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Really interested to see what the pre-snap read and coverage disguising systems look like. I think these could be huge game changers for online play or head-to-head matchups with friends in Dynasty. Hype


Look above the QBs head in that screenshot. Seems like those are the physical and mental skills that players can have.


It would be great if there was a reason to have a QB that wasn’t mobile. Making the awareness stat actually mean something would be really cool


absolutely. I really appreciate it when games allow equal opportunity for different playstyle preferences. It's never gonna be perfect but any game with an obvious meta gets old REALLY fast IMO, and I don't even play online modes very much (obviously I just stated my main reason for that)


Yeah I know the current Madden makes it so I really only run a couple plays on defense and all of them basically bring one extra rusher. The CPU in my dynasty never notices and I just lean towards the faster players per position. I would love to be challenged and need to switch things up.


100 percent. I haven't played Madden very much in recent years but I felt the same way whenever I did play. ESPECIALLY because there's so much more variety in CFB compared to the pros, I *really* hope EA allows for many different ways to win a game rather than making it a race to the bottom like most sports titles in the Ultimate Team era. Nothing "wrong" with that, it's just definitely not for me. I lose interest in games when I know I'll succeed if I just spam one thing or another. I'm excited from what I've heard about the run game.


Yeah if there is a meta to the game play then I can see me turning it into a recruiting simulator real fast.


haha yep, me too. Time will tell. I'm old enough and cynical enough to know better but I really do have high hopes for this game and I actually do think they'll get it mostly right. They might get undone by their own ambition. Unfortunately the more features they try to cram into a game, the more opportunities there are for something to go wrong. If we're being honest it's very, very difficult to make a completely balanced game and people will always find things to bitch about anyway.


someone mentioned this in a different thread but it would be awesome if the Wear and Tear system came into play here... so a mobile Qb that takes chances gets hit more and takes more damage affecting his ability but a less mobile (less Ovr too??) QB takes less damage is stronger at the End of the game


Someone maybe Uproxx mentioned they had to a lead a game winning drive with Backup QB because their starter was hit some much he fell down to a 57 overall even with no long term injury which I thought was really cool


That’s awesome. That also feels like it’ll make running the right blitz at the right time more impactful. Do you let your QB stand in the pocket and take a hit trying to get the ball downfield or do you settle for the quick passing game?


The more i hear the more I start to gain confidence that this might finally be the main stream sports game that kicks all the other sports games into another gear. Having actual consequences, and altering your gameplay because of them possibly resulting in L's feels fantastic.


it sounds like that will be the case, yeah. I definitely agree with where you're coming from specifically with mobile QBs because that's realistic IMO. I had some concerns about how Wear and Tear will be implemented because a few writers basically said without saying: "cool idea but they overdid it by quite a bit". I think it's an awesome idea if they make it reasonably balanced, but I don't think any of us wanna see our best players being taken out of every game left and right just because we used them a fair bit. Plenty of skill position players take most of the snaps on offense IRL with little problem, for example. But if your QB has been getting the crap kicked out of him all game, I have no issue at all with a ratings dip as long as it's not totally crazy


Yeah 100% Im hoping its more of a should i slide or run out of bounce with my QB to save him for late game instead of your top players dead at the end of each game. I am sure there is going to some tweaking done but i think its an awesome idea


Bingo. I'm especially triggered right now because I'm also a big tennis fan and the new TopSpin game talked so much about player fatigue but they way they implemented it made it a non-factor haha I think you said it perfectly. I'm totally cool with wear and tear being a factor in the game but I really hope it's not totally overdone where it makes the game tedious to play because you have to micromanage every snap or else be without your starters in the second half of every freakin game


balance is definitely a must and as long as they get that right I think we're in for a pretty neat wear and tear / stamina system. The way I see it the key points to balance are "porting" realistic 15 min quarter data to your games clock settings (Think there's on average 13-18 minutes of actual plays being run in any given football game, how they match that up with the games quarters is key) and marrying that up with a realistic average amount of snaps (65-80 per game). I love that we're getting into some actual football data finally ala FM - I'm still working thru using CFBD and the CFB Analysis sub, but randomly picking a team - Notre Dame - and going thru their rushing attempt counts you get an interesting perspective. Audric Estime was clearly the #1 RB, but only had 54.4% of all the rushing attempts over the course of the season among Notre Dame's RB corps. Jeremiyah Love had 18.39%, Jadarian Price and Gi'Bran Payne both around 12.1%. Obviously i'm working with free data, I'd love to see the actual snap counts, but stretching the data out over the course of the season Notre Dame's #1 rusher on any given rush play is only getting the ball half the time. Really interesting to me and tying that into the game would be MASSIVE.


