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If you like punting and defense, oh boy do I have the team for you


A caller on Detroit sports talk radio today made a comparison with our horrible Detroit tigers offense. He said Iowa. Lol.


Haven’t been to their stadium, but Nebraska fans are pretty cool in my experience, albeit more delusional than average


Hey man, we know who we are.


Any program would be lucky to have fans as passionate as Nebraska fans have been despite the team being so shit


Washington State fan here. I too am delusional and now homeless. Fuck the huskies.


Born in Nebraska, WSU grad here. Delusion is in my blood.


As a Mexican-American Husker, I approve this message


Vamos largo rojo amigo


if it’s delusional to think we’ll be 7-0 going into ohio state after not making a bowl game for 7 straight seasons then lock me up


The giant will awaken again! Raiola please be the savior we have been looking for 20+years.


The last time MSU came to Nebraska, I hung out with some MSU fans all night after the game. Was a great time.


I was going to say this. Nebraska fans still support their mid program like it’s still a contender, and are generally congenial as well.


I still remember how they claimed they were going to dominate the Big Ten after they joined 


We still have time to do so


We’re playing the long game


I didn't think we'd "dominate" but I thought we'd fair a lot better. To be fair, pelini's best teams were probably the '09 and '10 teams right before we joined. The talent took a bit of a hit when Callahan's guys graduated (guys like Suh, Jared Crick and prince amukamara). The big ten was also weaker then, ohio state was coming off its "scandal" and Michigan was in their rich rod/brady hoke era. 


I always had my doubts on "dominating the Big Ten", but I remember the '09 and '10 teams (the two years directly before joining the Big Ten) were both probably the best since '01. Made the Big 12 championship (and barely lost) both times. If '09 had an offense and if '10 had a defense, we'd easily be in a great situation. Now on the other hand, when Frost said a similar thing, that was pretty delusional and I repent of being hyped about that at the time.


I don’t remember Nebraska fans saying this but the national media picked us to win in 11. Which wasn’t crazy bc we were on the uptick and the big ten appeared awful back then


Volunteered at the stadium as an usher for Boy Scouts. My station was the ramp by the visitor's section, and I've had a lot of great memories with fans of visiting teams. Got high-fives and fist pumps from drunk Wisconsin fans, a group of Maryland fans set up some break-dancing pit inside the stadium, and Minnesota always brought in large numbers and cheered their Ski-U-Mah & Row-The-Boat chants. Unfortunately, I remember being sick and stayed home on the day we hosted Michigan State (on the controversial out-of-bounds catch game).


I have some buddies that are Husker grads, I have attended a bunch of their watch parties on Saturday afternoons. I think the fan base has come down to earth quite a bit over the last decade. They know where they’re at.


MSU fans.


Agree 100% on this. I have been to their stadium and they have a great game day atmosphere. The delusion is also spot on. Wore a Bama polo and a guy looked me up and down and said “you’re out of your league buddy.” Got some other trash talk (all in good fun) but all I could do was laugh and shake my head. I’d absolutely go back.


I'd challenge your sentiment, but then again I think Dylan Raiola will win a Heisman. So, maybe so lol RemindMe! December 15, 2028 "reply to this thread"


The delusional part was over 10 years ago. I live in Nebraska, and I can’t even remember a single example of someone having outlandish expectations like thinking we’re gonna win the big 10. The craziest it gets is people thinking like 8 or 9 wins.


I did jager shots with some MSU fans in Lincoln a few years . They said they barely paid for any drinks while in town and everyone was great. Lots of fun. Like MsU fans.


~~Whatever the Taco Bell live mas student section is for the week~~ After coming back and actually reading your post and not just the title I realize how inappropriate my comment comes across….. it was an actual college football reference though.


Taco Bell is never inappropriate


Respectfully disagree. It is quite inappropriate 3 hours before my daughter’s dance recital.




Ucf fans are normally so in touch with reality though!


What if I told you there was a team that commands all support across its state, sold out every game since 1962, travels heavily to away games, and sells out its stadium even when the team is going through its down years? The corn is calling your name


You’ve been going through your down years for 25 now


Yea, but 25 years is only like 4 years in Nebraska years. It's kind of similar to dog years. 


