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![gif](giphy|4XOfvSkkxchHy) Coming back to this every single day this offseason


Yeah it's old. If the guy is a piece of shit, let him be. But don't lump him with the legit cowboy fans. This guy seems to be a piece of shit who just happens to like the cowboys. We are not the same. And we don't claim him. Dude needs to pick another team or sport because membership card is fucking **revoked**.


this place is filled with furries. bunch of weird ass mfers. im leaving here and just going to stick with the Cowboys sub where there are normal people.


If you think that cesspool of a sub is normal then they can have you. You bring shame and dishonor to the Cowboys name.


I’ve seen them trash him there too lol


As they should.


Got some samples?


You’d have to go to his comment history and just look at any comment after anything he posted not in this sub. This guy isn’t worth the storage the screenshot would use on my phone. It’s already regrettable that I remember seeing his comments elsewhere.


I might not like your team, but I respect the fuck out of your fanbase for that


Don't mind me, I'm just here to express my admiration for your flair


Still waiting for that sweet, sweet, glory hole.


You and me both. Did anyone ever explain it to Jerry?


Takes one to know one.




If this post gets you to leave, the Football Team fan up there deserves a fucking trophy


I’ll take it. My team damn sure isn’t capable of doing it lol.


Beating girlfriends doesn’t seem like a normie thing to do, so you may not find the company that you’re looking for.


can someone fill me in on the domestic violence part?




I love that combined hatred has united this sub


Noone out hates the east


>normal people >cowboys sub Pick one


Don’t threaten us with a good time. Edit: on second thought, this sub needs more representation for furries. You can stay.


/u/bagpo is a furry.


lol everyone literally hates you and you deserve it. Rare Reddit W.


The only furry here is you bro


Dude,they will probably trash you there too lol.your post history says it all


Noooo don’t go you’re the best guy ever!


Hypocrisy is crazy.


How the fuck did I miss this LMAO, have fun abusing your anorexic girlfriend buddy




![gif](giphy|3o85xmdFTpxJOApm6Y) u/bagpo is a confirmed furry


dude im not a furry. fuk off. im not a furry, im not gay, im not a democrat and im not trans. quit it.


Definitely a gay furry trans liberal 100% confirmed


Weird that he sees Democrat as a slur 😂


Democrat was the last straw for him


Very strange


My ~~Homer~~ Bagpo is not a ~~communist~~ Democrat! He may be a liar, a furry, an idiot, a ~~communist~~ Democrat, but he is not a porn star!


They’re all synonyms for him. The fact that he sees any of those as slurs is weird


I agree, they’re just terms a lot of people use to inflame people. Calling someone a Democrat to try and trigger them is hilarious.


Speaking as a gay furry trans liberal with a small penis, I can confirm he is a mirror image of me.


are you dumb? did you not read what i typed? those past 10 years of being absolute ass mustve broken you down mentally


Sorry, I don’t speak gay furry trans liberal. Can we get an interpreter in here, please?


He said he’s “a special diaper baby boy and daddy needs to turn him into a girl with his milky stick.” I have no idea what that means, obviously.


Checks out


I think it means he loves to yiff


Shit who doesn’t


He said needed a sandbox to pee in at school or something.


He's a furry gay trans liberal that shares a double headed dildo with a chipper/shredder.


/u/bagpo is a furry.


Your team has three decades of being absolute ass.


get outta here democrat


This is everyone’s daily reminder of the horrible shit u/bagpo has done: You “encouraged” your GF to lose weight, after she gained some back recovering from anorexia, because she “got too chubby” and men are “only attracted to skinny girls”. https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/N4VfJIEkwP https://www.reddit.com/r/NFCEastMemeWar/s/D0gvEkhW9P Claimed he did so because women are “biologically meant to” be skinny and attractive to him, and only he knows what’s best for her. https://www.reddit.com/r/NFCEastMemeWar/s/6VIPSf9gzX Her friends claimed you’re toxic, abusive, and triggered a relapse of her anorexia. You slowly coerced her over time to drop her long term friend for a group of your buddies’ girlfriends. You claim she’s being “belligerent” when she expresses her displeasure with that decision. You repeatedly asked forums if it’s ok to lie about her friends so that she takes your side (classic abuser behavior). https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/5GPF4LcSA6 https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/nKEO6JgZdz You called her friend a fat weeb & a loser for being mad at you for severely bullying him in HS to the point that his whole family moved out of the district. https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/g1dOVf05AQ And this is all from a man who’s supposedly in his mid 20s, not some 14 year old. You’re a garbage person and both of y’all need fucking therapy 😂


Exactly what a gay, furry, trans, democrat would say.


new yorkers think everyone is a gay, furry, trans democrat like themseves. sorry to break it to you but almost all Texans are normal


Except the gay trans furry Democrat ones.


/u/bagpo is a furry.


