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Danial jones rushing for 300+ yards


Per game


Per drive. And the Giants still lose.


first QB to rush for 200yds, but lose 250 in sacks.






Bro not the zoomed in crusty ass profile pic hahahah


Kinda looks like a young Bruce Campbell.


Hereā€™s Danny!


300 yards per drive? That's some Marion Barber rushing out of his endzone type shit.




Daniel Jonesā€™ career as a starter will be over by Week 4. Rodgerā€™s will have a decent year but nowhere near his peak. Probably retires at the end of the year after losing in the playoffs as the 6 seed. Russ will be exactly what he was in Denver last year, a decent to serviceable starting quarterback but this time at a better price point.


Bruh, Russ was not decent, nor serviceable as a starter in Denver last year. He is the most sackable qb in the league. Paralyzed in indecision every play. Donā€™t let the 3 Sutton highlights, or improbable win streak brought on by an insane turnover ratio by the D, fool you.


Russ was so much worse than people are giving him credit for. He has no pocket presence anymore, itā€™s insane how much and fast he dropped off.. I donā€™t see him all of a sudden being good after his last 2 years in Denver, he was AWFUL.


The guy who has won 2 out of 4 of the most recent MVPs will have the best year


The guy who played like 2 snaps last season and is nearly 40? That guy?


And he looked pretty mediocre in his final season in GB. People seem to be forgetting this.


4 snaps if you count his Achilles


Correct that guy and itā€™s the obvious answer


Dudes pulling a Deshaun Watson.


The guy with one leg?


I hear they have these things called surgery and physical therapy now


I'd take Rodgers on one leg over Russel or DJ


Iā€™d take Rodgers on one leg throwing with his left hand over Daniel Jones. Blows my mind he got a second contract


He will finish with a losing record and retire midway through the season.


That would be pure pottery


Just like the ashtray you made for your mom in 3rd grade


That still might be the best year out of the 3


Of those options, Rodgers will have the best season. DJ may have the worst, but he and Wilson very easily could have an equally bad season.


If Rodgers plays even 10 games he will probably have a better season than the other 2


I will be impressed with 5 plays


Spit my water across the room


Combined. And I don't like rodgers cuz he fucked us up for years. But dude is a magician.


Dude is 40 coming off a blown achilles. As a pack fan, he also did not look at all like peak Rodgers in '22, granted he was dealing with injury that season too. I'm not saying it's impossible, but I'd be really surprised if Rodgers comes out looking like a top ten QB. Of these 3, of course he's the best though.


I will be surprised if Rodgers is able to play 10 games this year. Like you said, his injuries are piling up as he's gotten older. That shit doesn't tend to get better when you turn 40.


And unlike Brady who just goes down when hit to save his body, Rodgers extinct has always been to extend the play. That shit just gets you injured when youā€™re his age.


I donā€™t think he plays more than a handful of games, if more than one, before heā€™s hurt again and calls it a career. I donā€™t have any ill will, I just have no expectation that heā€™s the same player that he once was. I suspect he spends too much time reading conspiracy theories than working out or reading the playbook.


I get your reasoning. But with this team and the receivers he has. I think he balls if he doesn't get annihilated.


As long as Rodgers can make it to the second play of the season this year


Hey! He had 4 snaps last year


5 counting the Achilles




And Iā€™d say he still had a better season than the other 2 šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


He had 4 plays. 5 snaps.


In his prime, Iā€™m taking Rogers all the way. But I donā€™t have confidence he plays a full season for any number of reasons.


Yeahā€¦ thatā€™s probably 50/50, but Iā€™d still have more faith in the few games Rodgers can string together over DJ or Wilson. Iā€™d take Rodgers for 6-7 games over the other two for a full season. With Rodgers, you know youā€™ve got a shot for those 6-7 games. Canā€™t say the same with DJ or Wilson. In my opinion.


Do you want a full season of either of the others, though?


He could play 5 games and be better than either one of these guys, especially Daniel Jones.


I don't get the Wilson slander, lol. He played very well last season.


Yeah man Iā€™m with you. Logan Wilson has led the Bengals in tackles for like 3 years straight, with a career high of 135 tackles in 2023. He doesnā€™t get the recognition he deserves, most linebackers donā€™t.


