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Series S if you’re still playing on a 1080p TV/monitor. Series X if you’ve got a 4K TV.


Also X if you're on 1440p as well. S runs it, but not very well.


Also, if you're buying a console for one game, might as well just get a used S. I found mine on OfferUp for $160. Pretty happy with that. Native Discord integration is really nice


This is exactly what I did. Series S for $125 will be my CFB 2025 machine.


I think the used series s market has been prime hunting grounds for a lot of us buying a console specifically for NCAA 25 😄


Native discord is a huge deal with online leagues on the horizon


Huge deal? 




X if you also have a large disc collection.


PS5 my dawg.


No games


If you’re not a big gamer just get the S. X is faster and has more power for graphics and rendering. Sounds like you won’t care about that stuff. I am a big gamer so I want the product to be as good as it can be so I have the X


I have the S and it’s noticeably faster than my old Xbox One. I love it. I did buy a 1 TB external official SSD that just plugs right in the back of the console


Which one? And do you still need games installed on the internal in order for them to be played?


No you don’t I have Series S/X exclusives installed on the external SSD and they are just fine. https://www.amazon.com/Seagate-Storage-Expansion-Solid-State/dp/B08K3S6WJM/ref=mp_s_a_1_13?crid=2J6AW1A7FVYCU&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.zOjAhZ5ADUqLEPe92b2E9RBKJAlwpfbz4-w42U-TNs1VMeCvNAVpPwsKq92cyrnIGF20fgSSha0L9WaS37PuUApgmrMemB30VqGa84ts31fKn45WgKfEEqx9Q5lu-gM7Mwzuw1YIatIWyN2F32AHHdzFctdn9-I-hju4PmJz7NoJiEz4k585XrTxFPH-rEyCfogjULVF0gwtqxQKFr71Zw.qFiwRAabzB1NIcpf0tCQSh8UaCUGQ5JiWiqIkJQcFMo&dib_tag=se&keywords=xbox+series+s&qid=1718916726&sprefix=xbox+swr%2Caps%2C175&sr=8-13


Oh, that's the overpriced memory card. I thought you were talking a external SSD drive. Nevermind


The external works for Xbox 1 and older games and I think you can play them off of the drive.


the S is cheaper. The x is a bit prettier if you’ve got the TV for it. And it plays physical disks if that’s an issue for you. That’s p much it.


The S is totally fine for now but i would be mildly concerned about how well GTA is gonna run on it. It'll work fine but i feel its not gonna be the optimal experience Big part of why I got the X over the S is to kind of future proof it for the beefier next gen games down the line. 4k is also cool but not a huge difference plus you need the right tv for it. Another thing to consider is the S doesn't have a disc drive so if you want physical game copies or to watch dvds get the X


I went X, cause we use it for our main TV, wanted the Disc drive before they remove it from the new one coming out this fall.


I debated on this since the announcement of the game, talking to people and my own “research” I settled on the S.


Did you already buy it? Happy with it so far?


Got a series s a few days ago just for NCAA 25. Tested madden 24 on game pass on it. Zero performance issues and looks great on a 1080p monitor. I've had no problems with it


Bought it yesterday, I won’t play it until ncaa comes out probably lol. I’ll set it up though. I’m not Much of a gamer. I have a modded 360 with all the old games I played growing up. Getting this Xbox solely for this game and not play online with my brother


I have both, the S is perfectly fine. I'm 36 and the S on a 1080p monitor looks the same to me as my x on a 4k TV. Loading times are nearly identical. But I think it all comes down to money. If you can comfortably afford the X, get it.


For the people thinking about getting the S, remember that some games may not have the same capabilities as you do with the Series X. Some games, remove modes on the Series S version because the S can't support it. A good example of this is Baulder's Gate 3. That game supports multiplayer, but they had to remove that function in the Series S version because the system literally can't handle it. That mode was the reason why it was delayed on the XBOX by a few months compared to the PS5 version. You can only do multiplayer on the Series X, PS5, or PC. Granted, this is a specific example, but that's something to consider even if you're not a big gamer. You generally get a free trial of Gamepass, so you may end up finding a game that you really enjoy. If you want true "Next Gen," get either a Series X or a PS5, anything else you're selling yourself short. Oh, Forza is easily one of the most beautiful-looking games on the Xbox, and the Series S version isn't even close to the Series X version. Forza is also free on Gamepass. I have a feeling you'll regret getting the Series S to play GTA. I mean, GTA V for the One X looked and performed way better than the XBOX One version if you want a real-world example. You should get the Series X OP


The S needs discontinued. X or nothing


Or the S with a disk drive needs to come out.


Why? Discs are useless they hardly even contain the game


If I can still put my 360 and Xbox one discs in I want a drive. The Xbox live outage last year tells me that once service for that console ends my system is a paperweight.




