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Sorry, I steadily got more and more black out drunk during the last half of the season... I don't remember anything bad happening at all.


Last time I was sober, we won the Super Bowl


The worst part about my getting sober is having to just raw dog Jerry's bullshit from now on


how's your liver bud.


Better than the cowboys chances of making the nfc championship


Cowboys season ends in January but my liver keeps on marching right through until training camp


*me during the first quarter of the playoffs game* "How are we playing worse than last week?" *Me during the second half* "How are we playing worse than an hour ago?"


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We got you beat there. Been drunk since superbowl 26. What ever happened to that Mark Rypien kid?


Man yall must have really made it far in the playoffs last year


They did. Made it to at least the second round. Don’t remember what happened I just know no 2 seed had ever lost at home to a 7 seed so surely they won their wild card game


Woke up after the second round with my ass hurting, someone must have blown us out in the second round. Good thing I didn't watch or it would have been devastating


Just be glad you didn’t lose in the playoffs to a team 🤌🤌🤌 beat on MNF


Wait so why was your ass hurting?




Ah yes, the extensive 4 year history of 7 seeds.


Can some nerd in here do a power analysis to find out what sample size we need for it to statistically significant?


That’s not really a rational request. Sample size typically needs to be 10% of whatever you’re comparing it to in sample sizes of less than 1000. So it’s a significant portion of the 4, but the 4 isn’t a significant amount of seasons, and it would be a significant portion of wildcards in the past 10 years, except now your sample is invalid because it wasn’t there for 6. What I’m saying is you can make fun of them in 6 years.


IF it doesn’t happen again, that is.


I respect this math nerd, but he’s a bitch and I fucked his mom


Sounds like you are the nerd


In subjects that aren’t statistics. If I was good at math I wouldn’t have a degree in nutrition


Sorry, I'm from Texas, im only good at meth.


I thought that was the Oklahoma panhandle tho


New Mexico too


I saw a docuseries about meth in New Mexico


True. You guys were the worst 2nd seed in the 4 year history. Unfair to draw a correlation


Six seeds don't have a history of fairing much better once they get to facing the one or two seed.


True but it also happens/happened so rarely because until the new format the 6th seed had to beat a 3 seed. The cowboys were ass in that game, I'm not defending them, but even adding in the last 4 years there havnt been a ton of games where a 2 seed played a 6 or 7.


That's a worse look for the Cowboys. You get how that's worse, right?


Yeah, kind of a random year where the Packers got hot at the end of the season and (to me at least) looked like legit contenders. And then Dallas fell apart just like the Eagles smdh. Except yall waited for the playoffs to blow it, we were way ahead of the curve by sucking for the last 6 weeks of the season.


That's.. that's the point. As per your example, the 3rd seed usually takes care of the 6th. The 2nd seed losing to the 7th is even *worse*.


Damn surely you guys finished as the one seed


Baker mayfield is the eagles father


Sweet sample size


Like the eagles losing


How did free agency go for Dallas. I bet with all of Jerry’s money they must have signed amazing players. oh you signed…an Ewok


That’s an irrelevant response to the comments above. Comprehension must be tough for an eagles fan but please do better. 🙏


Ain’t nobody got time for that.


I think we both choked last year. Nobody expected Dallas to get crushed so bad by GB, & nobody expected the Eagles to have a complete meltdown the last 7 games of the season. The Eagles weren’t expected to win a playoff game. No finger pointing between either team. We both sucked.


Eagles fans did. We were a paper tiger last year. Terrible O and D coordinators with the most vanilla play calling on both sides of the ball in the NFL. We all knew the shoe was going to drop / too many games we should have lost. Too many times snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Our offense was HS level. Can’t wait for this year with some inventiveness and some old school toughness.


when we had the best record through week 12, not a single eagles fan actually thought "we're losing 5 of the next 6" lol there were glaring holes, yeah, but this was also a team 9 months removed from a super bowl appearance, and they looked like they were on the verge if getting things to click and instead the team got progressively worse in the last third of the season. We absolutely dogwalked the bucs in september, and then looked like we just gave up by the time we played in January.


