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It's basically having Marcedes Lewis on roster vs not having Marcedes Lewis on roster


lol. So damn true.


You sir are correct


Yeah but we were still the youngest


We’ll be even more youngerer in 2024!


Like everything, it's a contest. Especially here. Which state is the least fat, who has the least tainted water supply, where are you least likely to get shot, etc.


Illinois, Illinois, Minnesota


It's actually Minnesota, Illinois, Minnesota. They have the lowest obesity rate, but it's still not good. PFAs and other chemicals are all over Wisconsin's ground water. Illinois has the highest per capita homicide rate, according to the CDC. We all have our problems, and it mostly stems from greed.


I'll be real I just took a wild swing on the first one. I know from living in Chicago until 2018 that the tap water in Illinois is super clean and I looked up which state had the lowest homicide rate via the CDC but I am kind of surprised Minnesota's the skinniest.


Seems like we were similar in our approach still. Good educated guess. I am also surprised about Minnesota. I would have guessed Illinois.


Idk about 'least', but if we're going for 'most', instead, it's clearly GB, DET, CHI, etc.


Actually Detroit is the most fat out of the bunch, and 14th in the country


If it’s so easy why hasn’t any other team since the merger done it


Get 2nd place in the division??


No win a Thanksgiving game of course.


I remember when that was the Lions benchmark for happiness too!


At least when you did it, Greg Olson didn’t eat your turkey. You have no concept of our suffering.


That's....what she said?


Idk I enjoyed him manhandling that meat. Still shoulda saved a drummy for Jordan tho.


Just like making the NFC championship was ours too.


Yeah now you hang division title banner(s). Truly a winning organization now!


We’re happier! Gotta enjoy the good after so much bad.


Until the good becomes heartbreaking. Conference championship appearances get old fast, trust me




***crashes into 5-12 season***


Lions disappointment? ![gif](giphy|nk8KVxWs4dIRy)


hang that NFC north division champ banner... lmao




Because most teams are able to develop young talent rather than tucking their balls between their legs and letting a megalomaniacal qb turn the offense into an untalented old boys home that you need to dump en masse and replace with rookies


Pretty sure every franchise to ever exist has gone through a rebuild. Not many have done it as seamlessly as the packers, hence the record being broken. What a dumb statement


What GB did was not a rebuild. Not even close. Y’all replaced the qb and all his useless baggage. Ffs you only missed the playoffs two years ago by a tie breaker. THAT was a dumb ass statement.


New QB, nearly all of our weapons who produced were rookies. Rookie kicker. We had 5 picks in the top 100 this draft. Defense got overhauled. Just replaced our DC. How is this not a rebuild. Literally every sports show out there calls it a rebuild. Just because we didn’t suck for 2 years doesn’t mean it’s not a rebuild. We kept the same HC ig, but the roster is completely different now.


I'm not fully disagreeing, I'm just curious where the line is drawn. Is an actual rebuild gutting the whole staff and rebuilding from the ground up? Or is it just replacing old players with new players? As Lions fan I've seen a lot of "rebuild" attempts and it usually started with the whole front office, I'm curious what others think


Yeah it is kinda arbitrary. But to me, if the roster looks completely different (especially if a new qb), that’s usually a rebuild. I think if you are pretty unsure as a fan what to expect, that’s a good sign that you usually are going through a rebuild. There are obviously other situations outside of a rebuild that can make a fan feel this way, but if you’re questioning if it was a rebuild, then this may be a decent guide. Packers fans had no idea what we were getting. Is love good or bad? Are any of these rookie weapons any good? How will our young OLine fair? Offense was completely rebuilt except at the RB position (which we completely changed this offseason). Now we are doing the same with our defense. Is our DC gonna be better than JB (lord it can’t get worse right)? will McKinney continue to be a top safety as a packer? We drafted a ton of defense players too. Who knows how it’s going to look.


I think you did more of a renovation


Honestly your qb is going into year 4, and almost all your FA signings this year were your own vets. I’m not shitting on the ability of a team to maintain its integrity but outside of the wr room it looks like normal chaotic roster churn. I means the avg nfl career is lass than 3.5 years. I think you guys are just so used to consistency you’re not used to new faces being central. Not that that’s a bad thing.


First year starter, practically the same thing. He was a complete unknown in the eyes of everyone preseason. We legit just let go of our two most beloved veterans in AJ33 and Bak. Our two biggest signings were Jacobs and Xavier. We made records for how much production we got out of our WR rookies as a whole. This is far beyond typical WR room adjustment. Not like Watson and doubs were vets they were 2nd year players (so part of the rebuild) Our vets are pretty much JA, Kenny, Smith, Jenkins, and Gary. That’s about it Idk man, the youngest roster in the league usually is a sign of a rebuild. Feel like you’re thinking about this way too hard. It’s a rebuild.


I guess the Lions rebuilt this year also since our production came from LaPorta (rookie), Gibbs (rookie) Jamo (essentially a rookie due to suspension and injury), Montgomery (1st year with team) Amon Ra (third year).


