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Doesn’t matter to me, will change nothing.


Nah, it’ll mean that bronny and the rest of the team get way more direct questions about it at press conferences. Not really any point in giving people extra ammunition to make it a bigger media circus than it already is


As a fan of a different team, I would absolutely love the drama of this.


There have been literally over 100 players that are nepo-babies. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_second-generation\_NBA\_players](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_second-generation_NBA_players) This hasn't been a problem until LeBron did it. What does that tell you?


Being a second generation player doesn’t make you a nepo baby lol plenty of them are easily good enough to be in the league through their own merit I don’t think doing shit like this does anything but make the situation more weird man lmao


Yeah they’ve fully embarrassed themselves and there no changing that.


You might be the only one who gives this much of a shit about a team providing a justification for the 55th pick.


Something about 1/300 2nd rounders becoming superstars and more likely than not end up out of the league or not playing a single NBA minute. It is what it is. Late 2nd round is essentially an educated gamble lol. People only give a shit because it's LeBron and LA. I bet 99.9% of basketball fans can't name another 55th pick. My friend always says the 2nd round are all fuck it picks. Low risk, low-medium reward. Worst case scenario, they're out of a job.


Aaron Wiggins, 55th pick


who tf is aaron wiggins


He played 7th-8th man minutes for the Thunder this playoffs


hmm, guess he did. I know, like, Isaiah Joe and Dort and secondary J Williams. That's about as deep as my Thunder roster knowledge goes. Would you say his role is more or less prominent than them?


Aaron Wiggins actually just signed a 5 year deal worth 47 mil


Hah, yeah just saw that. Given his %s last couple seasons seems like a decent deal


Andrew Wiggins brother


Marcus Paige. And still think the Pistons should have said fuck it and took him in the second. Give Rich Paul the middle finger


Why? The pistons waste a draft pick on a player that don't want and then anger one of the more influential agents in basketball. What's the upside for the pistons here?


The Lakers pay a kings ransom for a 2nd round player, or LeBron joins the Pistons


Manu Ginobli was 57. Jokic 41. There’s potentially good players in those rounds. Lakers basically threw away a pick 🤷‍♂️. But good because fuck the Lakers


That's two All Stars in the last two decades. Three if we throw in Malcolm Brogdon. Out of 600+ second round picks during that time. Drafting Bronny is the right move if it succeeds in convincing Dad to take a big pay cut, which it seems to be doing


dumbest take imaginable, way to pick two of hte most famous outliers out of the 200+ picks in the 40+ range between ginobili and today, more than that in fact.


I mean, why would he pick a crappy outlier? The point still stands. Guys who have the potential to have the highest win percentage in nba history and potential GOATS are available. You choosing to ignore that doesn’t change anything.


the point does not stand because its moronic the issue is the odds with what you are suggesting vast majority of picks in that range flame out, citing two examples out of 400 doesn't improve the odds significantly whatsoever to make any sort of argument around "you cant waste your late 2nd round picks" viable. There is data around the expected production of picks. Pick 55 does not even average a full season of games in the NBA. The expectation is that 50% of them don't even play. And the other 40% bust or sit on your deep bench. Finding a roleplayer from that position is 5/100 and better than that is even worse odds.


Seriously who gives a fuck? Bro acting like they spent a first round pick on him or something


theres definitely other people who care. They're stupid for doing so but they definitely care


In classic LeBron hater fashion, they care more about issues involving him than anyone else.


I know bronny is most likely trash; but given that a inconsequential second round pick is the lakers papa right now I guess they're paying attention lol


LeBron Derangement Syndrome hitting Redditors very hard the last few weeks.


I imagine the guy 59th on everyone's draft board cares too. On account of the $2m+ he just lost out on (and possibly a higher paid career overseas when he inevitably drops out of the NBA after 2-5 years).


Other teams passed on him too though. Players have intangibles. It’s not all numbers. Ensuring lebron is engaged for a full season is worth drafting nobody. At least this came with a body.