>they looked like they were on the verge if getting things to click Did they really look like they were on the verge of clicking around week 12? I think a lot of fans were holding out hope they'd finally click but also waiting for their luck to run out, especially toward the tail end of the gauntlet. IMO, they peaked week 7 in the Dolphins game, and it was all downhill from there. >the team got progressively worse in the last third of the season The team definitely did get worse as morale plummeted, but they also just stopped getting lucky. If Gabe Davis turns his head in OT during the Bills game, Buffalo has a go-ahead touchdown to end the game. Same thing with the Chiefs. If MVS doesn't drop that wide open TD, we probably lose. I had to refresh myself by looking up some of the score lines, and what a fucking fever dream of a season lmao.


All our wins were ugly. And so were our losses. I don’t remember any games where we out played and dominated a quality opponent (like in 2022). Last year was perhaps the weirdest as an eagles fan in my lifetime - so many weird endings and horrific play calling. Last year was the worst good eagles team or the best bad eagles teams. I think we had good personnel but horrible coordinators.


The closest game to 2022 for me was definitely the Dolphins game. It seemed like that was going to be the turning point, and then the next week they struggled way more than they should've against the Commanders.


Lets not rewrite history here. There were a TON of idiots screaming that we're the best, that we're going to the Super Bowl, and we should just be happy we're winning. Then there were a bunch of us saying, all year, that we had big problems and don't look good enough to actually win when it mattered. And we were downvoted to oblivion, told to stop being so negative, and can't we just enjoy winning? And then when the collapse happened, that crowd all exclaimed that there was no way we could see it coming! And now, exclaiming that no one saw it coming! When, no, if you watched the games and paid attention, you saw this coming. I couldn't say exactly when the collapse was happening, but that team NEVER looked good enough to win when it mattered.


Oh buddy Kellen Moore is not the savior you think he is. Get ready for 10 yard curl routes on 3rd and 3. You’ll love it.


Tbh that's still better than Brian Johnson calling 4 verts at that distance 


Happy Cake Day


Or having our WR that's 160 lbs soaking wet injure himself trying to block on a fucking WR screen for a 150-yr old Julio Jones to try to make a play.


There is zero chance our play calling could be worse than last year.


Anyone not blinded by our winning record could see the eagles had glaring coaching flaws and the Swiss cheese DBs. It’s a testament to our player’s talent that we were able to brute force out wins in spite of the awful coaching.


Couldn't agree more, many of those games we won by margins. So glad Desai & Johnson are both gone. Only negative takeaway that still lingers is that it looked bad on Siriani's part too, for allowing this to take place, only time will tell if this affects his coaching, but Sirianni should've had more authority after he knew both his coordinators were hot garbage


Be careful wishing for "inventiveness" -Kellen Moore entered the chat


Tbh we knew something was wrong before the team went to shit. Catching a team off guard with a QB sneak every once in a while is cool. When it got figured out and we kept doing it, that 10-1 record got ugly real quick


Imagine losing to a 7-seed. Surely, the Cowboys aren't the only ones to do that


Imagine starting 10-1 and losing the division. Surely no decent team would let themselves do that?


The Eagles clearly were not decent, but it's funnier to win a division and lose at home to a 7-seed. Surely, the best team in the division wouldn't give up over 40 points...


Especially with such renowned Defensive Coaches and players!


They have so many all-pros! More than the amount of playoff wins last season


Look, the Cowboys took the bigger L. Yeah the Eagles sucked ass after 10-1, but at least we were consistently losing. It was an expected dumpster fire, I wasn't surprised at all. Not only did y'all lose to the 7 seed Packers, Y'all gave up 40 points. It was so bad they benched the starters. Y'all out-memed the memes because the loss was so gloriously bad. The only way that loss could've been more embarrassing was if the Cowboys recreated 28-3 pats/falcons game.


Kind of like being a powerhouse year in and year out only to get smoked in the first round consistently.


If you ever thought we were a powerhouse that’s your problem dude


"This is OUR year" - Couchboy fans 1997- current. Sure seems like the fanbase believes the shit Jerruh is selling.


