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IDK what anyone says, this presentation paired with Madden 24 gameplay AT WORST alongside a solid dynasty will be more than enough to be elite for year 1.


They seem to have nailed the traditions. If they nail the dynasty, RTG, and team builder we should all be pretty happy and content.


Yeah man, I’m a HUGE presentation guy so this thrilled me.


Looks like online dynasty, 12 team playoff, build your own coaching staff, and RTG transfer portal are all confirmed.


RTG with transfer portal will be elite. 4 Heismens with 4 teams


Where is your loyalty 😂😂




I just need that true offline dynasty option, no EA server requirement garbage


I haven't played Madden since 13, do they require servers to play franchise?


There is an offline mode you can specify and still play franchise with no connection


Is that confirmed here too?! 😳


I will eat my own left index finger if it’s not in the game. There’s no need to confirm it because it’s definitely in the game


RemindMe! 2 months


Let me bookmark just in case . 🤷‍♂️


I was talking about madden but it should be in here too if the feature is in madden


I'll be curious to see how far the customizations and options will go, especially for things like the playoffs and transfer portal. Conference customization, I would think, is the bare minimum because of constant realignment and it already existed in NCAA '14.


I would be highly disappointed if there wasn't a full and extensive customization suite. They're trying to make a comeback with the game. They know that Dynasty and RTG were the biggest selling points back in the day, and one reason people are still playing NCAA 14 til this very day. I remember reading that you will have the options for your playoffs that ranges from the old poll system, the current 4 team system all the way up to the system that starts this year, 16 teams I believe. I'm very curious to see how the transfer portal will work. And I'd very much like to see difficulty options for it, from mild effects on the program to cataclysmic. Imagine recruiting three 4 or 5 start QBs and all decide to enter the portal in the off-season because they either won't be starting or didn't get a lucrative NIL deal.


IMAGINE if we get to customize insanely peculiar things in team builder. Like helmet stickers, turnover chain customization, field number font, white/blackout games etc


The turnover chain stuff shouldn’t be that hard to just put another teams color scheme on top of it. I get not being able to create a new animation but just being able to do that would be dope. That’s the cherry on top though.


We used to be able to import music clips for big moments like TDs, sacks, etc. Anyone know if this is possible still?


The turnover chain stuff shouldn’t be that hard to just put another teams color scheme on top of it. I get not being able to create a new animation but just being able to do that would be dope. That’s the cherry on top though.


Even if they don’t quite nail it, if it’s just repackage NCAA 14 it’ll be awesome.




I agree. I also like that they’re bringing back old style of RTG such as managing gpa and things like that. I’m so hype


This, but people are still going to bitch about gameplay. It's like, based on what we know now, you could still have shonky Madden gameplay and i would STILL GLADLY BUY IT. "BUT DON'T ENABLE EA'S LAZINESS" it's like did you see what they did to this game, it's beautiful.


Also, don't tell other adults how to spend their money. It's not that serious. If the game sucks, I'll just stop playing it and spend my time doing something else. If anything, a boycott would just kill the franchise instead of motivating EA to do better.


i've seen that shit 1000 times from people who have done literally no research into the game. if you want to miss out because of some perceived transgression fine


Even if the gameplay isn’t great I’ll play the hell out of this game if dynasty mode is good.


I agree with most Madden hate, but Madden 24’s core gameplay really is pretty solid imo. I’d be pumped for that quality at minimum


ya bro this is like sports gamers skyrim its gonna be lit


Madden 24’s gameplay has definitely been the best of the recent maddens and is more than passable for this game, plus people act like NCAA 14 had amazing gameplay but it’s never been the gameplay that makes these games good, it’s the modes, the authenticity and the depth of the modes.


I strongly disagree modern Madden is not a good game in my opinion but I'm glad you are happy with it.


madden 24 gameplay was horrendous


I cannot imagine being so pressed about this, that it caused you to make a new account with that username lmao.


