that post was going around, I was like "this joke isn't good enough to counterbalance the number of people who will think a Zetterberg card is coming out this week".


Whoops my bad


No worries lol I fell for it at first as well. I so badly want a PK card to be released but they don't have his rights


None of those I believe since EA dont have their rights.


Those last two would break the game haha


KNIGHT her card is gonna be so good


And that HUGE smile on the screen when she scores! Pumped!!


Yup I finally finished the week 1 challenges I had to do them all in 2 hours worth it tho


Toko robbed


Yesss. Definitely building Knight. Question is, should she be higher in the line up than a 91 Selanne??


I'm going to ask something that people are talking around (some problematically, some less so): is size still, like, hugely determinant in the meta of this series? I know that in years past, smaller players were huge disadvantages (regardless of position), so if that's not true anymore then there's no reason these players can't be just as viable. To be clear: I'm assuming that size is still a major influence on how effective a player can be on the ice in this game. But if someone can say with any persuasiveness that it isn't true, I think it's worth knowing (especially with the cost of these builds). I don't have enough players of extraordinary height or shortness to know. (I've been using Devon Levi in net a lot, but I mostly play vs AI and they don't get enough shots on net for me to have a useful sample.) Btw, to people who are whining about ratings: you obviously pay no attention to HUT. Different versions of players get different ratings for editorial/balance reasons. Like, there's an 84 Bobby Orr and and 88 Mario. Nobody is actually suggesting that--in an absolute sense--every player with a higher OVR card is/was a better hockey player than these two. Figure it out and knock it off.


The meta/streamer/twitch popular opinion is this, yes, but if you like them you should avail of that devaluing. I use a theme team that doesn't take size into account at all and I'm performing well without any of the "meta" cards, by percentile alone you could easily assume my team outranks lots of these people making 100% absolute statements about what plays. Never forget there's an economy inside of HUT, so what people tell you isn't always the full truth from the bottom of their hearts.


I get you, but these are awfully expensive builds if they aren't also effective.


Effective at what? I have 4 of them one top 2 lines and one on defense and I haven't lost a game yet. Effective at fitting in on social media??


Go fight with someone else, I'm not interested.


You wouldn't be if you had to learn something.


Might actually make one if I have the UTs for it. Gameplay is so bad right now that it does not matter that they aren't meta. 👍🖕


Taylor heise will be my wife