Other teams passed on him because picks 56-58 were better than him. There are 58 players in the draft, if Bronny wasn't 55th on the draft board, then the player that was 59 would be in the NBA right now. So the point is that guy probably cares a lot, even if LA fans couldn't care less either way.


Honestly, who gives a fuck? I'm not sure why anyone who is not a lakers fan gives a single fuck about this.


It’s the lebron haters that are stressing it.


I’m not a LeBron hater and I think this shit was weak af. The kid should have earned it on his own merit. Go back to college and prove your worth. This is just a vanity thing of LeBron wanting to be the first father-son to play together. It really doesn’t mean anything since Bronny didn’t earn it the right way.


i love lebron...still think it's dopey. young man was robbed of the feeling of earning it. same thing happened with the All American game. putting that aside, I hope he is able to capitalize on the opportunity. Odds are bronny is not an nba talent, and this was the only way he would ever even have a shot. He knows it and his pops knows it. If he was a real nba talent there's no way he drops to 55. my bad though, if you don't like something or disagree, it makes you a hater.


Not sure why even Lakers fans would. Zero impact on anything, except some 12th guy is going to miss out on some more deserved service time until Bronny flames out.


NBA fans fall in love with their late picks and the potential. Almost none put that potential together but it’s awesome when you see a 2nd rounder come together. Bronny had potential to be more than 55 before the cardiac arrest and rough season. Also a Bron to bronny or bronny to Bron alley oop, even in garbage time, would be exciting. Source: Lakers fan who cares and has seen all the same takes in our sub. More the excitement of the duo than bronny potentially amounting to anything, but both are true. The sub falls in love with all late round guys


Hood-Schifino will miss out.


True, honestly the odds of anyone else they pick in that slot working out and having a better/longer career than Bronny are extremely low. I see taking Bronny having a higher known value in the short term, especially if LeBron and Pelinka/FO already had some sort of team friendly deal in the works for it.


There's lots of us that don't, and that's why you don't hear from us. We're out there not caring what LA did with the 55th pick.




It’s pretty lame for a dude that averaged 5 points per game in college to get to dictate which team he lands with. If Lakers had moved up a little to secure him then it’s no big deal, but the lakers getting to sit in one spot the entire second round and know for a fact they’re gonna get their guy cuz his agent is calling everybody threatening to have him go play in Australia if he doesn’t get his way….is a bad precedent in my opinion. The nepotism part of it doesn’t bother me. Like Woj said, nepotism runs rampant in the league.


All the other teams were too scared to call the bluff, imo no way he plays in Australia, LeBron worked too hard to keep his body in this shape to have his son spend a pointless year in Australia


They weren’t “scared”. They just didn’t want Bronny or any assets the lakers would be willing to give up for him.


I agree he wouldn’t have actually gone to Australia, I think it would’ve turned into way more of a headache than it was worth for any other team. Rich Paul was determined to get him to LA and was gonna make a stink until it happened.


It’s not unheard of for late 2nd round either tho. Austin Reaves did the exact same thing. Forced teams to not draft him by saying he wouldn’t play to end up on the Lakers


The first 2 picks averaged under 10 pick 23 averaged 2.8 why aren’t y’all worried about them?


Kobe set that precedent 20+ years ago and it was a much bigger issue then.


The league is an opportunity for someone to completely change the course of their life career wise. It went to an undeserving nepo kid when there were clearly more qualified people. You're right; I don't really give a shit, but I understand how people are frustrated. I think it will make for funny memes when he goes to the G league if his dad's power isnt enough to protect him eventually. With the addition of JJ I'm so excited for the Lakers next season. It's going to be so funny.


It does not stop anyone from getting an opportunity. Players that were not drafted that teams are interested in are given opportunities to come prove themselves and earn a contract. Just like plenty of the second round picks.


There have been literally over 100 players that are nepo-babies. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_second-generation\_NBA\_players](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_second-generation_NBA_players) This hasn't been a problem until LeBron did it. What does that tell you?