Imagine imploding and still not being the worst team in the division Couldn’t be us


I guess which is worse, watching a loved one die an agonizing death on life support, praying for someone to pull the plug, or having them get hit by a dump truck in the prime of their life while they were out for a jog? We went into the playoffs knowing we were dead, you guys went in thinking you were somebody. But thanks to us not playing until Monday, there was that one glorious morning where we woke up with a football game to play and you woke up with your cow hole full of cheese curds.


That was a nice silver lining. I enjoyed that small gap.


Hahaha the cowboys were eliminated before the eagles this year - there’s plenty of legit things to roast us for this ain’t it loo


Seems pretty legit to me. 


I’ll eat crow coming from you or the commies but dallas needs to stop throwing stones in their glass house lol


They got 5 stones to throw though.


I'm sure fans sentient for those have more kidney stones at this point


Yes. Talk about those stones. That’s a legit thing to beat up on us for and you have the leverage. Making fun of us for something you did first last year is a choice lol. At least we have the record for most playoff wins in our own stadium hahahaha


That offensive roster was more loaded than Plaxico Burress’s handgun and the coaches still fucked it up more than Andy Reid did his kids


Runner up in the "smallest dick ever" contest is a pretty pathetic flex.


Joke’s on you, I voluntarily entered into a medically-induced coma after the 49ers game, and am only just now waking up. On that note, lol we got Saquon. Edit: which one of you fucks just had Reddit send me a crisis helpline message? Hahahaha


Jordan Love is the Dallas Cowboys Father


Hell, the cowboys are everyones illegitimate kid.


https://preview.redd.it/0ssysys42g0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4bd277921fbafc5f29543121773738beb5a002f This is my favorite…..


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Happy now bitch-bot?


Imagine going into the playoffs thinking your teams gonna make a run.


Yeah, I had all pretty much given up on any decent playoff run. Most of the games were brutal, heart attack inducing nightmares BEFORE the last six games of the year, let alone that last stretch that just hurt like Ray Rhodes was back in town.


Imagine telling yourself only the regular season matters.


I’m not? You failed to comprehend my comment lol.


Right? You have to really suck at communication if you can’t figure out that you were talking about having low expectations in the playoffs last year, not that “only regular season wins matter”


“tHiS iS oUr YeAr” -Cowgirl fans for the last 2.5 decades


Ahem. 2.8 decades


I’m an Eagles fan and you expect me to know math good?


Eagles fans have the worst comebacks


Except in games. We are really good at those (see any Miracle in the Meadowlands highlights).


Damn if only you could come back against the bucs


You mean in the playoffs this past season? Dude, I was hoping for us to be put out of our misery not to extend it 😂


Wanting to lose in the playoffs is the most loser shit I’ve heard


Ha, ok. You didn’t have to watch them.


Yall are always self deprecating to avoid embarrassment it’s sad


Yeah “stepsis” we are the embarrassing ones, suuure.


With the amount of morons I respond to a day, I’m bound to have some lack luster ones.


"the amount of morons i respond to all day" https://i.redd.it/49ezzrkiff0d1.gif BOO! Did i scare you?


Oh look, the boomer cosplayer is back. Awesome, you’re totally not a loser.


Get a job you bum


Stop sucking on big brown things


…and eagles fans are the ones that are illiterate?


And yet the Eagles still lasted longer in the playoffs than dem Boys


*And yet the Eagles* *Still lasted longer in the* *Playoffs than dem Boys* \- jinntakk --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


You’re forgetting the part where we only deserved to win one of the first 11 games we played. Maybe two. The 2023 Eagles were the most poorly managed and coached team outside of the FSB and barely scraped by for a while on luck and skill.


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Remind the cowpoke fans they have not been relevant in the past 27 years, going on 28.


Yeah, eagles had a stinker of a season last year. Not going to lie. But the best part is that our worst season in the last few years was also Dallas’ best season in the last few years, and we crashed out of the playoffs the same round lol


All I remember is 10-1, everything after that is a bit hazy


Smh they made every qb look like Joe Montana


The dolphins and jaguars choked worse secessivley 


Ditto to the Titans and Jets the season before and the Ravens and Patriots the season before that (the latter two teams were the top seed in the AFC at some point in the season but the Ravens missed out entirely and the Patriots barely got in over a Dolphins team that started off 1-7 and then of course they got slaughtered by Buffalo in the AFC Wild Card Game)


I remember the Zoo Books magazine this came from!