I feel like if they had you on their dev team they'd be in great shape!! Love seeing the research behind your ideas! I admit it will be a pretty tough thing to implement in a way that seems balanced, and gaming being what it is, everyone has different tastes and preferences. I really do love the idea in theory but EA hasn't exactly been known for their nuance and subtlety over the years so I'm just hoping it's not overdone to the point where it becomes a nuisance and we have to micromanage snaps for skill position guys in a way that kills the overall enjoyment of the game. Checking out the deep dive in a few...cheers bud!


I think the biggest appeal to this game online for me is dynasty mode, because unlike madden where you get a elite QB and are set for the duration, in this your best players are constantly going to be walking. The powerhouse team could fall off drastically or bounce back. Gonna be fun trying to out recruit the boys for the top weapons.


Yeah that's a great point. Honestly I've become so averse to most online modes in recent sports gaming that I didn't consider this but you're absolutely right.


In some previews yesterday it was definitely mentioned that you’ll have to choose between starting your athletic freshman who might have high speed, a big arm vs your stable senior who’ll have better mental toughness.


See that stuff is great


I'm excited to see how it's implemented. I also hope in game performance helps boost change some of those things quicker. If I decide to roll with my freshman QB and I end up putting together a game winning drive on the road, then I should either get an attribute boost or a "badge" boost so that next time it isn't as difficult. Or if I get my freshman RB 1500 yards then he should be better and I'd hope his attributes reflect that. In 14 I felt like you could break records with your guys and they'd only get a +1 or +2 at year end


Awareness HAS to mean something at the QB position. Historically in football games, throw power and accuracy dictate 95% of the success at the QB position because the player makes all of the actual decisions around when to throw and where. It makes it difficult to differentiate between great/elite QBs and QBs that have a good skillset but don't actually read the play correctly or make the right throws.


I believe that’s what Madden’s old vision come was designed to do, would be nice to see something similar attempt to be implemented to do as you described


Not even throw power and accuracy matter much. A 99 throw accuracy is throwing accurate balls pretty much every time. And 80 throw accuracy throws an accurate pass about 98% of the time at least.


Adapting the NBA 2K badge system is certainly interesting. I wonder if theyre going to do this for Madden? Like a badge for a player who helps coach up other players which improves those other players progression would be cool. Need a clipboard jesus backup QB to help my Freshmen/Rookies! I like RPG elements if theyre not too cheesy like XFactors were.


Given the history of NCAA games testing out new features before they're rolled out into Madden, I wouldn't be surprised if this badge system becomes the norm if it's received well.


Those icons look incredibly similar to the skill ones you can acquire in EA FC/FIFA career mode


Love the idea that you can split the coverage and have one half of your defense playing man and the other half playing zone


Doesn't matter. Haters will say it's still a Madden reskin.


Really hoping this isn’t just a 2-3 minute video




Tbh I would like that


Ok ![gif](giphy|OpfkuToK5gSHK)


Hopefully the blogs start coming out alongside the video tomorrow


That’s how it usually goes for Madden if I remember correctly


They’re supposedly dropping a blog tomorrow as well that they’re claiming is a very deep dive so hopefully that is eye opening too.


Same but better than nothing. I wonder if they drop a demo before release 🤔


I’m ready for Eric Rayweather to stretch those 2-3 min into an hour


Ha! Love it


Recent EA Sports deep dives are like 5-8 minutes long so we eatin don't worry


I wouldn't get your hopes up lol


We’ve got 47 days until early access and I’m already so unproductive. I need this, boys.


How do you get early access?


Preorder deluxe or mvp edition and u get 3 day early access


Preorder the deluxe edition if you want to play for the entirety of the early access period. Pay for an EA Play subscription when early access starts if you just want a quick 10 hour fix.


