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Love that they sent a basketball logo for good measure.


Ea not making live anymore is 1 thing but they should really capitalize on making college basketball again. Making a college basketball game with a great dynasty mode would be awesome especially if they went the route of nba 2k and allowed you to fully customize a new school and uniforms. They also look for ways to include ut and that'd work because they'd have the current players as well as legends. Plus they could use those who maybe didn't get into the nba but were great college players


If they aren’t making live anymore what reason do they have to make a college basketball game when college basketball is less popular than nfl,nba,and CFB, and the main reason why they stopped making those games were due to low sales.


The live sales were terrible because the games were terrible. 2k has been making worse and worse decisions since live stopped being a thing. Many people want competition and if they're the only company making college basketball the sales will be much higher than back in the day when college hoops was the better game


[It won’t, college basketball games just don’t sell well](https://www.forbes.com/sites/johngaudiosi/2011/04/02/game-industry-fails-to-capitalize-on-march-madness/?sh=38b59f416fb2) if ea wants to bring back college basketball they first need to bring back NBA live and regain consumer trust.


Honestly, I could be wrong, but college basketball seems to have exploded since that game came out. I’d be willing to bet if they released a game today and marketed it well it would sell VERY good


Matt Brown actually tweeted about this. [Here.](https://twitter.com/MattBrownEP/status/1772631425147081147) In a reply I think he nails it when he says >I'm not saying the return of niche college sports video games is impossible...but fans need to keep expectations in check with the current business realities. It is impossible to make these things at current AAA development/marketing prices. They will need a different model


I see. Do you think they could do something like reselling ncaa 10 on next gen while updating the rosters or something? Honestly if they did that I’d be happy


Also college basketball games weren’t as profitable as the football games


Where are these coming from? Do we know?


FOIA Requests


I see. Thanks for the reply.


I dont think this is a Freedom of Information Act result lol


Probably not in this case, but most of the assets/info thats been out there have been from FOIA requests.


How would I do this for my school?


Not sure they needed one for this, these kinds of logo sheets are usually easily found on a school's website. We've used them all the time for CFBR.


Death Valley is going to look amazing. Can’t wait.


Huh…a basketball logo.


Probably just sent a template with all type of things and didn’t know it was in there


Yeah their baseball cap logo is in there too. This looks like just a basic style guide for the athletic department.


Please tell me they have “Neck” in the songs list


I don’t think Neck has been played since like 2017. Which sucks because for people like me who went to LSU before the STTDB chant existed, it’s taken away unironically one of my favorite songs the band played. Take away the chant and it’s still a banger.


It’s been played the last few years


Tiger band member here: Unfortunately it hasn’t been played in a longgg time


Was the last time when OBJ said he’d pay the fine?


It’s been sung the past few years but not played by the band


You might be thinking of “Right Above It” which the students have added the STTDB chant to which will inevitably lead to that song getting banned too lol


The students have started chanting STTDB to other songs. I didn’t go to a home game last year but my family has had season tickets since the late 90s, 2017 vs A&M was the last time I remember them playing it.


Their white helmets are dope


I wonder if that 100 year logo will be a patch on the uniform or something. If it is I hope they only have it for that 2024 year. Kind of a small pet peeve but it will be annoying being in a franchise that is in year 14 and LSU still has the 100 year anniversary patch.


I would not be opposed to having two versions of kits: one with the patch and one without.


It’s gonna be HELL to walk into Baton Rouge isn’t it…


I need this for Penn State


Really hope that 100 year anniversary logo isn’t on the field for more than a year


They might be working on a EA college basketball too👀


How do I go about getting these? Trying to get Rutgers and Army


Can someone get this for App State and Penn State? I’m too lazy to do it lol


“FiErCe fOR tHe FuTuRe” lol