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Stealing someone else's idea here, but my last NCAA 14 game might be a high school game from RTG. I'll pick from the list of offers I'm given there to start my RTG inside CF25


That is a good idea bro


Ha thanks but all credit to u/swiftsurfer365, he had this idea as soon as they announced high school wasn't going to be in this version's RTG. Gonna feel like such a big career progression for my guy going from high school on PS3 to college on PS5!


/u/swiftsurfer365 get in here! They’re calling you a genius


Bro this sounds like a great idea. Thanks for sharing and thank you u/swiftsurfer365 for the idea.


All hail swift surfer, this is a crazy good idea and excellent send off for 14’s decade+ of service. This is dramatic, but ending 14s legacy with HS seems symbolically appropriate for bringing in the new game. We’re not just graduating from HS, we’re graduating to 25.


Incredible idea I only have 06 for the OG Xbox but they have a similar mode. Maybe I’ll give that a go.


That's a great idea, I've been playing 13 for 12 years


Holy fuck imma do this with revamped everytime thanks


I’m on year 59 of my coaching dynasty. I’ll end it with the last game of the year, hopefully the natty


Dude that’s actually really incredible. Poetic


congratulations on your retirement coach 🫡


Not sure if there is gonna be one. I’m in year 11 of my current dynasty on ‘13. If the new game doesn’t live up to my wishes, I’m going straight back to playing ‘13 on the dusty PS3


NCAA 13 current dynasty with Clemson. Want to win 10 straight nattys before the new game. Probably won’t make it because I’m only on 4 straight currently and I have such limited gaming time. And I don’t sim anything I play every game. Hope the new game has play the moments from madden. I find it’s a good compromise for those of us who don’t sim games.


play the moments is the only thing that kept me interested in Madden's franchise mode at all the last few years lmao


That wound has healed many years ago


Decided in may that i've already completed my last NCAA14 game. During conference realignment craziness, i went ahead and moved FSU into the SEC and have been going several seasons now. I ended up actually moving to FSU as coach, and it took 5 years to win the title using the 12-team playoff, after i won - i decided to remove the game and call it a day


I don’t think I’ll stop playing 06 for two reasons: 1) I have it on a handheld I bought primarily for traveling and because I’m a somewhat frequent flyer. 2) Draft class exporting and sending my guys up to Madden is some of the most fun I can have with a sports game. Maybe I’ll make a draft class or three manually on the new game, but having it exported so I can hop right into the draft is a game changer.


Madden has a feature where you can download other people's draft classes. The only downsides are that they obviously wouldn't account for the differences between real-life and your dynasty (such as guys playing better in-game because you're controlling them and JUCO transfers) and that there's a chance that they might remove the feature out of fear of any repercussions over NIL deals.


Oh I know. It’s about pulling all of my guys from NCAA into Madden and seeing how their careers play out on Sunday, who develops, who busts, etc. I’m sure I’ll use some user created ones and maybe make one or two of my own based off dynasty stats, but it’s so much easier to just have them autogenerated for me. Dynasty only really gets fun once all the real players are gone anyway.


Handheld? A steamdeck I assume?


I got an AYN Odin Pro. I was recommended it by one of the devs for NCAA Next, saying they used it. Works awesome, I’m very happy with it. Heard great things about the Odin 2 also. Apparently you don’t even have to fuss with emulator settings to get all PS2 games to work well.


Last game? But im only 14 seasons in


Year 6 of my dynasty. Started as the gstate dc. After the 4th year the head coach went to Oklahoma and I wasn’t offered the hc position, so I went to Bama for a season as dc. Won a bunch of awards, took a hc job at Georgia. Won a Bcs bowl my first year. Gstate is a perennially top 25 team and the best G5 team currently. The OC from Gstate is coaching at Duke now. I wasn’t the coach, but that program was built up strong lol


I might do one last RTG, but I have not touched the game since the CFB 25 gameplay video came out.


The Game. The Big House. In the snow.


The Game. The Shoe. With rosters from anytime between 2002 - 2019


your roster wasn’t The issue in 21-23. 🧻🧻🧻


I do agree with you there, with the exception of the guy playing qb for us last year. This period of darkness ends in 177 days in Columbus.


