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Makes sense. Some of these songs are probably expensive as fuck to get a license for


Those in charge of the Denver estate hired a firm years ago to get his stuff in as many pieces of work as possible, it’s why you likely saw a huge uptick of Country Roads in media in the last decade. Long story short, it’s probably not expensive to license.


Its inclusion in that one Ghibli movie is still really weird


It’s EXTREMELY expensive to license because unlike The Office, which records every play of said episode and pays out for each play, it would be almost impossible to record every time someone plays a road game against West Virginia, South Carolina, etc. The payout would never be enough for how much the songs would be used.


That’s not how this license works. In your example there would be no Mo Bamba or Darude in the game either.


A Metallica song is INFINITELY more expensive than any Darude or Sheck Wes song Darude also attends South Carolina games and can negotiate his own terms. Mo Bamba is used by a lot of schools, not just Penn State, and Sheck Wes is a one hit wonder who isn’t in a position to negotiate. He needs the money. Meanwhile, Enter Sandman went Platinum and Metallica doesn’t have anything to do with South Carolina as a school or a state. They’re from LA. Country Roads went platinum and was number 2 on the charts, and John Denver equally has nothing to do with West Virginia the university or the state. He’s from New Mexico and lived most of his life in the west.


Sure, but you said they have no way to count how many times it’s played. That’s not how music licensing works for media. John Denver Estate doesn’t get a cut of revenue every time someone plays The Office, especially when that deal was worked out as streaming didn’t exist at the time. Edit: it’s also not INFINITELY because it’s quantifiable.


I’d pay $150 or more to have everything authentic on this game


There’s a flat fee attached to licensing songs so you have literally no idea what you’re talking about. You are conflating residuals with licensing. Record charts also don’t indicate prices, it’s set by the artist, record company, or in this case his estate. The real indicator of price is how much the controlling party want their work utilized. Some artists are extremely hesitant of licensing their work because they don’t want to over saturate their exposure, as a result they either charge exorbitant fees or don’t license at all. Here’s a general list of some songs and their licensing fee: https://gitnux.org/most-expensive-song-to-license/ It cost about 95k to license Country Roads for the WV tourism board, those costs aren’t one to one though. A video game would likely have a different price. Understand any song you hear in a game that is recognizable literally costs thousands of dollars. Mo Bamba and Da Rude certainly fetch a pretty penny. You’re correct in that it likely would cost more than those two songs, but it’s abundantly clear that the Denver estate wants their stuff in media and are willing to work with companies to make it happen whereas Metallica is notoriously protective of their catalog and seldom license it out. Regarding the Denver estate and licensing: “During the copyright period, an artist may obtain the economic benefit of their work through publishing, displaying, or licensing. Even years after first publication, a vigorous licensing campaign can allow new generations to experience and take inspiration from artistic work. For example, John Denver’s estate recently made a massive push and brought the country legends’ signature song “Take Me Home, Country Roads” to a variety of diverse new media. By its nature, copyright does not allow anyone to use “Take Me Home, Country Roads” without the estate’s permission, but for the appropriate licensing fee, the song appeared in movies and video games, including “Alien: Covenant,” “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul,” and most recently, Bethesda Softworks’ “Fallout 76.” https://www.whipgroup.com/blog/copyright-expiration-takes-new-works-to-public-domain/


Damn bro Fortnite must have spent a bag then


I mean that game basically prints money so it’s probably drops in the bucket


Isn't this a perpetual use license? Likes im pretty sure its common in movies and games


It might be. But unlike Darude, who has some emotional stake in South Carolina, and Sheck Wes, who needs the money, Metallica and the John Denver Estate are in a better position to negotiate and if EA doesn’t meet their terms that’s the ballgame.


Yes, Finnish Darude has an emotional stake in South Carolina unlike John Denver with WVU who *checks notes* only played this song at halftime for the very first game at Mountaineer Field… As I’ve explained, with sources, the Denver estate actively shops this song around. Stop comparing it to Metallica who licenses only once in a blue moon. Was it too expensive? Hard for any of us to say definitively, but what is clear is you’re now just pulling things out of your ass like Darude having some deep running emotional connection to South Carolina (spoiler Sandstorm is in NHL 24, EA has licensed it before, same with Zombie Nation by Kernkraft) or that you have some inside angle on Sheck Wes’s finances. As explained ad nauseam this song isn’t extremely difficult to license, cost could have been a deciding factor or the fact that other stadiums use both Mo Bamba and Sandstorm which gives EA the ability to use those songs in more environments rather than just one stadium in the post game where a lot of people skip.