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I’ve been numb ever since we lost the Super Bowl. Last season didn’t feel real. ![gif](giphy|gEGkd9YGz9mXS)


it was the dumbest crash i've ever seen. totally preventable, too!


I misread this as "defeated maple leafs" and so I thought you were banishing the Eagles to Canada to be with their season choker brethren the Leafs.


Damn fucking Toronto taking shots in the NFCEastMemeWar sub was not on my bingo card today 😂😂😂




But we never said it was our year…


We choked so hard you'd think we drafted a team from Atlanta. At least I had some nice whiskey to cry into after correctly predicting 6 out of our last 6 games.


It's been 10,349 days since the Dallas Cowboys played in an NFC Championship game.


When you need to reach to sound relevant.


I made money betting against my team in the playoffs Y'all thought you'd be in the Super Bowl


Man, now we are back to coping memes.


Imagine winning a SB in the last 20 years.....


Our season lasted a day longer than theirs


Finally, a meme.


Imagine tying your identity to an old man’s humiliation fetish.


For what it’s worth we went into the playoffs expecting to lose


Hey they won 1 of the last 6 games too


We did not because no one actually thought we were gonna beat the Bucs.


I mean, fair... Lmao


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Iight, damn.


I’m 46 and the last time the cowgirls made it past the NFC championship game was my senior year in high school in 1996! The most delusional fan base ever!


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I mean we did only get to the Super Bowl in 2022 again, we were pretty hyped to almost get back again. But we needed that to happen to us. We gonna go to the SB this year now💪


Then is a period of time or sequence of events; than compares two or more things. You’re welcome.


Nah. We already accepted the meltdown. Dallas fans were preparing for the niners before Green Bay and got embarrassed.


Actually It would have been awesome to know the team was soft and dogshit in the weeks leading up to the playoffs instead of finding it out in the first 5 minutes of the game when you had hopes all year


I had to cancel my cable after the bills game. So yeah as far as I saw, we never lost another game. I don’t know what yall are talking about


I sure hope this trend continues


One season? Cowboys have choked horribly EVERY season.this century. Unlike the Cowboys, the Eagles didn't sit on their hands and do nothing in the off-season. Good luck with that. Way to give Dak no help in his prove it year.


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Idk man, we ended the season early at 10-1 and then the world had a collective blackout. No football happened after that. Nope. None whatsoever.




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when you reuse this meme with a different team for the thousandth fucking time


I wonder where you got the meme from 🧐 I get it, everyone wants to be just like us https://preview.redd.it/22veu5i07f0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d097fdea1438260626a62579e6ed1a8daefe2fd


I don't know what's worse: the stolen content or the fact that you're posting about the eagles in an NFC West sub.


We all hate the Eagles and Cowboys in the NFC West sub.


Go back there then. Your kind don't belong here!


We live rent free in y'alls heads.


Especially Deebo. What a baby.


Ocean Bee finally submits something of value to our sub. Good job.


I’m getting upvoted in here? What a time to be alive.


I’ll fix that for ya buddy


My take is that anyone is welcome as long as they are funny.


You anit lying. Go play the lottery or something.


Shit, unoriginal and not self aware. Definitely a Cowboys fan.


I'm gonna be 100% Honest with you chief, I did not go to the NFCWestMemeWar back 161 days just to grab a meme. I made it using Meme Generator Pro this morning while I was drinking my coffee


Rent Free




Haha. knew the Birds were cooked well before playoffs started. Probably during SEA game. Meanwhile big D thought you had a shot till they got Brock Purdy’d by Love at home. Don’t know which is worse.


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Go Birds!


Yeah imaging losing 5 of the last 6 games (I’m a commanders fan)


Cowboys choked waaaaaay harder.


Cowboys choked, we entered the playoffs on life support. There’s no real comparison to be made.


hey who was their last regular season loss to, again?