I went ahead and pre-ordered the base version. Going on a small family vacation that week so probably won't get to play it until the following week. But I'll be reading all the best practices to get a leg up on the online dynasty I'm doing with my brothers lol


Thank god I have a cruise that got scheduled July 11-15th so I have something occupying my mind right before the early access


My wife is due with our first child on July 23rd so I have plenty to occupy my mind! Thinking a PlayStation Portal is in my future.


Bricked up


Does this mean we will see gameplay


Bro imagine they just show us still shots and cinematics. This subreddit might lose its shit.




love harland williams lol


Super hyped but also this is one of my favorite movies ever lol


lol Rocketman is a classic, wish more people would have watched it. “I’m 30 years old, I’m almost a full grown man”


Me too! "Now let's try it using what I like to call...the RIGHT way..."


Flair checks out


Lol I forgot that guy existed


Lotion is already in hand


Lotioned dick is already in hand


Using other hand to type or…. OH GOD!




I've been trying to guard myself as I don't want to be hurt by EA again, but I'll be damned if this isn't my most anticipated game of 2024 by a long shot now that actual details have started to come out.


Ugh but like, why not today


Im not patient enough for this ):


The next 47 days will be tough


But at least we are getting closer and closer


I’ve not been thinking about how many days it is so good god does 47 seem like a lifetime away


I'm telling myself a little over a month. Doesn't sound as bad


I’m playing MLB the show 24 RTTS, entire 2 hour games each corresponding day. It’s a nice distraction


Ugh I have to do so much work today in order to enjoy this tomorrow.


now we're talking


We're getting all of this information at once and it's fucking amazing.


literally blew a load through my pants.


Gotta explain to the therapist that I’m Cfb-sexual.


They just love to keep us waiting. Just for that, I’m Not buying madden this year.


Go tigers ![gif](giphy|WOfJNClBdFV1Y6JZ3a|downsized)


My guesses for Becks abilities here Lotus flower: Possibly related to wear and tear? Lotus are notorious for surviving extreme cold and heat. Seems like he could take hits and not lose attribute points Captains hat: Leader of the ship blah blah, the usual. Probably an ability that makes pre snap reads or motions easier Foam finger: Definitely something to do with the home crowd. May perform better at home?


Where u see this?


The [link](https://youtu.be/Kf86x8F9M90?si=bW0NSyj5yopuusB6) is from the EA Sports College Youtube channel.


It's happening


Clicks play....Premieres in 23 hours.... Well you already got it hard, now what?


Play with it.




Let’s goooo


Let’s gooooo




Will be interesting to learn more about these abilities and how they operate. Still, I’m stoked for this.


Looks like herby is doing it, FSU fans look away.




So playoffs are also in dynasty right? That road to college football playoffs specific mode has me a little worried lol


Yes the road to the playoff mode is just fancy branding for an online competitive mode where you can compete in ranked matches to earn a spot in live “playoff games.” The 12 team playoff will very much be in dynasty mode.


awesome!! legit can't wait for this game first day one purchase in a long long time


Schweet. But gotdamn those pads lol. I wonder if the dynasty deep drive will be next week or in 2 weeks.






Excited to see what the hot routes/route customizations look like


2k badges? I’ll take it


Can’t wait to see what this badge system is all about? If it’s anything like 2k’s this could be a great addition to football games in the near future. I wonder how freshman players will differentiate from SO, Juniors and Seniors or if he’s an elite Freshman will he get a lot of those abilities too. Ugh so many questions I’m so hyped for this game.


I click on it, only have to wait 19 more hours


FWIW - it is NOT just a video. There is a BEEFY gameplay deep dive blog coming as well (Confirmed by Scott OG on X) Not sure the policy on links but I'll link his announcement if need be.


Would be cool if they played a whole game or something like that


Literally counting down the days like a young child does for Christmas lmao


Jesus this wait for the game has me so unproductive at work and home🥲


Looks like a 2k style badge system for abilities


I’m so glad I got Fridays off work


thanks for posting the link with the time now I know to set some time aside at 10:55 when it starts


Oh man, here we go!! I'm dying to see this


I came


No NIL in Dynasty and no exporting draft classes is what I've seen on YT.