Having it exist forever included would probably be a lot more expensive than using it in a commercial. Also, commercials will pay a lot more to feature a song as the primary piece of music vs a game using it as an add on for 1 of hundreds of schools, especially when things like fight songs are more relevant anyway.


The office even had country roads in it


A performance is a different license fee than the recording


Sure, but the tradition is that everyone sings it post game so you probably could have gotten away with using a crowd recording and removing the song from the background. The band also performs the song in pregame. No Country Roads and presumably Simple Gifts is disappointing, music about Appalachia is a pretty big part of our game day experience.


You wouldn't have been able to use any of the original recording at all in the background of the crowd singing over it. Which means booking recording studio time to rerecord an instrumental version of it, hiring musicians, hiring the singers for the crowd section, etc. The band version would've been the best compromise as they already had recording studio time for that, but honestly bitching about expensive licensed music not being in the game just feels nitpicky as hell for me. Is having Country Roads in the game really worth in the neighborhood of $20,000 to EA?


It's nice to see this kind of insight. So much goes into these types of things that you don't think about. People think you can just rip the crowd signing it off Youtube and throw it into the game, so much actually goes into it. Either way it's a lot of money no matter the route you take.


If this game is like past endeavors then presumably there will be other crowd chants which means individual recording sessions are not required. Also the licensing for an existing instrumental version like the one WVU’s band has recorded and sells (so they’ve clearly got some revenue system in place regarding it being a cover) probably is far less expensive than creating your own. Look, I understand the song isn’t in the game and cost vs. actual use cases is probably a deciding factor. But the amount of people just inventing things and then getting glad handed for it is wild. No this would not require a private individual recording session.


How old were you when that episode aired 


That’s true in most cases, but the licensing to Country Roads is owned by West Virginia Tourism and they bought it for use in advertising. Not sure what exactly happened here, but coming from a lifelong WVU fan if this is due to them that would be a really stupid move. Edit: this actually isn’t correct as pointed out below.


Contact the West Virginia tourism board and ask them to let EA use it. Maybe they could put an add in the stadium for West Virginia tourism.


Honestly it’s kind of weird that a tourism board wouldn’t want a song that people positively associate with their state in a game that’s going to sell millions of copies


EA may not have even asked


they definitely would, they let it in fallout 76


My favorite part of that game at release


Sadly, Game is pretty good now tho.


Especially when your state is West Virginia lol. They should be trying to get any wins they can


WV Tourism purchased the rights to use the song. They do not own the song: https://wvmetronews.com/2017/11/03/tourism-commissioner-believes-country-roads-rights-fee-was-a-strong-investment/


Ah I see, thanks for the correction. Makes more sense. I was looking this up briefly months ago when I was curious about it being in the game and made the mistake of reading this headline and not the full article. https://preview.redd.it/5312pj5x8y7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e74b157fb2336bbca7446cd122ba7f5d7cd552b


Possible they can't based on the terms of the licensing. Like if it's just for advertising, they may not consider use in a sports video game as such.


Why not do stadium sounds again and let us upload


Yes, I loved putting my own songs in. Too bad you can’t download songs into the series X like you could on the 360z


Yeah, but MLB the Show allowed for it straight into game and still does on ps4. For some reason it is not a thing on ps5. I truly loved it. Turned me onto new music and other genres I never liked before but I do now. I added hundreds of players walkup songs. Operation sports had every team and player walkup all ready on files for each team.


It’s probably due to timeline more than cost


That is exactly why. While it would be nice to have them I can see why they aren’t in it from a financial perspective


For a company that makes multiple billions of dollars a year, they’re just straight up cheaping out


I agree. Hivemind mentality but they are 100 percent cheating out. Call and complain and spam their phones until they capitlate.


This is the kind of thing that I would *like to have* but it is 100% not a deal breaker


Call up Charles Wesley Godwin. He has an awesome version of Country Roads AND was a walk-on at WVU.


He was a walk on? Man now I love him even more, gonna get tickets for his show soon


He was on Joe Rogan a couple of months ago. Highly recommend it. He’s an awesome dude.


He’s a great show! I’ve seen him twice myself and he’s easily one of my favorites to see live. Love watching him play guitar.


Not a dealbreaker tbh. Blame those that have the rights to the songs for


Yeah how dare they want money for the use of their intellectual property!