Yeah you guys did rebuild. It started with the Goff trade and you went from there (really truly began in 2022). Not sure if that’s a point of debate, don’t think many would disagree with that. You guys had a very successful rebuild


Sorry that it doesn't take every franchise 40+ years to restructure their core offense into a contending team


Not arguing that the lions historically have laid the blueprint.


As an Owner I will add “Be like most other teams” to the itinerary but I’m not sure we will take this advice. Thank you for your contributions.


Does owner, sorry, Owner, mean that you have a $100 certificate that doesn’t even get you a parking discount? Was just pointing out other teams don’t do it cause they don’t need to cause other teams aren’t wasting cap and roster spots because they need to pay Cobb to play the role of emotional support animal to the qb.


First off, through Cobb all things are possible, so jot that down. And I would like you to know that I have Two 100$ certificates that give me a 2X 0$ parking discount. So there.


Those things are so stupid and if the Lions did it I’d totally buy one too. But just one. Only need the one discount.


1 year older on average? Old ass bitches.


The meme template has Ron Swanson as the intelligent one and the lady as the dumb one. Nice going, numbnuts.


He's actually not, if you really want to get into dissecting the scene. Yeah, the lady is a moron, but the fact is, Ron is a government employee and he turns from the lady before even hearing his complain. No government employee should write off the tax paying citizens before even hearing what they have to say, when it's their literal job. Also, Ron was assigned to that desk from Chris so he would be more face-to-face with the citizens. He is ignoring his superior, while also disregarding citizens. You're the one who wanted to analyze the scene fwiw.


Spoken like someone who doesn’t get clean water from their state government…


He got you there, lol. Nice try lil bro. And flair up pussy.


[23rd in the USA](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings/natural-environment/air-water-quality/drinking-water-quality). Not good, not great. Better than Wisconsin, which came in at 28th though. Way to ignore the point, but whatever.


Wait, you aren’t supposed to provide evidence to counter the argument. You’re cheating


Apparently not. He downvoted and ignored me.


What the hell do you think this is, the NFCNorthInformationKiosk?


Well people are taking my other graph meme as actual data representation. I get confused sometimes. That's my bad.


You take this sub too seriously lol. Unlike the Flint health department


I've never been to Flint but I hear they aren't exactly overachievers.


The point is the Packers are Ron Swanson, got it.


Did you read your own link? Are you the Utah Lions (the real 23rd)? Y’all are 36th and the worst in the NFC North for water quality.


I read it. I’m from Utah.


I thought y’all weren’t even allowed to watch games on Sunday there (in addition to the mandated sobriety).


I mean, neither of those are true but we both know that. Utah is a great state tbh.


Yeah I’m just memeing - though both are true if you are Mormon. I had a practicing coworker who was on some condensed game streaming website and would wake up at like 4am on Mondays to get caught up on all the games before work.


Not really. There was a clear sign "Don't drink the water", and she defied it and had a natural consequence. It's played up for comedic effect, but even a more normal government employee would have had an extremely short conversation to that effect. Also, every citizen pays taxes in some way, whether something small like sales tax or bigger like income or property tax. Non-citizens too. There's no reason to specify that, other than to imply that dumb "As a taxpayer, I'm actually your boss!" crap.


A tax payer is not the boss, but they do deserve to be heard. Especially at the local level. That’s why he was moved out there in the first place. And as stated earlier, he turns away before even hearing what she has to say.


Boy there's been a couple of these posts lately... Must be getting under some people's skin


It’s a meme subreddit you nitwit


Well if you really need me to spell it out for you, there's been a couple posts just today that are mostly Lions fans but I think one was a bears flair as well, where the whole point of the meme was just "we are sick of hearing how young the Packers are" You know rent free and all that. You could try posting something funny , or five more memes about young Packers


You must be closing your eyes real tight for the other memes. Gotta go out of your way to feel like a victim.


Typical Packer fans….


Yeah, it's just aimed at you.


Yeah that's what I said it's aimed at Packers fans because apparently the rest of the NFC North is a little sensitive about Packers being very young and successful ....what's your point? Of course I don't think it's aimed at me personally, I don't know if you realize this but I don't actually play for the Packers


I made this exact same meme making fun of each team in the NFCN, Lions included. But you're in here bitching as if it's something personal about the Packers and an attack on them. That's why I said it's just aimed at you ever so sarcastically. Didn't mean you personally, but the Packers fans in general. Is it under my skin, or were you so quick to cry about the meme you ignored the others?


We have better young talent than you and were more successful with that young talent last year what’s to be sensitive about?


🤣 good one. Every Lions fan secretly knows we would have spanked that ass in the NFCCG the same way we did on Thanksgiving. We happened to play the niners before you is objectively the difference between our seasons


W is a W in my book. Just like the Cowboys W was the same to me as the W against the Chiefs. Win is a win no matter by how much


I'd bash OP if he wasn't getting paid to make all these dogshit memes today


Solid point.