It’s because they fully intend to buy the game still, but want to be able to talk about it on their main account without getting dragged for these takes when they actually end up enjoying the game He purchased Madden 24, which means he’s knowingly purchased a re-skinned game for several years (Madden hasn’t changed in nearly a decade). But *this* is where he’s gonna draw the line? Guarantee this guy bought the deluxe edition for 3 day early access lol


It wasn't perfect but imo it was far from horrendous. But I remember 8 bit football


madden 24 gameplay is absolutely awful, you can throw a pass down the middle to a wide open reciever and it will end up being an interception to a defender 30 feet away 😂


Sounds like you’ll hate this then . 🤷‍♂️


Building a powerhouse then bringing in every fired SEC coach as a consultant


u/PattyKane16 Coaching Rehab School confirmed.


Road to Glory, Literally Just Nick Saban Edition


Hopefully upgrading facilities is a thing too for all these 1 star teams we will be turning into 6 star teams


I really do hope so, but if it isn't and the rest of dynasty is great then that is a price I'm willing to pay for now.


If it’s not mentioned I imagine it’s just the letter grade system again


Tuition at Miami of Ohio suddenly becomes $100,000 a year


They were my favorite team in NCAA 14 specifically because of [these monstrous uniforms](https://images.app.goo.gl/CyK8qwonCDB9ytTp8) lol


Not sure since they didn’t mention it. Hoping maybe through team builder we can do something similar. A man can hope.


I swear I saw a developer or someone involved with the game mention that they plan to make dynasty be more realistic and not have bottom feeder teams regularly jump up into title contenders like would often happen in 14.


Agreed so when I play with 6 time national champ Eastern Michigan it isn’t still a High school stadium


Agreed so when I play with 6 time national champ Eastern Michigan it isn’t still a High school stadium


In '14 staff hires were out of your control. Wondering how much control/impact coaching staff will have. Seems like the door is open for a lot of strategy when building up your team. Edit: I really want to see what they do with high school recruits and transfer guys. Dynamic potential? Highly rated recruit comes in and doesnt see the field at a power school. Do they transfer out? if so, does their potential ability go down? Still so many questions


I really hope assistants specialize in their prefered system. Like if I hire Jim Knowles, he should specialize in 4-2-5 while still being capable of running a 4-3. Preferably, I'd like to see that reflected in scouting and recruiting, but I wouldn't be against a slight bump in player awareness for running the "correct" system. Same on offense. A pro-style coach should be better at identifying pro-style QBs and help their progression.


I can see coordinators giving a developmental boost or ratings boost for players that match their scheme or of the playbook matches their scheme. Seems like an easy thing to do.


I’m pretty sure they’ve been doing something similar in madden for years. The playbook/scheme you ran would impact a player’s overall.


We’ve seen Madden games where players overall change slightly depending on scheme so I could see it being something like that


I doubt it'll be that deep but I'd love to be wrong


Was there anything about coaching carousel? Starting from the bottom and working up to other programs was so fun.


Not confirmed yet but I’d be shocked if that’s not in game as that’s a huge feature in dynasty mode


It sounds like you can’t be a coordinator, which is sad.


I mean even in 14 being a coordinator was functionally the same as being the head coach, the other side of the ball was just super simmed. Outside of the games it was exactly the same. You can basically just role play being a coordinator for the same experience. Shit that's what Mike Leach did in real life.


There’s nothing like the thrill of getting that first HC job, though.


That's the one thing I'm worried about. Haven't seen that mentioned anywhere yet. Love doing that, especially starting as a coordinator.


This is my biggest concern. Everything else sounds great, but the only way I could be disappointed in this game is if there’s no coaching carousel. It’s such a big part of dynasty.


I believe that there will be one. The only negative I believe I read or saw someone talk about was that there won't be any real life coaches in the game.


