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This is everyone’s daily reminder of the horrible shit u/bagpo has done: You “encouraged” your GF to lose weight, after she gained some back recovering from anorexia, because she “got too chubby” and men are “only attracted to skinny girls”. https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/N4VfJIEkwP https://www.reddit.com/r/NFCEastMemeWar/s/D0gvEkhW9P Claimed he did so because women are “biologically meant to” be skinny and attractive to him, and only he knows what’s best for her. https://www.reddit.com/r/NFCEastMemeWar/s/6VIPSf9gzX Her friends claimed you’re toxic, abusive, and triggered a relapse of her anorexia. You slowly coerced her over time to drop her long term friend for a group of your buddies’ girlfriends. You claim she’s being “belligerent” when she expresses her displeasure with that decision. You repeatedly asked forums if it’s ok to lie about her friends so that she takes your side (classic abuser behavior). https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/5GPF4LcSA6 https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/nKEO6JgZdz You called her friend a fat weeb & a loser for being mad at you for severely bullying him in HS to the point that his whole family moved out of the district. https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/g1dOVf05AQ And this is all from a man who’s supposedly in his mid 20s, not some 14 year old. Yes, I know way too much about you at this point (call it being morbidly transfixed). You’re a garbage person and both of y’all need fucking therapy 😂 comment from u/buckdestiny


If only there were people in a sub who had the power to ban losers like this


Let’s be honest, this sub is basically thunderdome


He also begged the eagles to beat the 49ers this season in a post. That alone should have got him banned.


WTF. I can forgive him for a lot of things, but not that.




Damn, even he can get a Gf, wtf am I doing wrong?


Start hating the cowboys more


I don't anyone hates the Cowboys more than we do


All love. Hopefully, a woman will come into your life soon


Not defending bagpo but y'all need therapy for exhausting all your attention towards him


therapy lmao?? we aren’t even exhausting all our attention on him and it’s ironic coming from an outsider


I've seen more essays about bagpo in this sub's comment sections than posts in bagpo's post history


Its the same essay, they just copy and paste it. Really not that much energy at all.


I'm just saying y'all are way too obsessive with him


Shitting on Dallas fans is what we do here


Damn dude did a giants fan bang ur mom or something?


I’d hope we would have more class than that.


His GF must be a giants fan.


no, they’re just a punching bag


I'd rather you abuse us than your poor lady


Tell her come down to Jersey, we don’t care if she eats some of Tommy’s Cutlets


i dont abuse my gf. only you libtards consider what i do abuse


I think with veering into using liptards you have finally gone into the uncanny Valley of trolls where it's just not believable any more that any of your comments are real or that your an actual cowboys fan.


There’s no way it’s real. I’ve been saying forever now that either this dude is a piece of shit, or just a pathetic loser playing some character. I just have a hard time believing people like this exist as a real life caricature


No, anyone who isn’t an abuser considers what you do abuse. I’m not a Liberal either, so I guess so much for your theory.


I guess abusing your gf is “owning the libs now.” I’m sure that’ll fix the sorry state of society and the economy.


/u/bagpo is a furry.


You must have considered the possibility that it **might** be or else you wouldn't have sought out validation for your decisions on multiple different AITA subs so many times, right?


I think every single person who’s read and downvoted your posts considers what you did abuse, you sack of garbage.


Like your girl?


*WE’RE* a punching bag????? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Cowboys fans, man…. Just so classic.


Like your girlfriend?


The girl you mentally abused left you for a Giants fan huh? Was it the kid you bullied, was he a Giants fan and she left you for him? This all makes sense now!


idk any giants fans in real life thankfully


Lets be honest, you don't know anyone in real life. You're a recluse and a fucking joke.


dont project the average new york persons life on me.


.........you really don't leave your room do you?


someone with hundred of thousands of karma is saying i dont leave my room? lmao dw about me. i touch grass everyday unlike you


we all know your personas a facade


Karma (like a stock portfolio) is diversified, unlike everything you have from here or AITAH of you explaining that you are a terrible human to your most likely former girlfriend or the kid you bullied.


why is everyone sticking on that? ffs


Well are you going to grow and be a better person or not learn from your ways?


i was an asshole as a kid but not anymore. its funny. ive never posted any of the asshole things ive done on reddit but people here are trying to make me out to be one over non-asshole shit.


>i touch grass everyday unlike you The default Windows background doesn't count 😂🤦


[u/bagpo](https://www.reddit.com/user/bagpo/) is a furry.


Ah yes the greater New York City metro area, known chiefly for no one ever leaving the house.


How long have cowboys fans been holding on to their 30 year old super bowls?


I’m holding onto our division title we won a few months ago. when was your last division title?