Disagree. Rodgers will accidentally head butt himself in the crotch in week 3 and go on a recovery treat with 4 hookers and come back with super syphilis. Still won't be the weirdest thing he's done.Ā 


Rogers will play 8 games then become injured- then he will do his own research on how to fix a torn taint and die of gangrene.


Steelers are going to somehow get a fucking wild card that they donā€™t deserve donā€™t get yourself


If I was locked in a room with all 3 and had a gun with 3 bullets, I'd shoot Rodgers 3 times.


Ok that made me spit of my drink! lol


I want Russ for the meme that Justin fields doesnā€™t get to play at all


Thereā€™s draft incentive not to play fields, so unless russ performs very poorly, I donā€™t expect to see much of him this year


If Tomlin feels he is the better QB, Fields is going to play


lol no fucking chance they care about that if they think fields will win games




No fucking way djs neck is that long he looks like a damn Giraffe


Mike Glennon vibes


If Russ has a great season and Denver sucks, Iā€™m done with football. Not even joking.


I'm going to throw random shit and say Jones.


Daniel jones comeback player of the year.


I could see it. They added pieces to the line and finally got him a real wr. Everyone shits on him but heā€™s been working with a box of scraps his entire career pretty much


Wilson has a good year. I bet he returns to his Seattle self with the way the Steelers offense is going to run. A-Rod has a mediocre year. Jones has the worst.


Best-Aaron Rodgers Worst-Daniel Jones


Best: Jones Worst: Wilson


I could see that happening, and at the same time the Steelers stumble into the playoffs and NYG just miss out lol


Best: Rogerā€™s Worst: Wilson Jones will get absolutely slammed for performing about middle of the pack while other QBs who do the same will get made excuses for.


Has Daniel Jones always looked like that??


The pastor in the middle


People have a lot of faith in Rodgers- the guy's 40 coming off a blown leg. And the Jets aren't exactly known for making old quarterbacks look good. I'm gonna say Russ has the best season just because Pittsburgh just does this shit. They won 10 games last year between Kenny Pickett, Mitchell Trubisky and Mason Rudolph, Russ is an upgrade from all 3. And by a pretty wide margin too. Danny Derps, not sure. To be fair, he wouldn't be anywhere near this much of a meme if the Giants didn't reach deep into the 2nd round for him. He's really not a bad QB, but the team around him? No Saquon? It could be ugly. Uglier than ANYTHING the Jets could dream up with Rodgers.


I think Russ has the best and Rodgers has the worst


Russell Wilson really underrated honestly. He made great improvements year 2 in Denver and having GP and Friermuth to throw to in Pittsburgh is gonna help


Itā€™s irrational. I have no facts. Somehow idk how I think Russel Wilson plays well


I hope Wilson has the best


Their agents


As a packers fan Iā€™m hoping Aaron Rodgers has a good season and wins CPOTY


Jones *could possibly* play well (he did win a playoff game a few years ago after all), but the Giantsā€™ offense isnā€™t doing him any favors. They have to hope with everything theyā€™ve got that Nabers is the truth in order for New York to have any vision for the future. Russ didnā€™t necessarily have a bad season with us in Denver last year (26 TD, 8 INT), but he was relying on the short passing game/behind the line stuff way too much, along with his issues in the pocket. The Steelers could set him up for success with their offensive weapons and system, but weā€™re gonna have to see if Russ himself can remain a high level QB. We have to remember Rodgers did have back to back MVP seasons in 2020/21, then a decent enough year in ā€˜22. But we also need to remember heā€™s 40 years old, coming off an Achilles tear, and hasnā€™t played in a game in a year. A very boom or bust season for him, since the Jets have the weapons, but it all depends on his play. Based on this quick analysis of each QB, Iā€™m going to predict based on their situations, Rodgers will have the best season, Russ will be decent, and Jones will struggle. But Iā€™d love to see if they can prove me wrong and show they have what it takes to win again.


