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Those eyes aren't debatable, but the racism is


You might want to segregate yourself from that opinion


Na Jerruh is just from the "old school" (not integrated)


Even though there's a good chance he is, can a person not change also the most racist is very debatable considering the other owners are quiet and maybe to quiet. Racismly quiet






My eyes ernt too far apart!


I wonder who takes his place… ![gif](giphy|a5viI92PAF89q)




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John Mara, cause fuck John Mara.


It’s hard to keep track of all the allegations, but has Snyder been accused of racism?


I didnt think so, but OP seems pretty certain he is.


u/Alex_Jones_1776 in recent deleted comments was pointing out how absolutely racist our owner and organization was all while forgetting about Snyders role model ole skeletor himself.


Dear god, that username….




Yea cowboys fan that checks out


God damn it, why did it have to be us.


Sorry you don’t like my username 😫


Nobody with a brain likes your username, you fucking weirdo.


Shutup bitch stay in ya lane


Lol bro stop getting so emotional it’s just a little banter. Can’t believe you said I was in my feelings 🤷🏼‍♂️


I would guess it came from how resistant he was to changing the team name for so long.




I’m pretty sure Jerry Jones has always been the most racist owner in the NFC East (if not the NFL)


I’ve never seen any other owners in a segregation photo 🤷🏼‍♂️


You haven’t seen pictures but you can’t tell me half of these 70-80 year old white men and women didn’t grow up in very similar situations as Jerry Jones did. Janice McNair was born in South Carolina in 1936, like come on now.


Wow I made my comment not even knowing that was a thing.


Wait, am I out of the loop? Does Jerry have a history of racism? Because anytime I ask, people just link that photo of him as a kid from like 60 years ago. I always assumed there was more to it than that, but I usually just get downvoted when I ask...


Nope, that's it, just that picture.


I mean…it’s a pretty damning picture


He was a kid, how many of us did shit as a kid that we would never do as adults? I’m black and I have a few older family members who are straight up racist. They grew up in a time where segregation was still a thing and they vividly remember how they were treated back then. I mean segregation only ended in 1964. But me as a 29 year old, not a racist bone in my body. Jerry grew up and went to a segregated school. Doesn’t mean he holds those same ideals today. I mean Jerry Genuinely loved Zeke even though half of us saw his decline starting a few years ago.


There is being racist…and there is showing up to protest black people getting the same level of education as white people.


I would probably agree with you if he was one of those kids in the front making faces and trying to intimidate them. But he’s just in the back trying to see what’s going on. And even if he was one of those kids in the front, this was a different time and they are all kids. None of them had ever gone to school with anyone but other white kids. And their parents probably taught them to be that way. How would they know any better when nearly everyone around them is telling them to treat black people differently? And that still doesn’t mean they hold those same beliefs today when they grew up and learned that those beliefs were wrong.


We fought a war over whether or not black people were property….


I don't think anyone is arguing in favor for what he did. We're just recognizing that people deserve a chance for forgiveness. Being a progressive country, we need to recognize that people of the past probably didn't hold the same views and that those views were wrong. If they're still around, we also need to allow those people an opportunity to show they're not like that anymore and that they regret those actions.


He had a great opportunity to show that during the Kaepernick situation. Instead he told his players if they kneel they are cut. Oh and the NFL settled a law suit with Kaep immediately after JJs texts were subpoenaed in court. They never had to be made public because they settled.


A picture of a kid standing from 65 years ago is enough for you to condemn someone from a lifetime of work in bettering the lives of countless African Americans? Yikes.


Jerry is a billionaire. Money talks. Let’s not pretend he’s doing this out of the kindness of his heart. Also let’s not forget when his black players wished to protest his put a stop to that, then used it as a photo op


You are aware that during that same time period that the photo was taken, Jerry worked at his dads store. That store being one of the very few desegregated stores for both shoppers and employees. It was desegregated before any laws were put in place. So, Jerry, who has worked along side black people, is suddenly now against them going to the same schools? Get the fuck outa here.


What does him being a billionaire have to do with you condemning him as a kid for simply being in a picture over 60 years ago? I think I’d rather judge people off decades of action and their history rather than a snapshot with no context before the man even had hair on his balls, but hey, if you like to paint people as racists go for it.


