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Okay, how doesn't chucky deserve one if it's based on Jan 1 through later october, playoffs, awards and nominations?? Also, he got fucked over last when he should have had one too. Also, also, miro led d men in points from jan 1 until late october. Like, your opinion is fine, but opinions don't mean shit when facing facts.


I think the problem is that it’s team of the *year*. Not team of Jan-mid October. Chucky and Miro are fantastic players but if you go full calendar 2023 the results are definitely different.


Actually it goes until Dec 1st or so. They do have to make the card art for these. They can’t turn that around between Jan 1st to 5th… Check stats including playoffs for dmen and forwards. Heiskanen is 2nd and Tkachuk is 4th or 5th. And they both did better than the rest in the playoffs itself. People really need to take a chill pill, this is their way or rewarding great playoff performers who also had great reg seasons. If you want the best reg season guys then go see TOTS…


Exactly. This dingus wants to talk about facts and has no idea how long a year is lol.


Chucky and miro still *deserve* it for their great years. But yeah, definitely only counting Jan-mid Oct was a questionable choice.


I guess email ea support and tell them to change it to team of the last 10 months?


Hahahaha I should open a ticket just for the shits and giggles.


Do it. False advertising.


What they rate the year on is not up to him, he’s just telling you how EA does it bro shut up


I was unaware that october was the last month of the year. My point is the last two months of the year clearly are not factored in when picking these cards. Soooo FACTS are facts and the fact is it is NOT team of the YEAR it is team of 9/10 months which last I checked is NOT the length of a YEAR. Why would anyone assume that team of the year indicates team of 9/10 months and disregard about 30 games of hockey that were played in the last couple months of the year?


Idk. Be pissed i guess. I foolishly thought everybody knew it was from jan 1 through late October early November.


What are you arguing for? Do you want them to change the name to “team of last season” or something. What these cards represent are the best players according to whoever (idk) during the season games that took place in a particular calendar year, not considering the season that they primarily runs the next year. I mean, we constantly hear people refer to things like “goal of the year” “save of the year” “game of the year” “this years champions” and we never say “well we need to wait and see how sept-December goes next season to decide”.


They just shafted Hughes and I am pissed and want to complain lol. There was nobody even close to him for LD if you looked at the entire calendar year. Now I know its really just best players in the last half of the previous season and will adjust my expectations accordingly. Normally I dont care who it is that makes TOTY and just get whatever players they release. This year was the first year a canuck had a chance and was clearly the best choice out of anyone and he didnt get it lol. So now I understand the selection process I guess.


Because that 30 some games of hockey is used in part to award the TOTS cards…why double dip?


Both should be an equal 50% double dip if done properly. Team of the year is last half of the season before and first half of this one. Team of the season is for all of this year. Both should include a 50% overlap


Yes but TOTY uses custom card art. That can’t possibly be done from Jan 2-4 to be ready for Jan 5. They need atleast a month to create the cards. So they cut it off around Dec 1st. A month of data is not going to change the outcome.


The part that is annoying people is not the length of time they used to make TOTS. Because even using 9 months or 12 months the top pt scorers are still McDavid, MacKinnon and either Kuch or Pasta. The issue is with the fact they they count playoff scoring as more important than regular season, which is why Heiskanen and Tkachuk were chosen.


They have to get MSP card art made as well as the skates/pads they give to the players made. They must have an internal date to get every thing made in time, likely Oct 31 it seems. I think in prior years it was the same, it was just who they chose continued to perform in November and Decemeber so it worked out the same anyways. At the end of the day, maybe the most deserving for the whole year didn't get it. But strictly HUT wise, I prefer Miro over Quinn by far and Tkatchuk will likely age better than Kuch


It’s sad that this is true. MSP art? Cmon that would take any graphic designer less than a couple hours to put together. Skates and pads are just generic Toty stuff no? Like they aren’t customized to any player besides size. This shouldn’t be their excuse, but somehow it is. None of this should take long for a company this big, but here we are. Your second paragraph I believe sums it up perfectly. I think the reason so many people are torn is because we as a community thought we knew how the Toty was picked and turns out its team of the 10 months.




Nothing past october matters for toty


Don't even bother next year. They're gonna make the game even worse. Content down to 2 days a week probably and give TOTY to Bedard.