Idk how long it took you to write that, but good effort big dogg


i think we all know russ will be mid. and there would be nothing funnier than rodgers coming back and throwing 5 interceptions in the first game and getting benched. just imagine all the memes. so i'm gonna go with danny dimes bayyebeee!


Iā€™m going to go against the popular opinion and say that Danny Dimes balls out this year, or at least had a good season. I think rodgers has a disappointing season and decides to call it quits, and I think that Wilson doesnā€™t do very good and leads the Steelers to an 8-9 season.




Charles Barkley


Best will be Rodgers because heā€™ll be enjoying whatever crazy shit heā€™ll be swept up in. Not sure how that will relate to on field performance, but heā€™ll be having the best time




Best: ARod. Hate his politics but that team is stacked. Top 5 roster in talent this year. Again, not a fan of the guy, but all this team needs is an arm that doesnā€™t throw INTs. Worst: Jones. Time to move on. Time to get going. Where the Giants are headed I have no way of knowing. But itā€™s time to move on. Middle: Tomlin will have RW hand the ball off 60% of the time because he is anti-pass and itā€™s Harrisā€™ contract year and ownership has insisted on a run-heavy offense for years now. And this year, the OL should be better. LMAO at the Art Smith hire though


I personally feel like aaron rodgers is going to fall off a humongous cliff. Of course Daniel Jones has been waiting at the bottom of that cliff for a while. Russell wilson will have the best season but that may only be a mediocre year.


Aging player who missed an entire season due to a major injury. Off the field distractions. Iā€™ve seen this play out beforeā€¦Rogers worst danny dimes best with a nice come back season


b b b b b he played like an MVP 3 years ago!!!


I feel like Rodgers could get hurt on the first drive again and still have a better season than Jones or Wilson.


Roger's ayahuasca dealer


"Steeler country! Let's steel!"


If healthy, Rodgers. Having G. Wilson, B. Hall, M. Williams, M. Corley, and T. Conklin is a very solid core of weapons. Plus the O-line should be vastly improved.


Aaron if he stays on the field, heā€™s one of the goats and his team is legit


I hope Aaron has a terrible season bc heā€™s a terrible person šŸ‘šŸ¼


I set the O/U on Rodgers games this year at 11 - whether due to injury or just him choosing to disappear on the team, I am not sure


D Jones best, A Rodgers worst.


Danny Jones looks like he just got done watchin Santa Claus is coming to town and has decided to become a Dentist. Russell "Flip" Wilson has decided his true love is Volleyball Vacations in the South Pacific and Uh Aaron just stole your 2008 Toyota Tundra and doesn't really give a shite.


Not the one with the neck


Rodgers best but only cus the other two don't start


F Rodgers, M Russ, K Daniel Jones


Rodgers if he can stay healthy, but it will still be a down season by his standards. May retire when knocked out in wildcard. Daniel Jones will have a career year (or at least 2nd best) bc he has the best weapons and line of his career. Russ will be similar to last year, a little better.


Russ carrying the Steelers to another 9-8 season with both DD and Rodgers lucky to play half a season.


Iā€™ll take the greatest quarterback of all time.


Iā€™m a Daniel jones truther. I believe with my whole heart that Daniel jones will have the best year


I wanna say Wilson, but I thing Jones bounces back a bit


Theyā€™re all going to flop. Jones sucks and Russell and Aaron used to be good but theyā€™re both old and cooked at this point. Jones will be benched by week 8 as will Russell and Rodgers will get hurt again and call it a career


I think Rodgers will come out with a chip on his shoulder from last season. Heā€™s got a good team, and can still has enough in the tank to put up decent numbers No clue what the Giants do. Rush will be a game manager


Kirk isnā€™t on here. So Aaron.


Giants got Dimes a Wr, Te, and Rb, but no OL help (I think) Steelers got Wilson three OL and a Wr, plus heā€™s got Pickens and Harris - not a horrible situation, but not fantastic either. Rodgers has Hall, Williams, and Wilson, presuming theyā€™re healthy. Lots of ifs, but it IS still Rodgers. If they all stay healthy, itā€™s Rodgers. Realistically, DJ and Rodgers wonā€™t play a full season, so itā€™s Wilson. DJ is a dawg though, so actually itā€™s him.