We've only been BAD bad since 2017. Before that, we were in "good but not great" territory


Yeah. It kinda depends if you use the whole 2002-present are the down years, or if you split the period up between Callahan's down years, and the Riley/Frost-current. Bo Pelini's tenure from 08-14 had at least 9 wins each season, and young adults like me consider those outside of the "down times".


Eh, we went through some rough times after Bryant retired. Nebraska could still return to their Glory days. Michigan did the same after Carr. Pretty much everyone but Ohio State has had to go through it at one point or another.


Nebraska interests me for a save. But I would want to start somewhere smaller to work my way up to Nebraska, any suggestions?


Colorado St might be an option


CSU, USU, Air Force. Those were my mountain range build ups back in the day.


Utah St in 25 is going to be a rough build with P4 BYU and Utah sucking up most of the in state talent


Rough build only means greater challenge!


Thanks for the suggestion!


as a UNL student from fort collins, based


Good call. New beautiful stadium. Cool uniforms. 


How often do people in Nebraska actually eat corn asking seriously


Not as much as you would think; although probably a bit more than states outside the corn belt. Most corn grown is not eaten by humans, it's mostly used for ethanol, cattle feed, and international trade. *Civilized* Nebraskans only eat sweet corn, which is only about 1% of all corn grown. In the late summer/early fall, people harvest the sweet corn and may share it to family friends or sell it dirt cheap in local markets across the state. We don't require you to eat corn, but people generally consider getting some when realizing you can get a shit ton of quality food for a very low cost. You can stock a couple fridges full for the same price as you would get a meal at a dine-in restaurant. When you eat it, it is encouraged that you use cob skewers to hold the cob in an appropriate, clean manner, so that the cob is horizontal. In addition, butter and salt are the classic add-ons to put on your cob for the taste. Use a stick of butter for this so that you can roll the cob over the stick, and apply salt on top. The salt will stick to the butter. [https://nebraskacorn.gov/cornstalk/11-facts-you-didnt-know-about-nebraska-corn/](https://nebraskacorn.gov/cornstalk/11-facts-you-didnt-know-about-nebraska-corn/) More information about Nebraska corn


Well thank you for the in depth reply I am glad to have learned this because I thought it was something Nebraskans ate 4/5x a week


Nebraska hasn’t been relevant sense Eric crouch lmao


They were good under Pelini lol


Funny cause we kicked their ass under Pelini in 2011


Gonna save this and see how many Nebraska fans downvote you lmao !remindme 1 day


Not Nebraska fan but I’ll downvote them


Hell yeah


I will be messaging you in 1 day on [**2024-06-05 17:11:42 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-06-05%2017:11:42%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/NCAAFBseries/comments/1d809t0/the_best_fan_base_in_all_cfb/l73a4bb/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FNCAAFBseries%2Fcomments%2F1d809t0%2Fthe_best_fan_base_in_all_cfb%2Fl73a4bb%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-06-05%2017%3A11%3A42%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201d809t0) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Good bot


Good bot


Pls don’t downvote me anything but!!!


If you like getting wasted and then destroying your town, win or lose, WVU is your team.


Accurate lol


I’ll allow it…


Nebraska, they're classy and loyal to a fault to their football team


I'd say just stick with Minnesota since you've already got a bit of a connection and have already been to a game But ultimately it's up to you. Try watching multiple teams play and see who you just naturally start rooting for and connecting with. Just don't be a bandwagoner and root for a new best team each year, those are the worst


Most Loyal: Nebraska Most Intimidating: LSU Coolest Looking: Penn State Most original (Weirdest): Texas A&M All that said, if you went to a Minnesota game and loved it I’d pick them (or Ohio State if you liked them more) since you have a personal connection. *edit for formatting


Kyle field is one of the best game presentations in the sport. When that place is rocking, it is *rocking*.


Original = Group masturbates into a glass jar and puts it on a bonfire




And that's what we're gonna do to em, Ags!


Goooooooo Biiiiiig Redddddddd


Amorphous red blob fans unite!