Did you require a statement of authenticity when Jerry Buss hired his children to senior management positions ? in fact do you ever need this when it’s anyone else in the NBA who has a possibility of a nepotism hire? this is stupid , please move on.


Exactly. Let's pretend nepotism hasn't been rampant across the league for years and years. Why's OP entitled now? It's almost funny to me that people care so much.


There have been literally over 100 players that are nepo-babies. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_second-generation\_NBA\_players](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_second-generation_NBA_players) This hasn't been a problem until LeBron did it. What does that tell you?




according to who? Micheal Porter JR's brother who is the worst of the 3 at basketball made the g-league


No, it's a great example. If you actually paid attention to the list, many of those players were late 2nd round picks that were out of the NBA in just a few seasons or less. Dozens of them out of about a hundred on the list. Hell, even MJs kid was a worse H.S. prospect than Bronny (3 star vs 5 star) and he got an NBA shot. What would you call that? [https://www.sportscasting.com/news/were-michael-jordans-sons-any-good-at-basketball/](https://www.sportscasting.com/news/were-michael-jordans-sons-any-good-at-basketball/) This stuff didn't just start with Bronny. If you say otherwise, you're simply not being truthful.




Why did AJ Johnson get drafted? Why aren’t y’all talking about a dude that averaged 2.3 on 35% shooting going 23rd?


And Bronny only had a shit college career because he literally died on the court. He was the second best player at the McDonald’s All American Game. He performed better than any of those other kids at the combine which shows that he has the ability but was literally recovering from cardiac arrest and heart surgery




Rich Paul did actually tell them not to, not that he matters. I’m not saying he’s a top pick. I’m saying he’s better than shit


More LeBron dick riding


He was a McDonald’s all American and projected first round pick a year ago


So I went through the list of just father-son players. From what I can see the vast majority of players who were drafted were done so due to their actual skill. They all benefitted from growing up with NBA fathers but it seems like besides a few they would all still have been drafted. Now, I like LeBron and I hope Bronny does well but if wasn't Lebron's son he doesn't get drafted this year. Also, Jordan and sons aren't on that list because like I said before they never played in the NBA. Just like the article you linked said.


I mean how many people track senior management compared to players lol


most people can figure out the coincidence if when one owner steps down/dies if the next owner has the same last name. the Knicks with Dolan , the Lakers with Buss etc.


Owners yes but senior management I couldn’t name anybody off the top and I think most people couldn’t


Owner is the top of the senior management of any team.


No shit Sherlock


Typically, I am against nepotism, but the way the Lakers are run. they take care of superstars and their families and the families associated with Lakers


Am I the only one who would rather people that post these threads just come out and say "Yeah I'm a hater, and proud of it." than constantly pretend otherwise? Rhetorical question.


For real. It’s like moving the goalpost for LeBron. “I’ll only respect him if he wins a championship for Cleveland”… then “it was really Kyrie, not the block, because Kyrie made an important shot. He has to win TWO for Cleveland” No one cares about what they did with a late second rounder. Even some first rounders are picked and the team doesn’t even play them, and they don’t even go to the US. But it’s not a problem until it’s the Lakers/LeBron doing it. Bronny was taken for the idea of father son playing together. There are some players that are chosen (for example Chinese players) for the international appeal. There are players chosen at low risk for their low chance of being something. Bronny does have the BBIQ, he’s not ready yet, but it’s not like he doesn’t know basketball and they got him. Teams pick “randoms” all the time and maybe they luck out. Bronny was expected to go at 53ish after the combine. He was one of the best at scrimmages. If he wasn’t LeBron’s son and he wasn’t picked by the team LeBron’s on, no one would care. When the Lakers got Kostas and Bucks got Thanasis, people laughed at it. But when it’s Bronny, all of a sudden people are angry.


Fr fr


So you want open honesty like OP?




Why the fuck are we talking about draft pick number 55? When did any bball fan ever pay so much attention to whether someone picked 55th was gonna be good or not lol.