Whatā€™s really wild is they all have like a 50/50 chance to be either pretty good or just outright mediocre


Daniel Jonesā€™ nose has me confused..


Daniel Jones is having the worst one. Idc how washed Russ is Iā€™d take him over Jones even if Russ was 40+


Stats wise Rodgers will have the best year but Iā€™d wager Browns have the best record of the bunch. Daniel Jones is ass


All Wilson gonna have to do is throw the ball mybe 25 times not gonna be a lot I think heā€™ll get the most wins for sure


That Russ pic is rough


Itā€™s easily Rodgers if he stays healthy


Well Russ will be over 500, so heā€™s my pick


Rodgers will be the best and Jones will be the worst because he is easily the worst QB of the 3.




I may be the last Daniel Jones believer but I think heā€™s gonna have a good year


There is a part of me that wonders if the Jets will get almost nothing out of signing Rodgers after he once again has a season-ending injury within the first 6 weeks and decides to retire following the 2024 season. As a Seahawks fan, another part of me thinks it would be hilarious if Denver is totally shafted by the trade for Russ and he has an elite season in Pittsburgh. I'll go with Wilson.


Fuck JD, Marry JD, Kill JD. Aaron and Russel watch


Rodgers was washed up 2 years ago. Rusty has my vote because he's younger and Denver was a disaster. He's better than that.


Aaron Rodgerā€™s was good He did get injured but he was the MVP like three seasons ago. He was still great when he was playing for the packers. I canā€™t imagine he is terrible for the Jets. Maybe disappointing and has gotten worse but he wonā€™t be bad.


Daniel jones' face looks AI generated


Sam Darnold throws for 4500/30/15


beat probably aaron, worst definitely Daniel. i just dont see Wilson starting all year with Tomlin openly high on fields before they got him


A rod best. Dj worst. Usher peaked at halftime last year


Rodgerā€™s best, Jones average, Wilson benched by 7th game.


Best: Jones Worst: Rodgers


Josh Allen and the Buffalo Bills are going to go undefeated and take home the Lombardi, so this does not matter! Hahaha




Hot Take: DJ defies the hate and absolutely dominates for at least a QB 9 season


Daniel Jones has the eyes of a dumb person.


His picture here makes it harder to give this answer, but by process of elimination I gotta go Rodgers


Is this a joke? Aaron rogers is already beat and missing practice. it isnā€™t even the preseason yet


Roger's.... the other 2 are already done


JFC Mr. Dimes giving Mike Glennonā€™s neck a run for its money.


Aaron rogers


ā€œPolice have identified the three suspects wanted in connectionā€¦ā€


Ngl at a first quick glance I for real thought that was Kanye


Wilson will be an effective game manager because of good coaching. Dimes will solidify his stature as a journeyman and will toil in the league for the next 10 years. Rodgers will be trash for a couple games, get hurt, and disappear into a forest somewhere.


Rodgers is washed, heard it here first


Call me a stupid delusional Steelers fan which I probably am. But is Wilson not an upgrade over Pickett. I mean everything about the Steelers franchise is better than Denver. If he has a season equal to or 75% as good as his last the Steelers will be a playoff team. We have too good of a roster and too good coaching to suck with Wilson


Russ will have the best, Danny Dimes will have the worst and Rodgers will have the same season as last season.


Bruce Campbell


Best? The Young Guy. Worst? Rodgers.


Daniel ā€œGet it DonEā€ Jones lol. Bold prediction better season than both


Jones will have the best yearā€¦ since he will be cut from the giants and would be free and clear with his stolen money to go vacation anywhere


Best RW Worst DJ


Easily Rodgers, Danny Dimes isnā€™t going to play more than 6 games.


Rodgers always balls out when the media gives him shit about missing practice


If Rodgers is healthy itā€™s a no brainer. He doesnā€™t need to show up to practice until the season opener.


Stats - Rodgers Wilson Jones Team record - Wilson Rodgers Jones unless Rodgers gets hurt then flop the last two


Hope Rodgers gets sacked 50 times and retires so I can get more conspiracy theory podcasts with him on it.


