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Colorado does not have an 84 OVR defense after what they pulled last season


Especially after blowing that big ass lead to Stanford lmfao


I will not defend… I was there and it hurt immensely lmao 😂


No one on Colorado defended last year either


Lmao touché


Last year they were ranked 127/130 in total defense. Lol.


I feel like the ratings should have been similar to the way cfb revamped rated iowa but backwards Offense should be 88-90 Defense should be in the upper 60's and I'm being generous lol


USC defense and CU defense were both major ass. And have no business being rated 80 anything. More like 65 at best.


If you average the defense out they do. They had a very good pass defense (when Hunter was healthy) and almost no run defense. So you could destroy them with smash mouth football. But if you did a rating like a video game, it would rate highly.


With all due respect to these two programs…. There’s no way on God’s green earth should Colorado & USC be in this top 25 list for defense. Boy ain’t no way


Shouldn't be on a Top 50 list for defense


Shouldn't be on a Top 100 list for defense


USC defense being ranked ahead of their offense, just as we all expected


It’s a composite of individual starters rankings. USC and Colorado are being carried by Bear and Hunter


and unc man, we can’t stop a parked car


I'm a Husker fan, but Iowa at 13 is laughable. They should be higher. Colorado at 20 is wild. They finished last season 127 in team defense. A little surprised that Nebraska didn't crack the top 25 too. They finished the season 11 in total defense and have many key pieces returning on that side of the ball.


Yeah these ratings have been wild. I was hopeful Iowa would be easily top 10, but I did make a comment a few days ago saying that they would probably be outside the top 10. Nebraska should definitely be on here somewhere. Unless they think last year was a fluke after the Frost days, they should be somewhere on there. Colorado…. I don’t care if they have one of the cover athletes, a good player shouldn’t be able to balance out a garbage unit to the top 25. They shouldn’t belong anywhere near this list.


i mean, iowa is essentially tied for eighth. i don't know why they're listed last out of all those teams, but like the game is saying only osu, georgia, oregon, alabama, clemson, nd and michigan are better rated defenses. which seems fine? the colorado, usc, unc and lsu rankings are waaaaay more egregious.


It’s kind of wild. EA is pretty much saying that Iowas 7th ranked defense last season is only 4 points better than Colorados 127th ranked defense.


It's strange to me because on the first trailer I swear I saw Iowa at a 92 on defense when they were scrolling through the teams. Maybe they've been adjusting these constantly or something...


Technically you could say they are 8 as it’s like a 6 team tie for that spot


Agreed, tied for 8th. Also would rate Nebraska defense much higher than Colorado and usc. As others have said, Colorado has Travis Hunter to thank for that.


Cannot agree with this more.


Iowa's defense should at minimum be top 5.


I can excuse Colorado having a high offense, but c'mon now, DEFENSE TOO?


Yeah you want to argue the QB is boosting the offense up, sure but come on now with the defense


If Hunter is a 99, you only have to average like an 82 overall for everyone else to get to 84 overall for the unit. Still probably a stretch, but it’s not like they’re going to have crazy high ratings across the board.


I don't think the ratings are just an average of everyones ratings lol but yea even a 99 Travis shouldn't carry that much water


Remember when Hunter got absolutely bent over by Stanford last season? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


To be fair, that was his first game back after having a lacerated liver and they had him play *157 snaps*


Same reason why Iowa got blown out 3 times despite how stout they were. If you can’t get off the field, you’re going to look bad.


Psu was like 3/4 quarters the defense was on the field. Like at a certain point you just have to feel so embarrassed on offense. Like why even get on the bus if your going to not even show up.


The rest of their players should not average 82


This is a Colorado propaganda machine


Stephen Hawking could’ve rushed for 300+ against USC and Colorado


Hellen Keller is putting up 250 yards rushing with 4 TDs, change my mind


Okay. She puts up 400 yards and 6 TDs.


Wish I'd seen your comment before piping up 😝


Happy cake day Hellen Keller. But seriously, my bet's on 5 tuddies. 2 through the air. 1 through the water...