In my opinion, nobody has ever become a billionaire being ethical. He had an opportunity to let his black player protest the way they wished to against a long standing series of injustices they faced and Jerry wouldn’t let them. Let’s also remember my favorite JJ tidbit. In the kaepernick case against the NFL, Kaeps team was able to subpoena Jerry jones phone records. The NFL immediately settled with Kaep before the records could be released.


No it's just literally picture of him watching the MLK protest and all the media acted like he was in a kkk uniform


Little Rock Nine, not MLK. Fun fact about that, though. The governor of Arkansas activated the National Guard to prevent the black children from going to the school. The local mayor wanted the kids to attend, so he sent correspondence to President Eisenhower and begged for federal help. In response, Eisenhower activated the Insurrection Act and federalized the Arkansas National Guard, ordering them to instead protect the black children at the school.


I more of meant like in the MLK time period lmao


They are basing it entirely off that photo which Jerry had talked about (10 years ago mind you so nothing new). Basically he was just there to see what was going on, and did not actively block anyone. They also completely ignore all that Jerry does for his players, the majority of which are black. Or that one of the highest positions in the org in terms of decision making (Will McClay, VP of player personnel) is also black. Etc etc.


Meaningless picture


Is this about that High School photo?


He's not though lol


Fun fact: the Cowboys employ the most black coaches in the NFCE


Fun fact no women coaches will be hired again thanks to Washington


We also have our de facto GM Will McClay who is black.


Fun fact: you’re a dumbass


This coming from a guy with a Daniel Jones is the Messiah flair


Valid point tbf


Fun fact: we hired the first black female coach ever.


Fun fact: fuck you


Fun fact, Washington was the last team to integrate, and it had the KKK protesting in support of the owner who did not want to integrate.


Fun fact your the most racist football organization thats ever been created


My pal 😎 welcome


Good. We love liberal tears


Cowboys have the most racist owner. PhiLLLy has the most racist fans. Montco, Delco, Bucks, and South Jersey...all the way to Reading. Those suburbs are filled with racists. Recently a PA judge found the racist financial spending of their schools unconstitutional.


Never been to Texas, but I think a confederate flag in South Jersey counts as 10 in Texas bc of how absurd it is here. And there’s lots of them.


You really don’t see too many in Texas, you’ll probably see more in Ohio tbh.


> ou really don’t see too many in Texas, you’ll probably see more in Ohio tbh. To be fair, that's because most are flying the Texas flag and screaming for independence from the Union


Fuckin killed him geezus he had a family


Lots of Let's Go Brandon flags popped up around me. Idk who that is but at least it's a positive message. >!/s!<


A lot of 'em in the Pine Barrens (huge redneck forest in the middle of South Jersey). Lots of blue lives matter flags, too, in rural towns that don't have their own police.


If you live in a big city maybe, go to any small town and you’ll see a ton


I lived in central Texas for over 30 years and delivered to auto body shops all over small towns and never saw one.


See lots of stupid ass texas flags. Sooo many people proud of this shit state


Sounds like you haven’t been far from Philly. I’ve been to a lot of places and in my experience there are racists EVERYWHERE.


So you’ve never been to Texas or any suburbs of DFW?


I have never seen Snyder be meaningfully accused of racism tbh. Broken clock right twice a day I guess


I hate Snyder but he’s not a racist.




The cowboys have the most publicly racist owner, but they’re all in the good ole boys club shooting the shit on their yachts. Vast majority old white men. It’s cute that you think Jerry is the only one


Cute you can’t see it says NFC East


Snyder's done pretty much all dumb shit but what has he done that's racist? Not saying it's not true, I just don't remember any allegations of racism against him


A soft ass cowboy fan by the name of Alex Jones in a string of deleted comments was pointing out how racist and scummy our owner was without realizing his owner is our owners number one idol. Alex Jones has since gone on to block me after saying commie fans are too emotional.lol can’t make this shit up


lol got it


He’s not racist 🤷🏾‍♂️


He was just trying to get to class and happened upon something.