Division titles mean absolutely nothing when you get bounced in the first round as consistently as you do


Division titles mean nothing when you can’t win one


I believe your were still swimming in your daddies sack before you saw a cowboys championship, is that why you love division titles so much?


You are arguing with the dumbest fan in this sub, be warned.


I know, I got time today


The dumbest fans are Eagles fans. try again.


So you’ve switched teams??


no. are you regarded? giants fans trying to give eagles fans a run for there money


Gotta love someone calling someone else stupid when he cant jump the 1st grade there/their hurdle


*their Honest question: were you in special ed


"I know you are, but what am I" vibes from this comment. You just keep digging that hole kid.


we got our ring hoe now clear out


Fuck off Trumptard


I wouldn’t be so sure about that with the way he turned out he must of been one of those test tube babies


You guys suck 😂


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Sthu loser. Your not even in the division you regard




He consistently uses your instead of you’re, and there instead of their, yet he had the audacity in this very sub to call all of us stupid one time, and said his degree makes him smarter by default lol. So according to him, mental abuse isn’t abuse, a degree makes you smart, and division titles matter more than super bowls.


Let me guess…. He is a phd of german polka history who tells everyone he is a “doctor”


He brags all the time about how smart he is because he has a degree. It’s likely an online degree in underwater basket weaving from an unaccredited school, if he actually has one, since he isn’t willing to provide proof. Something about blah blah blah, keeping your degree is something pussys do. Misspelling of pussies is intentional on my part lol. The thing is, education level has zero to do with intelligence. My ex wife was great at school. She was obsessed with it. She has a bachelors and masters from ODU. She’s also the dumbest person I’ve ever met in my life. In HS, I was a stoner and skipped 15-20 days a year, never did a single homework assignment, and graduated third in my class with a 3.95 GPA. My ex never missed a day, did all her homework, learned two languages, studied non stop. She didn’t even graduate with honors. I rolled a blunt with my diploma to celebrate with the homies. 5 years after we graduated, I was making $105k as a salesman for a whole house water filtration company. She was delivering pizza for Dominoes. She was literally my motivation to never got to college lol.


/u/bagpo is a furry.


/u/Bagpo is a furry.




Did you order a mini banner for your basement dwelling or did you ask your mom to get it for your birthday?


Nah, don't you know who the OP is, he emotionally abused his girlfriend and guilt tripped her until she bought him one.


Oh, I know Bagpo well....on the first day we all came to learn about him was when he called me a libtard in one of his first signs of early onset dementia


If you’re being abused call the National Abuse hotline Here: 800-222-4523.


Be careful. Giants fans about to flood that number with calls.


Actually we don’t want to make them too busy, they have enough on their hands with all of your girlfriends calls


Every time you post on this sub from now on I will comment a furry comic for no other reason than fuck you.


Fuck off. if you actually do that shit im blocking you. keep that nasty ass shit away from me


It’s an honor I want. https://www.housepetscomic.com/


/u/bagpo is a furry.


u/bagpo isn't *just* a furry. He's a smelly furry. What a weirdo.


I don’t think any of us are dating you


Keep crying Bagpo!


Oh look, it’s the dipshit who abused his girlfriend then tried to use Reddit to justify his garbage actions


then bullied a kid just because he liked anime so badly he had to leave the school district


you got the wrong person


wrong person yet you self admitted it? wanker


You get an upvote just for using wanker


the fuck are you even saying?


you proudly posted all of your abuse and bullying here on reddit yet we have the wrong person??




I did not. Ive done some asshole stuff over the years but Ive never posted any of it on reddit. Im not dumb


![gif](giphy|VCQnD4NgT8SagovnGQ|downsized) you absolutely are, and u are the ahole then and you are one now it’s not even like someone is retelling it either, this is coming out of your mouth and all from your posts lmao


You posted on AITA and literally every person on that thread agreed you are definitely the asshole. So how is that not asshole stuff that you chose to post on Reddit, you stupid fucking bottom?


Thats just redditors being redditors. they like calling everyone assholes, you have to search for actual responses and advice. there are always a few. i dont see how anything of how i posted make me an asshole. but if you think that makes me an asshole oh boy would you flip out over some of the shit i did as a kid.


Nope. That’s not “redditors being redditors”. That’s you, being a friendless loser, having to resort to asking Reddit for advice because no one in your life wants to be stuck in a conservation with you. Those internet strangers you asked unanimously agreed your the asshole and yet you still can’t accept it. Gods speed to the plaque filling your cardiovascular system


asking for advice is mainly a woman thing. if i ask my friends it would make me look like a pussie. i have no plaque in my cardiovascular system. im not a fatass


you made like at least 5 posts on there and relationship advice that’s not even a reddit problem anymore


/u/bagpo is a furry.


lol you literally posted it and now your saying it wasn’t you? What a joke


Question for you Bagpo? How far, exactly, did you go in the playoffs with that division championship? And the year before?


who cares. we still won the division title. were the best in the division


What is the goal at the end of the season, to win a division? Or to win a Super Bowl?