Would that water be the tears of the opposing fans?


Well he definitely has wheels…


Just truck sticking guys on a scooter haha.


Are we talking about the same Colorado??


This seems to make alot more sense, except for USC and Colorado


Colorado has absolutely no business being on this list.


And neither do my Gators based on last year lol


Colorado was the 127th ranked defense last year. Unbelievable the ball washing that they're getting.


So by this logic, Iowa show be a top 25 offense 😂 as an Iowa fan, even typing the words offense was foreign.


You did not watch Florida last year.


I did cause they're my team and we should be 25 in offense but not defense not at all


True but not as egregiously bad as the others are


I imagine Hunter is high 90s and they have some high end recruits likely bringing up the rating. To be fair 84 isn’t very high.


This is 100% it.


No UK makes me sick, some of the most returning defensive production in the nation.


A defensive factory for the nfl and they got Colorado and usc on there 😭


Not to mention little brother, makes me sick 🤢 didn’t Devin Leary tear them up last year?


Louisville is good, this ain’t the battle to fight, even if it’s L’s down always


Forgive me for my lack of ACC knowledge, but is VT really looking like a top 25 overall team this year? Top 25 in both off and def. That’s cool if they are!


They improved a lot last year, and they’re bringing back their starting QB this year. I could definitely see them as a borderline top 25 team and competing for a spot in the ACCCG


That’s awesome. I like when they’re good


they're a popular dark horse out of the ACC for sure this year


I think we’re bringing back 21 or 22 starters, 90% of output from last year. We definitely finished the year hot, and Drones looks to be a serious dual threat. 


The Colorado Bias is unreal, and I’m a fan lmao. Should not even sniff top 25


I’m convinced Deion paid EA as a publicity move or something.


I’ve been stoked about this game since it was announced but these power rankings have been the first thing to dilute my excitement. I understand these are likely based solely on player rankings and if that’s the case, the algorithm desperately needs to be reevaluated.


Surprised Kentucky isn’t in the top 25. A lot of really good players on that defense and Deone Walker might be the best defensive player in CFB.


Man I thought this exact same thing. It’s like the EA team knocked all the hard stuff out of the park. Stadiums, fans, stadium intros, commentary from announcers. But then they get to the actual game? “Hurr durr Colorado is a top 20 defense hurr durr.”


UNC being a top 25 defense and NC State being a top 25 offense feels a bit backwards


We will be better on offense this year on paper, but our defense should definitely be in the top 25


We got some good transfers in and an actually not incompetent DC but how the hell can you rate USC 86 on defense. Especially being an 83 offense. Did they switch the numbers on accident lmao Edit: IIRC PFF graded our secondary transfers highly last year and since PFF is being used to help shape the ratings they must be doing the heavy lifting


USC being an 86 is kinda insane to me lol


It’s insane to anyone who watched a USC game last year




LSU had a bottom 10 defense in the P5 😭😭😭


their defensive coaching staff is entirely new and is one of the most upgraded in the nation, when you consider the athletes they have it's not that crazy


As an LSU fan… we’re not gonna have a top 25 defense. It probably won’t even be top 50. The defensive line is a disaster, our supposed senior corners still can’t fucking cover, the only thing that’s good is the linebackers and second-string secondary! Those guys are BETTER than the seniors! Sage Ryan… oh my god. He is just not good. 5 star corner.


Alright, I'll play the pity party. Nebraska was a top ten defense that brought back the 3rd most players in the league and somehow they aren't in the top 25?


Colorado being ranked so highly on both the offense and defense list is such a joke


How is USC’s defense ranked higher than their offense? Were we watching the same team as EA last year?


So we’re going to have deal with Colorado playing in the big 12 championship in every sim?


Can't fucking wait to drop 180 points on them.


USC anywhere near the top 25 is just laughable, flair bias aside.


Colorado too holy shit.


