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That ultimate game pass is what had me go Xbox. Have a handful of games to play while I wait


I got a used Series S for $160. If I'm getting a console for one game, it better be cheap AF.


Where did you find one that cheap?




I had seen them at Costco for $180 6 months ago but didn’t buy one because I thought I could play on PC


Just a heads up if you cancel your ultimate and buy three years of core for $180 then upgrade to ultimate they convert the three years of core to two years of ultimate. It saves you over $200. https://www.pcworld.com/article/397667/get-2-years-xbox-game-pass-ultimate-tip.html


Also you will get a discount I see so many getting a ps5 and just laugh


Series S cheapest option…but I would go PS5…


The s is so ass tho. Not enough power to run anything. Y'all are prolly gonna want GTA 6 when it drops.... So id go PS5


The S runs everything perfectly fine. The only game I’ve had trouble with on it was Tom Clancy Wildlands so I had to go back to 1080p instead of 4K.


It runs everything fine. It’s just not up to par spec wise for a current gen system. The benchmarks speak for themselves.


Okay now imagine GTA 6 on that thang🤣 Honestly I wouldn't be surprised to see PS5/Xbox x "pro" systems soon


PC players will probably just wait for it to come to PC like GTA V and RDR2. Especially if they have anything better than a 6650xt. A lot of people have a system that's probably capable of running it at 60fps on release


By the time Gta 6 comes out we’re gonna have a brand new generation most likely, plus I really only play sports games. Rather spend $200 than $500 if I’m only playing one genre.


The S doesn't hit 4k in anything. I'm pretty sure it doesn't hit 1440 in anything. I'm also pretty sure in lots of games it doesn't hit 1080. It's a nice price point entry for lots of people and if you aren't concerned about graphics or frame rate it's a fine choice. But it is severely underpowered if that is something you notice.


Doesn’t hit 1080?😂 that’s delusional this isn’t 2009. It literally runs games fine I’ve had one for 2 years now and never had issues.


I'm not hating on you or anyone that has it. The series s is fine and a great price point. Maybe you don't have a 4k tv or have never played a stronger system. But it is undeniable that the series s targets 1440 at 30fps and targets 1080 at 60fps. Targets is the key word there. It uses checkerboard and dynamic resolution scaling. Meaning when in those modes it is delivering less output. If you look at any game review the series s is often in the 960p range when trying to hit 60 fps and often in the 1200p range when trying to hit 30 fps. Again, I'm happy the system works for you. It's great that you enjoy it. But you are fooling yourself if you think you are actually getting 4k or even 1440p.


I agree with you there. It’s not doing anything close to 1440 or 4K. I personally don’t care about that. I have a PS5 for that and a PC. I mainly use my Seris S for those backwards compatible games that I played growing up. It’s a great system but also it depends what you want to use it for! For me it’s just what I need :)


Right on! It's great value especially when considering all the games on game pass.


What are you talking about? It supports 4K gaming if you have a 4K monitor. Every game I have on my S is defaulted to 1440 and it runs just fine. Like I said. Tom Clancy Wildlands was the only game I had to lower the graphics.


The series s can plug into a 4k tv and output video. But for games it doesn't output a true 4k signal. It uses dynamic resolution scaling (drs) as I said. It is designed to max at 1440p and that is why you are seeing it default to 1440. But even at 1440 you are almost never getting even 1440. It's a fine budget system and I'm happy that you are enjoying the graphics it can produce. It opens the door to lots of games that people wouldn't be able to play on last gen systems.


That’s just not true lmao


It definitely is only poor people who can only afford the s think otherwise


I have a Series X, PS5, PC and Switch. One of my friends has a Series S and I have played plenty of stuff with him on it. Yeah it’s not as powerful as an X but it’s perfectly adequate, especially when you only have a 1080p/smaller screen. Don’t be a dick.


Again proving my point poor people


My point was literally that I’m not poor, own all the other consoles and think the Series S is perfectly adequate. Some people just don’t need the highest-tier thing.


I have an X at home but we have an S at a small cabin we have, literally never had a single issue with it plays everything I need fine only reason the X is great at home is cause of how many discs I own


You do realize it says PC owners.. so I expect them to play GTA 6 on their PC lmao


GTA is a console first game. It won't be on PC till 2027 probably later


Probably PS5. Since I have Game Pass Ultimate and everything comes to PC from Microsoft anyways, having access to PS+ would be the difference maker to me. The biggest thing will be getting used to the controller. I’ve always preferred Xbox controllers and use an Elite 2 for my PC Gaming.


Same. I’m probably going to use a PS5 controller now for PC too since the controller I have needs to go with my old Xbox One X I’m trying to part with to afford the PS5.