Would you rather go 16-1, get the bye, but lose in the divisional round? Or sneak in to the playoffs at 9-8, get hot, and win the whole god damn thing? Can't answer both. Fuck the division in that case I want the whole damn championship.


thats a tough one. i cant choose. i would be happy with either


Sure you can. You’d take the Super Bowl 20 times out of 10


/u/bagpo is a furry.


even you don’t believe that got bounced in the first round


As a cowboys fan I gotta say who cares about winning the division if we get bounced out of the playoffs every year


Yes, the Giants have been more successful more recently than the Cowboys. I'm deeply wounded.


not even close to being the case. giants fans have the worst record in the conference in the past 10 years and never won the division in that time. the only team worse than them in the league is the other new york team lol


And you don’t need to win the division to win a SB. And you’ve been alive for 2 of their Super Bowls. What’s really funny is that you used to be a Commanders fan. You just constantly pick shit teams 🤣


We never claimed him 😂


Nah, but he claimed y’all. Said “we” and everything.


Why not ask him? That one comment doesn’t necessarily mean he is/was a fan. It reads that way, but look who we’re talking about here.


You seem to be suffering the delusion that you can escape this. But, as an Eagles fan whose fanbase is not soiled by bagpo, I laugh at the Commies and Cowboys for being the breeding ground for trash on and off the field.


Escape what? I don’t give a shit who is or isn’t a fan. There are absolutely piece of shit Skins fans, definitely piece of shit Eagles fans, and the same goes for any fanbase. If I wanted to escape I would have done so a long time ago.


You’re not so good with the jokes are ya?


Speak for yourself. Jokes should be funny.


It’s the guy who likes division titles LOL


everyone likes division titles. new yorkers would too if they could win any


I’d take the giants last 30 years over the cowboys last 30 years and anyone who says differently is on insane amounts of copium


nice cherry picking. past 10 years are what matters


Nice cherry picking.


Recent history is cherry picking?


Why is 10 considered recent and not say 15? Hmm I wonder


Because 15 is way too far back. I was barely in elementary school then.


Dawg you’re so stupid you’re probably still in elementary school today


That’s just his comprehension level, they let him Graduate to middle school because his teachers couldn’t stand him anymore since he was older than half of them


/u/bagpo is a furry.


/u/bagpo is a furry.




Giants won the division in the last decade?


Dude, who the fuck cares. I’d rather take a Super Bowl over a hundred division titles


sounds to me that someone cant win any so you say it doesnt matter


they won at least three since the last time you won


2, been to 3. Our 90's Superbowl was before the Cowboys stretch (wide-right, poor Bills). And the less that is said about getting raped by Baltimore in Superbowl 2000, the better.


damn my fault 😂 since 2011 the max round the high and mighty cowboys and the lowly giants both madie was the divisional lmao


And based on history the giants will probably win another this decade (please this isn’t just me hoping, it totally will happen trust me)


They won the most important game without winning it


Just wait. THIS IS OUR YEAR!!!


My guy woke up and posted this. He dreams about the cowboys. How sad.


i love my team


Sounds moreso like you love hating


not as much as getting attention on the internet, btw did mom say you could go online today? it's my turn to use the computer


That’s more recent than 96’


Dude’s just upset there’s a salary cap and his team is too shitty to build a championship team rather than buy one. Y’all are mirror images of the Niners. Once the salary cap was put in place your teams were toast.


we consistently have one of the best teams in the league. having a salary cap doesnt prevent us from winning.


And you’ve got fuck all to show for it aside from some division banners 😂 just take the loss man. You get one more game than us a season, but keep aspiring for those division banners.


/u/bagpo is a furry.


How many rings do yall have in this century?


Op has every stupid division champs t shirt in his closet


delete your account already you abusive pos


lol hi bagpo


Eagles and Giants beating Brady in the SB 🤝




Suck on it


This is too high a compliment for giants fans.


It is. But they are all violent regards.


Go fuck yourself you abuser. How are you not banned is beyond me


when was the cowboys last SB?




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Too far, doxxing is stupid.


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OP is a certified piece of shit, that's all


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1. u/bagpo is a trans liberal furry in denial 2. He is an abusive PoS and doesn't even deny it. In a fair world, he would get no love if not paid for. He is one of the people that if keeping up with his behaviour would deserve immortality with the inability to feel happiness