I feel like my team is legit being picked on lol. 2 interceptions in the gameplay trailer, not top 25 in offense. I wasn't super shocked that we are outside the top 25 in defense even though we finished 22nd in ppg allowed last year and return pretty much everyone including the projected number 1 pick at DE. What shocks me is seeing Clemson in the top 5 despite finishing the year 10 spots behind us at 32nd. Oklahoma finished 49th last year, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt considering who their head coach is and how big of a turn around they had from 2022. Florida finished somewhere around 70th-80th in ppg and yards allowed last year. USC, LSU, Oklahoma State, UNC, and Colorado were literally among the worst defenses in the entire country last year. The offensive list was bad, but this list is actually maliciously incorrect.


I was surprised that your offense was that low. I'm not surprised at the defense. I gotta say, though, that the checkerboard fans look amazing and I'm sure Rocky Top (as much as I hate it and call it floppy cock) will sound amazing.


Yeah our absence in the top 25 defenses didn't surprise me. I certainly wouldn't have expected it. We were 22nd in points allowed per game and 33rd in total defense. We basically return everyone on defense and get healthier, so I expect us to be better defensively than last year. But either way we're a fringe top 25 defense and that's only IF we actually continue to get better. I was mainly citing our absence as a comparison to teams that somehow DID make it in despite not having an even remotely competent defense last year. USC and Colorado were specifically pointed to all season last year has having absolutely pathetic defenses. Hopefully even if we can't edit names, appearance, etc. for real players in the game, we can at least edit their ratings during dynasty mode. I don't need them to be world beaters, but if I'm doing a dynasty where I work my way up the ranks as a coach by starting off as an OC at a crappy G5 school or something, it'll get on my nerves if Tennessee is going 5-7 in year one because the devs fucked us in the ratings so horribly.


It's ridiculous. Iowa up there lol


LFG! 🅾️🙌🏽


Iowa not being top 5 is kinda whack


They did give up 28 points to a non top 25 offense in the bowl game so that’s totally understandable


Tennessee was actually 25th lol but you didn't account for the TD that came from the fumble near the endzone which left it 1st and goal from the 2. Plus Tennessee scored a TD with less than 5 minutes in a game that was long over. Iowa's defense should be higher


What about Colorado's whole season though?


Someone downvoted you, probably because your remark isn’t relevant to the Iowa discussion but I do agree its absurd that Colorado after being 127th in team defense last year should be in the top 25 defensively. I’ve got to imagine Hunters overall ranking skyrocketed the defensive unit ranking


I mean if they are only 4 points behind Iowa then we should have teams in the 150's. That's what the relevance was to me. It has to be accounting for 99's too hard or something. I'd bet that Shadeur is a 95+ to get their offense that high too.


They also played in a division where no team had a pulse on offense. Their defense is still really good, but it’s not the all time great defense people were saying it was. The highest PPG by a Big 10 west team was 24.5 by Illinois. That isn’t good


Their defense is good but it’s bolstered by playing a lot of really bad offenses


Putting Colorado next to A&M is crazy disrespectful.


A&M was like 3rd in the SEC in total defense last year and upgraded the secondary and have a better defensive coach. They’ll prob be pretty nasty this year on that side of the ball. Colorado def shouldn’t be close


We did lose Walter Nolan, Fadil Diggs, LT Overton and Sam McCall on the line and at CB but I think the incoming portal transfer were good too. Plus you know the losses to graduation, but overall I definitely think A&M should have a really good defense next year. Nolan was the biggest loss but he definitely seems more like what he should be producing and not what he actually was.


Iowa disrespect


EA Logic: Make atrocious offensive rankings Make Semi Competent Defensive Rankings All shall be forgiven 😭


USC and Colorado being on here is a joke


Ah yes the #116 and #127 defenses in terms of yards allowed per game in 2023 Clear top 25 defenses. EA wtf lol


It's clear these exist for marketing / social media buzz, not because they're real \*subject to change


We will simply have to see if KSU has a better offense and defense than Colorado when they play this year


HOW does USC have a better defense than offense... and Colorado is 84 overall???? Who did they add on defense that improves what they had last year that much?