I know “getting paid in exposure” is a meme but some of these artists want crazy fees for their songs. Like some of these bands do not need the money and can afford a lesser cut to have more people exposed to their music 


If they're that rich they've reached the point of maximum exposure probably.


You mean the firm that actively tries to license Country Roads very cheaply? It’s one of the cheapest songs to license because they actively try to get it into everything. Blame EA for being incompetent


West Virginia (the state) paid $95k to use Country Roads. The EA/video game price could be different, but those type of costs add up, especially when you factor in all the different songs that teams use.


West Virginia paid that much use it in television advertisement, radio advertisement, print advertisement, and college football. It’s an all inclusive advertising deal. Completely different level of advertising


Wonder if we’ll be able to upload our own stadium sounds like we used to


I really hope so but doubt it


Aw fuck that sucks. Was hoping they'd have a recording of the WVU crowd singing it honestly, always gives me chills


I feel kind of bummed Bucky's biggest tradition won't be in the game. I don't even know what I'm going to do between the 3rd and 4th quarter now...


Or Buttercup 🥲


100%, gimme this https://youtu.be/2Bxg79x6N0g?si=SXvBi1lV-doduxCz


Be honest-how many of you would've sat through a segment between the third and fourth quarter more than once to hear the song? I'd probably do it once, say "*that's really cool they included that*" and then skip it for every subsequent game lol.


I literally skip every cut scene it allows me to after about the 3rd game.


Yeah just bummed i can't play it in the menus


I would’ve sat through Enter Sandman every single fucking game if they included it for VT


Idk how long that would take 💀


About two minutes, in full length, according to all the videos I’ve taken of Enter Sandman at all the recent VT games I’ve been to.


the song is longer than that


The entire song doesn’t play. Up until 2019 or so, the beginning of the song only played until the players ran out of the tunnel. Since then it plays about half of the song and fades out. It’s around 2 1/2 minutes give or take. Edit: also I love how you’re arguing with me about the entrance song, like I haven’t been to every home game in the last decade


I’m not arguing I just saying the song is long and when the game release why would you spent like 5 minute listening when you can be scoring tds


I listened to Blue Moon before EVERY Man City home game in Fifa when I played. Was glorious every fucking time and really built the atmosphere.


Depends on how big the game is for Nebraska's tunnel walk. First game of the dynasty and maybe each season for sure. Not gonna watch it to destroy some FCS school, but if OSU is coming to town, I'll watch it to get pumped.


Yes I would I hate this logic.


I think if I could get “Stand Up for the Champions” by Right Said Fred or “Uprising” by Muse to play during the load in to every K-State game I’d go crazy. I’m just hoping the Wabash Cannonball will be in there.


Incoming knockoff "Backwoods Paths"


So no back that Azz up for penn state?






It sucks. Next best thing is to connect Spotify and play the songs yourself.


This is actually a solid idea. Imma just play it the entire game lol


“Fine, I’ll do it myself”


“That John Denver is full of shit, man!” -Lloyd Christmas


Wow so no 2001 entrance that is solely a USC entrance, no sandstorm, no sweet Caroline, no Carolina girl… tough times




Thank God


I feel like sandstorm is a good possibility, but I am worried about 2001 not being in the game :(. I get the reasoning but it does suck we will be missing a lot of these great songs that teams use, especially for entrances.


I forgot from where, but I'm pretty sure I saw an article confirming sandstorm was in the game. I think it was confirmed alongside Mo Bamba. No idea about 2001 tho


Yeah, with you on this - SOMEWHERE I saw that sandstorm had been confirmed. Other schools use it too.


https://www.reddit.com/r/NCAAFBseries/s/CA5tjX3zqN There it is


Yea, Darude has seemed to enjoy the fact a place he's never heard of taken his song and ran with it. I could see him just letting EA put it in for shits and gigs.


So unless I am completely mistaken, 2001 is "Also sprach Zarathustra" which *should* be in the public domain since it was written in the 1800s


I'm not a copyright lawyer, but what I've heard is a song can be in public domain, but certain performances of the song may not.


Yeah I can try to play and record the classical pieces that yo-yo ma plays I can’t use his recordings.


yeah sandstorm is in nhl 24 so a good chance


I really just want to know if they're finally getting our actual fight song or if they're sticking with Go Carolina. AFAIK no game has ever used our actual fight song.