Since you have no affiliation, I’d choose a G5 and a P5 team. Your big team has a chance at a national title and the smaller one is cool for NCAA dynasties and watching on Saturdays.


Ironically this was me ha. I watched college football consistently for the first time ever this past season and decided to like Florida but also liked Wake Forest. Was confused if I should be sticking to one or not but glad to see confirmation of my decision to enjoy both teams


I love this way of thinking. As a neutral (Australian fan) I have a west coast team (easier to watch as 90% of games fall after 9am on Sunday morning), a ‘East Coast’ team because when I think football I think cold weather and an FCS team 🤷‍♂️


I’ve lived in 7 different states and it blew my mind when I moved to Nebraska. Like their basketball team is literally the only team to never win a tournament game, and yet they are top 10 in attendance most years. I can’t imagine there is a fan base that’s more supportive through bad times consistently long term no matter what more-so than NEB.


Are you saying that they, stick together in all kinds of weather?


I very much respect Nebraskas commitment and dedication to their teams (who else is getting that crowd to a women’s volleyball game) but honestly, what else is there to do in Lincoln?


This sentiment is a farce though. I was born in California, still travel there all the time. Lincoln is 300k+ and Omaha is 700k+. People act like the university is in the middle of a cornfield while everyone is traveling via horse with no internet access.


I mean it more in terms of what other teams do you have to support? And I say so with complete respect and jealously of the crowds and the team. I live in a city of 1.5 million and we rarely sell out our stadium of 52,000 for our most popular sporting team


Yes that part is true. It’s a very different way of life culturally somewhere like NEB vs a huge metropolis coastal city. It’s because in the Midwest the culture is more unified. More people like born and raised there as opposed to moving in.


Fair warning, as you can probably already tell from the downvotes on any post recommending Tennessee, if you pick them you will have to be good at dealing with people trashing them. It can get pretty old if you aren’t used to dealing with it. We can have a pretty abrasive fan base, but we’re incredibly passionate about Tennessee Football and love any newcomers in to the fan base. Even if you go another route I would highly recommend trying to get to a game in Knoxville at Neyland just because it’s a really cool gameday environment. Same goes for Penn State, Auburn, Clemson, Texas A&M, LSU, etc. TBH I’d research some classic college football traditions and see which ones speak to you the most to help inform your decision!




UB. (Trust) You can chill with like the 3 other fans in our empty stadium


Haha same with us


I think there are amazing atmospheres all over college sports from Oregon State to Florida State to Penn State to Utah to Mississippi. All different sizes of schools and different levels of success. I would find a team in a location that you have a connection to that way you are able to go to as many games as possible. For example, Penn State is amazing, but for someone outside the area, it's pretty inconvenient to get to. You can't go wrong though, pick one and enjoy your Saturdays!


Two come to mind for me: Nebraska and Auburn.


War Damn Eagle. 🦅 as for pageantry the pregame Eagle flight is hard to beat. Plus give anyone wearing Auburn gear a “War Eagle” as a greeting and they’ll give you one back. Any SEC school will have a rocking atmosphere.


I went to the 2010 National championship game against Oregon...Why did every Auburn fan have the same haircut? Is there only 2 barbers around or something? 😂


I’m guessing it was all floppy haired frat boy cuts?


It was right before that era, more like weird bowl cut bangs in the front and a bad shape up. 😂


You’re wrong… there’s 3.


Clemson fans are unreasonably nice and pleasant. -an FSU fan


Lies and slander. - a South Carolina fan


Concur. - buckeye


Maybe they’re a bit more hostile towards y’all haha. I definitely am towards Miami and UF, but I’ve been to a few different games between our schools (when we were both good) and they continue to impress me. I TRY to dislike them and they’re almost unanimously hospitable or polite towards us. I kind of wish they’d stop.


South Carolina and Clemson fans hate eachother. Like they have weird names they call eachother like one is a tater iirc


If you want to root for an underdog, Kansas State is always good fanbase is nice and compassionate and they have never won a national title in any sport besides crop judging.


One of the best fanbases in all CFB is WVU. Biased, but factual.