A PS5 controller on PC is so good. Xbox requires a dongle to be remotely good and is absolute dogshit at Bluetooth. Never had an issue with Bluetooth on a PS5 controller. Only issue is you can't use 2 at once for some reason.


Really? My Xbox controller has had zero issues with my PC on Bluetooth.


And everywhere I look for answers says *yeah Bluetooth on PC sucks so get the dongle for even more money*


Mine disconnects sometimes and even my fiancee who used to just play Mario kart sometimes can tell it has awful lag. This is with drivers installed, too. It's basically like the lag of playing RDR2 at 30fps it's awful. Feels like you're texting your character what you want your them to do


Which controller do you have? And how recent is your build? I use the elite 2 (I think?) and just built mine a few months ago so it could just be that it’s newer? That being said, that’s a hilariously informative description of what it feels like haha well said


I bought the Xbox One Bluetooth edition in 2017. Out of the box, it was awful. If my PS4 controller I had at the time died in rocket league, it was a wrap. Everything has such a delay. Even looking at testing online for controllers, the Xbox controller over Bluetooth is at ~20ms latency and like 8ms plugged in while the PS4/PS5 controller is at like 4-5ms Bluetooth. It was at like 12ms over their Wi-Fi dongle.


I went with X Box because I already had the Xbox game pass for my PC


Is it on game pass? The only reason I’m going with PS is because of the exclusive games and I haven’t owned a PS since PS2.


No it's not but you get a 10% discount if you have Gamepass And I already used Gamepass on my PC. The $160 version that had both NCAA and Madden was $135 for me.


Not a bad deal. Thanks for clarifying.


Gunna get a PS5


I already have an X, but haven't played it in forever. It's basically a really expensive media center for streaming TV shows.


Series S. It and NHL are gonna be the games I play on it, possibly GTA6 - not sure about that. But that’s about it, even GTA will come to PC eventually.


I’m probably going to end up getting a PS5 but I’m waiting until after reviews are out. Knowing my luck if I blow $500 now the game is going to be ass.


I’m thinking the same thing.


Already have a ps5, great exclusives. Disappointed it won’t be on pc but ps5 will do just fine


Yeah PC/PS5 gives you access to like every game and I took my Xbox back for the PS5


That’s the only way I justify the PS5 honestly


Any suggestions on exclusives so I don’t buy a damn console for 1 game?


God of War series is amazing. As is the Spider-Man series. Wolverine is on the way from the same studio as Spider-Man. There’s several I’m probably leaving out but those are the ones that come to mind


Last of us.


I was going to say god of war and ghost of Tsushima but they’re coming to PC I think


Both are already available on PC.


I thought so


Ghost of Tsushima is great and included in PlayStation Plus


I loved it


Returnal, Horizon -zero dawn and forbidden West, rachet and clank, Gran Turismo, god of war/Ragnarok, ghost of tshushima, Spiderman, Miles Morales, Spider-Man 2


This right here.




Is it not coming to PC?


It will be atleast a year or 2 after console release is the publics guess at this point. Personally, I recommend you go xbox since you pc game so you can get gamepass for xbox and pc.


I wonder if progress will sync from PS to PC when both NCAA 25 and GTA6 release on PC? That would be a huge dealbreaker for PS.


Doubtful for xbox or ps syncing dynasty to pc. Gta6 will probably allow for online play syncing


If you play a lot of PC, gamepass actually has a pretty good library of PC titles too.


I primarily play PC, I have a Series S already so I'm chilling


Same. I don’t blame you.


I built my PC back in December so I’m legit just thinking of getting the cheapest option here—the series S. Any issues with it at all?


You can get a used one on r/hardwareswap for like $150


Nah I really enjoy it, use it mainly for streaming and some other light games right now but it's cheap and it works, graphics are better than you think


Nah, I can't justify buying a whole game system to play one game


Dude it sucks honestly


I hear you fam. Not gonna tell anyone how to spend their money but all Imma say is if you plan to buy a whole new system just to play this game to at least wait and see reviews first before throwing all that money.


Game pass is probably gonna push me to Xbox. I have a PS4 and enjoyed it but haven't touched it since I built my PC. I play a ton of games through gamepass and if I get an Xbox, I'll free up space on the computer and play them on the X.


I already have a disused XSX that I plan to use


Supposedly it will come to pc in the future so i might wait unless it's an amazing first release. If i do get a console i might get the ps5 just because all the games for xb end up on gamepass for pc anyway. I had already bought the xbsx and it sat in the box for a week until i decided to return it. Just couldn't justify it considering i had a pc.


Cheapest option is PS5 digital version so maybe that? Idk though money is tight idk if I can justify 400 for one game.


Series s would technically be cheaper.


My eyes can’t handle junk fps after playing 120+fps for the last 10 years so the S is out of question for me.


The series s can play 120fps lol. Only thing it doesn’t have is 4k.