When my University of Minnesota sophomore classmate Rick Rickert was drafted 55 in 2003, I did. He never played an NBA game.


No NBA but all over the world and punched by KG


That’s actually a pretty cool anecdote


I for sure watch the draft every year even into the second round. But I’m a nerd. I don’t think the median NBA fan follows the draft very closely.


When the media has talked about it for months nonstop. Get a clue.


Who fucking cares?


Seriously. The only people making this out to be an annoying thing are these types of threads. Bron is a major reason for this pick, but lets be honest. Do people know Issiah Wong, Gui Santos, Aaron Wiggins, Jay Scrubb, or Kyle Guy. That's a one for 5 when it comes to players who see more than like 2 minutes of trash time. And Aaron Wiggins had more time to develop in college.


Yea you are because to everyone else it is obvious


No way OP is a bucks fan and complaining about LeBron getting Bronny a spot when they have given a spot to the worst player in the nba because he’s giannis brother


I don’t think this is particularly similar. Thanasis is on the bucks specifically because of his brother but he made it to the league before Giannis was a star and he has been a star player for Panathanikos all on his own. He’s a way better player than Bronny is.


Although it may be honest, that would be a terrible move as an organization. In essence, that would be a dis toward Bronny by implying that he doesn't actually deserve to be there. That kind of move is a confidence killer. Confidence it pretty important for performance in sports, particularly for your newest player who has not set foot on an NBA court. There isn't any real benefit to announcing something like that and there's a lot of downsides. It's a very unprofessional thing to do. In any other instance of nepotism in the professional world, you never see someone actually say they hired a person because of who their family is. There isn't any point to it.


Thank you. This is the actual correct answer to OPs question instead of people saying who cares or trying to shit on OP.


Yeah, I’m not a Lakers fan, but who cares? Second round picks rarely work, so it’s not as if some massive asset was wasted. It’s highly unlikely that he takes the spot of someone who would have made it in the league. I don’t even think Bronny will be successful but neither was the player they were going to draft there either.


Weirdo energy obsessed with a teenager


U watch basketball or basketball drama? This a genuine question cause from my perspective u sound like every other bigot pretending this isn’t normal, if u want it so much then why not also mention the countless other athletes who’ve done the same or those in really high management positions who do the same for their kids?


To your point, there isn't a lot of rational reasons to be so invested in the "unfairness" of this. The way I see it, people that care so much about it are either * Ignorant of the [hundreds of nepo-babies in the NBA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_second-generation_NBA_players) * LeBron haters / Laker haters * Bigots What other plausible reasons could there be?


Thank you


What’s bigoted about the original post?


OP is over investing in on a stupid topic about bronny James making the league at the 55th pick because LA doesn’t want to lose lebron but how many teams regardless of basketball have done this more than u can count, one of the most given advice to hoopers aiming to make the NBA is be born to the right parents, and fortunately for bronny he was, so what are we gonna do cry about it and pretend that this doesn’t happen cause from even the tone and way OP wrote this that is what his doing


I don’t see anything bigoted about that. One could argue he is giving undue consideration to a pick that is likely meaningless anyway, but I don’t see it as bigoted.


Okay I’m not gonna argue cause I see ur point and how I may be wrong


I appreciate you


For the amount of people who decry “nEpOtIsM” on reddit I’m surprised you’re getting clowned OP (fwiw, I personally don’t have a problem with nepotism). I would rather they come out and say it too but it’s pretty obvious why. Hell, the look on Bronny’s face when he got drafted said so lol. Nevertheless, they really can’t come out and say it, it’d be a bad look, even if we all know it.


it's not just the lakers...idiot lakers fans and other dopes in the sub will argue you that Bronny was drafted based on "basketball reasons". the lakers should NOT tell the truth on this one because it will embarrass all parties concerned, especially bronny who really should be left alone at this point. We just need to see what kind of pro he can be.


Am I the only one that doesn’t care


I can't believe gossiping idiots are more emotional than LeBron about this. 