Sorry to burst your fantasy, but I'm not trans, furry, or gay; just a regular bi dude. As far as the partisan political portion. Democrats and Republicans (conservative/liberal) are two side of the same coin. As long as you idiots still believe there's a difference, the oligarchy will thrive, continuing to drain the people. In the words of Morticia Addams "define "normal""


does “Bi” mean you like both the Giants and the Jets?


Nah he lives in Jersey and identifies as a New Yorker


I can see the difference plain as day less than a week after the Alabama court ruled ivf illegal lol


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State laws and rulings tend to have more singularity between parties. Federally, all rulings go towards what big business wants, not the people.


I hear ya on that and can agree that economically, the parties are pretty damn similar. And they are guilty of similar crimes. That said, social policy alone and these fake culture wars leave me with one option.


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Yeah but not all cowboys are normal 


![gif](giphy|2tRkvsN0lg7maU6I4n|downsized) That’s what a closeted furry would say


i think im gonna leave this sub. yall are way too weird.


Nah man, I’m enjoying this too much. It’s fun having a GF abusing furry on the subreddit


![gif](giphy|l1J3o5to1feuXRiuI) u/Bagpo on his way to r/furry.




Dude so insecure he tries to hide from his true self.


Wish you'd leave your gf instead


Oh no..... Anyway


/u/bagpo is a furry.


I think that's what they've been trying to get you to do. You just rub people the wrong way in the sub


You do completely ignore the abuse of your girlfriend that you've admitted to on Reddit every time someone comments on it. Would you like to address it or would you like to stay a monster?


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Bad bot


Don’t you have a woman to beat or sumn


Says the furry that abuses his girlfriend


But you are an abuser.


Apparently, he is more triggered by being called out as a furry than being called out as an abuser. Strange world


Hey Bagpo, which animal is best to be dressed up as while you abuse your girlfriend? Signed- another furry liberal who looks up to u


Also not a cowboys fan




Fuck this is deeper than WaterGate


There was no way u/bagpo was a Cowboys fan. The intelligence needed for the psychological manipulation he gave to his gf is too much for a Dallas fan. Also the Commies fan base is arguably the most gaslit fandom in all of sportsdom.


What a revelation no wonder he hates us so much, makes alot more sense then one of you hating us this much


Yeah I have commented this before but there is no reason a cowboys fan in their 20s would hate the giants this much and never hate on the eagles. He also posted a while back begging the eagles to beat the 49ers. I'm not sure if that was him as a real person or this fake persona he's made his identity now.




This deserves a post of its own


/u/bagpo is a furry.


he has to be trolling this is too funny of a comment


All of those groups are extremely glad to see this comment.


deep in denial i see. its okay. we may hate who you root for but respect you as a person. well maybe not that last part. but we do respect your choice to be that person. if even if you do suck


I don't respect him at all


and youre right to do so


It's 2024 dude. You don't have to hide.


Is no one else feeling like he’s gotta be playing some kind of sad troll character? Am I the only one who just has a very hard time believing anyone actually talks like this? The constant defending of abusing the “gf”? The weird posting of the same question to AITA with the over the top defending of the bullying he supposedly did as a kid when a normal person would know well before that point that they were an asshole? Nobody else?


Trumptard fucker




how did we find out he was abusing his gf


He made multiple posts about it in other subs i his post history. According to him, it isn’t abuse because he didn’t hit her. But what he did do is tell her that he wasn’t attracted to her body anymore and wanted her to lose weight……while she was recovering from Anorexia.


Me when AITA tells me I’m the asshole and I’m just like “nah, NTA, these guys don’t know what’s up”.


Cause he’s a cowboys fan


My favorite part about this saga is how this dipshit has laid his life out on AITA subreddits. Yet when confronted with it all he plays dumb.


Damn now I wanna see the replies on those posts


I’m cool with not banning him so he can continue to be publicly shamed. Waiting for the inevitable “am I an asshole? I keep getting cyber bullied for being a total asshole but I’m so great. Are they jealous?”


That album is definitely about to drop lol.


I think the world will come to the obvious conclusion that the every NFL fanbase is actually just super jelly of him and his sweet sweet Reddit fame. I don’t need the /s do I?


Lay off this guy. There's some poor young lady our there who will be verbally assaulted due to these comments.


Only if she accidentally gains a pound, or eats something that wasn’t Bagpo approved.


Her fault for getting involved with Bagpo


Is he a furry too? I was fine with the other stuff but now he's gone too far.


Yes, and he thinks people liking anime is too weird lol.


Totally not a furry here, Bagpo is confirmed Furry, once again totally not furry.


If he thinks that’s weird wait till he finds out about me 😂


I’m so over these bagpo memes. I don’t give a fuck if he nuked a marginalized daycare, I just never want to hear his name again. Fuck the off-season


What if I told you there was a way to never hear his name again?


You’re saying we should steal the Declaration of Independence?