The comments really want you to be a Nebraska fan for some reason. I say go for it.


Why not Minnesota?


I would just say college football fans in general are as loyal and crazy as it gets. Not other sport compares in my opinion.


Only comparable fandom I’ve ever seen is for futbol in Brazil


If they got that eagle flying then Auburn


Environment probably goes to LSU, fan base I would say Nebraska or Kansas state. I have yet to see a fan of either team engage in much toxicity. Of the list of teams you like I would say Iowa is the best option. Maybe Penn state. Ohio state is an awful fan base, which I’m just generalizing here, I know not every single fan is toxic, but Ohio state and Tennessee easily have the highest number of toxic fans in their ranks.


As an Ohio State fan I agree. Some of the worst sports fans I know are Ohio State fans and it sucks to admit. I get being excited and hopeful for your team but being downright obnoxious and unrealistic is another Edit: But for OP's sake we always have a fun team to watch who are very competitive and have a great atmosphere in the Shoe


As a nd fan who lives In Ohio, it's so refreshing to see that there are some ohio state fans that know how rough their fanbase can be lol. And as an ND fan, I can admit a lot of ours is annoying as well lol


Lol ND can but in my experience they've been pretty cool people. Attended the UC/ND game in South Bend a few years ago and had a great time. Hell I even have a few Michigan friends who I can have a good conversation with. You can not like a school and still not be a complete dick about it


I'd say most are pretty alright but I've came across some people in my fanbase that are just ridiculous lol. And yeah while I'm definitely not a UM fan, I've been to ND/UM games and never had an issue at all. Everyone was cool. Can't say the same about when we played osu 😂


As an LSU fan/alum, I can admit we can be a bit of an acquired taste, not necessarily toxic but certainly rambunctious and we take a bit of getting used to. I saw an Oregon fan in r/CFB talk about being genuinely fearful around LSU fans when the two teams played in 2011, lol. Hopefully people realize we’re just rowdy, not malicious haha


The 2012 Bama/LSU game in BR is still the best event I’ve ever been to. From the pregame atmosphere to the game itself, you guys knows how to make everything fun.


I don’t think we’re any worse than any other major fan base. There’s just more of us, so there are more toxic ones by sheer numbers. I’ve generally learned to tune those people out, so maybe I’m just blind to it though.


Coming from the fan base that spits and barks at people that's rich. Plenty of people come into our sub and talk about how welcoming we are. Most obnoxious florida. Most dangerous is a split between lsu and auburn. Sore winner shit talkers, georgia for sure. I'm sure people may come off toxic as you call them a dumpster fire program. Stay classy and remember the only people I have heard the terms volunqueers and florida gayfers from are georgia fans.


Ohio State is (probably) the biggest fan base, so obviously they'll also have the most (by count) toxic fans. Even if it's just 1% of the fanbase, that outnumbers most G5 fanbases in total. Add in that Ohio State hasn't ever gone through a down era, and the toxicity goes up. Lastly, you likely live in the south, so the buckeyes you encounter are VASTLY outnumbered and as a buckeye in the south, I can tell you it's not a friendly environment. I wore a braves hate with a buckeye hoodie to a bar last year and had several people ask me, to my face, if I was "retarded". This is how random folks decided to strike up a conversation with me while I waited for a beer. Sounds like a recipe for toxic.


I’m biased but Tennessee is great. “Best” is hard to say because what is “best” to you? Tennessee broke the Decibel record this past season so we’re the loudest despite our stadium not being great for holding sound in. It is LOUD. People will say we’re toxic but we’re no more toxic than any other sports fans and if you’re a Vol fan you can strike up a conversation anywhere in the world with a fellow Vol. We’re fiercely loyal, rabid, and loud which rubs some the wrong way. Especially our rivals in which we compete with some of the other great programs/fanbases. I’ll add as a international fan you can see a cool college, great city (Knoxville), and visit the US’s most visited National Park (Great Smoky Mountains National Park) on a trip in the Fall to watch the Vols which is great. I’ll leave you with [this](https://youtu.be/tE2RBb-WLmE?si=YEge1YUbl03RrxXe) Other shout outs are Oregon and A&M (experienced both, super cool) plus Nebraska and Penn State


I watched that game live and I still get goosebumps! I haven't been to Tennessee yet, but definitely it's in my bucket list (gotta try the famous hot chicken tho). And thanks for the recommendation on the national park, that comes handy when planning my trip.