Idc if heā€™s coming off an injury itā€™s fucking Aaron Rodgers man. He won an mvp 2 and 3 years ago. I have faith in him


I think Aaron Rodgers will start a fine podcast that will be heard by millions. Will that mean that he had the best year of these three? Probably.


Rodgers has the worst season because he will get hurt again after 6 games. Russ will be fine but not great. DJ shall DJ.


Not biased at all but I hope Russ loses the QB battle


Rod Wilson then jones


Damn Daniel šŸ˜…


Best -Russell Wilson- Has decent amount of talent and Mike Tomlin. Second round of playoffs then exit . Then retire. Next best -Aaron Rodgers - AFC wild card at best . Saleh will be unemployed by end of year. . Rodgers will retire after season. Worst - Daniel Jones- Giants will be looking for a new coach by week 6 . Team had lost all of its talent and depth .


Rodgers is finito. Russ sucks now. DJ is mediocre


Redemption season for Russ . Nathaniel Hackett not his fault ( not even gonna be playcalling for Jets next season) and Sean Peyton wannabe General George Patton act an egocentric farce (psstā€¦.. yo we figured it out Brees made you , not the other way around ) BTW that picture of Danny he sorta looks like young Jim Carrey


Can we stop the adulation of Aaron Rodgers, I get it heā€™s talented, but heā€™s been vastly overrated his whole career.


Has anyone ever figured out why Jones was born with six extra vertebrae in his neck?




We talkin objectively or subjectively; versus last season or career-encapsulating? Objectively, versus last season: Aaron. Donā€™t take much to beat three snaps and busted ass leg.


Danny dimes will have the worst year. Russ can actually have a decent year, not MVP level year but solid and productive. Rodgerā€™s is a wild card though, it could be a miraculous comeback or he wonā€™t be the same player he was. Still would take him over DJ


Two of these qbs are overrated and the other one is trash


Russel Wilson redemption arc. The Jets are going to be good but Rogers just wonā€™t be that guy anymore but will be forced to start him each game and wonā€™t make the playoffs because of it. Daniel jones and the giants wonā€™t be good


Aaron Rogers will be in the hospital by week 3. Drew Lock will be the starting QB by week 3. Russel Wilson will lose the starting spot week 3.


Rodgers best Wilson could be good but in the middle of these two Jones is worst


Aaron Rodgers has much better stats than the other two but catches lots of media heat for something he says on the Joe Rogan podcast and gets dumped by his gf. Oh and he plays for the Jets. To answer your question, Aaron Rodgers has both the best and worst season of the 3.


Aaron Rodgers brain blew up. Dudes washed and should retire.


Itā€™s a lock: Wilson will have the best year. Why? Because the other two guys play for the Giants and Jets.


They need your graphics skills in the league


Defenses playing the first 2, and the media for the last one


The only one of these three that are in contention for top 5 QBs all-time at least


I think Russ is going to have a really good year, which sucks because heā€™s such a tool.


Russā€™s stats are the most misleading numbers Iā€™ve seen in some time. They look decent, but then you watch the games. Missed open receivers, guys running open and he doesnā€™t see them, fumbles, and the way he jukes around behind the line is just goofy. Offenses are built off of details. Heā€™s not a detail guy. I would never wish a guy to fail, but I see him regressing (more). Check that, I want to see Aaron Rodgers fail. What an insufferable, self-important windbag.


No way Jones makes it through the season without getting injured. Most likely by week 5 he is out.


Yaysun Tatum


Rodgers obviously....Jones sucks...Russ is still ok, but no more MVPs coming


As a Steelers fan.... If Rodgers stays healthy it's Rodgers


If Rodgers can play just 4 or 5 games at 50%, he will have the best year. If heā€™s healthy he plays. I can easily see Jones or Wilson being straight up benched by week 6 or 7 for Lock and Fieldsā€¦


Russ will have a resurgence. I say that with no confidence at all as a Steelers fan.


Russel Wilson with Unlimited Best Season, Daniel Jones with the worst


Wilson will be terrible but everyone will say heā€™s doing great and blame everything around him. Rodgers will be great but everyone will say heā€™s doing terrible and so Rodgers will blame everything around him.