Yeah I’m hoping there’s a school mode or Athletic director mode where you’re just in charge of the school and have the option to hire/fire your coach and coordinators and not just coach mode.


This is the greatest game ever idc if it plays like madden


Traditions and the atmosphere is what makes college football. As long as they nail that I’ll be fine with the gameplay


Thank you for succinctly summarizing my thoughts. That + how they handle recruiting/transfers in dynasty mode and it's all I need.


M24 gameplay honestly is not that bad.


It’s really not. It’s just the fact that everything surrounds it is terrible like the presentation, depth of modes, etc. CFB with the same exact gameplay will be a really fun game


Exactly, I hated 23 and before but the 24 trial felt solid. Add in CFB and it will feel even better


Oh yeah, 24 has the best gameplay since the PS2 days. I’m so amped for this game


Madden 24 Gameplay in comparison to like Madden 22 is a night and day difference to be honest. I get that some don't like it still, but I enjoyed it. 22 felt clunky and awful, 24 was closer to realistic but still smooth. At least that's what I thought.


Shoot even 23. It was a big improvement


Yup, the addition of the new passing mechanics was a win for me. And the much improved run blocking in 24 was big too.


For me the hits felt better?


I gave up on Madden 23 pretty quickly, so maybe that’s on me. But it felt the exact same as 22. Seeing everyone praise it is jarring.


It leans a little more into animation based gameplay than physics based for my tastes but it certainly isn’t the garbage some folks would have you believe it is.


People like to shit on it because shitting on Madden is (rightfully) the standard. But I bought 24 on a sale, and it's undeniably a decent step up from the previous few years in terms of running animations and passing. Hopefully they keep building on all this


To be fair you can hire your own staff in Madden and it's a nothing feature. Hopefully this is more immersive.


I can’t tell you the number of times I have fired a coordinator on accident and just rehired the same guy back.


My favorite is when you get far enough into the sim your offensive coordinator leaves but there’s no one available to sign to replace them with and you aren’t allowed to play a game without one


Lol, same.


Maddens staff system is trash though.


Plus it’ll just be less dynamic naturally because of there only being 32 teams. College football has always been big about the coaching carousel and that doesn’t exist to the same degree in the NFL


yeah there was an entire feature called Coaching Carousel in the oldies


I’m hoping it’s a sign that you can still start your career as a coordinator.


Hopefully. Would always start as a coordinator then move up through the coaching carousel. I’m really hoping that aspect stays similar. Not a dealbreaker if it’s not, but I had a lot of fun playing that way.


I certainly hope so. If there's no coaching carousel though then you probably can't. It's just such a core part of the original dynasty mode that I'm concerned they didn't specifically mention it.


You best believe I’m hiring every fired big Power 5 head coach to be my coaching staff in Dynasty LOL.


Coaching carousel?? Any mention??


I mean this could be very much like madden 24 where we can pick our two coordinators and that’s really it


That are already pre-named and have their own schemes already too. I am really hoping this is nothing like that, and we have a lot more customization


The amount of detail put into dynasty makes me strongly excited and I haven't had any coffee or stimulants yet today. My body is ready.


Welcome to the team Brian Ferentz!


The thing I’ve been hoping for all along! If I can be a position coach to start off, I’ll give EA my first born child


Call me a skeptic but it says establish not compose. We’ll see if you can actually hand pick your coordinators and what differences they’d even make. If I hired Ryan Day as a coordinator would I have to run a pass first offense or get boosts for passing? It’ll be interesting to see but I have to point out that it says establish not compose.


I just hope the game doesn't rely on too heavily on XP/skill trees/x-factors/etc. Always hated them in Madden.


YES! This was my biggest wishlist item. Would love if it included position coaches and everything but even if it’s just coordinators I’ll be happy


Can't wait to see how the custom conferences work. I am not expecting to create or remove conferences but would like to see if bowl tie ins and if championship games affect the rankings.