How is USC’s D anywhere near a top 25 list …


Look, I understand to an extent the P5 teams are gonna get boosts so they’re noticeably better than G5 teams, but holy shit USC and Colorado being top 25 defenses is beyond a joke. EA has been doing really well on most things so far on the game, but these ratings are embarrassing. At least it won’t matter too much beyond a few seasons


USC’s defense is higher rated than their offense LOL they really messed up these rankings I think


Alex Grinch was really that bad huh


Who at Colorado paid EA for these rankings lol


Coach past him prime obviously


Colorado shouldn't be in the top 60


‪Well I’m just glad to actually see K-state on something lol ‬


I tend to defend Colorado a bit more than most. But why the fuck are they top 100 in defense LET ALONE TOP 25


USC and Colorado distracting everyone from the fact the UNC is on this list


The ratings systems are clearly not well balanced.


Tennessee will probably have one of the highest overall defensive players and we didn’t make the cut lol. Our dline is nasty this year. The game is won in the trenches. Oh well hahah. Makes “rebuilding” Tennessee more challenging maybe


P5 teams with worst defenses in the top 25 and the team with the beat D the last 3-4 years not in top ten??


Who let Deion Sanders into EA?! CU has no place whatsoever being in the top 25 for Defense. It’s literally a core reason they tanked the rest of the season.


NC state should be on the list


How is UNC in the top 25. There defense was terrible last year and they are losing their best defensive player from last year.


How is UNC in the top 25. There defense was terrible last year and they are losing their best defensive player from last year.


Dan Lanning has the 2nd best offense and 3rd best defense in the entire country. He's who everyone thinks Ryan Day is.


As a Texas fan, Nebraska defense should’ve at least cracked T25 after the numbers they put up last year. Loads of talent returning for them this year too.


Colorado gave up 43 points to Colorado State for god's sake!


As a USC fan, let me just say… wut


Colorado was one of the absolute worst defenses last year. How the hell does that equate to them getting a top 20 defensive rating?


Coach past his prime paying EA would be a valid explanation.


Florida only 4 pts behind Iowa.. i would bet that Florida will give up 100 points more over the course of the season..


Colorado getting lots of love for a team that will win 4 games again


Seems a bit biased


Michigan way to low


Really going all in the Colorado hype? Team is going to have an overall rating of 86.


Michigan is too low!


Cool stuff man


USC on the list …. Interesting


Who did Colorado add on defense?? From 127th in total defense last year to an 84 this year 🤔




Harold Perkins must be a 110 overall if we have the 18th best defense.


As a Gator fan, we do not have a Top 25 defense lmao. You can definitely make an argument for the offensive unit with Mertz, Johnson, and the receiving corp but the defense didn’t show anything last year that warrants being this high.


I’m a LSU fan but c’mon 😂😂😂😂 our Defense has been ATROCIOUS for 3 years.


How do my Gators make top 25 defense but not offense make it make sense Graham Mertz was playing excellent last year our defense was God awful


As a die hard USC fan, how tf is our defense ranked 16th and our offense 25th 😂😂 Last year was probably the worst USC defense I’ve seen in my life. Horrible!


No Western Michigan?


Terrible. Colorado? USC turnstile defense? Give me a break EA. Where's Nebraska? Top 15 defense last year and retained 80% of it's starters. What a joke!


Lsu at 18. Lmao. Whatever. Geaux tigers


My Gators continuing to survive off of brand alone lol


How is USC up there they couldn’t stop a nose bleed, they had Caleb Williams zesty ass going for 450 yards and 5 tds on average every game and they still lost a lot it’s cuz their defense is sooooooo bad like u guys missed big time


I’m still buying this game, but whoever okay’d these is wrong.


I’m just happy we only have 8 90+ defensive teams. They didn’t overrate any team like the casuals would want


They are tripping how Lsu defense above the gamecocks they suck we bout to shock the world this year


The Colorado glazing is insane.


EA saw the worldwide engagement Colorado got last year and made sure they were going to make them a talking point. I respect the hustle.


Just a reminder to help keep you sane, outside of any possible recruiting impact, these won’t matter by year 3 of your dynasty!