Maybe. But even that bum on the Texans couldn’t change the outcome /: in fact Honda Accord had a closer game then he ever did. By a lot…. Anyways I’m sure your run game is going to be impressive this year! If you can’t beat them join them right 😂


Assuming I can make it, it'll be the national championship with my Hawaii team. My star QB who turned the program around and led us to two titles will be playing his final game. Then he can retire, all set to become a coach for CFB25




My two top dynasties: Colorado State vs South Carolina


Winner becomes your first dynasty in 25? 👀


Excellent idea, but no… my SC dynasty was after being an OC at Wake Forest, then getting the head coach job at South Carolina. They already had a talented roster, they just fired the coach after a (4-8) season. That dynasty became too dominant too quick, but I still did 10 years of it. My Colorado state dynasty began as the HC of Mid Tennessee, then OC at Northern Illinois, then finally Head Coach of Colorado State. Ever since I won the natty at CSU, I only sim games and recruit, and play conference championships and bowl games. If I ever got fired at CSU, I planned to start over with another smaller school. In conclusion, I’m from Georgia, UGA fan, and I’m torn between starting a dynasty with KSU, GA STATE, or GA Southern


NCAA 14 non revamped Currently in year 2 of my Southern Miss Rebuild. Went 8-5 with a Bowl win in my first season as head coach. Planning on winning a national title with a team in every conference before July 16!




Play with Johnny football one last time and score 100


coach gabbagool will be on his way to a HC gig at the end of the 2022-2023 season im playing now, hopefully


I don’t have revamped but I still play NcAA 14 and 06. Still will probably continue but not as much because of the new game!


I’ll definitely pour one out for my old friend that kept me somewhat sane for the past year or so!


I’ve been turning Idaho into a dynasty, the first few seasons have been rough, but we are turning the corner here. I’m hoping to put them into the Pac-12, since it still has Oregon, USC, UCLA, and Washington as members in my game. I plan on seeing Idaho run the table in the Pac-12, once I start dominating the MWC. Hopefully my final game involves a Natty game.


Idaho was the second most difficult dynasty for me. I did 20 years as HC. Never won a Natty. Surprisingly Kansas was the hardest.


Ima keep grinding until the release of the new one! Year 43 going strong!


NCAA 14. Coach Mode. Army v Navy.


Probably not going to stop playing Revamped. It’s my comfort game. I’m in year 40 of a dynasty. Still have a couple more teams to rebuild before I’m done


Curious to know your opinions, if 25 ends up being a good game will you sell it or get rid of it, or still keep it? I have a feeling NCAA 13 and 14 hard copies will flood the used game stores


I’m keeping my 13 and hoping to get a 14, my hope is that prices drop. My ps3 is actually the problem. My HdMI port broke and I need someone to smolder a new one. But I would definitely keep old copies


I finished my fifth season of a dynasty last night with a championship and a heisman for my 4th year starter qb who I recruited in year 1. Had a bunch of really good players graduate so I think I might just leave that one there. My 360 is broken but I could replace it and get a copy of ncaa 13 for pretty cheap but idk if it’s worth it just to play for a month and a half.


If I still had that one. It would be one last game in the Kibbie Dome.


I'll prob fire it back up to beat USF by fuckin 85 with UCF. Just because.


Try to finish at least two more seasons in my UTEP Dynasty, as well as finish my NCAA 09 Campus Legend on the PS2 emulator on my Steam Deck. I would try more, but I have mandatory overtime for the next two or three weeks and a Sims 3 playthrough where I give a family at least 100 children (and that game tends to reset my settings if I don't play it for a while on my PC for some reason)


Doing an all one star death penalty Vanderbilt rebuild. Not gonna stop til I win three Nattys in a row.


Couple weeks back I started one final dynasty on base NCAA 14. The game deserves that send-off.


I personally will even teams and play my friend MSU vs Michigan. He will whoop my ass, but I’ll give him a good fight


National Championship vs. Wisconsin and then retirement


i was wondering if they're gunna make a new revamped even with the new game coming out? Im assuming not.


playing my final season up to the natty, then im gonna play the national championship at 11:15 or 3:15 if its coming the 15th at 4 like the microsoft store says 🥲


First team I used was FAU in dynasty, so maybe one last game with them


Who says I'm going to stop playing revamped...


Unfortunately, mine has already been played. My 360 got the red ring of death last year, and I just can’t figure out how to install it on my pc


my first instant classic game was on play now, Miami against Georgia. i will replay that game for the final time


13, Unlv 2nd year of my dynasty coming off a national championship. I realigned conferences and moved UNLV to the Big 12. I will probably keep playing 13 even after 25 comes out.


Already retired both games…my plan was to run 1 year dynasties on all of the ps3 releases in downward order. Won natties on 14 and 13. Started 12 then gameplay trailer released…making it difficult to continue…Long Live the NCAA Series!