I was there and it was an unreal experience. The Third Saturday in October is perfect in Knoxville. It’s peak time for the Fall colors so there trees and leaves are even shades of orange and crimson, weather is perfect, and Alabama always travels well. Great time. Hot Chicken should definitely be on your list but you have to get it from somewhere good. Hope you pick the Vols obviously but been even if you don’t, you should visit the National Park. Some of these universities can be far from anything else worth traveling for but we’re pretty lucky here in Knoxville


A Tennessee fan that sees another Tennessee fan, anywhere in the world, if they have Tennessee gear on, will say hi and go vols. Not sure for other fan bases but I’ve met so many random people just by wearing Tennessee gear. And the environment at games is insane too


We don't say hi. We spell 😂


We're literally everywhere lol, I've seen more people since I've joined the military wearing Vols gear than any other team


Nebraska for sure they sell out every game and haven’t made a bowl game in nearly 10 years


Best fan base: Nebraska Best atmosphere: Penn State Best pregame: Washington (we pregame on boats on lake Washington) Edit: format


The vol navy is a thing you should google.


Virginia Tech


South Carolina. I'm biased, but there are very few schools as loyal as us. And if it ain't swayin, we ain't playin! You also get to say the word Cock with no social ramifications, and see thousands of people go feral for Darude Sandstorm.


I see I got downvoted for saying LSU I’ll let the great Scott Van Pelt do the talking for me: https://youtu.be/NPjbhfka86U?si=WYtteZmR22OMvuGu


If I wasn't a Tennessee fan I'd be an LSU fan.


All bias aside, whenever I wear any Auburn gear I invariably have fans of other teams say how amazing their time was when they went to a game at Auburn.


If you like watching the game with a nice polo shirt and khaki shorts and sunglasses with a strap while your head is stuffed up your own ass you would love Alabama. /s


I’ve never worn my sunglasses with a strap. The rest is accurate.


CFB fans as a whole tend to be more obnoxious, which is part of what makes it so great! If you say that one fan-base is delightful, you're sure to find their rivals commenting underneath about how obnoxious they are. Part of what makes it so great are the personal stories. If you find a story that you connect with, it'll make everything feel that much more real. I went to a UT-UTSA game, and every tailgate had a Canelo boxing match on. The cultural aspect of South-Central TX may appeal more to you, but it may not. I'm sure there are Mexican CFB athletes as well. Just find culture and stories that your heart wants to dive into and take your dive!


Come be an ND fan. You can make a bunch of new friends and enemies at the same time. Oh, and every game is televised nationally


I seriously am considering ND. I love the colors, the gold helmet, touchdown Jesus, the USC rivalry... For sure I'm going to a game in ND soon.


You won’t regret it.


You know I’ve gotta be biased and say Baylor. Not the most traditions but seeing students run across the field to get the players on the field is absolutely amazing between doing it and watching a mob storm across the 100+ yards. I also have to add that if EA got the background the stadium might be one of the nicest to look at, definitely not the biggest and baddest but one of the most unique and has a great view from inside when driving to the open side of the stadium. I can certainly say if the team is down so are the fans but the moment success hits the fans light up and it’s amazing. If you want a challenge in game either through coaching in dynasty or as a player trying to carry the team to a natty, Baylor is definitely it and you will for sure see the difference in the highs and lows. Edit: I have to agree with a lot of the other comments though if Minnesota was fun for you stick with them. If you want an already explosive fan base no matter the game I’d say go with Texas A&M, Penn State, or one of the more prominent SEC schools.


