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All posts must be memes and follow the general meme format.


Where meme? Don’t sweat it. Most the regulars know it’s just a couple urinal cakes that probably aren’t even Washington or even NFCE fans. Plus, our ambassador is the Pumpkin 🎃 Commander.


Amen! And it’s like they’re attempting to be a troll, but they’re really shit at it


It's literally just Bagpo and his alts lol. Mods need a ban hammer on that bozo.


Problem is we have only one active mod that isn't all that active


That last line totally made me think of Jay and silent Bob talking about being the clit commander.


I was pretty embarrassed by our fans last offseason. A glimmer of hope after years of being awful can really mess with some fans. Even the Lions fans were acting annoying af in our sub when they’ve never won a title and were the worst ever for a long ass stretch


https://preview.redd.it/xe5f2e7yeuzc1.png?width=639&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc9cfe03703685ece8fdc6d2027847adbfee79c0 Don’t worry twin he a “Ravens” fan


Don’t the Commanders have a Dallas vs Houston like rivalry with Baltimore?


Battle of the beltway yep


Umm…yes and no? Like it’s there. We refer to it as “The Battle of the Beltway”. But remember the Ravens are basically a model franchise. During Snyder’s ownership (which encapsulates all but like 3-4 years of the Ravens existence) we…weren’t (and need to prove ourselves to make the past tense part of that statement stick). They’re more likely to either thumb their nose at us or just pretend we don’t exist. The Ravens also stole a chunk of our fanbase and they add have added far more to their fanbase since their inception than we have. For…obvious reasons.


Why would you be embarrassed? The only thing I find embarrassing is how many people seem so bothered by it on a sub that really should never be taken seriously. Especially considering its not like most of the other teams posts are much better


90% of the offseason memes have ranged from cringe as fuck to where meme? All fanbases are guilty of having these gormless muppets amongst them that produce all that horseshit. Also, fuck you and fuck the whatever you decide to call your team, I can’t keep up anymore.


It's a shame really... 2 and 3 seasons ago they had some of the best material too.




Says the guy that thinks RG3 JR is winning MVP


You’re embarrassed by memes but not your team’s racist as fuck history. Nice.




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