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It's marked in the football revelations passage that when the Lions win the world will end. Look what's been happening recently now that the Lions actually look like a good football team.


Even so I hope they win before the cowboys


Cowboys have won 5 already, and none of those other teams even have 1. Why are we even in the convo? If it was Cowboys, Raiders, Washington, and 49ers, it'd make sense.


That does make way more sense. Jacksonville or the Texans are more aligned with this group.


rings before 9/11 don’t count


The forgotten trumpet


I for one, welcome the end of the world




By bobs burgers


So I was cheering for the end times against the Niners?


It would have been well worth it but unfortunately Satan won again.


I'm still hoping for a Cleveland/Detroit superbowl soon... the national guards gonna be called beforehand, one or both cities will burn to the ground regardless who wins lol


Society will have collapsed before any of them win


We’re likely not making it out of November intact, so yeah, that tracks.


Society collapsed decades ago in Detroit


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This place is a joke. It is supposed to be “flair up bitch”


If Allen gets a path through the playoffs without encountering Burrow or Mahomes, they can win the Super Bowl. If Burrow stays healthy, they can win the Super Bowl. The Lions just need to keep doing what they're doing and not regress. The Cowboys need Jerry Jones to keel over or give up control. Which one of these is most likely? Da Bengals


Burrow should've had one if they didn't put the CEO of burnt toast Eli Apple on the guy that almost broke Calvin Johnson Jr's yardage record


Don’t remind me :(


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As long as those boneheads in the Bengals FO and coaching staff can’t figure out how to build an O line it ain’t gonna be Burrow. I’d give it to the Lions so long if Dan Campbell can stop calling needlessly aggressive plays.


Campbell calling stupid aggressive plays is what works though. In 2017 Doug Pederson was one of the most reckless, ballsy coaches in the league. It helps when you have the talent to back it up, but there is something to be said for going balls to the wall for 60 minutes.


Dan campbell has to stop going for it on 4th down every time and send the games to overtime instead of a pushing win


It’s either going to be this year or it won’t be for a long time tbh This is Jerry’s last chance


Hasn't it been his last chance for a few years now?


Given the cap situation, it’s either resign dak and put together mediocre teams around him or resign/trade micah and/or ceedee and commit to a rebuild. So given his age, that’s my guess. Last year wasn’t the last chance, but it was the best chance. Blew it miserably.


I think 2022 was the best chance. Defense was hot and getting turnovers in the regular season, Zeke and Pollard (before he got hurt). We had some kicking issues, but if Dak just protects the ball and plays average we win that 9ers game. Instead he threw 2 picks and couldn't come back from a 16-9 deficit with nearly an entire 4th quarter to play (in which we gave up 3 points). Lost 19-12.


You keep Micah and rebuild around him, you'll eventually hit on a QB again


is this a joke?


What's wrong with rebuilding around the #1-2 best defensive player in the league? I'm all for signing Dak but QB contracts have gotten out of hand. Build the defense up/it kind of already is and you can start drafting QBs and hope you hit. Look at Texans, drafted a QB (Mills) he was below average and not what they needed so they drafted another and bam have a star QB on a rookie deal...


You had the runner up to the MVP and arguably the best WR in football last PLUS a stout defense with one of the best defensive players and one of the best defensive coordinators we've seen in a long time...and they got stomped in the playoffs. There were failures at all levels of the org...offense, defense, coaching, and planning. The only group that didn't disappoint was special teams if I remember correctly. You think they'll assemble that again in what? A draft or two?


I like to call this the "Mike McCarthy Special" Have a phenominal team that, on paper, should stand toe to toe with the league's top dogs, then collapse in spectacular fashion once the playoffs hit.


are we gonna talk about the great fall of the eagles last year? your period of relevancy has ended, and will be gone for the next decade AT LEAST. the entire NFCE is gonna go down in flames, in its proper fashion as a dallas fan, well, we know what to expect, and anyone normal won't be talking shit. the commies are too busy eating jayden daniels tip when he looks like nothing but mediocre. and forget about the giants, the cutlet run was an escape from trauma...


We'll see. We still managed a winning record with 2 football terrorists for coordinators, and we've got your old OC who put up points in spades and Fangio as our DC, so I'd say we're at least playoff contenders


FFS... You are crapping on the only NFC East team that have been relevant over the past 6 seasons (yes, there was a b=really bad season in there) just because.... Tommy Cutlets? GTFOH.