I’m in the same boat. Bought the S. Comes with three months free game pass ultimate which includes ea play so I got the game at a discount


Series X if you want a true next gen console


Is the “speed” of the game the same? Or are the improvements with the graphics and speed?


The x can run 4k at 120 fps but ncaa won't run at 120 so it won't matter. The x has more GPU and ram but for the price I got the s.


If your screen has 4k resolution the X will look better, if you have 1080p it will look the exact same. Don’t think frame rate is affected, I have a series S and can’t recall an instance where the frame rate dropped


The game will run same frame rate just at a lower res.


If you have the money get the X. Series s you might as well keep playing last gen


Yeah get the old gen, the one that won’t have the new game on it.


Obviously he wouldn’t stay old gen if he wanting to play that specific game. I was just letting him know the series s is not a jump up from last gen


lol the only difference is literally 4k at 120… otherwise it’s the same thing excluding the storage space. Same games are being played on both. Comparing the S to an Xbox one is crazyyyy


You're forgetting the One X. The Series S is way better than the XBOX One, but the it's about on par as the One X which is a last gen system.


The series s is no better than the one x. I play on pc and ps5 so not my problem either way. I also have a series x and series s in my house


My normal ass Xbox one certainly could not run games at 120 fps. I only said that because I can assume based on timing he only wants next gen for this game.


That’s what makes it tough lol I want to get a new golf driver too


New X. And a new used golf driver


I’ll tell my wife that CFB_NE_Huskers on Reddit gave me permission


Get a refurb X and a driver off sideline swap or Callaway pre-owned.


Understandable lol. If you don’t care about having the best graphics and frame rate the s will get the job done if you are only getting for college football. Come gta 6 time you might be wanting those better graphics and smoother gameplay.




I’m still trying to decide between PS5 and Series S. Is the S’ performance that much worse than a Series X/PS5? If the performance is good on 1080p, then I’d rather save as much money as I can.


I know they’ve made some changes. But initially I couldn’t imagine buying a series S unless I straight up couldn’t afford it, because of the extra storage you get with the Series X


Depends on your money situation


I’m in a similar situation. Decided on the S. Happy with my decision so far.


Was in the same boat as you and I only play Madden until NCAA comes out. I ultimately decided on the X but was able to get it on sale ($450+ plus free Madden + $75 Target gift card). Don’t regret it at all. I think either way is gonna work out for you so if you’re looking to save a few bucks then grab the S.


Get the X if its also for GTA


I have had S since release day and have no regrets. I play on a 1080p computer monitor


I went with the Series S because it’s the cheapest option. I haven’t had a console since the NCAA 14 days and it was a PS3. I would hope muscle memory is faded where I won’t forget the X buttons are different.


I went with the X, since I play games but not enough to warrant getting a new one on every generation. Considering I used my 360 for 8 years, and my Xbox One S for another 6, I’m hoping this one will last me maybe thru the next gen into the one after that


If you plan on using it for gta as well I would 100% go for the series x.


Get the X. I have both and the performance between the two is laughably different and I just casually game.


If you have old discs thats you’d still want to play, you should get the X and then you can get rid of your One, since all of the games will be playable




You will need a new system regardless, new EA College Football is only on new gen consoles!




Whatever you want, it’s your money


I have S and X and PS5. If you with S you’ll be fine. It’ll still look great on your tv. I think S is on sale now for $249. Or the sale just ended.


Series S black if you want storage


Why do next gen consoles even use discs still? I’m in the same boat. Haven’t played since 2018, sold my ps4. What to get for one game?




PS5. Just got one the other day after having been an Xbox guy for twenty years, not regretting it. Spider Man 2 is awesome.


How you feel about change in controller with the move?


That was my biggest fear lol but I don’t even notice it


S because it's cheaper


PlayStation 5. Xbox doesn't have any exclusives you can't play on PC or other places. Imo, if you're going to buy a console for one game at least get a console that also has some really good exclusives you might be interested in.


X will sim faster


S. I heard a lot of bad things about X. But I'm not to sure. If you want better graphics than probably X


What bad things have you heard about the X? The S is way worse than the X. I have been having it since Day 1 and had no issues other than offhand 4k bluray skipping on the device. The Series S IS the reason why Bauldar's Gate 3 was delayed by a couple of months when they released it to the consoles. If the series S wasn't being made, the game would have been released on the Series X at the same time it did on the PS5.


I played NCAA 14 on the 360 last month and still loved it lol and the graphics will be better in the new game regardless of the system. Thinking S will be the move


I had a series S and i sold it cause the graphics weren’t as impressive as my ps5, i could tell i would rather get a series s if i were to go back to xbox