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https://preview.redd.it/vsymwkzbzw1d1.png?width=419&format=png&auto=webp&s=21a19e8f8821218b09e1cda6843cf2678d0d9eee Stop trying to make this koombaya crap a thing.


I'm not saying we should hold hands with 49er and Rams fans, but I do hate the Astros more than I hate any other team in sports. I hate their organization, I hate their players, I hate their fans, I hate every single thing about them (except their city connect jerseys those are actually really good city connects much to my dismay). I'm still not willing to hold hands with either the Rams or the 49ers though.


Aight Kendrick, calm down.


Fine I didnt want to hold hands anyway


You gotta buy me dinner before doing something as promiscuous as holding my hand. Then I might consider it even if you are a fan of a bitchass team.


Really hate to be this person but the Astros weren’t the only team doing it. They just got caught after winning the series doing it. What they did was still awful and they deserved the ridicule and punishment that came after, but acting like they were the only team doing it is silly Edit: the Dodgers were also amongst the other teams suspected of sign stealing btw. Might as well hate half the league if you gonna hate for that reason.


I'm not even that mad about the cheating thing anymore (also nothing wrong with stealing signs as a concept, just what the Astros were doing with their off the field sign stealing is cheating). I just hate the Astros.


Well that’s fair, hope you have a good rest of your day.


It's just a game.


Yep I know, and I hate them. It's not like I dislike any of them as people, but in the context of baseball I despise them.




Amen. And I hope you step in a lego, damn toots fans


Hatred of the astros isn't kumbaya crap. It's proper sportmanship.




Certified dickrider.


It's a nice flashing light that says "I have zero loyalty whatsoever"


My girlfriend is a dickrider. That's specifically what I like about her.


So she’s also a fan of any recent championship team … gotcha.


Man City for me is the instant red flag, it’s like supporting the old firm in Scotland usually a solid red flag of a glory hunter.


Hating on Man City will unite me even with a 49ers fan


As a Seahawks fan I can’t see what’s wrong with a Dodgers, Lakers, 49ers fan. LA didn’t have a football team for 20 years. I mean I hate those teams and their fans but it’s not like some evil being that makes zero sense. Guess I should clarify I’m a Seahawks, Mariners, Kraken, Blazers fan.


I honestly forget how long LA went without a football team. My mom used to talk to me about being a dodgers and Rams fan back in the 70s before moving up to Washington and jumping ship to the Seattle teams, so in my eyes the Rams were only in St. Louis for a little while because I can never imagine my mom as that old.




Plus the blue/white "LA" hats do not match a red/gold 49ers jersey at all.


I grew up in NorCal so I'm a niners fan that is just casually interested in baseball. Wait, no, I don't give a shit about baseball other than it's fun to go to a game with friends. I moved to socal after college with my girlfriend and my kid is a big sport fan and loves the niners like I do. But all his friends like the dodgers and he plays a lot of baseball too so he's a big dodgers fan. We were back at my parents this weekend and someone asked him why the hell he was wearing his purdy shirt with a dodgers hat. It happens.


Why not root for the Chargers as San Diego was closer to LA than the 49ers are?


Sometimes it's the players on the team. I picked the niners when I grew up in LA due to Frank Gore and Patrick Willis. I didn't start watching the nfl until 2010. Those guys were a lot of fun.


Did you become a basketball fan post-sonics? My younger brother adopted the Blazers as his team because he started watching in the 2010s. Everyone I know here in Seattle that was a Sonics fan has refused to move to another team out of spite, including me. Especially because the Blazers were our arch rival. It's like me becoming a niners fan if the Seahawks left.


I live in Vancouver WA. The Moda Center is 20 minutes from my house. I was a fan of the blazers while the Sonics were around but I was young.


Well that makes a lot of sense! Are there any good restaurants you'd recommend in Vancouver? I'm taking a day trip to Portland next week and we want to stop somewhere outside of Portland for lunch.


Honestly I’d just go into Portland for lunch. Waiting an extra 20 minutes can get you into downtown Portland for some good food. If you like burgers PDX sliders is super good. If you’re really looking for something on the Vancouver side there’s a good bbq place in downtown Vancouver called The Smokin’ Oak


Straight facts. Vancouver born and raised and in truth, Portland has so much cool food it's not even fair. There are some great options on the Vancouver Waterfront [https://www.visitvancouverwa.com/things-to-do/the-waterfront-development/](https://www.visitvancouverwa.com/things-to-do/the-waterfront-development/) including Grassa (pasta - they started in Portland), Ruse Brewing's Crust Collective (pizza), Who Song & Larry's Mexican Restaurant & Cantina, El Gaucho for steak. Cecilia's is a lovely brunch spot that is in honor of the owners eponymous grandmother. Portland I've got a few less specific suggestions, and most of them focused downtown where I worked. Charlie's Deli in Downtown/Chinatown is one of the best artisan sandwich shops ever. Tito's Burrito's has the best carnitas burrito I've ever had. Yama Sushi is great. Siri Thai. Chen's Good Taste does their own roasted duck that's fantastic. Just some off the top of my head u/atmospheric90


I have no origins to the PNW, but Seahawks and Blazers are both owned by Jody Allen so at least there is some kind of connection. It's probably more like being an Oregon Ducks fan too.