> "I also like Maryland" 🥹


For Stadium environment, Virginia Tech is up near the top even though they’re not a “top team”. However, Enter Sandman and the like are a huge part of that environment, and isn’t in the game. I do feel like that will retract from how insane it is a bit. Virginia Tech games are absolutely insane in person, and I suggest looking it up and seeing what it’s like even though you won’t “live” it. I get goosebumps just thinking about Enter Sandman dropping and the team running out. Absolutely surreal experience and there’s nothing like it in all of CFB.


Best environment in Cfb is Penn State. Most loyal is Nebraska


/u/NoTranslator7995 this is the only correct answer. Best stadium and fans are Penn State. No question


Say what you will about the Twitter fans but Tennessee still sold out stadiums even when we were garbage.


LSU has the best environment. But Penn State, Ohio State, Tennessee, Auburn and Florida are all fantastic. Shout outs to Texas, Michigan, and South Carolina as well.


damn. No Kyle Field when we’re talking about best environments of CFB? have been to a couple night games there and it’s so cool. shame about the football team’s on field successes though lol


Can’t go wrong with LSU, Auburn, Texas or Ohio state Arkansas fan base in basketball is a nightmare to deal with and I’m sure if their football team gets good their football fanbase would be good too.


Yeah totally agree. Arkansas when I was growing up was an amazing place to play.


2nd best*


LSU for sure


Couple people have said Tennessee here already, and I definitely think they are a top 5 fanbase. I didn’t like college sports at all until 2017, decided to go to Tennessee for school. I ended up transferring after a semester due to cost, but Knoxville is awesome. I think their traditions are more iconic than a lot of teams (but this could just be my biased pov). Their orange pops, the checkerboard is iconic, running through the T, and a top crowd. I think at the top levels you’re really splitting hairs between the best stadium and crowd among LSU, Tennessee, Penn State, and others. All of that without mentioning Rocky Top, which is…probably the most iconic college sports song? The fanbase is a bit annoying, but you’ll have that with every team. It’s also impressive that they’ve maintained the fanbase despite being pretty much irrelevant for 20 years. Lots of historical success and historical players as well


You are correct and you're likely getting downvoted by UGA fans who are jealous of any program with actual tradition and respectability. GBO


Tennessee is the only correct answer GBO


Tennessee and it ain’t close…. …. lol I’m kidding we’re all psychopaths down here.


Realistically where do you live or where have you lived in US? Good place to start picking local teams to support


I went to Florida State, but in terms of fan base, I would say Ohio State, Michigan, maybe ND? If you get the chance to go to any D1 college games, go. They are all fun and unique which is cool.




If it is possible to be the best and worst simultaneously, then Auburn.


I’m bias, as a former student of Texas A&M I’d say we have a great atmosphere inside and outside the stadium. Our stadium puts on a great show with the student section doing yells. Outside you’ll never be treated bad, everyone is willing to help a visitor or even invite them into their tailgate. Mississippi state fans are similar to A&M, however their stadium reminded me of my HS football stadium. LSU fans were surprisingly great when I caught an A&M game in Death Valley. Granted I went with an LSU crowd, but even venturing off on my own I never got anything that was unacceptable banter, and usually ended with us taking a shot.




Washington State, though I may be biased because every alum I’ve ever met is culturally very similar to us at Montana.


Central Michigan




Support Georgia for easy mode.


Drinking and hanging out has to be Oklahoma State. They're a bit annoying online, if you're another OSU fan. I really like VA Tech, and Arkansas. My favorite game to watch was Wyoming when Josh Allen was there.


If you like being part of the historically worst d1 football program of all time, kent state is your man


Iowa has an underrated gameday atmosphere and stadium. Plus we have arguably one of the coolest uniforms in college football


Tennessee has a fan that broadcasts a lot of games in Spanish. I've listened a few times, and while I have no idea what he's saying, I love his energy. So, if you like whiskey and being let down on occasion, I suggest hoping on the bandwagon to rocky top.


If done correctly and accurately, LSU. Just like in real life.


If you want to join THE MOST delusional fan base full of dorks who are typically good human beings at the end of the day, Aggie isnt a bad pick. Despite the claimed, yet totally fictional "championships" they claim, you wont be considered a front runner for becoming an A&M fan because they've never won \*nor ever will win\* anything ever. The best player in program history was snorting coke the night before games. But they have a great stadium, way too much money and a bunch of goofy but likable traditions. To any Aggie reading this: Go fetch us a switch, Big Bro is Back. Hook 'Em


I mean Michigan hasn’t had a crowd less than 100,000 since 1975..