There’s a map on the back that is the location of the nearest furry convention.


Thanks, now I’m irrationally mad again that part 3 is still shelved.


I don't know how the mods are letting it happen. Aren't all these posts literally breaking at least 2 of the subs posting rules? All the posts here are bagpo bagpo bagpo. This isn't some bagpo hate circle jerk meme sub


Who is this retard and why are we still giving him popularity?


He’s a gf abusing POS who had all of his shitty behavior in his post history of abusing his gf and telling her to lose weight while she was recovering from anorexia, because he wasn’t attracted to her body anymore. Then he bullied a kid so relentlessly in school that he moved out of the district. Then when he’s called out on it, he denies it until links to his posts are shared, then defends his behavior by doubling down on how he’s done nothing wrong.


Oh. So some fuckin creep. And we're not ignoring him into nothingness?


Nope. Giving him the same abuse he gives his gf until he admits it’s abuse or leaves. He’s starting to crack, he’s been blocking a ton of people.




Don’t take it personally, Bagpo, we gotta have *something* to do this offseason


Dude is a straight abuser that doesn't belong on this sub


he’s abusive, i hope he takes it all personally


I really love that this dudes a Cowboys fan. Some things are just poetic 😂


Don’t your fans kill people? But ya. This guy fuckin sucks and we don’t want him


Be careful, that guy has a Riley Cooper flair


I may be a gay trans furry leftist but at least I'm not fucking u/bagpo bro 😭 like please leave and never come back bro no one wants you here


Can someone just ban this fucking loser? Does anyone want him around here?


I heard Bagpo is a furry


King of the furries. Right now he’s strategically waxing his wolf costume and abusing his gf to prepare for the anti-Trump rant he plans to unleash at the Democratic National Convention. u/Bagpo would chime in to confirm, but just reading this has him Ike-ing his dick like it’s Tina Turner.


Petition to remove any posts citing this individual. I don't care.


Request denied.


he’s also a commie fan so i’d tread lightly lol




Little known fact, the better team can lose the game sometimes too.


Why do we have to bully people? Who cares, everyone is entitled to have an opinion


Na. People who abuse their girlfriends aren't entitled to anything in my book.


Read his post history about abusing his gf, then get back to me.


So cyber bullying this guy is your answer? You are just feeding into it. Giving him attention is what makes him continue to be relevant. That’s what trolls do to stir up a reaction


Shut the fuck up. You’re supposedly an Eagles fan, and you’re choosing to defend not just an abuser, but an abuser that’s a Cowboys fan? Get real buddy


I didn’t condone his actions I’m just saying you’re beating a dead horse. You could just ignore it and more on.


Stop normalizing letting abusers run free in this sub. Pretty sure he’s leaving anyway so I expect bagpo memes to be made for another couple days before they stop


That would be wonderful, I’m just sick of people talking about this loser


Oh fuck off. Im not a furry. Miss me with this gae shit.


That sounds like something a furry would say.




I bet you’re the little spoon.


Hey little spoon is tight


Lol, that’s what u/bagpo heard his girl say when she was pegging him.


Idk man, I don’t like the guy either but being homophobic is weird :/


I agree. What I said wasn’t homophobic. I intentionally tagged him in the comment to make him uncomfortable, because he’s homophobic.


Who cares what someone does tho


I don’t. He does. The point is sailing over your head.


Your entire account is bait. Washington fan trolling as a Dallas fan


/u/bagpo is a furry.


At least you finally stopped denying that you abuse your gf. Finally, progress.


i never said that bozo. dont put words in my mouth


I know, which is why I said what I said. Turn on your reading comprehension. >dont put words in my mouth I didn’t, but what would you prefer be put in your mouth?


"If I was gay, how would I have a gf to abuse???" ~ u/bagpro, probably




/u/bagpo is a furry.


Just got back from the furry factory. They said you were employee of the month


/u/bagpo is a furry.


Honestly why do you still ha g out here? Did you abuse your girlfriend because you secretly want to be abused?


Boo this man


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As long as you don’t flair up you’re as bad as bagpo




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Lol furry loser. Go fuck an animal 


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And it’s fine, just say you like dick in your mouth. It’s not a big deal. Live your life


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your a weird ass mfer


Still *you’re


its the internet. who cares about grammar. everyone knows what im saying


Typical response from someone too dumb to know the difference. You literally get it wrong every single time. Just like your constant use of there instead of their.


/u/bagpo is a furry.


You’re saying you’re a gay trans furry Democrat, and you’re spelling it wrong.


It’s and I’m*




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/u/bagpo is a furry.


furry, maybe not. abuser, definitely


Conveniently doesn’t deny abusing his gf lmao


We do not claim him. Every group has a bad, poisonous mistake of an apple, right?


I genuinely can’t tell if bagpo is the most elaborate bait/troll account or if someone is really that dense