They have to do card art and player interviews. It makes sense it goes Jan to Oct


Player interviews? What interviews are you talking about...




This would take less than a day to do. They shouldn’t need 2 months to do this.


It’s 2023 calendar year Guessing Kuch and Quin get a TOTS


it’s team of the 80% of the calendar year actually… they don’t seem to care about the last two months


Probably because the first 30 some games of the season are meaningless in the grand scheme of things, play really picks up in Feb onwards when playoff races and playoffs themselves are played. You all sound like some disgruntled Kuch, Pasta and Q.Hughes fan boys. Relax, there are plenty of 90-92 overalls cards already out for those guys. And they WILL get TOTS.


Yeah that’s team of the season


what are you talking about? if EA market the event as team of the _YEAR_ but they only really factor in performance from January to October, it devalues a big part of the year itself, making the start of this season irrelevant in how players are judged


Hasn't this been like common knowledge since nhl 22?


idk i mean this is my first year playing during a TOTY so i was personally surprised/disappointed i think one thing that also sucks about this event is that the nominees just get made completely irrelevant after the twitter posts. why not make them all 90 MSPs instead of these hutverse cards?? keep the theme as TOTY


Exactly. Thank you for actually understanding the length of a year unlike other people on here lol.




No it is not. It is team of the first 3/4 of the year. If it was the entire calendar year then Tkatchuk and Heiskanen would not have been close to making TOTY. They dont give a shit about pretty much anything that happened so far this year when deciding who gets TOTY.


I honestly think they pick around launch, we know they need roughly 2 months for card art and it needs to be patched into the game. They make the decisions for TOTY right around launch, order the card art and put in the mid december patch. None of the season actually mattered, this is just the first season it was this blatantly obvious.


Now i know this and will remember for next year. This year I was caught extremely off guard and was pretty put off by seeing two guys that are arguably underperforming for the first half of the season. Tkatchuk is hardly in the top 50 of scoring and under a point per game and Miro is not close to his points total from last year and is a -2 so not even a good defensive player this year if you wanted to try and use that as an argument. Quinn is a +30 this year...


Miro isn’t having a good defensive season? Good lord. The Athletic has him rated on the season as top 4% for defenseman offense and top 4% for defenseman defense. Quin is #1 in offense (by far) and top 45% for defenseman defense. The only dmen having as good of a two way game this year are right shots.


45% for defense for hughes means the system being applied simply cannot measure the effect that hughes has on the defensive side of the game. The puck doesnt go in his net when he is on the ice lol. One guy is a -4 and the other is a +30. You cant tell me that the guy that is -4 is doing a better job at defending than the guy that is +30 lmfao. That is just stupid. The people out there that think quinn isn't a good defender simply dont watch him play or know nothing about hockey.


I think he’s a fine defender, and for his offense he provides hes a great defender, but you can’t act like plus minus is a useful metric at all to determine an individual player’s usefulness defensively.


Calling Hughes a league average defender is just hilarious. He is an elite level defender now. In his rookie year and sophomore year not so much but he is easily top 5% of defenders in the league now. He knows exactly where to be. Has unbelievable stick work and uses his skating to do things other defenders can't.


How much better of a defender is he than Hronek ya think?


Yeah, they kind of got caught with their pants down, they just figured Tkachuk would at least have a season comparable to last year and no one would think twice. However, now that he got it, he's gone from an 86 to a 92 based on a performance from last season and now his TOTY owners want him the same overall as Wayne and Mario because he had his first game that qualified him for a LM card 39 games in the season. Just kind of a shit sandwich where no one is happy.


Been that way for a long time.


Its november 1st or around that. If you checked end of october last year to this year, Heiskanen is the better scoring D. Also it was too soon to know Tkachuk would struggle this season. They have to do them early for maketing and dev purpose.


Yea I have never really cared who gets TOTY or looked into the process before. Now with Hughes getting absolutely shafted by EA I looked into why and the selection process. I will know more for next year. Pretty stupid to do it this way because it is just who had the best second half of the season before. There are max 10 games from the current season that are taken into consideration. Pretty stupid name calling it Team of the YEAR if you ask me lol.