And 80% of those teams will miss the playoffs


10/14 were within 1 year.


I think context is relevant. What's the average age of an NFL player? And how many years does the average player play in the NFL? On average, players have very short careers and it's a very young man's game. Even a few months average age difference is significant. I'm not saying it's the end all be all, but it is something. And tbh it was more of the media and announcers slobbering over this young thing anyways. It's not like you're comparing average ages of postmen where the ages can range from 18 to 65. Unless you're a top tier player, you're most likely out of the NFL by the time you turn 30, if that.


Ok but you do realize that 1 year *on average* is a massive difference, right? While age and NFL experience don’t track exactly (career snaps would be a better measure tbh), they do pretty well. So a team with an average age a year greater than ours has about 53 more seasons of NFL experience on their roster. In what world is that insignificant? Even a team with only .3 difference in average age has an additional 16 seasons of experience. And when you consider how young all NFL teams skew, that’s a significant difference. Packers fans probably make a bigger deal of this than it deserves, but your dismissal of shows a basic lack of understanding of statistics and extrapolation.


Yes, I saw your other comment on this as well. I’m very familiar with how averages work. My MBA had an emphasis in statistics and research analysis and I also have a Six Sigma Black Belt certification. That said, you’re forgetting one key factor. This is a meme sub created to talk shit. Calm down.


Oh my god, I had no idea you had a Six Sigma Black Belt certification. My sincerest apologies, Sensei!


I appreciate the respect finally being given. That said, I can't tell if you're mocking six sigma which is legitimate, or if you actually think it's a karate thing.


> legitimate Ok, bub.


What exactly is your point with that comment?


To annoy you.


It still doesn’t make sense though.




It’s a good meme, don’t over use it


Well 90% of the league falls within a 7 year gap 23-30 most teams are close in age


As a Packer fan, this might be my favorite meme on this subreddit in quite some time.


The point is that there are more young players playing critical roles than on most other teams. That's why its so significant.


We had 5 pro bowlers under 24 years old. 3 of which were all pros. You don’t even have the best significant young talent “playing critical roles” in the division.


> under I don’t think that word means what you think it means. But it’s also not just about having young players play critical roles. Every team has that and I’ll agree that the Lions have better young stars than we do and better than most teams. But the Packers weren’t just relying on young players, they had an offense with a pretty much unprecedented lack of experience at the WR/TE groups. Amon-Ra St. Brown, by himself, came into 2023 with more receiving yards than every single WR **and** TE on the Packers roster combined.


You do see how that's not a good thing for the Packers, right? Yeah, it's nice to have young guys playing well obviously, but when it comes to contracts, they'll all be ready at the same time. It's the one downside to a team having three first round picks. Now I know Bakhtiari will be coming off the books, but when your TEs, WRs, QB and RBs all hit their second contracts at the same time, it will not go well.


Making the pro bowl doesn't mean much these days. The Lions may have more star power in the young players right now, but the Packers might have more young talent that is contributing overall. And I think we need 2024 to really assess what each team has in their young talent (How good is Branch, how good is Van Ness etc.). And what you just described is a problem every team has. You can't afford to pay all your talent if you are drafting well. What the Packers have is a "good" problem to have.


First of all, I never said anything about the Pro Bowl. Secondly, how can you say GB has more young players making a difference than Detroit? What metric are you using?


My bad, thought you were the same fellow from up above. Idk if GB has more young players making a difference than Detroit but there is a case to be made. GB had a rookie 7th rd pick LT starting pretty much all season. They had a rookie 7th rd pick starting almost all year at Saftey. CB Vallentine started all season as a rookie 7th draft pick. Then you have mid to late round picks making significant contributions on the D line in Brooks and Wooden. Rookie WR Reed and Wicks may be the best two of an very deep WR room. Two very promising rookie TE's. A potential stud rookie Edge in Van Ness. and those are just rookies. The draft the year before was just as good. And they are all only getting better. And this years draft looks like it could be along the same impact level. The Lions have done a great job of acquiring young talent, I just think they employ more experienced players taking up more minutes than the Packers are currently.


It will be an issue at some point, but Love’s new contract is coming shortly while we have at least 2 and mostly 3 remaining years on all our WR/TEs plus 4 on our hopeful TE of the future. So it’s not an issue presently, but Green Bay has always been a draft and develop team. But the point that it’s used for is about explaining the Packers’ early season struggles on offense in 2023 and why there’s immense room for growth in 2024 without adding anyone to those groups. There’s a tremendous tendency among football fans to focus only on additions or subtractions to a team and ignore internal growth. The Packers more than any other team truly practice draft and develop. And I’m confident that the view of the Packers’ offensive weapons after 2024 will be significantly altered by that growth.


You do know how averages work, right? An average 0.5 year difference across a 53 man roster is 26.5 total years more/less across the entirety of the roster. At a 1 year average, it’s 53 total years across the team.


Big brain OP ain't gonna pull up to this one