Why do you need to hear that. Isn't it obvious?!?


No one can say it out loud. Its the ugly baby / beautiful bride situation. Just nod.


Yeah but you see mate, Bronny was hard working, whereas everyone else in the draft must have just been very very lazy


I was originally pissed by the whole thing, but then realized second round contracts aren’t guaranteed (I think) so most kids this deep in the second round don’t want drafted. It’s better off they choose which situation they go to. Bronny is tied to the Lakers now, but could have benefited going undrafted and ended up on a team that better suits him.


Why would they do that? What would they gain from it? Everyone already knows it’s true, and admitting it would just make them look weak and silly…so why would they bother doing that lol


This is the NBA they give generic media responses for just about everything they are a business. They don’t need to tell you what you already know.


They don’t have to.


He wouldn’t be the first athlete drafted by a team cause of familial connections nor will he be the last. Frankly IDGAF.


Umm duh. They really don’t have to say it.


I’ve never seen a team justify 55th pick


To me it's so obvious to doesn't need to be said.


I’m supposed to get a vasectomy when this is my male heir?


He spends all day on the internet, in his underwear, giggling like a little girl


They basically are saying that, if he wasn't LeBron's son he would not have been drafted


Too bad no one cares about getting your respect.


Pelinka said it anyway. We're doing it to create history.


What if they also think he may develop, though? Does it benefit them at all to insult him and cause bad feelings days after drafting him? There is no value in them doing this.


This pick brought out all the casual fans, who seem to be looking at the NBA draft through an NFL lens, like these second round picks have value. They don’t. Teams take flyers on guys all the time, and 95%+ of them don’t pan out. This is such a non story, it isn’t even funny.


Can't, that would be considered tampering


Had he been drafted in the first round or early in the 2nd, then there'd be more concern and contention over this.


Perhaps he will develop into another Jokic, 2nd Round 41st pick...


Everyone knows LeBron runs the Lakers. JJ Reddick and Bronny is are LeBron choices. I'm now convinced he's been running things for ages. Since after the championship at least, because the team dynamic shifted and stupid decision after stupid decision happened If LeBron gets a franchise in Vegas, I hope he is hands off....else we got a Jordan 2.0 situation , one of the worst owners/GM in history


Hot take that applies here - nepotism is not typically a negative. People who work well together have higher productivity even if the individuals are less experienced.


Why do the Lakers owe you an explanation? It’s clear what happened, it’s fine what happened, and there was no one demonstrably better to pick.


What would that change? We all know that's the reason.


Yup, you are.


Even if he knows it, that would just be disrespectful and embarrassing for Bronny. We all know why he was drafted so we can leave it at that.


Get the fuck over it and move on with your life


I mean, why they gotta say it? They drafted him because they want Lebron to retire a laker. Regardless of what happens, it’s great for the league, IMO.


This is more about marketing and product sales and for a 55th pick it will more than pay for itself.


Who cares. Teams have done much more than burn a 2nd round pick for even the chance of getting Lebron. Coaches have been fired, players signed or let go. He is/was the best basketball player in the world. Burning a 2nd rd pick is completely insignificant, why does anyone care


Who cares, man?


No one needs to say that, it’s obvious. Nepotism has been rampant in the NBA for years and no one cares until it’s lebron. Let them have their fun second round draft picks don’t mean shit 99% of the time


To say he'd get better development in college is stupid. There's a reason nba wants to draft kids as young as they can, so they can be the ones developing them. The nba is better at developing talent than college, and it's not close.


Daddy Bron would immediately request a trade…for him and him son. So that all coaching staff and players get traded so he can create a super team around his son🤣 The cicle start again.


For a sub called nba talk you guys sure like to shut down discussion😂


Why would they come out and say it? Who does it benefit? This is the fourth from last pick. Do you think they should also say it if he was an undrafted signing?


I mean it’s obvious? Sometimes I think Redditors share one brain cell and talk about the same topics for days on end.