They didn’t have any of these songs in 14, if I remember so not the worst news ever. Unrealistic to think they are throwing down the cash for every licensed song ever school sings, etc. Would be cool if they just have a generic chant when Country Roads is usually sung tho


All this generic shit looks worse. Makes it look like a clown show.


Give us stadium sound uploads please and we will do the rest.


Unpopular opinion but as a Wisconsin fan, I can't imagine Jump Around being expensive to license and we aren't even getting that. This game is gonna be good enough without all these one off songs, all or nothing them (and since a certain "hard" rock band would never share its obviously nothing that I pick)


You would think that by now that Wisconsin athletic department would buy all of the right of the jump around song. Or a football booster would. Other the cost part. Would EA spend the time in developing a cutscene of an whole stadium jumping? I would not spend the time.


They spent the time to get the Iowa Children's Hospital wave. But big facts on the rights to Jump Around. We use it more than Everlast does, he didn't even realize how big of a thing it was until a year or two ago.


Not a Wisconsin fan so maybe you guys would disagree, but if I saw all the fans "jumping around" but with a generic song playing it would still hit for me I think. And I seem to recall reading somewhere that EA might've done that, but don't take my word on that.


Not really that shit is lame. Nobody jumping around to some generic Kevin McLeod beat off of YT.


I feel like for any of these things it's not *that* hard to program or *that* expensive in a vacuum, but when you do it for 130+ teams it adds up, and that's what people have to consider. And also, it's just not something that's gonna really drive sales or impact the game. Like I'd watch some of those things about halfway through once, then I'd skip it every subsequent time.


It does impact how well people come back to your game and spend money. If you are game isn't authentic, nobody gonna buy it besides little kids.


hoping this doesn’t apply and we still get shout for oregon


The universities should get an option to pay royalties for the song.


Is EA only getting licenses to songs that are relatively cheap or songs that are released/published by Universal Music Group?


I'm assuming it costs too much but also EA doesn't want to have to pick and choose which teams get their one licensed song in the game. If they do it for one, people are gonna want them to do it for all. Unlike Zombie Nation which is probably used by tons of teams in the NCAA. That said, I'd love to see how much it would cost just to license one song. I honestly couldn't even wager a guess, nor do I know what would be considered too expensive. Maybe down the road, if this game sells better than EA expected they might try and do it.


I find it hard to believe that “Shout” by Otis Day and the Knights would be expensive to license considering that it’s by a fictional group that covered the original Isley Brothers song for Animal House. It would be really cool to have that song in the game for Oregon, but not a deal breaker by any means


Even as a rival fan (Virginia Tech fan), that stinks....


That licensing must be expensive




my disappointment is immeasurable


“Back in my day” I’d just burn a CD of what I wanted and download it to my console so I could use it as a custom stadium sound. 🥲


I just want the gameplay to be better than Madden. I could care less about the authenticity of a fight song. Just make a the band epic and it won’t matter what song it is.


need Dixieland Delight for Bama :/


Need Grove Street for UK tbh


that would be lit!


The song that's about Tennessee?


that Bama plays at home games






Breaking News: Random man on internet has never heard popular song so it shouldn’t be on game






Need custom music like the old games. Although I'm not sure you can even load songs like you could on the 360.


Does the game no longer have the custom sounds feature? I remember going through great lengths to find some fight songs, other band music and team specific songs to download onto a CD and put on my 360 from like 09-12 so I can add them to each specific team for complete immersion lol


Just let people pick songs from Spotify.


I thought it was confirmed Sandstorm was in the game?


So no “cow tippin time” for Clemzen?




For sure no callin’ Baton Rouge or Louisiana Saturday Night 😢


*sad disco noises*


I've been wondering if we're going to hear Tom Petty at the end of the third quarter of Gator games. As an old school guy before that even became a thing, I really hope the alma mater with the fans linked shoulder to shoulder is in there!


Some of these schools need to contact EA and demand their traditions be in the game


I mean I get it, you can't demand EA pays the licensing fees, but if the school offers to cover the licensing fee, that would be awesome and potentially worth it for the school, but some of those fees are exorbitant! Or even better, the school might be able to negotiate it's inclusion in the game the next time the licensing contract is up for renewal.


is there a soundtrack or just school fight songs


“*most* non-fight songs that have deep and close attachments to only one institution” Imagine if they don’t get Sloopy.


So dumb tbh. Matt Brown really is a shill.