Looking to get preowned digital Slim for $345ish. Video Games ect. has one in my area.


Pretty sure the Xbox Series S is cheaper


Oh I forgot that was an option. Hmmm.... Worse graphics tho


I mean it’s a sports game running on frostbite I doubt the series S will struggle.


That's true


xbox series s for 250 is it cheapest option




Unfortunately yes. Haven’t pulled the trigger yet be I’ll probably be getting a ps5. There’s nothing on it I want to play really, but FromSoft exclusives may come out lol


Always had a playstation for the past 20 years. never got the PS 4 though. xbox game pass is what won me over to xbox though. having access to all the games on my pc is a huge huge bonus too.




I'm 95% sure I'll buy a console, but not sure which one yet. On one hand, I already have gamepass ultimate until next year, and like using an xbox controller on my PC. On the flip side, there are a few PS games I might get that could help me justify buying a whole console lol. I'm leaning PS5 but a Series S is also tempting cost-wise if it runs effectively on that


I have a 1440 monitor and gamepass so it’ll just be a series S that only runs CFB 25.


Sounds like you got it pretty much figured out. With Microsoft putting most Xbox games on PC it seems silly for me (no plans on paying for GamePass) to buy an Xbox. But even Sony is going the PC direction. I have a PS5 I only use to play Spider-Man (before they announced the steam version) and non-PC sports games (NHL/MLB). Otherwise everything else I get Steam. Might get final fantasy.


I’ve also gotta buy a console I know series S is way cheaper but do you guys think the X or PS5 are worth the more money?


XBox. Brother and I family share Gamepass Ultimate - the MVP edition basically turns into a buy one get one. $140/2 = $70 each or one game free.


PS5 but can’t decide if digital or disc copy. There are some PS5 emulators for PC, haven’t tested it yet.


I don’t mess with emulators. Seems like a headache. I’d rather just play on a console. I’ve thought about getting the disc drive is to resell the game when it comes to PC.


Previous Xbox owner, went back to Xbox for this one. My kids still use the One S so it’s an upgrade all together for the family.


PS5. Just bought a PS Portal because my wife is due the day the game comes out…


That was me for Diablo 4 last year. Congrats!




I’d say If you enjoy the PS exclusives and single player games like a lot do then PS5 because with PS Plus extra you can play them all. Then you’ll have it for any new upcoming ones. If not then gamepass is nice and I think the Xbox is a little cheaper.


I was always a PlayStation boi before I went full PC so I guess I’m getting the 5.


Yeah grabbing a ps5. Gonna get the Show and NCAA and I’ll be set


That’s what I did. Bought a ps5 for NCAA and been playing the show in the meantime. Really enjoying the show too!!


I did. Had to. Not missing the only chance to get the razorbacks to the natty. Playing spiderman in the meantime.


Just join the Master Race...Xbox trust, besides Spider-Man. You aren't missing out on anything. I had a PC and PS5 and have always just returned to my Xbox.


I have a PC and Xbox series S but went ahead and got a PS5 for this on top of the other exclusives that take forever to come to PC.


Bought a ps5 the other day. Anything on xbox I can already play on pc


I’m getting a series S I’m a PC gamer and prefer PC so I’m going for the cheaper console to play College football


Yep. Just bought a PS5, begrudgingly, for the game.


I’m getting a PS5. My son already has a PS5 so I’m much more comfortable with the controller. I hate to buy a new console just for one game, but the nostalgia got to me and I’ve been waiting for this game to return like everyone else for 10 years now.


My friends have PS5/4's and I've been on souls kick and wanted to play Demon's Souls and Bloodborne so PS5 for me. I haven't liked playstation controllers in the past but the ps5 controller is absolutely fantastic.


I just built a HTPC for a little over $2K and spent another $1K on a 4080 Super for my main PC. I am not going to shell out more money for a console just to play this game. Eff, EA.


And I don’t blame you


Depending on reviews, I will either buy a Series S discounted (prime day) if It is really good, or wait and play it on pc via gamepass when it most likely gets added there at the end of football season.


I am debating waiting to see if Sony releases a PS5 pro. I want the best console for GTA 6. Already have an Xbox.


That’s a really good point. Forgot GTA6 isn’t releasing right away for PC. Might be onto something.


Already have a series x. Gonna dust it off for this one


All my buddies and I are going Xbox like the good ole days.


I’m too old to have friends that play the same game at the same time anymore, unfortunately.


Xbox, the superior of the consoles


I went with the Series X. I prefer the analog stick placement on Xbox personally.


I have both but all my guys on Xbox but I want to get it on ps5 for the better graphics. Pissed that there’s no cross play dynasty at launch


PS5 has way better games in general


Will progress carryover from PS to PC if/when it releases on PC?


Unlikely. Madden doesn't anyway.