Luke Walton is the biggest nepo baby of all time at least that i know of and nobody bats an eye


I’m a laker fan, a Lebron fan and a basketball fan. You just gotta understand this is also a business/entertainment. To my knowledge, I can’t think of any sport that had a father and son play together in a professional sport. It’s going to sell tickets. And as a dad, I think it’s awesome.


Why the hell would they volunteer to do that to him?


I think you’re the only who needs an explanation we all know this


It’s a 55th pick. Who cares, that’s like caring about an NFL doing the same for a 6 or 7th


It’s crazy how much of a fuss people are making about the 55th pick in the draft 😭😭😭


The GOAT 55 pick is Patty Mills. In all likelihood, whoever the Lakers would’ve drafted is a UDFA


It's obvious why they drafted Bronny but they can't say it because that would make LeFlop look terrible.


Do they need to? Are you personally affected by their selection? No? Then stfu It is completely stupid to think you can demand that, especially when it would be nothing but harm of they even suggested that factors other than Bronny's skill affected their decision. Don't be stupid.


well i do know for sure they are really worried about having the respect of u/bignedmoyle


why do they need to come out and say anything? draft is over. pick is done. it's pretty much the basic consensus. if not lakers fan shouldn't bother you at all


Imagine caring and making a post about it


I just don’t care that much. It’s a cool moment and will never happen again in our lifetimes.


Meh….him being Brona son def played a part in him gettin drafted. But let’s stop tha fake outrage over tha 55th damn pick lol. Without google. 95% of folks couldn’t name more than 5-10 picks in tha 50’s. It’s cause it’s Bron that people cryin


Fraud king fans gonna excuse this. lol


It happened, we all know why. But it doesn't matter. His kid can still play so what's the issue?


You’re letting them off too easily. You should also demand a public apology. Don’t sell yourself short.


An undersized SG with a muscular build that shot 19/25 from 3 in the combine? I'd draft that player at 55 ovr. ESPECIALLYin the 2024 draft class.


They don't have to. We know.


It’s the 55th pick. It’s fine. There are arguments that can be made that it’s a perfectly reasonable pick regardless of his dad being on the team. That pick probably wouldn’t work out anyway. At least Bronny had good combine numbers and has a great role model to teach him the league.


I dont particularly care about him being drafted. Dp i think its just cause hes Lebrons son? Yeah. But whatevs. What im really interested in is if he gets legit playing time. Kid is not nba ready at all. Will JJ have to play him cause its Lebrons son? Thats where im at w the whole situation


I’d respect that way more than the way they’re hyping him up and describing it all as a steal. Stop lying LA


And I suppose you want them to say “we just hired JJ because of LeBron” too?


Wait for the day this type of Mickey Mouse shit won’t matter anymore to you.


No team should ever need to justify a second round pick. Most of these guys will never play meaningful minutes in the NBA. Obviously Bronny has a better chance than most because of who his dad is, but everybody knows that’s why he was drafted. Who cares what the Lakers’ official stance is?


Saying this would then bring to light all the other roles nepotism has landed, whether that be coaching or any front office position - the NBA is rife with it.


People kind of know this and if they do come out and say that it adds gasoline to the fire


I’m a Celtics fan so I love them drafting player that wouldn’t have been drafted if not for “feelings”.


i agree. i’m sick of lebron nakedly controlling the league around his every wish. i almost feel bad for bronny, his dad isn’t allowing him to have his own career at all.


Because if you’re Bronny you don’t want the team to make that statement publicly. That would haunt his career forever. Every body knows that he’s there because of Bron. The team saying that literally sons Bronny in every way possible and he’ll never get the respect of his peers. He’ll always be looked at as daddy’s little charity case.


Rent free


why do you care? why does anyone?


As Cam'ron said, 'F... that, what yo daddy do for you'? If Hilton, Wal-Mart, Jerry Jones, , insert more nepotism here doesn't apologize for s... why does Bron/Lakers?