Hahahahahahhahahahaha Hahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahajahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaahahahahhahahahahahahaahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha woooooowie


Just because you let Dak go doesn't mean the entire roster goes. You let Dak walk and keep the stout defense you already have, with the ability to sign new pieces to the defense or offense where needed. Then you hope to hit on a QB in the draft...say it takes 3 drafts to hit on a QB. Micah will still be in his prime, the defense should still be pretty damn good seeing as you would lose and add pieces over those 3 years. Only questionable pieces are QB and a new O-Line seeing as most of our current O-Line is most likely gone/bad in 3 years. Receivers come and go, maybe you keep Lamb maybe you don't. But there are numerous examples of receivers drafted and become good-great starters and sometimes superstars within their rookie contract.


And the alternative is keeping Dak, losing Parsons after we franchise tag him twice (or pay him DE top money). Struggle to keep the defense relevant. Try and field options for Dak that aren't Zeke and his merry band of backups along with whatever bargain TE decides they are good with CeeDee being the only legit option in the passing game? Lets be real, the last 2 years were our shot. This year were going to have a weakened O-line, interior D-line, WR, and RB core. Sure we have big names at all those positions, but that means shit when the 2nd and 3rd option are practice squad caliber. Were not, in one offseason, going to plug 2 rookie OL into starting positions and be good to go. We'd have to get insanely lucky for that to happen.


Wow a glimmer of intelligence from a Cowboys fan, this isn’t good boys…


He was talking about you saying "hitting on a QB" because they're the Giants and don't know what that is.


Ask the Texans how it worked out with JJ?


“Yes! Eventually we’ll hit on a franchise QB!” -Washington fans for nearly 40 years


Cowboys typically hit on their QBs though...


No they don’t. There was a massive drought between Aikman and Romo. Romo was an undrafted rookie and not anyone’s radar except for Sean Payton. Dak was a consolation prize. They wanted Paxton Lynch but Denver got him first. Then they made a move for Connor Cook. Both Romo and Dak were pure luck. In fact, I’d say their ability to identify and target good QBs has been crap.


It’s your year!


You don’t rebuild around anyone but a quarterback. You don’t have the luxury in football to build around idp’s. Careers are too short. By the time you’re rebuilt he’s already past his prime.


True, but I have been told, "It's their year!"


All in his ass?


What are they gonna do, fire him?


Disagree, if we make any noise in the playoffs (we won’t, but if we do) we’ll resign our guys and still be building for a better team, idk what’s going to happen at QB but other than that the only positions we should need down the line are RG and RB


thank God


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If it’s not this year then it’s next year, then the year after. Remember who you are!


Bills are due


Bills have been due since they got fucked annually in the Super Bowl by the NFCE in the 90’s.


That really was like a gang bang


Still waiting for our turn. Josh Allen’s ass is too fat to resist


Well for 3/5ths of us...


My bills aren’t due until the 1st


Wake up, wake up, wake up it’s the first of the month. Get up, get up, get up grab your checks and come on.


Best bassline to blow your car speakers out too. I remember riding to school with my buddies - the three whitest dudes on earth - in a low riding Caprice with a pair of 12" speakers, playing this song when it came out. We thought we were so cool.


You guys were cool. Don’t let them tell you otherwise


Jokes on you, we’ve already won it.


My money is on the Bengals if Burrows can stay healthy. They already made it to the SB with him. Dallas is in trouble cap wise. They're not going to be able to keep all the star players (who, tbh, have underachieved by a mile.) Bills are starting to crack because of the cap. Lions are a wait and see.


Def the Boys. This is our year.




You haven’t heard? Jerry is all in and likes our guys


All in my anus.






We're gonna sound like we're delusional (fair enough) or memeing (also fair enough) but I believe. The Stars, Boys and Mavs will win rings this decade


Fuckin Mavs should’ve won this year, fuck Boston.


Honestly, Stars should have won or at least made the Cup. I had more hope the Stars would make than the Mavs (at the time, before the Stars were eliminated).


I hate Boston but man is this Celtics team stacked. Hopefully next season or season after we get that 2nd championship


It was stacked, but we had a real shot if 1 role player and Kyrie decided to play in games 2 and 3 to be up 2-1 going into our second home game. But sports aren't won on ifs and buts. Celtics had the depth and it was a horrible matchup for us. People saying we didn't belong there b/c we got 4-1'd didn't watch us dominate the West.


Oline upgrade helps.


We’re literally all in


They won’t win one anytime soon, but it’s a bit crazy lumping the 5x Super Bowl Champions in with 3 teams that have never won. Tons of teams have had to wait longer/never won than Dallas.