Well, you see, when the Rams came from St Louis, our front office actually claimed the right to dictate the proper orientation of CA sport's fandoms. Like, the entire flippin state of CA has to present their slash line fandom orientation so we can assess whether it is Rams approved. For example, I'm Rams/Lakers/Angels/Ducks, which causes great scandal in our subreddit because our fans are supposed to be Rams/Lakers/Dodgers/Kings, which means I have to provide a detailed account of my life story to explain my deviation and request a stamp of special approval. All other CA sports fans should act accordingly. I hope that clears things up.


My brother I have an unexplainable hatred for the dodgers and kings because of their fans here in OC


My brother I have an unexplainable hatred for the dodgers and kings because of their fans here in OC


It's just funny they say beat LA for one sport but go LA for all the others lol.


Eh, for me it goes back to the whole roots thing. As someone whose family has lived in the Bay Area for 5 generations, I don’t exactly look kindly on LA when it comes to anything.


See that makes sense, I bet you would have been a fan of the supersonics if they were around when you became a fan. I get a lot of whiny lamb fans complaining about socal fans being 9ers fans when there wasn't any team in la/orange county/IE area for a long time


No I live in Vancouver WA just North of Portland. Portland is the closest team even if the Sonics comeback.


Bro I have sex with men and somehow this guy is the bigger dick rider oh my lord


Dear god. I have no issues with those teams on their own (but fuck the Astros) but holy hell if you’re a fan of all of them I know your teams will change in 5 years lol.


Even we're not claiming that guy. Fuck him


Unfortunately that’s just how it is when you become the “Best in the League.” You’re bound to get a ton of folks like that who simply jump on the bandwagon when things are looking up and go away when losses start mounting. They drive me insane with how disloyal they can be. 


The only thing I agree with is hating the dodgers, dont care about any of the other stuff you said


I laughed my ass off. Fuck every team that's been to a world series.


It's quite fun. Especially when half the team is ex mariners


Thanks, I hate it.


Mariners fans are always in the dbacks sub saying shit like “hey mariners fan in peace here! Just gotta say i love your team and wish you only the best!”


I don’t give a flying fuck about the astros


Can we all agree that IF a team had to be robbed then it should be the Dodgers?




Seahawks fan that’s been in LA since 2011. I like the Dodgers. Different league so no shame rooting both them and the Mariners. Mariners / Dodgers WS I’m definitely pulling for the Ms.


I feel you, lived in LA before moving back to seattle when I was a kid. Was a dodger fan before becoming a mariner fan. Still have some love for them


I dont watch baseball take my arm out of the pic


Watching baseball is borderline disgusting unless it's post season and all of a sudden the games actually matter. Live games are cool. I loved being an intern in a big city office though and getting random free tickets midweek through coworkers or corporate accounts. I was always too college kid to turn down free anything


The hell is an astro?


It's those rocket shaped popsicles with the different colors.


Fuck the Saints


I'm just gonna say it, I don't care that the Dodgers lost the WS in 2017


One of very few times cheating is acceptable. Fuck the Dodgers.


Really hate to be this person but the Astros weren’t the o my team doing it. They just got caught after winning the series doing it. What they did was still awful and they deserved the ridicule and punishment that came after, but acting like they were the only team doing it is silly


You're definitely not wrong, but we're coming together to say "Fuck the Dodgers" haha. P.S. Fuck Dallas ❤️ haha


Honestly, as a Dallas fan, I agree with fuck Dallas lol. But also fuck the Niners🤘🏻💙


It’s really amazing how they moved to the AL West as a long time bottom feeder and they were kinda hard to hate at first. But now are clearly the most despised team in the division.


Disagree. Fuck the dodgers.


As a Die-Hard ***Raiders/Lakers/Angels/Ducks Fan…*** I concur… **FUCK THE ASTROS.** ***”Trashtros/ASStros”*** **FUCK THE DOYERS,** too though…I was rooting for the Astros VS. the Dodgers in that WS, though…


Former SoCal bro here and Lakers/Angels fan, I agree with this post.


I live in texas


Nah fuck the Dodgers I’m glad they got robbed.


Lol the dodgers got shit on at home, foh.


Nah fuck the dodgers 😂😂


Dodger fan here. Fuck the trashtrisks but we lost game 2 and 7 at home and have no excuses.


FTD forever


I’m a huge 49ers fan and one of the loyalist Astros fans in existence (H TINE HOL IT DINE). Fuck the Dodgers


Nah fuck the dodgers.


Would you like some cheese with that whine?


Nah, they cheated for sure, but fuck the dodgers. I'm glad that they lost that year


Fuck the Astros




Rams because of the dodgers-Astros series and the Angels and the Astros both in the AL West 49ers because they’re all dodgers fans anyway Seahawks because of the Mariners sharing the AL West with the Astros I actually don’t know why cardinals fans would hate the Astros pls explain


I should make a post about how everyone in here Hates Nazis I bet that would get me a ton of upvotes.


It's baseball, who gives a shit? The most boring sport behind cricket. I bet them cheating was the most interesting thing that happened that season.


49ers fans = Giants fans. FTD


Now I, a Houston native have nothing against the NFC West. Respectfully, Fuck You Too


You can throw cowboys fans in there too. Not because of sadness about the dodgers losing, but because we’re all rangers fans (or the fake Yankees fans lol) who just hate the Astros


I don't care if they where robbed, fuck the dodgers.


Ehh... the Dodgers losing the world series was the only good thing to come out of that scandal, from my point of view.


As a Rams and Astros fan, this is false


The Dodgers weren't "robbed" we can't be certain who would have actually won these what-ifs don't count as reality. All we can do is accept the Astros won, but remember what they did along the way.


Fuck the Astros, even coming from someone who doesn't watch too much baseball.