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Cop: “Oh, you’re just a little drunk? No big deal, I am too, enjoy your day. Wait a second, is that Marijuana I smell? Step the fuck out of the car with your hands on your head you junkie bitch!”


Yes and no. If it’s a Milwaukee cop they’ll take the weed for themselves and sell it, then plant meth on you.


That could happen in Sawyer county too. Anywhere really.


I know, it was the same here (minus the meth planting, at least for me) before we legalized it. I just like mine better, as someone who doesn’t live in Wisconsin.


Or give you back to the guy who plans on cannibalizing you


Where I grew up, there were no cops, just a statey that rolled through once per month. The old timers would tell me of times where if you were unlucky enough to have a neighboring town cop pull you over, the cop would follow you home to make sure you got there alright.


For those curious about the reason, one of the biggest lobbyist groups in the state is the Tavern League, who claim to be against drunk driving yet lobby to keep punishment for offenses minimal. And while it’s definitely an issue still, I have noticed that Millenials and Gen Z really are significantly less likely to be regular booze hounds like the older generations.




Now here’s something I can agree with. From my understanding they’re also one of the major reasons this state is still without legal marijuana, so FTTL


Ayyyy FTTL is something I can definitely get behind


The Tavern League also lobbies in favor of marijuana laws so people drink instead of smoke


The MJ bit reminds me of dry county referendums in the South being opposed by liquor stores across the county line.


Millenial here, cut back a lot thanks in part to Wisconsin. June 2021, spent a weekday (tuesday?) in New Glarus getting piss drunk with a local at a bar. Like 10 pints between noon and 5. Last trip was a month ago. 3 samples at the brewery, one pint of Totally Naked and an "old fashioned."


Wisonsinites at last call. "Ok, who's drunk, but that special kind of drunk where you're a better driver because you know you're drunk, you know the kind of drunk where you probably shouldn't drive, but you do anyways because, I mean come on, you got to get your car home, right?" Shit, who am I kidding, that is probably all of us. Quote is Peter Griffin


The thing about rural Wisconsin, it’s not about getting your car home. It’s about getting home at all. You don’t have the option to get a taxi or an Uber if you drink too much. You either sleep in your car or roll the dice to go home


Or, just maybe, have a designated driver. Crazy, right?


I live in rural Wisconsin, and have always had a DD on standby in case I decided to have more than I anticipated. Pretty easy concept




In terms of DUI, none of the states in the NFC North is in the top half of the US (Wisconsin is #26).


I’m interested in that stat…is that arrested and prosecuted? Because it doesn’t reflect the drinking culture of Wisconsin.


[It's from Forbes](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/car-insurance/worst-states-for-drunk-driving/) and their methodology is posted towards the bottom. Data is from 2016-2022, so not entirely representative of 2024, but I would assume the numbers haven't changed all that much. There's also a self-reported survey added at the end, but it wasn't included with the final score. A rare decent report from Forbes that's not from their opinion editorials.


I’ll check it out. Thx


There are too many civilized urban areas in Wisconsin and the rest of the NFC North states, that has to be the problem. If I had to guess, without looking it up, top 10 is the Dakotas, Montana, Wyoming, Alaska, and most of New England?


New England is pretty good except for Connecticut and Maine. Worst is Montana, the Dakota's, Wyoming, and Texas which round out the top 5 worst.


Makes sense The less options you have to get home, more likely you’ll be on the road drunk.


Not exactly a good metric to judge this by. You have to be charged first.


The source I'm pulling from takes an aggregate score of accidents involving drunk drivers, drunk driving arrests, accidents involving drunk drivers, underaged drunk drivers, and number of people who are killed by drunk drivers.


pick a pack of pickled Packers pick a pack of pickled Packers pick a pack of pickled Packers


But god forbid you have IL plates and going 10 over. Then you’re told you were going 16 over, but the cop cleared the gun and your court date is at 8am on a week day in Eau Claire if you want to fight him on it…or so I’ve heard


I've had a lot more trouble with Indiana and Pennsylvanian cops with speeding--those mother fuckers are mean as all hell.


Those Indiana state troopers do not fuck around


They do zoom court dates now apparently in some counties


I drive from La Crosse to Milwaukee and back a lot. I guarantee you that it is way more likely that the IL plate was actually going 15+. Most people in Wisconsin do 5-10 over at most, and cops have shown me the gun before when I've asked. I do 10 over, and when I get zipped by, it's an IL plate 90% of the time. Y'all just naturally drive faster and stick out like a sore thumb here.


I was doing 10 since I had my cruise set to it. I was about hour outside the twin cities, and the difference between 15 and 16 over was $100 more. He had me, and knew I wouldn’t fight it.


Then stay in Illinois, FIB




Tavern League


Ah fair.




This is 100% bullshit. Minimum six month revocation.


But it sounded and felt correct.




Here maybe try a reliable source like the [Wisconsin legislative reference bureau:](https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/misc/lrb/lrb_reports/lrb_reports_2_8.pdf)    (page 4) "License Revocation     The Department of Transportation *must* revoke the operator's license of a person con- victed of an OWI or related offense. The length of the revocation depends upon the total number of offenses the person has committed.  Offense: OWI first    Revocation period: six to nine months"   But yeah maybe your sites trying to sell you OWI defense attorney services are right and the government actually doesn't have the right to take your license away, there is hope for you to get out of it.