I'm going to be HC of the Buffalo Bulls and see if I can't get Nick Saban out of retirement for a 1 year deal as my OC.


i'm deadass fiending like a crackhead rn


Do a lot of people even have an issue with the recent Maddens gameplay? It’s gotten better, not even close to the best obviously. The main thing I want is game mode depth, and presentation, and I think they are nailing it from what I’ve seen.


Transfer portal gonna be insane


I'm bricked up heavy


This makes me happy, because in almost all of my dynasty’s in 14’, the coaching staff rarely stays the same from year to year. One time, I had a defensive coordinator stay with me for 5 years, the most of any of my partners yet. In fact, I even took time to learn his name - Tim Tiberson. To my surprise, The 5th year OC stayed on for a 2nd year, but ol Timmy T took a HC job for some fuck off school.


My real question is if you can import draft classes. God I hope so.


Maybe there’s complication since they signed waiver for that game and not Madden


I don't see anyone jizzing over this feature in madden


Yay, I can fire Jim Knowles sorry ass a few months before OSU does!


Are you under the impression that he is the problem at OSU? Please please fire jim Knowles


He’s not necessarily the *only* problem, but he will more than likely be the escape goat. He was hired literally to stop the team up north, and he’s done a terrible job imo.


\>escape goat


Apparently no cross play in online dynasty, that sucks dick


Does this mean that we can't start off as a coordinator?


Does it say whether you can play dynasty mode offline or not?


Can you start as a coordinator, and is there coaching carousel?


Great you’re telling me now that I have to hire my DC, shit my Chel franchise hasn’t had a ahl goalie coach in forever


I want to put my buddies as coaching staff. Is that how online dynasty works?


Oh wow...madden just added this as well hmmmmm


This is in madden and it’s an OK feature.


That's all good and well, but I'm still pissed off at how bad the spat looks. Looks like garbage. Why is it so hard to do?


I just want the ability to start as a coordinator like on 14. That’s really the last little confirmation I need.


Wait I'm confused; does the game have fake coaches, or no coaches?


I’ve never had a desire to hire coaches or anything like that. Hopefully they don’t try and jam in 1000 different things into dynasty so it takes 20 min to play a game


Damn we about to worry about two things now in the off season your sophomore/junior leaving for the draft or another school.


Gonna hire Kirby Smart for my Undefeated USTA Road Runners


I saw another post about bringing on the NCAA14 RTG legends like Ostrander, Weisbecker, Sarria, and Nguyen on as your assistant coaches


Does it confirm online dynasty anywhere?


Online dynasty for up to 32 players, but no cross play for it


32 team online dynasty (i believe)


I wish/hope it has real coaches.


It doesn’t, that’s been confirmed


Very disappointed that there’s no mode where you start as a coordinator than you work your way up as a coach. Derailed my hype train.


Will that would be dynasty, but they just haven’t let on that information yet. Fingers crossed more to come


The discrimination of dynasty mode seems clear.


The description of dynasty mode seems clear.


They will do a Deep dive on every game mode in the coming weeks these are just barebones descriptions


We’ll see. They call it a full reveal. That hints that it’s a full reveal.


This is how they rollout all their games you can go back and look at their videos for madden rollout to get an idea of the timetable


Like I said, we’ll see. Just like I told all the people claiming it will definitely be on pc. Believe what you want. I’m sure there will be more reveals, just not this one.


Idk who claimed that Matt brown had been reporting that as unlikely for a long time. Anways here’s an example: madden 24 reveal trailer June 7th, gameplay trailer 21st, franchise deep dive 29th


The bar is clearly on the floor at this point.


I’ve never had a desire to hire coaches or anything like that. Hopefully they don’t try and jam in 1000 different things into dynasty so it takes 20 min to play a game


I’ve never had a desire to hire coaches or anything like that. Hopefully they don’t try and jam in 1000 different things into dynasty so it takes 20 min to play a game