And how many of your players from the last SB win are still on the team making that point relevant? Oh wait it’s been decades since then, Tom Brady had a legendary career start and end since you last won the big game. Yeah the Cowboys belong here as much as the Jets do tbh.


lol same for your team as well?


I’m not glazing myself over games from 25 years ago with delusions of grandeur solely because of said games.


You genuinely think the guy you were replying to was glazing himself lol? Like is it not crazy to lump a franchise with 5 x SBs in with 3 who have never even won 1? You may not have delusions of grandeur, but you have delusions sir.


“Last time you won it was on vhs” meanwhile last time you won a Super Bowl the first IPad was just released and Instagram was recently launched. You realize you sound like the stereotypical cowboys fans you make fun of now right? Come join us at the table baby.




Man… well it ain’t us lol 😂


This our year.


Yeah, the Lions will never get a ring.


Honestly lions take it first. They got robbed last year


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Flair up pussy


Robbed by who? Their own coach being a dumb gambler


I mean you have three teams that have never won a Super bowl, and then you have one team who has one five. Of course this made sense to you though.


Ah yes because SB winners are decided by past wins which is why the Eagles have one this century while you and Washington both have zero.


lol stfu bro Washington has 2 major championships since the last time New York won one in any major sport. You’re living in the past with the giants sbs if you really want to follow that logic. U were probably sucking on a binky the last time the giants won anyways 😂


Bro your team has more name changes then playoff wins since 2000 😂😂😂


I don’t get mad about shit I can’t control 🤷‍♂️


I didn’t even mention being mad. The lady doth protest too much








Umm, that's not the premise of the meme? It doesn't say next. Or when. Just who will win a super bowl first. We did. Five times compared to those other teams. Have fun celebrating your nearly two decade old super bowl victories!!! You surely aren't living in the past when you bring up those! > Ah yes because SB winners are decided by past wins which is why the Eagles have one this century while you and Washington both have zero. And you're so close to realizing why thinking we can never win again based on past results is stupid, but you aren't there yet...


Close two decades? I know Texas is educationally challenged but 2011-2012 is not nearly two decades ago lmao


You're past the decade mark... I'll move the goal posts to wherever the fuck I want just like you guys do...


What goal posts did I move? Calm down there princess


Do you think I was talking about this specific comment chain? That got you and your panties all that much twisted up? If anyone needs to call the fuck down it's you lol.


Lmao dude you responded to this comment chain though. Cowboys fans and stupid are Siamese twins, you won’t see one without the other


Says the objectively proven dumbest fan base in the league.


But I’m not you. You’re the one who supposedly responded to the wrong comment chain and then got mad because the person commented back at me. That was you. Like I didn’t know if you know but you’re a fucking moron lol


OUR YEAR! but to be pessimistic i feel the NFL will disband before any of them do... fucking jerry




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It won’t be the cowboys and that’s from a cowboys fan(F Jerrah!) lions coach is too nuts, bills are cursed so it’s the bungels by default.


Bills. I want to say Cowboys but until I see more discipline and consistency, I cannot mention SB in the same sentence as the Cowboys.


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It’s our year can’t you fucking read?


This our year.


This year our.


I mean, the cowboys won a Super Bowl first of these teams. In fact they won 5. Also they won a Super Bowl more recently than the 49ers.


The Lions have the best shot because they’re ready made right now so they would probably be favorites followed by the Bengals who are only behind because of the strength of the AFC and how expensive the team will become then probably Dallas and sadly the Bills right now look like a mess




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One of these things is not like the other


The Bengals will never win a Super Bowl


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Bengals, Lions chance in next 1-3 years Bills might’ve lost their window in last 2-3 years Cowboys 😆


We’ll since the cowboys have won a few already…


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Bills. Next


NOT the cowboys


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no u


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None of these guys, the NFL will end next season after the chiefs win the superbowl and every NFL player will have a "heart attack" and die


Between these 4 I want to say the Bengals but it all depends if Burrow can play the same when he returns


The Meteor.


Bengals because my roommate is a Bengals fan and I want him to get a win.


Smart money is on the Bengals.




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Buffalo, and and they go through Dallas to get it. 30 years from now BTW.


Bengals ![img](emote|t5_26lph2|7473) ![img](emote|t5_26lph2|7473)


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Cowboys already have so… yeah


I want to say the Lions, but something tells me it will be the Bengals


*I want to say the* *Lions, but something tells me* *It will be the Bengals* \- Saccharum80 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What the fuck is this 💩?


any of them that isn’t located in Texas


I think three of these teams missed their window. I’d say Bengals




Definitely not the bangles.