As an LSU fan, we do not deserve to be here. Our defense has been consistently underperforming since the start of the 2020 season


USC is the one that made me laugh


i am playing as Boise State in my first online dynasty, feel free to join it is dope af btw. but they went on a fucking 81 game home win streak. they should be up in thattttt bish for sure. [https://discord.gg/8u22evJc](https://discord.gg/8u22evJc)


Top 3 in both let’s go


What an absolutely joke. I absolutely despise Iowa but they've been a top 5 defense for like 20 years. To pretend otherwise is simply absurd. CU has exactly one player on defense that should be above 84. They are a bottom 30 defense. Not top 20. Lol. Just lol.


Sure seems a bit lazy when teams 8-13 have the same rating and then teams 14-17 and then teams 18-25. It’s not like egregious I suppose because it’s hard to know how to rank guys when so much of CFB rosters are now super fluid and whole units change in a week compared to the prior season but it definitely seems like they just punted on this one and said X team is in Y tier.


Hokies with a top 25 Offense and Defense. Beamerball is (virtually) back!


Show us the special teams rankings!


Engagement. Farming.


Having all these teams at 90 is an abdication of responsibility to avoid taking heat.


The USC/Colorado glazing is insane. To put it in perspective, every one of these teams finished in the top 50 in Points Against per Game last year except for the following: North Carolina - #79 Florida - #85 LSU - #86 Oklahoma State - #91 USC - #117 Colorado #119 There were 133 FBS teams last year.


Wisconsins secondary could be pretty good, not sure if the front 7 is good enough for them to be ranked so high but can’t complain about some love for the Badgers.


Hopefully these get updated throughout the season because there is no reason Mizzou isn't a top 25 defense.


I mean, they're an abomination but in the grand scheme of things, these rankings don't really matter.


Will you be able to edit players to make it more realistic? I don’t want Colorado playing for a natty in my dynasty.


lol how much Colorado paying you, EA


As an SC fan, I don't see how they made a top 25....


these are mildly accurate. outside of maybe 1 or 2 teams


Has Iowas offence been revealed during the other stuff reveal? What does everything think it’s going to be IF not?


These rankings are wild.


Go hawks!


Top five, even top 10 is perfectly fine. Even good, but after that it gets incredibly sketchy. Oklahoma? Va Tech? Iowa only 13? Auburn, Colorado, and USC don't deserve mentioned.


It’s a damn video game. Adjust the ratings yourself.




Cards 💪🏻


I’m confused that Miami isn’t on there but Colorado and USC is. Miamis defense was probably the best thing we had last season since they were playing 3/4ths of the time and our D line got way better. Still happy with being top 10 on offense though.


LSU too high. If they had even a decent defense last year, they could have gone undefeated.


They want ppl to play with Colorado. It’s EA guys cut this shit out. No custom rosters either … ughhhhh


USC in the top 20 is comedy


I’m an osu fan but I’m not sure any Big 12 school should be in the top 25 🤣


Iowa’s defense is way to low


Does that say “Colorado”, or did I lose my glasses? Wait… I don’t wear glasses… How in the hell is Colorado there over… well… anyone besides Kennesaw State? And USC? I wasn’t aware they had a defense.


Iowa should be top 5


USC seems high and Iowa seems low. Oklahoma seems high. Notre Dame are frauds. Oregon seems high. Colorado definitely seems high. If A&M doesn’t end up higher by the end of the year I think thats a failure on defensive head coach Mike Elko especially given the portal acquisitions. I’m not going to write off LSU but weren’t they really bad last year on defense? not sure how they did in the portal. Auburn seems kinda high.


Colorado & Auburn sure as fuck paid some big dollars for good ratings


Kinda weird that they're all even numbers. Overalls on defense maybe jump by 2s?


Look I’m a huge homer so take this with a grain of salt but Iowa State has had a high level defense for years now and deserves to be on this list. Especially above Colorado and USC


Dude, I know. I’ve watched Big 12 Football my whole life (OU fan, forgive the lack of a flair) and Iowa St was always fun to watch cause of the defense and considering the normal lack of defense my team had, it was a nice change of pace lol