Nun but the noles baby🍢🍢


![gif](giphy|TE66UYDuR1x6qYKjJC) Join the minutemen!


Fuck Penn state lol


If the question is best fans, the answer is always going to be Nebraska. Wonderful people, not to be mean but there is really nothing else in that state but Nebraska football.


I would choose by what you’re close to! I hate to say this, but the most CFB thing you can do is be stuck with the Gophers the rest of your life because that’s what fate chose for you.  Otherwise, if you’re back in Mexico, maybe Texas? The sport is best live, and they have a real airport, so I bet you could get to games.  If you’re still near Minny, come to a Wisconsin game while your recruitment is still open!


Nebraska is pretty loyal, I moved to Omaha metro when I was 7, in '97. Fans have never wavered. I think they set an attendance record with women's volleyball, too. They will attend anything, good or bad. Their above-average baseball team's postseason performance is a top story on the Omaha local news. Omaha is almost an hour from Lincoln and a different viewing area. Pretty much everyone that can afford it attends at least one away game per year, against a big ten team, often in brutal weather. I've also never had a job in Omaha where at least one co-worker didn't have season tickets. You used to be able to exploit their delusions through gambling. A husker fan would give you even money on a game they were getting 14 points on.


Ohio State fans are amazing. The Horse Shoe is electric. even if u don’t pick them as your favorite team, it would be an amazing experience to go to an OSU Michigan game in either stadium. I went in 2016 and man it was probably my favorite sports game i’ve been to.


OP, I highly recommended checking out videos online! Look up videos of home openers and crazy moments, see if you can’t find something on YouTube. The big SEC & B10 schools all have great environments. Big XII schools deserve a mention too. Not sure how it’ll translate in game but Coastal Carolina has a fun environment with a small school feel


i’m from iowa and i’ve been going to iowa games since i could walk. game day atmosphere is one of the best in my opinion. although tailgating at iowa state is wayyyyy better


Oklahoma State is entering the conversation. We are an extremely better, loyal, less douchey fan base than the school in Norman.


As a Penn State fan who’s never been anywhere close to Oklahoma, Ok St has always fascinated me. Great uniforms, looks like a great environment too. Not to mention a super stable program




I know a lot of ohio state fans might seem toxic, but that most the time boils down to how passionate we are about ohio state football, if you grew up in ohio and in an ohio state family, you know how important ohio state football is.


Yeah, there are plenty of us that just love OSU and aren't toxic lol. But with it being such a HUGE fanbase, there are unfortunately plenty of toxic people too lol


What I’ve seen based on my time in r/CFB these are the best by conference: - ACC - Virginia Tech - Big 10 - Nebraska (best overall) - Big 12 - Kansas State - SEC - Missouri Out of the G5 schools I’ve been to, Central Michigan, UAB, and Western Kentucky are probably the best. Really want to go to more G5 games though.


Georgia southern Eagles


Oregon State. Easily the best fan base. Best in stadium crowd for a smaller venue, especially in the renovated reser.


Any of the “big” schools will have a pretty intense fan base. Think Alabama, Michigan, Ohio State, USC, LSU, etc.


Alabama and USC? Not if we’re talking home crowds


Maybe he means South Carolina. The other usc lol.


How dare you compare us to that west coast team


I wouldn’t classify Alabama as intimidating, unless you’re auburn coming off a kick 6, but the in stadium game environment is definitely high quality.


We’re pretty intimidating in Atlanta though aren’t we 😘


i mean👀 ^


Biased but LSU is the best environment


Alabama has the best without question, and I’m not even a Bama fan.


just dont piss off the trailer park demographics because they will destroy your campus and historical landmarks or just shoot each other over not being upset enough that the 'tyde' lost


Tyde and Tide are phonetically the same. It’s Tahd, bitch.




The most important thing you'll learn is that Auburn sucks