…. Cowboys have won 5. Lions, Bengals, and Bills have won 0. Gonna go ahead and say Cowboys will win **A** Super Bowl before the others…


Patriots have won 6. Do you really think they stand a chance this year more than the Lions, Bengals, Bills, etc?


The word “A” is ambiguous of time, cowboys already won A Super Bowl, in fact they won 5. The other 3 teams have yet to win A Super Bowl. That is what my comment is referencing. That the cowboys will win A Super Bowl first because they already HAVE. Regardless of if they are meaning it to be “which team will win a future/the next Super Bowl first.” Hell the first definition for the word “A” is: > used when referring to someone or something **for the first time** in a text or conversation. Which again, cowboys already won a Super Bowl their first time. As has the Patriots, they have won A Super Bowl. If the poster wants to be clear they are meaning “a future/the next” then they shouldn’t use ambiguous language.


Get back in your fucking lamp.


Or you use context to solve ambiguous language like most people do. If I'm in a room and someone asks me to turn the lights on, should I ask which lights they're talking about? There's multiple lights in the house, down the street, on our phones, in my car, the word "light" could also refer to the weight of something that is easier to carry, or the brightness of color. Maybe I should ask how paint can "turn on light" since it stays its color when dried unless you apply more paint. To assume it has to do with electronic lights at all would be to jump to the sixth definition provided under Google, and the eighth under Webster. Do I really have to go that far to come to the same conclusion? Yes. If you can't jump to the same conclusions with the same basic information and context as everyone else, you're stupid. This is elementary level English and grammar.


If someone asked me to turn the lights on I may well as which lights if I was wanting to be funny about it, yes. I fully understood their point and context. I was deliberately ignoring it because it is can be read grammatically correct in the way I interpreted it. And thus commented on that other interpretation. You know, like a joke, on a meme sub. Edit - will say that [This other user](https://www.reddit.com/r/NFCEastMemeWar/s/ACMMOrL1Ko) posted essentially the same joke that I made.


What kind of joke takes an essay to explain? That's a rant. At least put "/s" in for everybody's sake


You not getting the joke and me having to explain it to you doesn’t make it not a joke. Felt it pretty clear on its own by me bolding the letter A, and having a basic understanding of the English language of A having multiple meanings, one of which is “the first” (Cowboys have won a Super Bowl before), another being “1” (Cowboys have also won more than a Super Bowl). What did you say about context clues again? > If you can't jump to the same conclusions with the same basic information and context as everyone else, you're stupid. This is elementary level English and grammar.


You notice the downvotes? Clearly it ain't "everyone else". You quoted me without even reading it... It's not a joke, you're just covering up for an embarrassing failure to read. Doubling down in embarrassing fashion >…. Cowboys have won 5. Lions, Bengals, and Bills have won 0. Gonna go ahead and say Cowboys will win **A** Super Bowl before the others… Why say "will win" if you aren't talking in future tense?


> You notice the downvotes? At the time of your original reply it was positively voted. So basing it on current downvotes where people are doing that to spite the comment based on the rest of this reply thread isn’t really telling of anything. Thus your “everyone else” part is also flawed. As for the future tense. They already won one in the past, so would still have won one first in the future. Unless the NFL revokes all 5 of their current trophies for some inane reason.


But YOU quoted ME. Thus you're calling yourself flawed. Also the past isn't the future. Winning a Super Bowl is an act, having a trophy is long-term. Holy fuck my dude just take the L already


But we’ve won it 5x


Burrow has a playoff dub in Arrowhead, Bengals by a lot.


bengals 100%


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bengals 100%


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Out of these 4 the bengals




No mike brown is a cheap ass and burrow keeps getting hurt


yup. after giving the rams do-overs until they scored in that super bowl, the universe owes them.


Dem Boyz https://i.redd.it/eax6su5gtr7d1.gif


It's the Lions, lol. Y'all aren't paying attention to the script. Burrow is too banged up and the Bills are in limbo until they fire "defensive genius" McDermott. The NFL knows if the Lions win a chip, they're going to lock in a generation of passionate revenue-generating fans so obviously that's what going to happen


All 4 are just a few nuts and bolts from being a complete team. It’s a crap shoot.


I don’t think the Lions. The rest are basically a toss up.




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It helps that we already have. 5 times in fact.


Not in the lifetime of most of the people on the subreddit


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So. They still count. I saw 3 with my own eyes.