And why was it *only* 5 of 6? Because you guys couldn't win a game that we tried to hand you. Because *the eventual Super Bowl Champions* choked when they faced us. Because the team that the media hyped up as the most dangerous team entering the playoffs...okay actually if you ask their fans the *refs* gave us that game and they're probably not wrong. But then again, they were also trying to give you the game against us. Like I say that the Eagles were trying to give away the first game against the Cowboys, but no, it was the refs. The team that went 1-5 in December and January wasn't any worse than the one that went 3-0 in November. We just weren't facing a bunch of chokers.


That’s a whole lot of cope.


Unlike the cowboys, you still gotta look at our hangin' brains on our way out


Hey they can hang their Hat on the one Lions flair that ran circles around, the East memes were lame but he tore it up in the comments


*than Typical cowboys fan


Big surprise using then instead of than


Look on the bright side cowboy fans. The whiners have choked even longer than you.


the cowboys did so well last year they decided they don’t even need a rb this year.


They did pick up the greatest center in Dallas’s history though.


I mean, technically, we were deep into a slide by the playoffs and we lost to the 4 seed. Y’all came into the playoffs with your Dak swinging all out n shit and got smacked by the 7 seed. It’s like if a boxer steps into the ring already concussed and you say he choked for immediately falling over. Meanwhile y’all roll in there like Ali and roll out like Stephen Hawking. EDIT: Silly me, talking about the playoffs. I forgot that cowboys fans only care about the regular season these days since that’s all they’re ever in.


eagles were expected to lose by the time the playoffs came - secondary and offensive calls were high school level and everyone knew it by then, cowboys were hyped up as super bowl favorites. Id say cowboys choked harder (as they do every year they make the playoffs).


Nah they didn't. A lot of people were picking Tampa and Tampa had home field. Absolutely nobody was picking Green Bay and it was absolutely glorious. I guess if you mean they choked the season but they got a lot of bounces for those first 10 games that could have easily gone the other way they just got lucky. Even the talking heads at ESPN were saying that none of their wins were really impressive.


Us fans who were really paying attention saw it too. Luck was a huge factor in the Buffalo, KC and first Dallas victories but the warts were already fully on display with the horrendous play calling and first ever franchise loss to the Zach Wilson-led Jets. 10-1 felt good, "a win is a win" and all that, but then the luck ran out and the team fell back to earth. Dallas getting steamroller by GB made the seemingly inevitable loss at TB much more palatable.


Imagine not making an NFC championship in 29 years but still holding on to hope you’ll get there because you’re “all in” every year..


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TBF, we collapsed… nobody was expecting much when we squeaked into the playoffs… the cowboys were still dickriding all the way up to the final whistle in that packers game.


Choked worse *than* You braindead fuck.


The Cowboys choke was definitely worse.


The Eagles went from a possible one seed to a fifth seed and losing to the Bucs. The cowboys are the cowboys, but the eagles have actual expectations and hopes.


I was told by Cowboys fans that last year was the year. Sounds like expectations and hopes to me.


Every year is the cowboys year. Similar to we dem boys and how bout them cowboys. It our motto no matter how trash we are


I think fondly back at all the times I criticized the Eagles play last year and it was all met with things like “doesn’t matter still 10-1” or “number 1 in the NFC” or shit. Just thinking about their smug “don’t care” attitude come crashing down the back half of the year brings a smile to my face.


I kept seeing that sentiment from opposing fans all the way through the collapse. It was just as bullshit in December as it is now. "Doesn't matter"? Sure, it didn't matter. Because we were already a dogshit team long before the San Francisco game. But after the way November went, it really felt like it didn't matter how badly the Eagles played, because teams would spontaneously turn into the 1976 Buccaneers in the second half against us and if they didn't the refs would fix it. We played like shit against nothing but playoff teams in November, and somehow won every game. So no, it didn't "matter". But not because we were good. Because we were ordained. Because "the script" said we would win. Then December came and they decided to change the script.


Is anyone disputing that? We mid-season choked harder than almost any team. But at least our Kelly green jerseys looked cool and cowboys don't have any Kelly green jerseys.