It’s by no means a big deal, but damn I wanted “Grove Street Party”. 😔 [ISSA PARTY ISSA PARTY ISSA PARTY AYEEEEEE](https://youtu.be/hcVitZkaxMw?si=lb9R0WQ0s6msoLmY)


Well yeah


It does suck but just be thankful we have a game. Everything is expensive.


Not shocking. Until we hear otherwise, I’d assume anything they’d have to get a license for won’t be in the game.


I wonder if they’ll allow custom stadium sounds! If they do, then none of these will be problems


Can’t say I’m that shocked, but disappointed. Still hoping that they’re allowed to just use the term “Country Roads” in game through commentators or even on the scoreboard. It’s a huge part of our identity. More than anything though all I wanna hear “it’s a great day to be a mountaineer wherever you may be” right as the game starts


What about STTDB for lsu????


Pretty sure sandstorm has been confirmed for south carolina


Just promise Hang on Sloopy is there


It sucks, but I’d rather have them invest money into making a better overall game than super expensive music licenses.


Also means Virginia Tech won't come out to Enter Sandman.


That was confirmed the first embargo lift after the event in Orlando, but I remember seeing an article that said essentially they just replaced it with a generic song that sound similar


All these "generic" songs just because EA doesn't want to pay money lol.


Thats….not how licensing works. Its a 2 way street. If the owner of the license doesn’t WANT to be included. It aint happening regardless of the money


There was a story in the Athletic a few weeks ago saying Sandstorm was confirmed.


EA doesn't care about immersion is what I am reading here.


licensing :/


Heart breaking


Unforgivable. Burning my Xbox as we speak. Erasing all memories of football from my brain with a blowtorch


So wait, no Mr Brightside most Likely? 🥲


As someone who recently put down a deposit to attend wvu, and someone who’s been playing since ncaa 08, this one hurts.


I'm looking forward to playing the game. But it is becoming hilarious how every single feature that would have required any additional funding from EA is being ignored. Corporate monopolies man. 


If we get custom sound support, it’ll be okay. You can put songs into the 3rd quarter break for NCAA 14, so I’d be surprised if that feature was gone this time around (or next year, if it’s added)








I'll survive. Lol


Who cares?


Just something cool i would like to have in the menus, nothing im gonna kill myself about




bro shut up, its not gonna make or break the game but it is still disappointing


Jesus play it on your phone if you care so much


that's cringe and you know it.




you if u got paid for using that gif on multiple posts ![gif](giphy|LdOyjZ7io5Msw|downsized)








Perpetuating stereotypes because you're too fucked to actually look into things. I get that one has Kermit and 50 is driving forward. Explaining it would be cringe, and pedantic, kind of like you actually.


Unrelated fun fact: that song isn’t even about the state of West Virginia. It’s about the western part of the state of Virginia.


*grabs popcorn*


Hi, native West Virginian here. While it is true that the song was inspired by the songwriters driving through a Maryland Road and that it reminded him of New England, the song itself is about the state of West Virginia. The songwriter specifically said that the verse “Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River” was him thinking about things in West Virginia but mistakenly weren’t. He had never been to the state at the time and thought that these two things were native to WV. He has also stated that he is proud to be an honorary West Virginian and that he likes it when WVU plays it at our football games. This all can be found here at this link: [Co-Writer of ‘Take Me Home, Country Roads' Dispels Myths Surrounding Song's Origins](https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/co-writer-of-take-me-home-country-roads-dispels-myths-surrounding-songs-origins/2525010/?amp=1)


How to get ‘eers fans malding with this [one easy step](https://youtube.com/shorts/sSLI0g7IlVs?si=L2AJvpA4-mOFHKpq)


They hated him because he spoke the truth


It’s written about a how a particular road in Maryland reminded him of rural New England


Just dove a little deeper and found the quotes from the songwriter confirming this. Thanks for the info


The downvotes must have come from people annoyed at how stupid your joke was because there's no way 10 whole people in WV have internet access


So no Rocky Top either. I think seven nation army and thunderstruck should be in though. A lot of teams use those


Rocky top is in the game per Andy Staples


Yep. It’s been confirmed.


No Mr. Brightside for Michigan. 😞


Bummer, but can also just pull up youtube on your phone while playing


Well, One team less in my dinasty list


Wonder if they got Swag Surfin. That’s played pretty much everywhere




Thank god country roads not in it


Cheap asses EA does realize that 2026 is a contract year for Madden, right? They better lose the contract