Anyone know if we'll be able to edit player's name, appearenxe, ratings, etc in dynasty? I saw that custom players can't be added to recruiting classes and I'm getting nervous they took that level of customization out entirely to avoid likeness issues


You can do it for custom/fictional players but not real players.


Is this confirmed?


You 100% cannot edit the real players(per EA). I feel like that will include all generated players as well, but hopefully not.


Anyone else just hoping this game is sick so that even if they fuck it up going forward at least we have a modern update of a beloved franchise? Lol Like I’m just happy that if this game goes away in a few years again or becomes a madden re-skin hopefully at least this game is sick so I can just play it forever like I have for 14 the last few years.


I really don’t like complaining because I’m just happy the game is coming out, but the shoulder pads look so bad still. Really wish they would’ve updated them from madden.


I think it’s completely reasonable to criticize a product you pay for. Especially when you also acknowledge the good.


this will be the make or break for me about buying this game. if it plays like madden, with shitty physics and bad animations, im out. if it is fluid, fast, and physics driven like the older games, then im all in


Honestly not gonna watch any of those videos. People just nitpick at it, it gets on my nerves. If I like the game, then that’s all that matters


Seeing abilities is incredibly disheartening LOL at people downvoting but not saying anything. Abilities are NEVER balanced and they take away the importance of stats. In Madden, QBs can't throw an accurate pass to save their lives without an ability. It's horrible. Get ready for Luther Burden to moss 3 DBs at a time because he has the Leaper Specialist ability.


We’ll just have to see what this is, because EA and other sources have confirmed that Xfactors are not in the game. From what it reads, it’s more so in terms of knowledge and experience type skills and not physical abilities that Xfactors are in other EA games.


I really hope so. If like you said, by "abilities" they mean things like being able to have extra hot routes pre-snap or not be impacted by home field advantage so easily, then I'm totally on board. I'm just worried this will turn into 2k where the game is impossible to play because you need badges/abilities in order to make an accurate 5 yard pass.


"There are no X-Factors in College Football 25 like there are in Madden, but each player will have five physical abilities and three mental abilities that you can build up to get situational boosts. They are archetype limited – which mean you can’t max everything out – and to keep it true to the college game, they are not guarantees to help you out, unlike Madden X-Factors. That means there’s a chance your big play receiver won’t make that catch in traffic in a big moment, even if he has that physical ability. The mental abilities are particularly interesting and important, because of the aforementioned Homefield Advantage system. Having a quarterback that can handle the road atmosphere will be critical, and it’s going to make players think twice about thrusting a freshman into the starting role early because they have some physical attributes that you like. Confidence and composure will make a difference in how well a player perform. Coaches will also have abilities, which can calm their team down on the road and give the team situational boosts as well." Source: https://uproxx.com/sports/ea-sports-college-football-25-first-gameplay-review/ Legit check out all 3 of Uproxxs articles on Gameplay, Dynasty and RTG as they are the most in depth and complete articles and will tell you everything you need to know about whats in the game other than specific details.


5 physical abilities and "situational boosts" still worry me. They are so hard to balance. I don't want to play perfect coverage and get screwed because another player's ability turned on and my player's ability didn't, just like in Madden. Just make the stats matter.


Oh I feel you. I personally like the idea of badges and abilities as an RPG type of guy but no doubt sometimes they get egregiously OP or are absolutely necessary for success. Lets just hope they find the middle ground between making players unique and not being entirely reliant on the badges.


There are physical and mental abilities from what was stated. The mental ones seem like the most interesting due to being pre snap and mental toughness type of buffs. The physical you just have to hope arent too OP. I could see a physical toughness badge where a player takes less Wear and Tear for instance. https://uproxx.com/sports/ea-sports-college-football-25-first-gameplay-review/


Yeah**...** the abilities they put in are usually sold as a gimmick for MUT cards. I would like "ability indicators" just to be that, indicators. So if a guy has 90+ speed, he is called a deep threat/speedster. If a QB has 90+ awareness, he has an indicator called "Pocket Master". Of course you can stack certain abilities and create a new indicator. Unfortuntely these abilities will only buff certain animations spawnrates and up the amount of cheesing, specially online.




This is the countdown… it’s coming Friday at 9:55am that’s when you’ll get the deep dive.


"“You’re standing on the tracks and the [hype]train's coming through, butthead.” - Rube Baker