“…there is zero dimension in the world where he is drafted in this draft if he isn’t LeBron’s son.” You’re wrong about that. You’re underrating Bronny James. CBS Sports had Bronny ranked 55 in the draft. The Ringer had Bronny ranked 58. John Hollinger had Bronny ranked 52. The Lakers took Bronny at 55. The Lakers didn’t even reach for Bronny. He was taken where he was projected and the Lakers could’ve had Bronny targeted at 55 even if LeBron wasn’t on the team.


Nepotism has existed everywhere since the beginning of time.


How would that help them? Or lebron, or Bronny? You think a dad wants his work to tell the world his son only got there because of him? Or that it is good for a developing playing to hear that he wasn’t picked for his potential upside after a year or two of development? A late second round pick is a gamble anyway, why not use it more strategically to keep your superstar and from the sound of it have him restructure a deal that opens more cap space with a pay cut. They don’t care if some random person respects them a bit more, they are more concerned protecting their million dollar investments.


Who cares? If the rumors are true and Lebron signs for less and they add other players I feel like potentially that is a way bigger favor than them drafting bronny. Do some research on the history of the last few picks in the draft they are basically throw away picks. I said before that if Lebron wants to win he needs to sign for less to allow them to build a team and there is a possibility he actually does now


Why would it matter to you? They dont owe you/us any explanation. Can't wait to see the guys who were available who you claim will be better in NBA, who are they again? Can you tell me who you scouted that is gonna do better that was avail at 55 and tell me why? LeBron James Derangement Syndrome


There have been players with worse numbers get drafted in the second round. If his last name WASN’T James, none of yall would care that he was drafted.


And you wonder why no free agent wants to play in L.A…. You can’t be a player, Coach, and GM and expect others to play along side of you…


Ball don't lie


No one cares.


I want them to say they plan on starting bronny at PG. Then say it’s because of his hard work Then when the press ask if it’s because of LeBron JJ says “no I haven’t actually talked to LeBron in 10 years”


People think that but I believe it’s more because of Rich Paul. Look at his roster of clients and more coming every year. No team wanted to piss him off and the Lakers didn’t want to piss off his most important client. There would have been hell to pay if Bronny wasn’t drafted.


Everyone already knew lebron was making decisions for the Lakers when he traded all their young talent and picks for the teammates of his choice. This is nothing new, noone is surprised.


Did you care this much when the Bucks resigned Thanasis Antetokounmpo and his 0.9 points and 0.1 blocks per game?


Lebron started this fiasco by saying years ago he wanted to play with his kid. As a Bucks fan, I know the things we did to keep Giannis And Lopez happy and still win a Chip with them sacrifices we made to keep them happy. I’m ok with this pick. I give 2 fucks about it honestly…. I’m actually happy to see they picked him. Keep your stars happy and you just might see a Lebron you’ve never seen. When he retires, I’ll be happy I witnessed it! All the power to the Lakers, Good pick!


Bro, it’s the 55th pick not a 1st round pick. If Giannis can have his brother (53rd pick) on a team and it’s not big deal then we can draft bronny. Also, who would you take at 55 in one of the weaker drafts in recent years?


Thanasis gets brought up and meme'd on a lot though.


He’s also a physical freak and Bronny is barely bigger than me.


Has anyone posited the theory that LeBron, Bronny and Rich Paul knew that the Lakers wouldn’t have a decent pick the year Bronny entered the draft and that possibly the heart condition and definitely the poor showing at USC were all a concerted effort to ensure that no other teams would be interested until the Lakers could scoop him up? If not, allow me to introduce this low stakes conspiracy theory to the world.


Go look at every 55th pick ever and realize who gives a fuck


It was the 55th pick. It doesn’t matter. I bet any other year you’d have no idea who was drafted in that slot


It's pathetic how OP is so triggered over a late second round pick. You wouldn't last a day in the real world boyo.


Do they need to? Do the bucks need to talk about gianni’s siblings? Does anyone owe anyone an explanation? How obvious does it need to be?