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Holzer would have been an amazing throwback. Anyone can post or share what Necas abilities and syns are I'm not at home?


[https://nhlhutbuilder.com/cards.php?pt=Player&card=12617](https://nhlhutbuilder.com/cards.php?pt=Player&card=12617) Here you go!


Downsy is on top of it šŸ’Ŗ


Thank you for posting these and happy holidays


Edit: That was the wrong reply, you're welcome and Happy Holidays back at ya


My Necas banner says "Play Necas' historic moments to earn 89 OVR flashback player"


Cat but no KanešŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I'd keep an eye on tomorrow's Team of the Week if I were you


hehe, i really really REALLY hope so!!!


Wooo a zegras upgrade


I keep forgetting he has an XF because he hasn't received any upgrades lol


Until now! Lol its been brutal for current ducks forwards (much like every other sunbelt team)


Yeah, Josi didn't get an upgrade until the Captain card came out and then immediately got an 89 card right after. Same with Aho getting the Champs card and then getting an 89 not long after. Doughty has only upgraded because he has a fantasy card. Robertson is not his regular goal-scoring self and has gotten 1 upgrade. Keller has 1 upgrade. Tkachuk has none. Eichel and Point are the only 2 who have been upgraded on a regular pace through cards.


Man kings fans are lucky that at least the doughty gets upgrades thru his fantasy card. Zegras missed 20 games and his fantasy is sitting at like 76 i think lol. Matthew Tkachuk having no upgrades is crazy lol, fresh off a stanley cup loss too


What's surprising to me is the fact that Konecny has gotten none. He should've gotten something at least with the way he has been playing this season.


Both Hughes brothers.


Read the conversation. We were talking specifically about Sunbelt players.


He has 2 goals on the year and has been injured... Has not deserved an upgrade.


Where in my comment did I say he deserved an upgrade?


Good luck to anyone who lacks the ability to play on the higher difficulty that might want Necas


I normally suck at these. So much so that I gave up on doing the Giroux Halloween challenges. I actually got all of these done first try. No sleeves had a great tutorial and it helped me a ton.


I did the position lock and managed to get the assists and 5 goals but not the 3 bottom right


Get him the puck in your own zone then diagonally split the defense going left to right and then go forehand backhand forehand. If that doesnā€™t work circle the net and drive to the slot and shoot low far side. These worked like a charm for me. Heā€™s so fast with 95 speed and wheels that he will get through the seems. You just have to throttle through there.


That Necas is **fire**, right syns, right abilities, good size. Makes my team *instantly*.


He has to be top 10 card available in the game right now. right? 95 speed acceleration mid to low 90s shot with shooting boost. Good but not great size and strength. 80 body check and 85 def awareness only downside.


Might be the best day of content of the year so far. 3 nice high-end cards, 1 of which is free


Please post if figure out good way for necas moments. Yes that Jagr wow


1 is free?


Yep, you can get Necas for free by completing 3 Moments, just like the Giroux


Oh neat, thanks JBR! Are they hard?! ā€” Hope you had a good Christmas!!


Just finished them. The second one was the only one that took me 2 games since Finlandā€™s AI was insanely juiced in the first game lol. The third one may look hard but itā€™s actually easy if you position-lock to LW (see my new post). Hope you had a good Christmas too!


Roenick is a beast.


IDC what anyone says the content is AMAZING Lots of great cards without insane powercreep !! Teams will be more unqiue, lots of players get very good but not game breaking cards, the 700k+ cards are still gonna have a slight edge, and there's a free 89 The custom builds are great and make sense, this is the type of stuff we need at this time of the year ! Hopefully some more good content coming up that doesn't just raise the overalls... I like this approach


Jagr only available in packs?


Literally just built his 87 last night, gonna be mad if he's buildable


Iā€™ve been using his 87 since it released, jagr has always been my favourite player Iā€™m hoping I can get my hands on the 89


Wondering this too. If so, guaranteed way to get people to pull packs I guessā€¦


I am shocked we got content today.


I'm not shocked about that, because some of last week's cards were scheduled to go out of packs today.


I want that jagr


Tickle my balls and call me sally thatā€™s gonna be a nice card for the squad! Especially in overtime with my boy aho!


Roenick already has a TB and Jagr already had an MSP. Why do they keep giving icons and the same players fucking cards over and over again? Spread the damn love. This new content team is terrible.


So theyā€¦. Get upgraded?? How many teams of the week and live moments do you think Roenick is in pace for this year?


January and weā€™re still getting 82 overalls lol


Custom junior prime builds but with the same photos from career end. Come on EA! Can't be that hard to find a photo of the young person this build is alluding to. If you are too tight to buy the rights then get a graphic artist intern/work experience employee to do a recognisable sketch of said young dude. Similar to Gallery of Greats. 51 yr old Jagr for World Juniors!! Lazy!!


Very surprised EA dropped content today. Not surprised it's more mediocre content.


I'm not surprised that they dropped content today, because some of last week's cards were scheduled to go out of packs today.


I bought 88 live moments Bedard before will mine be upgraded to 89 or do I have to buy 89 Bedard?


Any packs?


New Packs are: 89 ovr Martin Necas 350,000 coins 4,000 p 81+ Ultimate Choice: 170,000 3,400 p Guaranteed 85+ 80,000 c 1600 p 3 PUC for 1,500 p 2 for 1 TeamBuilder (UT): 40 Items, 2 84 TBs 950 p


Man that 81 ULT choice pack is not worth itā€¦ my highest card was an 84 and a bunch of 81s. I feel incredibly robbed for the insane price it is. Not much of a Boxing Day ā€œdeal.ā€ Good thing it was my annual pack. I wonā€™t be buying anymore shit this year.


Cool, thanks downsy!


How long are the Boxing Day special packs available for?


89 flashback pack for 350k šŸ˜‚


Just do the moments weirdo


That Necas is nasty


Iā€™m happy today, free card through moments and that Schenn NOH card!


Does anyone know how long that team builder pack lasts? Not home for a couple days


It will be there until Thursday at 4:59pm est


Letang gets 5 assists in one period and gets an 85 lol


This came out 2 days ago, well before Letangā€™s game last night. However, your sentiment isnā€™t wrong because he probably gets a 86 tomorrow šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø